/cyoag/ - CYOA General

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Attached: 1522005852534.jpg (3980x3200, 3.48M)

Attached: Ban Tok.png (1200x6824, 3.86M)

Fuck off you just want to spam the thread

Attached: [Advntr] Magic Mentor (by SDA).jpg (1200x7304, 5.81M)

Seriously, old thread still has image room. I can respect shitposting, but don't purposefully sink thread quality right off the bat.

Attached: [Advntr] Summer School.jpg (1200x10000, 5.15M)

Attached: [Advntr] Paranormal Horror Quest (by HauntedHouseQM).jpg (1200x5376, 1.58M)

For what? He's technically not off topic.
Also fair warning, I got banned for reporting what I thought was off-topic before. Random Tok cock sucking. Mods here just don't give a fuck so long as we stay contained in here.
Either that or the one who banned me was just a twat.

Attached: 1408399223079.jpg (2145x3410, 2.76M)

Attached: [Boon] Path of Righteousness (by acheld).jpg (1700x4084, 3.67M)

>Not posting the updated one

Shame on you. I would fix your mistake but I am tablet posting.

Announcing a reporting is a bannable offense.

I must've missed it. I have 2 versions in my folder, and that was the most recent that I have. I'd go locate it via mega.

Attached: [Island] An Unexpected Meeting.png (3524x1816, 6.37M)

Technically, he didn't announce that he was reporting, just told someone else to do so.

How mad was Tok that not everyone likes him?

Well he is spamming two treads with pictures of girls I don't think that's on topic

>provide pictures to help make a CYOA for /createyourownadventuregeneral/
>got deleted and warned for off topic

I didn't know helping was not allowed in this place

Meh, it was about a cyoa. No different than a 2d waifu dump.
I don't see it as off-topic, but to each their own. Especially those of us that have a post delet button.

Attached: [Comfy] Walkman.jpg (1200x3150, 1.15M)

>Provide pictures.
We are /r/ you faggot. Find your own images.


Attached: Lost in Time Alternative.png (1280x3278, 463K)

The pictures aren't off topic in themselves, but posting them spawns shitposting about opinions on the girls' appearances, racial shit, 3D vs 2D and many more things that aren't on topic at all.

First version.

Attached: Lost in Time.png (1280x3640, 466K)

Are you outing yourself as a mod/janitor?

There we are. Reclassified both as character builders, since there's not much adventure to them.

Attached: [Chr Bldr] Magic Mentor (v1.1; by SDA).jpg (1200x10000, 5.09M)

>urge to powergame in order to get immortality increases!

But why delete the pictures who are on-topic instead of the posts than talk about what you mention?

Darn it; just realized that I forgot to add the extra lives option... be right back.
It was supposed to be 5x the amount of lives for 1 point.

>it was about a cyoa
You can say that to excuse any image dump. Make a new thread if you want that.


Attached: Lost in Time Alternative v2.png (1280x3278, 464K)

You can delete the posts but they'll pop up again if the pictures are left. Treat the cause, not the symptoms.

For what it's worth, it was never my intention to encourage people to submit mass numbers of waifu pics, just to hear their thoughts on if there was some type I was leaving out. In retrospect, I should have expected it, and apologize to the thread to the extent that I enabled such. I'll be more circumspect about such things in the future.

Rushed and some of the doodles got out of sync.

Which girls the dick the most?

Attached: PSDCYOA.jpg (1200x5277, 1.37M)

I'll never understand why you chose to take a fun, magical aesthetic.... and drop it for this bland, boring thing. What were you thinking.

Forgot the pic this time...
I'm clearly not in top shape, and I don't even have some fancy excuse like being drunk or dying from cancer.

Attached: Lost in Time Alternative v3.png (1280x3278, 464K)

Agreeing with this user You don't delete something because it spawns shitposting. You delete the shitposting, and maybe the image if it was meant for shitposting. In this case, I'd say the majority of the 3D posts weren't meant like that and was just to dump for the user making the 3D waifu cyoa.
"Teach posters not to post things that spawn shitposting" or "Don't shitpost"? I'd much prefer the latter to be the norm.

