This is now your group

>this is now your group

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Other urls found in this thread:

rocks fall

I would run it.

Sounds like a hell of a Ryuutama game to me.

Replace the last one with the same description but a much less attractive portrait and this is a pretty average group.

Before someone asks.

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I thought I was going to like where this was going but turns out it was just wasted potential.

There's more but it's paywalled.
>to /r/ I go

link the rest if you find it.

This please

This is not going to end well, is it?

Attached: dolpheat10.png (800x800, 354K)

Attached: well-that-escalated-quickly-memes-com-17922132.png (500x355, 71K)

No it's going to end great.

Attached: Moar.jpg (600x434, 40K)

Her suppressed carnal desires are a bunch of dead-space monster knockoffs?


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The quality isn't great but here you go.

Do I need to spell it out?

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Yes, since you seem to be the only person in this thread that has a problem with it

Did the retarded loser artist guy and the cat bitch ever fuck in Jolly-Jack's webcomic?

I sat through like 400 pages of sexual tension and they never fucked so I gave up originally.

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porn leads to many things that some may consider unnatural

Back later.

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eh half chub.

This is honestly pretty horrifying.

As far as I know no, but I also stopped reading a while ago, so maybe something did happen


That as not what I expected.

We're now playing Harvester Moon.

Attached: dolpheat11.png (800x800, 444K)

Not for long you're not.

Honestly, I can see working this kind of character in a Big Bad of a campaign. Not sure if I will keep in the NSFW part of it though.

Too klutzy, would feel cheap as the main antagonist. Unless you mean the the real villain is the gem and the girl is just blissfully ignorant vessel.

He's not the only one, furfag


The majority seems interested though, so you should grow the fuck up

I like nice shiny happy people as players. I'd probably run Paladin High game with that group, comfy school setting where everyone is lawful and good.

>"you should grow the fuck up"
>furry shit
maybe you should go spread your mental illness somewhere else, faggot

>mental illness
haha what?

add intellectually stunted to list if you can't figure our what I'm saying

I can figure out what you're saying, it's just that what you're saying is fucking retarded

There's still a number of people on the internet who still associate "wanting to jerk it to 2d animal-people" with actual furries ie "dressing up in fursuits and squeeking". They cannot accept these two ideas are not always together.

I thought internet got over the "furries give me furry-cooties" -thing back in 2008.

Is this the same guy who was yelling in the drawthread about the OP image being a dragonborn someone drew? Yeesh, it's like we've traveled back in time.

>trying this hard
honestly, find the nearest cliff to jump off of.

Newfags think the Veeky Forums still hates furries even though most of the site is pretty ambivalent to them at this point

Take a fucking chill pill

Thoroughly disappointing.

Attached: absolutely fucking tired.jpg (400x388, 23K)

I pop in to catch up from time to time. I'm up to date and the answer is still no.

Well that sucks. Glad I stopped reading


Look, man, I know you're from /b/ circa 2007, but there's this wonderful thing we have now called "The Hide Button" and "Filter ". You can use these tools to ignore the furfaggotry you hate so much. I strongly suggest you use these tools, grandpa, before you give yourself a stroke.

These guys see memes from 2010 /b/ and think the whole site is like those.

What could go wrong?

DESU I wondered if he really was gonna win best-of-the-show

>implying that they aren't going to be force to keep on harvesting once the harvest begins

laughing ancient horrors.jpg

>posters are horrified by this
You're either all terribly innocent or you're lying.

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it was ok, not fappable though

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Anything is fappable if you try hard enough.

Let's be honest, it's been ages since I saw picture quality of that shitty. That's a horror of it's own.

/d/? Is that you?

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I remember when that question wouldn't even need asking

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Question, I looked at Polly's patreon but he doesn't seem to be selling comics anymore. I take it he does this stuff as one offs?

>Kissi didn't ride Lumpys giant carrot
>Kissi didn't have exhibitionist sex with Butterscotch in front of the whole town
>Kissi didn't masturbate using every piece of wood in town that Rex made perfectly smooth

I thought all of their desires were going to be fulfilled in a twisted manner but I just got mentally blue-balled by uncreative eldritch fuck shapes.

You should write porn. I'd actually fap to that and get a warm fuzzy feeling too.

Pretty disapionted as well senpai