I prefer to play girls because I find them more aesthetically pleasing, but I feel it's really weird to try and roleplay as a girl if you're a guy. What is your policy on playing characters of the opposite gender? Just how common or uncommon is it?
Playing Female Characters
Whenever you think their gender would impact their opinion on something, let it, otherwise play them the same as you would anyone else.
Eh, you can roleplay as anything aslong as you don't go magical realm.
I once played as a 60 year old Primaris Psyker Lady, I played her as a grimdark McGonagall that lived the majority of her life has an Inquistorial Investigator.
I almost exclusively play female characters. I feel like I roleplay them better and suit the sorts of characters I like to play better.
Sometimes I have an idea for a character, and that idea involves the character being a female. Some things just feel organic, so, if I think it fits I make a female. Not a very hard decision, I don't know.
Just to girly things like putting your hands on fellow players thighs and make sure to wear panties for sessions.
That's what most people do when they're trying to act like a girl in rp games
>make sure to wear panties for sessions
h-heh, what kinda loser would do that. you'd have to be a real wacko or something to do that
I don't really want to fuck my fellow players.
I masturbate before the session. That usually does it.
>Sometimes I have an idea for a character, and that idea involves the character being a female.
Seems like the most reasonable way to go about things to me. If you're trying to roleplay "a woman" instead of a particular character who is a woman you are already doing things wrong.
Well, yeah. I usually end up coming up with a character who is female. And then I get frustrated trying tobfigure out if I she genderbend the concept back into a dude because my other players might find it weird.
>that spelling
fuck I need to sleep
>What is your policy on playing characters of the opposite gender?
It’s fine, and can be quite fun. Some of my favorite characters I’ve played were female(I’m male).
>Just how common or uncommon is it?
It’s very common in my group, about 35-40% of our characters are female.
I prefer to play guys because I find them more aesthetically pleasing. (no homo)-
I played coupple of characters of the oposite sex and currently I GM so roleplaying a woman is unavoidable, but I preffer to play characters who sort of make more sense as dudes (hermits, both of the religious and autistic type).
I think it's actually pretty okay. It's just that mostly "omg our group had this weirdo who played a girl" stories are posted, not "a guy played a female PC and it was ok".
My group doesn't seem to swing one way or the other, and I've never really felt the need to make a big deal out of it.
Also this, don't purposefully avoid the fact that she's female. On the other hand, it's easy to fall into tropes regarding how female characters act, given the plethora of bad examples in media.
My policy for players is that they have good backstories and fleshed-out personalities, just like for male characters. One of my 3 players has played one for about 2 years now. We joke about it sometimes but he's honestly the best RPer in the group.
This was made by a person with a lot of pain in their anus.
This is the stupidest fucking image I've ever seen. Who could be mad enough to make this, and why?
> because some retards play the other sex, this must be the norm for those playing the other sex
There's shitty roleplayers who play their own sex. In my experience, there's proportionally more (then again I've never had a "that guy").
One of my friends has, since 4 years ago, played nothing but female characters. I can think of ONE male character he has played. Sorry, two. Two, and then after that he has played nothing but females. Not hot, generally somewhat thicc. He's asexual (his own words, and I've never seen him show interest in anyone) but not like a trans or whatever. I guess he just likes roleplaying them. I'd complain except he does a really good job on his characters and all of them are pretty memorable.
> Pick a female character I like from another medium
> Pretend to be them
Power Girl, Red Sonja, Vasquez, Moana etc etc
i have played dozens of characters and only 2 females. im a dude.
i play rpg for the immersion and gender swapping breaks my immersion so i rarely do it. it just doesnt feel like me.
>What is your policy on playing characters of the opposite gender?
It's not an issue. Guys normally play guys, but nobody bats an eye when one plays a girl.
Never do it IRL, which results in me doing it online more than I otherwise would.
But really that's just my autism, I just go with what I think the group will be cool with.
>What is your policy on playing characters of the opposite gender?
I don't care if other people play them, but I make the conscious choice not to do it myself to avoid possibly hinting at things about myself I'd rather not advertise to my play group.
Normal People Mental Gymnastics:
I always play as a middle-aged Caucasian human with back issues to immerse myself.
Race-Swapping Mental Gymnastics:
I'm not self-loathing, but fantastical races like elves and dwarves present aesthetics that are different from what I experience in real life. I actually find it interesting when my character is different from me.
