How would he fare in 40k?
How would he fare in 40k?
He would fuck up and get himself and the rest of mankind eventually killed and eat by bugs.
Guillable bastard would probably get stabbed in the back at some point
Horrified at the state of the Imperium. Impressed at the endless stream of heroism it produces. Pretty pissed off at everyone not named Bobby G.
He'd be a shitty father figure to too many powerful dudes and then lock himself in the bathroom to sit on a golden throne for the rest of time.
He'd become a corpse
have we reached peak metahumor?
No we haven't cause he's not in 40k, he's in 30k
are...are you sure about that?
Why doesn't he just get up and regenerate himself before fucking everyone's face?
t. never touched 40k in my life
He was wounded by some sort of deamon weapon which is anathema to his very core, which is why it's killing him and he needs a constant stream of psyker souls to stay 'alive'
This, surprisingly, makes it a valid question.
Say an exact copy of the Emperor in 30k was time-warped to 40k. What would he do?
afaik he has to "die" first before he can come back, and the Throne is a life support system keeping him "alive" via consuming the souls of psykers.
That being said, Big E on the throne is the only thing powering the Astronomicon and keeping the compromised webway gate in the palace shut, no one knows how long it would take him to regenerate or even sure if he would at all. There's a distinct possibility that Big E is really dead and the only thing keeping the gate shut and the Astronomicon lit is his body on the throne acting as a conduit for the souls of psykers. It's a moot point because no one has the authority to disconnect him and it's very likely that even floating the idea would get you a visit from your Friendly Neighborhood Inquisitor.
Of course now that Bobby G is back, in theory he could do it and no one could tell him no, but I think taking such a monumental risk with no guarantee of any reward at all is out of his character.
>Why doesn't he just get up and regenerate
He powers the metaphysical psychic lighthouse that makes Warp travel possible, and also seems to be holding some nasty shit back in the process.
But it's also possible that he really should just die and be reincarnated or become some kind of psychic energy being/ascend to literal godhood, but he can't because those assholes have kept his soul strapped to a big ol chair for 10,000 years.
The main question is how would he interact with his mainstream self. Would he kill him and take over? Would they merge into a single being? Would he leave the corpse on the throne and go conquering the galaxy from the front? That's something we can't really answers, and every option leads to a ton of different conclusions.
Depends on whether or not prime timeline E is really dead, if not it's likely that 30k E would leave him on the throne to do what he's been doing in order to buy time to stabilize the situation, if so he'd probably have the body removed to use the Throne for his own purposes.
Another consideration: would the Inquisition/Ecchlesiarchy/etc actually believe that 30k E really is the Emperor and not a Chaos trick/fukkin heretic psyker and oppose him? The Emperor returning in flesh would reeeeeally rock the boat, some people would be out of a job at best and made examples via flaying at worst, it would actually not be in the best interest of certain powerful institutions and individuals if the Emperor returned especially if he brings the old Imperial Truth with him, here's looking at you Ecclesiarch
I suppose the one where he just leaves his dead clone-twin be and conquers the galaxy makes sense. Two are better than one. Assuming this means that the tasks that dead-emperor is doing frees up some energy from living-emperor.
Not that well, obviously.
>especially if he brings the old Imperial Truth with him, here's looking at you Ecclesiarch
But isn't that already happening with Rowboat at the helm?
That's the Star Child theory by the way and even then that's an incredibly dangerous one. Were the Emperor to die shit would pour like Niagra Falls, the main people who practice it are incredibly radical Inquisitors who have made attempts to kill the Emperor.
>But isn't that already happening with Rowboat at the helm?
No. Bobby G dislikes the Imperial Cult, but realizes that it has its uses, and is too big to try to dismantle anyways.
I always wondered how come the Emperor, whos supposedly the most powerful human psyker ever couldnt simply just use you know, telepathy to relay orders to his top underlings. We know he could do it, he did it with Girlyman, so what the fuck was stopping him from indoctrinating atleast the High Lords? Why he was just marinating on the Throne for ten thousand years, sending no messages out whatsoever? Not even when the loyalist primarchs were still around? Is chilling and becoming a new god through the blind, fanatic worship of quadrillions is the new keikaku?
He's also starting to wonder if they might actually be right. If it 'walks like a god and talks like a god', at what point does claiming otherwise become willful-ignorance.
>Is chilling and becoming a new god through the blind, fanatic worship of quadrillions is the new keikaku?
If Emperor was not a god then "clap your hands if you believe" nature of a warp should already create a god-Emperor from raw belief of worshipers.
He lost. It's as simple as that. A being that may very well have never felt such a thing lost everything he'd been working towards at the critical moment. None of this is what he wants or fought for. His vision is ruined, he knows his vision is ruined and he's been in terrible pain cause of the throne every second of every day for the past 10,000 years.
Why does almost everyone seem to ignore that the Emperor LOST and that he fully realises that he LOST.
He'd be pretty upset at a xenosfucker.