All this "girls" look no older than 10 y/o
Why is this allowed?

Never apologize for another's autism, user.
You;re fine.

I see that you're giving handouts. I'll take them, thanks.

{3} Poses (possess?) - evade death without forfeiting any lives; get a feel for how some of the more brilliant minds work.

{2} Copy - storing blueprints for useful things (and up to 5 tonnes) will ensure that no technology or design that strikes my fancy is lost to the day and age. I'll likely create a compendium of construction/instructional manuals, seeing as how I'll have the time to do so.

{6} A Life For a Life - it's a little malevolent, or a lot, but the idea of being able to kill someone (similar to me, anyway) just by looking at them is rather beneficial; likewise, I can heal and even restore someone to their prime.

{1} Strong Argument - if more people took the time to understand why others don't see things the way they do, perhaps humanity would not be so naturally inclined to violence.

>Apologizing for triggering the weebs
Just finish your OC user

I haven't read either thoroughly yet but looks way better than . Am I correct?

Because they are older than 10. You need to stop discriminating against people who are born petite and look young.

Get the fuck out your feels you bitch ass pussy.

Come on user, none of them look younger than 10. They don't look older than 13 at most either but that's besides the point.

Attached: 1521951944673.png (1024x3072, 6.39M)

Did this edit do anything besides make the colors blander and add hard to read "handwritten" font?

Attached: 1521952016352.png (1024x3072, 7.33M)

Attached: 1521952087191.png (1024x3072, 7.59M)

It added a couple new things, yeah.

Attached: 1521952157847.png (1024x3072, 7.42M)

Yes. We still don't know why he chose to fuck it up.

Attached: 1521952244099.png (1024x3072, 7.36M)

Attached: 1521952313646.png (1024x3072, 6.26M)

Attached: 1521952382343.png (1024x2521, 5.77M)

Making an Island CYOA ripoff, this is my first CYOA, so I would like some feedback. Currently have a text doc with some of the gifts and entities I have in mind, none of the text in the image is final, its mostly about the layout.
Basically, you're stuck on an island for 10 years with no supplies. You pick a starting location, the location chosen will be slightly more hospitable though still dangerous. You start with 3 gifts/tokens which you can choose from any category as many as you like.
You can only pick one shelter corresponding to your starting location, shelter is optional.
You can pick one modifier, this is free and unlocks gifts on following lists but makes everything harder.
Not sure which companion profile is better.
Not sure about 4th gift type, transportation feels too specific and can probably be covered in other lists, thought about animal companions though that's a bit redundant, gods which are also kind of redundant. Maybe general goals or immortality quests.
Entities can be chosen once each as either a pact or a nemesis. One nemesis mandatory, any additional nemesis chosen grants you a gift.
Anyway, would like some feedback on which companion profile is better, if its easy to understand that the artifact is unlocked by the modifier, what could work for the fourth gift type, and general layout feedback.

Attached: island0.1.png (1200x3100, 2.79M)

Attached: 1521952447251.png (1024x755, 1.74M)

Has anyone else noticed they no longer give a shit about 75% of all CYOAs since they got a gf?

I was excited for a second and was like
oh! A "making an island" cyoa sounds fun.

And then I read the rest of that sentence and was like oh , well thats ok too.

>Be married
>Futz around with CYOAs because some make fun 'writing prompts'
Can't say that aligns with my experience. To each his own.

>Making an Island CYOA ripoff, this is my first CYOA, so I would like some feedback
Don't make it another "all enemies are impossible to beat, choose how you want to be raped and slowly murdered".

does using different "methods" for sections in the same cyoa sound like a bad idea?

say you have a skill tree focussed first and second portion (magical/martial arts skills)- would then having the "resources" section be a shop be a bad idea?

ARMS CYOA when? I want to bouncy punch stuff.

Attached: arms___twintelle_x_spring_man_by_adoggo-dbinnh9.png (1024x704, 787K)

Clones [2]
A Life For a Life [6]
Ghost Form [2]
Precog [2]

>Harvest most of Asia for lives
>Send out millions of clones across the world
>Conquer the planet

Attached: confused.jpg (296x342, 21K)

Thoth should be decapitated

Did you mean BC or BCE? If not, what does the acronym BD mean?