How old are you guys anyway?
I play any gender, but usually that has only minor impact on some characters, as most common type for my is some form of monster of person with lack of emotions, so difference is only biological as both wear full plate armor or some other suit.
>Normal People Mental Gymnastics depicted female
>I don't want to stare at a man's ass all day
Most women play men in MMOs.
Same here, although that might be because I have actual autism.
I'm in my mid forties, but whenever we take a survey of ages in Veeky Forums, I'm towards the upper end. I usually get beat by a few people though, with a person or two being in their fifties or sixties.
Your taste in female characters from other mediums is top notch. Keep up the good work.
People like you are why every random ass sub-gender and alt-lifestyle has to be represented in everything. "I literally cannot put myself in someone else's shoes and can only immerse myself in a character that matches me on a fundamental level" is an indicator of a sociopathic mindset.
>all those triggered closetfags
>hurf durf
Is it a live game?
If so, then it feels weird for good reason, namely that men haven't played female roles since Shakespearean times.
If it's one where the RP is done through text instead of speech,you need to lighten up and stop thinking of your character as your self, because they're not.
The irony of this statement is so thick and so lacking in basic self-awareness that you can only be an SJW larping as that you imagine a "reasonable person" would say.
How so? Being able to play something different from yourself should not be a hurdle. A normal person with normal social instincts should be able to do it.
I don't get people who try to play themselves-but-not-in-the-real-world. Especially when playing as a nonhuman doesn't bother them at all. Are you just an elf otherkin or something?
My GM loves his "hurr seductress is rolling seduction at you, roll to resist." memes, so I either making a raging homosexual or a chick who is repulsed by other girls.
If I could be female in real life I would be, but it is not something I typically ever talk about in real life. It's a personal thing, and not motivated by social of sexual factors. For this reason I'd really prefer to play a female character, but I don't want to make anyone at the table uncomfortable, so I don't. I realize that I'm crazy, but I try to keep it to myself and don't want to let it affect my career, hobbies, or anything else like that.
How much of a dense motherfucker are you actually?
You do the very same shit you accuse the other dude of. Are you a sociopath or just autistic?
Since you know, you clearly cant see yourself in someone's else shoes.
The fact that you value empathy over facts and logic while not having a shred of empathy yourself reveals you as one of the usual reddit Social Jihadis that invade Veeky Forums.
I never said I couldn't see his point, you're just being retarded. If you can't put yourself in someone else's shoes, you are potentially a sociopath.
Not as dense as you, since you're making up strawmen and then using a Boogeyman argument.
>I never said I couldn't see his point,
But you admit that you dont when you claim what his intent is and was without him stating his intent you mongoloid.
Again, are you a sociopath or just autistic?
>If you can't put yourself in someone else's shoes, you are potentially a sociopath.
Which is what you continue to do. I think you need to kill yourself then, you sociopath
>Not as dense as you, since you're making up strawmen and then using a Boogeyman argument.
You should stop using words you clearly dont understand the meaning of and fuck off back to R.eddit.
>But you admit that you dont when you claim what his intent is and was without him stating his intent you mongoloid.
This is the stretching of someone without a point.
A woman is playing a male character in a game I joined last week. Why does this never come up?
This is you having no counter to the accusation of you being a sociopath.
I - as a guy - have way more male characters than female characters but if the gender of my character effects the way I play them I do something wrong.
I'm the guy who doesn't give a shit what people play. You're the one who's all uptight about it, like the closet gay who goes fag-bashing.
Because guys are homophobic about other guys.
I play whatever feels best for the character idea I had in mind. Probably play girls about 1/3rd of the time.
Your image makes me distrust your motivation.
I don't care, even if it's your waifu that you have been autistically developping throughout the years; just play a good character, don't go magical realming your or other's PC or the npc and I'm fine with it.
Also don't try to do a woman/girly voice please
Like some characters work better as female character, I hold no grudge about man making female pc and vice versa
Literally only closet fags who has a problem with crossplaying.
I am a ForeverGM, and I don't give a shit. I have never had a problem remembering the gender, and I have never felt uncomfortable about a male player playing a chick.
When a somone has a problem with it, he is gay, an doesn't want to admit it. That is why it I fine when a girl does it, because it is still a girl IRL, so even if his character goes gay for her character, he still feels he can reason it as him being straight.
>implying I only wear panties for sessions