/SIFG/ - A Song of Ice and Fire General

‘Uncomfy Chair‘ Edition

A thread for discussing George R. R. Martin's 'A Song of Ice and Fire' series and its various tabletop adaptations.

Possible topics of discussion include Green Ronin's 'A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying', CMON's upcoming 'A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game', and the card and board games by Fantasy Flight Games, as well as the original novels, general aSoIaF lore and theories, artwork, HBO's adaptation 'Game of Thrones' and the computer rpg, and the Telltale series.

Game Resources

A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying
-PDF Collection
-Cheat Sheets (Includes House Creation Rules)

A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game
-Offiical CMOM Page
-Kickstarter Page (Late Pledges and Development Updates)

A Game of Thrones: The Living Card Game (Second Edition)
-Official Fantasy Flight Games Page (Rules, FAQ, Player Resources and News)
-Card Spoilers


A Wiki of Ice and Fire
> awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Main_Page

The Lands of Ice and Fire (Maps)

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Other urls found in this thread:


First for infinite damage archers.

Link to most current version of the rules for CMON's miniature game:


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>infinite damage archers


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Just shitposting about high damage multipliers

Tell me more, tell me more

Longbow does 2+Agility in damage * Success levels. So let's say you have an Agility of 4 and a Marksmanship of 5 + 3 bonus die for bows like the example character. That's 8d6k5 to beat the average chump's defense of 11 to 13. But if you've got some bonus dice and picked your talents you're talking 2-3 success levels with consistency. That's 12-18 damage plus bonuses which will blow through knights' armor which is only 10. For the average chump not in full plate, you're going to be mowing through them since they only have 9-12 health. Or if you have any strength bonus die, you can boost the damage higher on a double-curved bow instead. There is also the fact that you can hit 100 yards out before taking any penalty to accuracy.

So a subject petitions a rape pit to be installed in his lands to Joffrey to appease him. How happy would he be at the idea of a pit where people who spoke out against Joffrey are kicked into a pit where they are tortured and raped in plain view of the small folk working there?

Our Blades Are Sharp. Starkbabies go and stay go.

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>Having to rely on House Goodmen to get anything done
You're days are numbered

>Implying Lord Goodmen isn't just Roose wearing Twenty's skin.

Oh, you're talking about SIFRP? I assumed for some reason you were talking about the miniatures game.

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Looks like they changed it so getting attacked from the rear actually gives a greater penalty than getting attacked from the side.

Hype increasing.

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Who was the best mistress of Aegon IV and why was it Melissa Blackwood?

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Why do I keep fucking up spoilers?

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>More Targshit history

Why does the fatman thinks his fans care about this? Can he just write TWOW? Or at least write something more about pre-conquest history of Westeros or Valyria?

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Because you forget the bracketed /spoiler at the end?

Like I told you last thread, Targs are a major fan favorite because of Emilia Clarke's titties. Gurm is following the money with this. Even book fans do genuinely like them. Targhate is basically just a Veeky Forums opinion.

On that note, does anyone else get the vibe the showrunners kind of hate the Starks and would have preferred it if the Lannisters were the protagonist family? They really ruined Robb, which is honestly the only bad thing I can say about seasons 1-4

Targs are basically Martin's Mary Sue family.

No, the Lannisters are kinda gay.

Yeah, I know what I did. The question is why I've done it multiple times in recent days after doing it correctly for most of a decade.

The showrunners are retards who think that sex and shocking violence are the main point of the story and started throwing them in wherever they could, regardless of whether or not those things naturally fit into the character or overall storyline.

As opposed to an actual storyteller like GRRM, who includes sex and violence into his work, too, but (most of the time) as organic developments either resulting from believable (if not always intelligent) character choices or contributing to a characters development within the greater story.

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Honestly roleplaying in Essos sounds much more interesting than Westeros. Playing in Westeros only sounds dull as fuck. It's like generic medieval/fantasy RP but even without magic. They should've made one about Essos as well.

Anywas any ideas on RP in Essos?

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I think the worst part of the cheesy "not like the other girls" romance between Robb and NotJeyne is just how boring and predictable it was.

I'm so sad I didn't get into this game when it was $150 for everything. Is it good?

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forever and a half ago, i tried coming up with the barest of bones of a magic system for asoiaf rpg, but due to lack of interest i never got pass a tentative spell list for fire. im posting it here again mainly just to keep this thread around, but i certainly wouldnt mind some feedback on if i managed to capture the feel of asoiaf magic.

