How do dwarves and elves get along in your setting?
How do dwarves and elves get along in your setting?
>he uses elves and dwarves
Do Gorons and Zora count as dwarves and elves?
Some of the elves screwed up once thousands of years ago, so none of the dwarves will forgive any of them.
The elves in turn hate the dwarves because of how completely irrational their grudge is.
They don't like each other. The Elves keep asking the Dwarves to cut down less trees, and the Dwarves keep cutting down as many trees as they want to make charcoal for their smelters and to piss off the Elves. Occasionally the Elves go to war with the Dwarves, but since the Dwarves have steel weapons and armor and the Elves only have wooden weapons and armor, it tends to be rather one sided. Add on to this that the Elves are actually the same height as the Dwarves and they really have almost no advantages, save for the fact that the wildlife doesn't attack them and they cannot die from old age.
Elves claimed dominion over the mountain ranges when they conquered the continent. Dwarves didn't bother to tell them but still sent them packing whenever the elves tried to bring settlers or tax collectors in the mountains.
After a couple fruitless attacks, the elves went back home. Mountains are still technically part of the elven empire but there are no elves there
They get along quite well. The elves, dwarves, and demons form a triumvirate that rule the world.
Early in history, the powerful nations of man sought to destroy both races. So powerful, that they could afford a two pronged war against both the dwarves and elves at the same time, and were very near to victory. The two once enemies however realized their problem, and pushed aside their differences in a bid to survive, and began gradually winning victories here and there.
However, the humans were dominant, their power and strategy unfaltering. Thus it was decided to call upon the dark ones, the demons who were once sealed away. Their act of desperation ensured their survival, but they were now essentially servants and pets to the otherwordly demons who saved them.
In the present, the demons are no longer known as such, and are instead revered as gods. The entire history of their past transgressions whitewashed by history.
nigga elven war unicorns wreck shit
The answer, like most problems, lies in magma. Copious amounts of magma. Not that I ever figured out how to actually pump the damn stuff up to the surface without wrecking my whole fortress
they only agree on one thing Humans and beastfolk are below both their races.
Naturally. A dwarf at least may live long enough to learn his place, but the most impressive thing a human will accomplish is fathering a half-elf distraction for fifty years.
You must feel so special and original for going out of your way not to use fantasy tropes, user.
>the condescension is subconscious
Elves think dwarves are former elves whose were cursed for their avarice with short forms, short lives, and short tempers. Dwarves cannot abide by this contradiction of official dwarven history, especially since there seem to be a few pieces of evidence that suggest it's not completely unfeasible as possibility. At the conclusion of the War of Fire, when the elves fought the forces of the Great Dragon for the fate of the material realm, the dwarves attacked in an attempt to oust them from the prime material.
The two races fought until both their empires lay in ruins. The elves mostly retreated back to the Otherworld (or the Underworld, in the case of the corrupted dark elves), with only a few kingdoms remaining in their forested realms. The dwarves, now easy prey for the new race of hobgoblins, withdrew to their mountain holds. Both dwarves and elves blame one another for the loss of their ancient empires.
They live largely too far apart and keep to themselves enough to not really bother each other. The Dwarves have a grudging respect for the Elves keeping so rigidly to their way of life and managing to make it work(that the elves also do deep mining and smithing of their own helps) so it's kinda like "we don't agree with your way of life, but damn if you aren't determined at it". The Elves for their part. don't even really give a shit about the Dwarves.
Neither exist in the material plane anymore. Still deciding whether they wiped each other out, ascended to another plane of existence or were wiped out by some other foe.
In response to the humans fucking all the elf women, the male(?) elves are attempting to breed with dwarves. Over half the time the elves accidentally fuck a male dwarf.
>Not using generic fantasy races nobody gives a fuck about anymore
You say that like most of us only have one setting.
But either way, in the one I'm using now, dwarves and elves generally just leave each other alone despite often living in relative proximity to one another. One exception are the followers of Bell-Amaranth, who is both the defacto nature god of the setting and a dwarven god, not an elven one as is often the case. Roughly a third of the diety's followers are elves of some description, who regularly live in self-sustaining communes in places where forest and mountain border one another, and where dwarves and elves are often a sizable portion of the population.
