>A Fun Elemental blocks your path!
A Fun Elemental blocks your path!
We hang out before parting ways
Ah, at last... my greatest enemy
There was a iPod golem made in the 008 story about being trapped in an fantasy world. I always thought it would be the best traveling companion.
At last, I can destroy the cancer ruining my elf pretend games.
I try to kill it before it gets the first move.
*cowboy walks across the living room without any pants on, leaving a trail of shit in his wake* "GOD DAMMIT!"
I explain that fun is just a buzzword and that if he doesn't have anything constructive to add to the discussion he should get out of the path.
That's just those $1 wiimote attachments that don't do anything but made of cardboard and 60 times more expensive.
It's free.
But I was looking for fun... can my destination block my path?
I hug him and tell him he’s a good boy
That's deep
You must break down your false preconceived ideas of fun before you can experience true fun
I can tell you had fun making this.
Man, I forgot about that story. Shit was dope.
>A Surprise Elemental appears before you
>It tells you you're the father
>You don't remember what woman you've slept with
Silly user! You clearly slept with a superior Surprise Elemental that was masquerading as a woman!
What if I'm roleplaying as /v/?
>doesn't appear behind you
Either not very surprising, or on a higher level of surprise than I can conceive.
>Fun Elemental
I invite him to my dnd group
But actually I'm not trying to kill the poor guy. I'll try and add him on discord and see if he's down to play any co-op or battle royale games.
He's right, you know
>Roll to seduce
I mean as much as people like to rag on the "fun is a buzzword" part, saying a game is fun to you doesn't really mean anything if you're trying to discuss whether or not a game is well designed. It's like when people say they have fun playing 3.PF. That's fine and good for them, but it doesn't change the fact that it's a poorly put together game.
What does it mean for a fun game to be poorly-designed? What else is it supposed to accomplish?
>What else is it supposed to accomplish?
Depth to achieve the same or greater reaction from more people than just retards? Artisic value? Mechanical complexity? Balance of individual choices?
What, if I find rolling a d6 and slapping myself in the nuts on a 2 to be fun, does that simply invalidate any claims that perhaps poker is a better game? Just because an individual finds something fun doesn't mean that said fun is universal, or that the means by which they achieved fun are good ideas. Discussion can take place on quality and complexity, but if your only metric is "is it fun" then that's the only conversation to be had.
>What else is it supposed to accomplish?
You're acting like Fun is an actual quantifiable quality, when in truth it's incredibly subjective and often divorced from any actual academic or intrinsic quality that something may have.
Take The Room by Tommy Wisseu for example. Some people may have fun watching it, however that doesn't change the fact that The Room is a movie that is not only subjectively terrible, but also completely awful from a technical and cinematographic stand point with clearly terrible and disjointed writing. The same can also be said of David Cage games, though if you admit to actually liking those chances are you'd be lynched for your crimes against humanity.
The same logic can be applied to ttrpgs. For example, I like Pathfinder, and I have fun making PF characters. Yet even though O have fun with the system, that doesn't change the fact that it is a terribly made and designed system that is generally worthy of every harsh criticism thrown at it. Yet even though I know academically that it is a trash system, I still enjoy, like, and have fun with it IN SPITE of its flaws, and not because of them.
It's the same mindset behind "guilty pleasures" and the like. It's having the objective awareness to know something is bad, but still having the emotional security and self-comfort to still admit to liking the thing despite knowing it's bad.
If you can't understand or grasp such a concept, then chances are you lack self-awareness needed to actually be a properly functioning adult, and possibly the empathy needed to understand preference and criticism
I think the real problem is taking someone's opinion on a video game to be a critical analysis of it.
Do you guys have to be such pretentious faggots while explaining a valid concept? You coulda said "it could have been better" or "how you use something isn't identical to how it's effective at being used" and been done in a single line. Instead you took the opportunity to jack off to what retards everyone else is.
Sea of Thieves is a poorly designed game with awkward combat mechanics, a largely empty open world, and painfully repetitive content. I still had fun griefing other players and stealing their shit with my friends, but it's an objectively lackluster game that none of us have any intention of buying.
Does that answer your question?
>Veeky Forums 2016-2018
>not being pretentious faggots
>Being this insecure that people using big words on the internet makes your peeper feel small
Sucks to be you fag
There's no such thing as objectivity in art, just consensus and culture wide taste giving the illusion of objectivity. What is considered great art changes with every generation, and many works regarded as classics now were despised by critics when they first came out
And as for guilty pleasures, it's less a matter of liking something that's objectively bad as much as it is liking something that you otherwise wouldn't enjoy for very particular reasons. For example, I enjoy hoodwinked, but I hate nearly everything about it. I like watching it because I watched it a lot as a kid, but if I were to watch it now I would probably hate it
Why do you care?