..and apparently it didn't go through

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Magic is straight REEEEEEE

Unbalanced as fuck. This'd better go with some Perils. What would be costs, pre-reqs and actual mechanics of magic use?

at the moment im just spitballing spell concepts to get the feel, balancing come later since theres no point in adding a balanced system that plays like dungeons and dragons. that being said just like in the books magic would be dangerous and require sacrifice to do anything impressive probably turn out like warhammer fangtasy dangerous and the lotr rpg limited, all the spells melisandre uses could probably be counted on one hand and she's purely specialized for it mechanically.

Damn, didn't this make me mad back in time.

Drop the wildfire and the like. Make the rebirth suicidal - passing life from one to another - ritual that can still fail at GM discretion. Replace see danger/future with hearthgazing, where you stare into the fire until your eyes hurt and GM handles you a bunch of vague shapes to figure into omens after.
Get the Perils. Make basic magic cost way more than mundane feats, both at acquisition and in use and require two to three specialized skills to invoke.

hard to drop wildfire when its an important part of the books user, and the see danger is just to give a weaker more accessible version to people who dont want to invest a bunch into magic, like those knights that melisandre instructed who had much less skill at seeing into the fire. still perhaps your right that it might be easier to just consolidate it.

Wildfire is alchemist's bread and butter. Fire priests can buy, use it and claim it their own, but it isn't their magic.

but this is sort of general lore of fire magic, not a firepriest class. still i understand what your saying and will move it into its own little section solely for people studying under alchemists. but do remember more than the priest of r'hyllor can use fire magic like that performer in the square who straight up teleported after making a ladder of solid fucking fire. while im at it i might try to refine a little the crap that i have and make new blood magic crap until eventually i polish this turd into something shiny


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Anyone got a good table/mechanic for Beric brand resurrection soul decay?

be more specific, are you looking for a timeline of effects?

coming up with blood magic that isnt just sacrifice this, get this is really hard.

There's a lot of stuff you can do with blood magic, look into any vampire game. And that's even without messing with legitimacy, relativity, fertility, bodily metamorphosis.

sure, but it still has to fit into the asoiaf story, once you start bloodbending you know you've gone too far. asoiaf magic is subtle even after the dragons much less before. also i dont have a vampire game

Making rules for magic is missing the point.

Ganking Renly with darkspawn was as vulgar as magic gets, and all those giant dragons, white walkers and targ princes are the staple of the bad fantasy. Go with whatever you feel fitting.

>Anywas any ideas on RP in Essos?

Player are mercenaries hired by one important free city figure (like a Triarch of Volantis) to help him against both his city's enemies and his political rivals inside the city.

ok guys, should all sacrifice be considered blood magic, or should it be wholly its own mechanic? im really on the fence on this one.

Player is playing a priest of R'hllor and I want to introduce a limited resurrection system. Looking for some prompts to shove into a table the players who are lucky enough to come back to roll on. I'm fortunate to have some talented players and I'm hoping introducing some flaws for them to rock when they come back that'll challenge them and lead to some good rp

well, in the book when our lord of lightning first came back he suffered from minor losses in personality and memory, but by the end he couldnt remember anything or anyone including himself in any but the vaguest sense. also his wound didnt really to away they just stopped being lethal. i'd slap on some nasty consequence from going around with a lethal wound {and if they died of sickness instead they should look it} and maybe suffer a debuff to an ability {starting with those least central to the character} and some loss of experience. every time this happens worsen the effect. so maybe they lose a dice on swordplay and suffer a penalty when using charm for a face character but nothing crippling just yet, that comes later.

in other news, i cant seem to upload my little update to the spells

Hard to say because, you know, it isn't actually out yet.

But you can get a look at the rules so far here:

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I was gonna harp on you for being a contrarian shmuck but after thinking about it you're kind of right. As much as I find the politics, societies, and characters of Westeros really interesting, Essos simply has it beat for sheer variety. In Westeros all you can really do is fart around in castles and kill bandits. Unless you're playing as Ironborn.

Meanwhile, Essos has:
>Billions of unique city states
>Rampaging hordes of Mongols
>Flamboyant homosexual swordsmen who'll fite you 1v1 over who's got the best waifu
>The Faceless Men
>Leper colonies
>Fire Priests are a norm instead of an oddity
>Freaky monsters, chattering demons and bold piglets
>Gladiator fights
>The God of Death

Best part is if you want to play a Westerosi you totally can because it has precedence. In fact three of the most interesting characters (Tyrion, Jorah, and Arya) are all Westerosi living in Essos.