They never met, elves went extinct centuries ago and dwarves live secluded in totally not scotland
>going out of your way
How is that going out of your way?
How is not using a specific made up creature hard?
Elves and Dwarves are practically synonymous with fantasy now. Not having them, is like not having humans.
Elven-Dwarven offspring are called Humans
So by this broken logic i have to shoehorn these races even if i planned a setting without them in mind just because normies want le epic legolas?
Dwarves are Elves.
So they are common, we all knew that. Still doesn't make it hard to not have them. Put no work into imagining races, just stick with ourselves the humans and you have that outcome. And thinking up a fantasy creature shouldn't be a difficult feat either for someone choosing this hobby built on imagining things.
They're like grumpy old neighbours who've gotten so used to disliking each other it's looped back around to some form of friendship where one would feel weird if the other is gone. They spend most of their time complaining about the damn kids [every other race] on their lawn and occasionally do something about it when really peeved about it. Often with near genocidal consequences for which ever race happens to be in their general vicinity.
Humans are the one smart kid that figured out getting a job as the neighbourhood paperboy buys them points with the geezers and lets them redirect their irrational lawn protecting tendencies towards people they don't like... provided they're clever enough about it.
They don't like each other, but they both dislike Humans more than they dislike each other. They blame Humans for the fact that both their races are dying ones, and not without reason, and would join together against Humanity if they actually thought it would accomplish anything.
They see that the other is into things that aren't relevant to their interest and move on.
That's mostly it, but they may gang up on younger races because "You kids get off my lawn!"
pumping the lava is actually a lot easier than one would expect. you simply require two separate chambers which are connected via a sub-teranean tunnel of some type.
begin by choosing which chamber you want to be the source of your magma defenses. that will be the one that you introduce a lot of tunnels into. These tunnels will be specifically designed to channel the magma out towards the defenses. it is suggested at this point that you line those tunnels with ceramic tiles made in the realms of fire so as to ensure that the magma stays within it's proper pathway. (civilians do not like being casualties of their own cities defenses).
Once those tunnels are prepped it's time to focus on the other chamber. This is where the magic is gonna happen. or technology if you prefer. magic is easier of course, but you would be surprised by how comfortable people can be with a gigantic death trap when they're involved in making it work.
the basic premise is to introduce a large amount of pressure to this second chamber. it is generally suggested that you employ air in some way. Water is noticeably going to cool the magma which you do not want, and Earth simply takes too long. unless that is you have access to an extremely powerful earth elemental in which case why the hell are ye botherin with the magma when the Elemental could take care of all possible defenses for ya.
but I digress, the goal is to create a large amount of pressure in the second chamber which will force the magma out of the first. I suggest either air elementals, or a really impressive set of bellows, or a combination of both.
Now, for that serious handyman approach, take the time to consider digging those tunnels near the residential area. the heat from the lava flow can be really appreciated during those cold winter months.
>Not having them, is like not having humans.
Well, funny you would say that...
The off spring of dwarves and elves is mankind.
In my setting the only remaining elves after a century of genocide are dark elves who live underground in conflict with the Dwarves, who were almost as equally persecuted by the humans. They're too busy fighting over their underground territories to fight back against the human Empire right above their heads.
Will the party be able to unify all the persecuted races and restore balance to the natural world? Or will they join the Empire and finish the extermination of all magic? I'll never know because I can't be fucked to actually start a campaign!
>The Elves keep asking the Dwarves to cut down less trees
They don't really, while my setting mainly takes place in a sort of "new world" continent, sparking a colonial rush. In the old world decades of war have made a sort of mexican standoff between the elves, humans and dwarves along with some other kingdoms of varied races. So in essence everyone just waited for one to attack somebody so they could attack the attacker while they were occupied. This also helped spark the rush for new lands and new resources. In the new world they hate each other since they sink each others ships and attack each others trade routes. The elves do however get a long better with the locals, the dwarves not quite as well, with setting up industry 'n all that, but better than the humans who are basically hated on the new continent due to the fact that the human empire sent their worst and most disposable. So everything from exiled disgraced nobles to serve as governors to penal legions to patrol the outskirts.
They've historically been rivals. They started expanding at about the same time and uplifted the clueless savage humans to civilization. There used to be some proxy wars where the elf-influenced humans and dwarf-influenced humans fought each other.
