>tfw interested in playing D&D and Warhammer
>cant stand autismos and furthermore a woman so autismos will freak
what do
>tfw interested in playing D&D and Warhammer
>cant stand autismos and furthermore a woman so autismos will freak
what do
Play with your friends you fuckin dipstick
don't play with autismos.
Find people who are not autistic to play with. It will take a while but they exist. But if you just go into your flg and Start playing there 90% of people will be socially incompetent.
My girlfriends dont play kids games.
Neither do you from the sound of it. Maybe you should get some confidence and ask if they are interested.
I'm not sure why you have difficulty with autismos because you clear have autism.
>Oh, did I mention I’m a woman?! XD
Guaranteed replies, nice. As for me, sage.
>my girlfriends
>kid games
0/10, at least put effort into maintaining a believable charade.
Get over yourself and find a group of friendly nerds. If you're interested in the hobby you'll deal with some awkward people, but few outside of Veeky Forums will give a shit that you're a woman.
But user, you are an autist
>kids games
First thing you do is insulting all who play it.
Buy a good sized silicone dildo and practice giving blowjobs until you no longer have a gag reflex.
You will be able to fit into any group once you get used to it.
I can tell that you guys are americans because you cant handle banter.
Play with non autists. This stuff is mainstream now so you can ditch the sperglord gatekeepers
Why do I go to these threads? Just to suffer?
Do it anyway. Fuck the haters.
try the vidya options like Vermintide etc
try D&D on roll20
D&D 5e and stuff like Critical Role are getting a more "normie" university student kind of crowd into D&D. I definitely wouldn't recommend Warhams if you want to avoid autismos though.
Just scout a group out before you join it. Chat and socialise with the players a bit, if they're fucking dreadful, don't bother. If you gel well with them, join the group. ez.
>step one
drop the trip
>step two
leave the group if autismos
> gib ditties or no stay
Warhams tabletop or vidya?
Face to face D&D or via chat program?
What are your preferences?
Get a sex change, obviously.
Trannies are real popular these days. You're guaranteed to have lefty friends in high places who will want to shower you with protection and equality.
>thinks is attractive enough to make nerds "freak"
>play online where you can easily frop autismos
>play online where people don't know your gender
>play with your friends
>drop the fucking tripcode faggot
How to frop the autismo, Veeky Forums?