I suppose it depends how much you're comfortable with going where there is little to no established lore and possibly making up your own stuff entirely. But there are a whole host of options available to you for an Essos-based game. Your party could be:

>professional soldiers or mercenaries from a variety of cultural and social backgrounds taking part in the eternal warfare between the Free Cities (in particular the Disputed Lands and the Stepstones)
>aristocrats and schemers from a variety of cutural and social backgrounds playing their own game of thrones within the sociopolitical structure of one of the Free Cities
>either of the above options but with the city-states of Slavers Bay or Qarth instead
>adventurers and fortune seekers exploring the ruins of the Rhoynish civilization or the shattered Valyrian peninsula and more than likely meeting a horrible fate and the hands of man, nature, or 'something else' entirely
>the strongest warriors in a small but upcoming khalassar looking to make a name for themselves and get some bells for their braids
>a Seven Samurai group of either desperate locals or sympathetic mercanaries who must defend a pitiful Sarnori or Lhazereen settlement from Dothraki or slaver raids
>frontiersmen looking to carve put a living against threats both natural and human in the hills of Norvos, within the Forest of Qohor, along the shorelines of the Ibbish colonies and on the islands of New Ghis
>merchants from just about anywhere in the known world traveling to just about anywhere else in the known world
>followers of any number of religious or esoteric disciplines dealing with the resurgence of magic and access to powers they haven't had in generations

And that's just in Essos and just west of the big mountian chain that I can't remember the name of (something 'bones' or 'spine' I think); you have another whole half of the continent east of that plus the Summer Isles, Sothyros, the Jade Sea and Asshai should you want it as well.

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Bone Mountains, it was the Bone Mountains I was thinking of.

Seriously though, if you're going to do a campaign set outside of Westeros than the relevant final section of 'The World of Ice and Fire' is a must-read. It's basically just a huge list of plot hooks with as much or as little pseudo-Lovecraft as you choose to include.

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Barba Bracken was the finest in the land, take that back


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I'm a sucker for kindhearted ladies.

For me the worst part of cutting the Westerlings - besides ruining Robb's character - was that it meant they also threw away the single best Jaime moment in the entire series (his encounter with Sybil Spicer).

But no, better to replace Jeyne with a whole new OC character despite the fact that the main storyline remains completely unchanged. Well, except for her getting stabbed repeatedly in the pregnant abdomen; but obviously D&D had to include that moment or else the people watching the show might forget how MATURE it is and get embarrassed about liking a story involving wizards and dragons.

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Plays like a cleaner version of warhammer fantasy. Positioning actually matters. The tactics decks remind me of playing Command and Colors. Total plus that it’s based on the books and not the show. (I wouldn’t have bought in had that been the case)

I crunched the numbers of stark bowmen. Typically you are going to remove 2 models a turn. The best part of the unit is their ability to ignore intervening units... I hope to run at least 2 bases in my Stark list

So assuming CMON's game is a success, what are the factions, units, and characters you're most looking forward to seeing?

I'm personally most hyped to see Baratheon (for the characters), Targaryan (for visually and technically distinct units like Dothraki horseman and the Unsullied- plus dragons, of course), a Martell (for the pseudo-Spanish flavor and waves and waves of spearmen).

My long term hope is for non-Westerosi additions to the mercenary forces. When I get to field and army of Summer Island archers, Yi Ti monkey-hat crossbowmen, Qartheen warlocks, and Ibbenese whalers with harpoons I think I'll be able to safely say the game has made it.

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Martell seems like it would be the hit and run faction. Knights of the Vale will probably be fantastic. Mostly interested in seeing how the tactics decks capture the flavor of said factions.

Well I certainly have my own broad, unsolicited ideas about how some of them might work.

For example:


>based around Stannis' faction in the Wo5K, but with the option to build an army around Bobby or Renly as well
>faction gameplay revolves around them being basically unbreakable in battle
>mostly middle-of-the-road unit stats but on average their morale saves are the best in the game
>maybe some unique unit abilities fueled by morale saves
>leader abilities and tactics cards revolve around improving those saves even further and recovering lost models in battle
>until Melisandre and her people get involved, of course, at which point all sorts of weird shit starts to pop off like units not being where they appear on the battlefield, fucking with die rolls, or manipulating your opponents tactic deck
>probably big bonuses for charging, too