We do not decapitate girls creep

I quite literally just pressed the wrong button.
I was going for BC.

You also have "Poses" instead of "Possess".

Rewarding players for risk is probably the most fun way to balance things. This is easy to justify by having the island more interested in kidnapping and keeping the player than trying to kill the player. But the more the player resists the island, starting at resisting their captivity, the fiercer the island responds.

-Survival [Easy Mode]
-Escape [Normal Mode]
-Immortality/Power [Hard Mode]
-Apotheosis [user Must Die Mode]

Before Death.
It's the big J, we know who's death is meant.

What's the point of these? Do you just pick stuff? Why are they called choose your own ADVENTURE?

The addition to be able to steal life is great but I think killing just by looking is too OP, have us consume his blood or slowly eat his soul in order to gain the lives something like that, you decide and take away the ability to kill by just looks if you want to make.

The fuck is this edit, at least edit the text first before changing pictures, dumb saberfag.

You know what i actually agree, i don't like the fact my waifu (vanilla Saber) has a cock, but i love her so for her i will milk that cock cry until she cries from pleasure

CYOAs are a creative/escape outlets that allow you to build a story around options you've chosen. There's a few writerly anons that come here and use cyoas as foundations for their own storytelling purposes.

Cyoas are mostly creative distractions from everyday life; "what could have been", "what I wish had been", and "what could be".

If you have maladaptive daydreaming like me it's a great way to get new adventures.

It's better expenditure of time than smoking or porn.

Hope I didn't miss anything all too big this time.
It costs half of your points, so I think it's fine.
x5 lives is generally more cost effective if you want lives, and time loop is better for combat purposes.

Attached: Lost in Time Alternative v4.png (1278x3246, 466K)

Will have the merge of the two editions done some time tomorrow.

Attached: Lost in Time v2.png (1280x3640, 469K)

If you wouldn't suck your waifus cock vigorously then you don't love your waifu

My waifu is too pure to have a cock. We hold hands underneath the sheets at home and one day we will have vaginal sex for the purpose of love and procreation.

Attached: Other waifus a shit.jpg (549x695, 186K)

Hypothetically speaking, if one day she grew a cock, and therefore became a futa, would you Suck her throbbing dick to pleasure her?
I sure as hell would suck my Saber's cock dry and swallow all of her sperm while her cock is deep on my throat and i am choking on it

Attached: 1498172571857.png (1200x3200, 1.91M)

I blame cyoas for my sad life

Alternative ending. I shoot him because castle doctrine

I blame our sad lives for cyoas.


Are those your choices?
Pretty good desu

Attached: 1521983676026.pdf (PDF, 7.63M)

What do waifus do when you're not playing the CYOA?

They fuck each other unconscious

thanks desu ;3

I agree, execep with the loop part, you can literally kill with looks. Unless you put a cap on it you could simply look at an army and they would all drop dead and you will have a thousand+ lives.
I hope i'm not coming across as too critical, i like your cyaos including this one.

How the fuck do I make a CYOA on a mediocre four-year old Lenovo laptop? I don't have enough storage capacity for GIMP and paint's finicky text boxes piss me off to no end. Any CYOA authors willing to give advice to an amateur with shitty hardware? The CYOA I'll be making has you playing as a superpowered post-apocalyptic warlord, where the superpowers came from the event that caused the global EMP that led to the collapse of civilization.

Attached: 3a6599fa0cd97726c8ab4d582ab7c15f.jpg (960x800, 65K)

>I hope i'm not coming across as too critical, i like your cyaos including this one.
Not at all; I think hearing what people think is worth a lot.
In this case however I'm not going to change it.

I don't know how to help you, but I want to say that CYOA idea is really cool.

Are you absolutely sure you can not make some space for GIMP ? if not you could try using a pendrive, as an external memory unit, download it and install it there, and use it from there

Text is your friend.

Have you tried CYOA Studio?