Legit curious here.
>hey woolie whats that in the distance? Is that the script?
>Nah, it's just a Koopy Sandwich
The real references were the ones we made along the way
Good story telling is a failure of the game design
>If I turn that switch off, would you die?
>the Fun Elemental strikes several silly poses and laughs heartily at your party
What do you do?
I cannot allow this opportunity to pass unanswered! I respond with a pose of my own. I can't help but smirk and chuckle at the situation though. This quickly turns to laughter.
>Your laughter feeds the elemental, giving it strength. The artifact on its back whirrs to life.
>It begins to gesture with passionate, childlike intensity.
What do you do?
>It would make me extremely sleepy.
>You're a fun guy to be around.
I'm afraid you're in a bit over your head, user.
I was trying to figure out if people who literally hate fun are just that far gone, or rebelling against "it's fun to me" as a blanket defense/excuse for anything. Two people responded to an obvious query with a valid point, but spent considerably more time and effort making exaggerated hypotheticals than they did actually engaging with the premise.
So now I can't just write them off as autistic mongrels because they had a valid point, but I can't acknowledge them as reasonable humans because they seem angry and bitter. Optimistically speaking, they ruined a perfectly good reply and probably dragged down the quality of any ensuing conversation so they could feel/look good ranting at a strawman.
This is unfortunate.
Autists can have valid points, too.
you have issues my dude
Come get some.
This is the most likely explanation, yes.
>A semen elemental has claimed ownership of your bath
What do
>a fun elemental
so a succubus?
Drink it
More like SOY elemental amirite my fellow /v/ users
>Artisic value
Now there's a fucking buzzword. A good chunk of art history is an authority on art, usually self-titled, says a new form of art isn't art or has no value. Spoiler: It always turns out that they were wrong and that it was art the whole time.
We pose like a team cause shit just got (sur)real.
Roll a 2d6 save, please.
bathe in semen I guess. It'll be fun for a few minutes.
Till you have to get out and it sets into yourfur__
And that's why I never use the word 'art' when I critique something, because retards like you are all too keen to take the dick out of your mouth for half a second to remind everyone that the word 'art' literally has no meaning right before you plug that pie hole back up with a girthy shaft. Yeah, shitting on your hand and then wiping it on a canvas is """art.""" But it's a fucking terrible painting worthy of being mocked, and anyone who says otherwise is so far up their own ass they're looking at their own shit paintings.
And one does this by beating the ever loving shit out of a koala?
Rolled 5, 3 = 8 (2d6)
Do we get a MENACING bonus for posing as a team?
If you meet fun on the road. Kill it.
>blocks your path
That doesn't seem very fun.
No, but you do resist being turned into Fun Elementals yourselves.
>with a hearty laugh, the Fun Elemental presents you with two artifacts and fades into the ether from whence it came
Well yeah, you expected it to come up behind you. Checkmate asurpriseelementalist.
What about games or systems that are greater than the sum of their parts? Where the jank becomes charm and makes something genuinely enjoyable for most people even though some parts of it are broken or just bad?
cough cough deadly p cough
Not gonna try to pretend I can talk for you, but in the case of Shadowrun, which I love with all my goddamn heart but that description applies to completely, I call it "Mechanics that support the themes"
"Is it fun, yes or no" is the only metric by which I judge entertainment.
Pick something else to roleplay.
>Inb8 a retard trying to prove something through bad arguments.
If you're trying to provide some kind of high caliber critique, sure. Maybe. Even most critics recognize the "It' factor.
If you're a bunch of average people talking about why you enjoy something, "fun" is perfectly acceptable, unless you have delusions of being authoritative enough about a medium to critique it meaningfully.
>You're acting like Fun is an actual quantifiable quality, when in truth it's incredibly subjective and often divorced from any actual academic or intrinsic quality that something may have.
All of that is totally true.
Counter-point: you are pretending like anyone here, yourself included, is an academic, cares to be academic, or can provide meaningful critique of an academic or authoritative nature with "intrinsic quality" about the games we play.
You are a pretentious, wannabe pseud. Now go have some fun, kiddo.
>its either fun or rules, get with the program
>can you see the narrative im forcing? its right next to the false dichotomy
>shit ive gotta do my highschool analytics homework, my grades as so bad in that class
average nintendrone
Actually, saying something is fun is super fucking important to whether something is well designed.
The first step to it being well designed is diagnosing what emotions it is making you feel, and whether those are the desired emotions. Then you figure out exactly what in the design is causing those emotions.
So while "I think it is fun" is not very useful on its own, it is downright fucking essential to making a system that is enjoyable to play.