You're the guy with that Roll20 game, I'm guessing?
They get along pretty well. Mostly because they are both isolationists that don't often stray from their borders unless a common enemy shows up, then they happily join forces until the threat is gone.
>getting along with anyone
>being concerned with like efficiency and collateral damage when there's gobbos, elves, and uppity nobles that aren't being immolated with magma right now
0/10 see me in the hammering room.
Elves got destroyed by dwarves in a war that lasted 2 days. The only elves that live now are slaves.
Exactly like they should be.
Huh? No, I only run one at a game at a game store and another (in the same campaign world) one for my old high school friends via Skype. I have a little setting blog for the players to reference.
My elves think they are God's chosen people and all other races are mutations of themselves so not well.
Like any other, the dwarves live on their little holes on the gorund being angry while the elves are just there being awesome
The world is large enough that they don't often see each other outside of the melting pot nations. But for the most part, the respecting kingdoms leave each other be.
Dwarves are not yet implemented.
The Elves of the continent are the remanents of an "Elven Empire", that was destroyed by an aliance of "lesser races" (dwarfs being kind of the leaders of that front) thousand of years ago.
So pretty bad.
The main plot of the campaign is fighting the apostles of a recently dead prophet that prophesized the end of times. What they dont know is that the "apocalypse" he saw will be actually a full scale invasion of a forgotten colony of the Elven Empire.
They don't interact.
Dwarves live in the mountains, and have feuds with fir bolgs. You know, your typical miners and lumberjacks vs big foot. Meanwhile, elves live in the flatlands, and battle halflings for land, because the halflings want to make agrarian paradise while elves want their woods.
Y'know. Like in real life.
Would you rather:
>be eternally angry whilst living in trees
>eternally angry whilst living in mountain fortresses
Elves keep treating dwarves as if they are a very rarely encountered fantasy race, much to the consternation of said dwarves and their families. They'll keep referencing past encounters with the noble dwarves, or the hated dwarves, or whatever but refuse to listen to any explanation to the contrary.
In reality, the elves know full well that the dwarves are just very short humans. They are just being dicks. Its an old, old joke in elvish culture.
Dwarves are born rarely, so Elves will often travel great differences to 'come across' a dwarf so they can participate in the joke. Its considered great fun and a good reason to get out of the house and take a relaxing year long journey with some friends.
Elves and dwarves live in rather separate regions with little interaction, though occasionally they'll conduct trade. Elves prize dwarf stone and metal work for the obsessive attention to details, not to mention steel is hard to come by in forests so selling basic weapons is quite profitable for the dwarves. On the flip side, elvish artistry is prized by dwarves as worthy rivals and the exotic meats and hides gained from elvish woodlands can make meals and clothing fit for a king.
They don't, dwarves don't really get along with anyone. They might do a little bit of trading but they are self sufficient isolationists that can and will shoot dragons out of the sky for entering their airspace. There are few pure blooded elves left anyway because they and humans fucked to merge their respective strengths in case some other race decided they wanted infringe on their territory.
what a lame dwarfwank setting
They don't. Not in the sense of they don't like each other and more that they're more or less incapable of interface on a societal and often a personal level. My elves are basically henchmen of the true fae who got stranded and went as native as one of the fae can go, while dwarves are sociable jews purpose built by underground autistic golems to schmooze with humans and get their resources to help fix the world engine. Elves have a hard time registering the dwarves as things, as they're simultaneously both mundanity personified and meant to kind of blend in and not cause waves (the exact opposite of the elves, who literally feed on drama). Meanwhile, the fae invasion that brought the elves wasn't forseen and thus wasn't programmed for by the Ur-dwarves, so the natural geniality and sociability the dwarves have baked in suddenly isn't working and they sort of mentally glitch out
You insulting Dwarf Fortress, boy?
The elves are a militant warrior race. My logic here is that an objectively superior race with a highly inflated sense of self-worth has no reason not to subjugate others. The dwarves, being stout and strong on their feet, are ocean-going sea Jews. Generally there is peaceful trade but recently the dwarves have started selling arms to the orcs. Needless to say tensions are high.
They are lifelong allies. Both are long lived, lovers of arts, master craftsmen, and have fought many wars together. They have a friendly rivalry.