>He'd be proud at him for taking one for the team and sleeping with the enemy for the good of mankind
So he just gives up? and people call him human. The fucker isn't the greatest human no matter what he fucking says. The only universal thing humanity has is we fucking fail only to keep ramming face first into that fucking wall till we either die or it falls. If he gives up after 1 failure then fuck him. Humanity doesn't need dead wait who give up so easily. Fucking at least girlyman bucked up and is going to try his fucking hardest. That makes him infinity better than Big E.
50k is a pretty solid fic, while 60k is a lot more questionable.
If he just suddenly reappeared? He'd probably be condemned as an imposter by the church and the Imperium would go nuts offing itself.
If he survived? He probably would have hunted down all but like three sons and slew them. Pushed for atheist and webway reform.
>bang qt3.14 elven goddess on the down low, feel weird attraction to Sisters
>implying he wouldn't be angry at girlyman for seceding part of the empire
He would be better than the distant, slow leadership they have now. His first day back he'd do something crazy like coordinated attack groups consisting of units from all branches
He is already okay with that. It was a rational decision made on incomplete information Bobby had no way of knowing.
Thats bullshitting. He could have obliterated Horus from the start but decided to larp being a sorrowful good daddy after not giving a shit about Angron, Curze, Perturabo and about half of the primarchs being deeply flawed individuals resenting him? But suddenly not instantly killing Horus is worth risking LITERALLY the future of humanity?
>being this fucking retarded
Literally everyone would instantly supplicate themselves before him from the lowliest gutter slave from the deepest pit of a death world to the mightiest and holiest High Lords. He is the fucking Emperor, he does miracles. You think there is no messiahism in the Ecclesiarchy? As for anyone hunting him down, lmao. It took the mightiest of all primarchs, directly empowered by all the chaos gods to even have a chance of fighting him when he was holding back.
Is he honestly a shitty father? His sons just seem stupid and spoiled when it suits the plot.
He spends decades with them. Decades fighting side by side, coaching them on their weaknesses, teaching them what he knew. And they acted like piss-in-a-jug retarded manchildren the whole time.
Most parents can't stand being around their older kids past 16-23. He literally traveled across warzones with their bitching for ages. He had to rely on Malcador to keep them in line. Can you really blame a guy for wanting to take a break from that to solve the "Hell is real" problem?
>implying that chaos would stand around with their dicks in their hands when da Emprah returns
>Implying this isn't just as planned
>teleporting Angron up his ship letting his gladiator bros getting culled instead of going down himself, kicking the feudal armies ass without breaking a sweat and earning the eternal gratitude and blood-honor of his son.
No, chaos would be screaming and shitting their pants. The Emperor is already a chaos god, two of them could literally purge the warp and remake it as they wish.
Except he would see chaos in literally every hive. He'd sense gene stealer cults across the Imperium. Read his incompetent, corrupt rulers' minds. There'd be civil war and cleansing everywhere.
And do you really think that out of millions of armed religious fanatics, not a single one would refuse to accept being told they had to stop worship? They'd assume it was a Chaos trick or go the route of World Bearers.
Valid point. First thing he would bring back Malcador. Without ol' Malc The Emprah is just the biggest Snowflake Marine in the galaxy
>two of them could literally purge the warp and remake it as they wish
not at all.
Fuck off with your daddy issues
>Except he would see chaos in literally every hive. He'd sense gene stealer cults across the Imperium. Read his incompetent, corrupt rulers' minds. There'd be civil war and cleansing everywhere.
So what? He already did a great crusade before from scratch under a few centuries. If anything this will be even easier.
>And do you really think that out of millions of armed religious fanatics, not a single one would refuse to accept being told they had to stop worship?
What makes you think the God-Emperor would tell them that? What makes you think they would even resist? A true believer wouldnt resist his God, just drink the koolaid as ordered.
>They'd assume it was a Chaos trick
Big Bobby and his elf waifu didnt cause a civil war either.
Youre just shitposting or dont know anything about the lore.
>He's also starting to wonder if they might actually be right.
Oh, wow. So Lorgar may have been right all along? Dammit Emps, you glorious colossal fuckup. What would have been so bad about telling him something like "OK, I am not THE God who created the universe and all that, but I am A god, i.e. a celestial super-being. Like, uh, Thor, or Amaterasu. So in My name plz go forth and conquer at a speedier pace"
>no one could tell him no
The Custodes would immediately attempt to kill him.
>What makes you think they would even resist?
You're aware of the origins of the Imperial Cult, right? The idea that the Emperor should be viewed as a divine being started during the Great Crusade, a time period where the Emperor still walked among humanity, worship was openly condemned, and the Imperial Truth was the state religion.
You're saying that, after 10,000 years (TEN THOUSAND YEARS) of mass religious indoctrination pushing the idea a God-Emperor, nobody would bat an eye at a sudden demand to do an about face? That's a pretty ridiculous claim, when we consider that the Emperor, at the height of his power, during an era of human society where organized religion was forcibly dismantled, couldn't fully eradicate the human desire for faith and belief. There's not a chance in hell he would be able to oversee a peaceful conversion back to some version of the Imperial Truth.