In my setting, the elves use to rule over a vast kigdom using various magic artifacts that was gifted to them by some old God's who they then forsake, said God's responded by disowning the cunt elves for being so snobby.
An evil wizzard bitch using a goblin hoard accidentally made to many, the goblins literally waved over the elves, who died forsaken and left to rot by their God's.
The remaining elves headed up into dwarf territory, being snooby cunts they didn't get along, but the Dwarves let them live just outside their kingdom in a shithole. So the elves in my setting are wel-fare refugees. The dwarves of course hate them. And many elect to let them die, only reason they still let the elves live off wel-fare is because a big family is selling the elf offspring as sex/other slaves.
Then you have the much nicer wood elves who kept to the old God's and therefore have kept alive through the world's constant shifting. They arugre with the dwarves but get along well enough.
>Keeps eye on the ground to ensure rank and file
Nah, they have to look down, otherwise it would be hard to make dwarf shish kebab
>Smug fag in a dress
>Cunt in background wearing literally wearing fag hat.
>No base for shit talk other than being snobby.
Elves are real, they post on Veeky Forums...
Nigga you just went full Boatmurdered.
Never go full Boatmurdered.
Sauce kind sir? That actually looks pretty neat.
Pretty sure those are Dwemer from Elder Scrolls. They're a species of elf, but often called dwarves colloquially even though they were roughly the size of normal men.
Im sure someone will be triggered, but elder scrolls lore sucks. It's just shit. And everything being an elf is so lazy and lame.
I love Oblivion, and Skyrim is good, working on Morrowind. But good damn dose the actual lore suck
Dwarves in my setting are determined survivalist. They dig into the earth not just for wealth and useful metal but to create massive underground vaults were they stockpile food, weapons, water and livening space.
Elves resent them for retreating into their underground holds to survive the invasion of the land by nightmarish monsters, while elves fought alongside humans and others to fight before surrendering to the nightmares in order to save their sacred home. Dwarves resent them for joining the nightmares, even reluctantly.
A human-led alliance of whatever was left defeated the nightmare king, but the casualties of the war mean humans are still somewhat rare as the new generation works to retake the world and re-establish destroyed cities.
Dwarves do not exist in my setting, so the relationship between elves and dwarves is perfect.
and this, kids, is why you should never write while masturbating.
Elves are the "human" of my setting, since the original Human had gone extinct. Depends on the nation, they're pretty much get along nicely.
>they post on Veeky Forums...
More like dwarfs
>Angry about everything that is different
>forcing fantasy tropes into modern operator setting
You fags need to stop RPing and go to bed.
It's morning here
Do it regardless.
Trust me, I'd love to. But I have to go to college now. I can still shitpost tho
Go learn faggot. You spent several thousand dollars to get that education! Go make it worth the 10-30ish K.
Turns out fantasy is real, but with internet it's just elves and dwarves fighting on Veeky Forums
Is the standard Cuck scawny SJW talking shit just a modern elf?
Are fat manlet neck beards just devolved dwarfs?
Dose this make Veeky Forums fags and /k/ fags modern orcs?
they don't exist
No, African war Mongers are Orcs, Middle east Muslims are goblins.
>How do dwarves and elves get along in your setting?
Not very well, but they are doing okay. Elves conquered and assimilated dwarves a long time ago, and they've more recently conquered and assimilated humans. The human party are rebels. Dwarves are so used to their position in society, and they practically run bureaucracy, so they don't want to stir the water much.
>Turns out fantasy is real, but with internet it's just elves and dwarves fighting on Veeky Forums
Nope, just human race traitors.
Dwarf-fags are just HFY-faggots in disguise.
HFY at least produced something good early on, dorffags were always useless obnoxious spergs.
They're literally the same thing, so they get along about as well as humans get along with humans.
Which isn't very well at all.
Elves in my setting don't get along with anyone.
In my setting the gnomes arrived in the 1600's and introduced technology to the continent. The problem was that gnomes are all mad science types and cannot work together so they don't do do well. Humans took that technology, standardised stuff and made railways and factories and industrial stuff. The Elves noped out and went to their forests but now the druids are like "if they keep going the world's environment will be fucked by the 21st century." Meanwhile the dwarves have switched to banking because why dig up gold when you can just take everyone else's