EDH/Commander General

Throw Your Life Away For Justice Edition

Last time on /edhg/: RESOURCES

>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their decks strategy and card choices.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commanders color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

>Also unofficial, also GOAT search interface.

>Thread Question
How did you end up picking the commanders that you use? Who are they and what made you decide to build a deck with them?

Attached: Sigarda, Heron's Grace_SOI.jpg (488x680, 122K)

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Ban sol ring

I get sentimental over cards Ive had for a long time. Chainer is the deck I've owned and kept around the longest. I improve the deck when possible and will keep it forever.

At the same time I build way too many decks and often take them apart after a few games.

How long do you have to play a deck before it becomes sentimental to you?

I just wanted to play Samurai.

Attached: Alesha.png (223x311, 136K)

>Thread Question
>How did you end up picking the commanders that you use? Who are they and what made you decide to build a deck with them?
I started at edh with a pretty basic sharuum deck a friend made to me. Then I got into artifacts so every deck i made was artifacts. Sharuum, Memnarch, Muzzio, Sydri, Daretti, and when Breya was spoiled, it was love at first sight.

Tbh i sometimes regret not gerting into green early, as I find it pretty fun in general. Now, if i tried to get all the staples and lands required, i'd need a pretty heavy investment

>How did you end up picking the commanders that you use? Who are they and what made you decide to build a deck with them?
my dream commander is 2-3 colors, 2-5cmc, and imposes some kind of bizarre deck building constraint which has a unique payoff. i try to have a diverse range of color identities amongst my decks and i avoid the more popular commanders.

I kick myself all the time for not buying a gaea's cradle when they were ~$70.

What's the first thing you do when constructing a deck? Do you have a careful process you follow or do you just throw a hundred cards together and call it done? I always find a cool commander then freeze up and have no idea what or how to start building around it.

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in the future you will probably kick yourself for not buying one when they were 300

I built a new Chainer deck and it felt so fucking slow. How much card draw are you running?

When a commander strikes my fancy, i get out a pad of paper, wrote down different categories and themes (ramp, draw, removal, etc) and stray jotting down cards that would go well. By the time I'm done brainstorming cards, i'll usually have about 120-150 cards, then I begin the agonizing process of cutting cards.

i go mana base and staples first. that gets me to about 45-50 cards. then i just figure out the theme of the deck and the goal of the deck. for roon it might be blink and pillowfort (?). then i would just focus in on good blink targets and pillowfort cards. or whatever else the theme might be.

>How did you end up picking the commanders that you use? Who are they and what made you decide to build a deck with them?
I love abusing ETB, LTB and sacrifice effects. And combos.

Attached: Kiki_Jiki.jpg (750x500, 183K)

I hate that you're absolutely correct.

I start with the cards I know I want in the deck because they're probably why I chose to build the deck, then I put in a basic ramp package, and then some of the best card draw in my colors, and then I add a removal package. After that, I fill in with fun or pet cards and some more consistency. Lands usually come in last.

>How did you end up picking the commanders that you use? Who are they and what made you decide to build a deck with them?

OG marchesa is the one I am most happy with, and has an answer other than something like "it's a general for artifacts.dec/lands.dec/whatever.dec."

Its a general that can facilitate an aggro game plan without being completely blown out by wrath's, is good at abusing etbs, and it gets rid of that problem I always have with decks that use the attack step, where your smartest play is to pick a guy and murder the shit out of him while ignoring your other opponents until you are done with killing the first guy, then doing the same to the next. Just because it's the best play doesn't mean I don't feel like an asshole for having a guy twiddle his thumbs and do nothing for a half hour or more. Dethrone, and a really good benefit for using it helps a lot to negate this.

nostalgia/being a hipster
i like playing with cards noone knows about and shit i used to play with when i was a kid

Does Innistrad worship Sigarda now?

>Thread Q
I built Xenagod because he's a fair and straightforward party god that lets me turn dudes sideways, and that's what i love doing. If i wasn't so poor/cheap, I'd build T&N and Grishoalbrand for modern, and Sneak and show for legacy.
Drana I built because big black mana is fun when paired with exsanguinate or torment of hailfire, and black card draw is dope. Also helps i had a shit ton of black staples.

Attached: Xenagod and Drana.jpg (2351x1763, 1.96M)

Sounds neat. I've been looking at Marchesa lists for inspiration recently. Mind if I take a peak?

I've always been very impressed with Conspiracy's multiplayer mechanics And how they influence the flow of the game. It makes me wonder why the commander product mechanics can't be more like them.

>that pic
I don't think Drana or Xenagos are very well suited for artifacts, user.

Agreed. Conspiracy is one of the most fun sets to sit down and play with people and it's added a lot of fun cards to Commander. All of the legends are pretty neat and are generally unique.

I'm lost dude, help me. Are you making fun of the quality? Because yea it's grainy af

You got it.

I’m having a ton of fun with Elenda. It needs a little more card draw as is, but I’ve hit a nice amount of removal to recursion, I think.

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Go with lands and staples first, then work from there.
If I'm really lost I'll go to edhrec to look that pie graph that shows how many creatures/instants/sorceries/etc are in an average deck and use that as a skeleton to get going.

Good taste

Yea, i just found out about scryfall because I'm retarded

>How did you end up picking the commanders that you use?

It was the waifu factor. That, and RG is one of my favorite color combos.

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I'm looking for a good "kill everyone before you kill yourself" type of deck. A race against the clock/the potential suicide from your own deck, if you will. I want to abuse as much shit as I can to off the table while riding the knife-edge of my own doom. Any decks out there like this?

Thanks user, you're alright

>>Thread Question
I like to build a new deck that plays differently enough to every other deck that I have. I was doing building Scarab God zombie tribal but then I realized it played similarly to Meren which I already had so I put them together to make Sidisi. Sedris is my other reanimator deck but this one has a strong wheels subtheme and I have a lot of cards that synergize with draw and discard effects so this one is different enough to Sidisi. Kemba is my voltron/equipments deck and Breya is my hardcore artifacts deck so I doubt I'll build Daretti, Muzzio, new Jhoira, or any other voltron commander. Queen Marchesa is my pillowfort/tax/drain deck and Xenagod is my fatties/aggro deck. Ur Dragon is my dragons/tribal deck. I have a Mizzix deck too so Melek is out of the question but Im building Wort deck because its a spellslingers deck thats also a token deck because the spells make tokens. I'm also building an Animar Morphs deck because it just seems like it has a very different feel from a lot of other creature based decks. If you have any other decks that play differently to the ones I posted let me know because I feel like I'm running out of commanders to brew with.

How do you play around the fact that she doesn't technically "die" (meaning you don't get your Vamp tokens) unless you choose for her to go to the graveyard rather than the command zone? Asking because I love her but I'm having trouble making a deck of her.

Why not Atarka, World Render + pumps?

Wait for Dominaria and TORGAAR

>Waifu material

Intet is superior Dragon Waifu.

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Sure thing

I actually dig the deck so much I'm foiling it out, I highly recommend it to anyone that wants to go aggro without using tokens.

I put her in Karlov. She's a great Sunbond target, but I haven't had a chance to play her yet.

Not him, but I always put her in the graveyard. Then include recursion (Haakon, oversold cemetery, etc) and also stuff to remove her from the graveyard (stonecloaker, relic of progenetis).

>Thread question
I started playing when Fate Reforged came out. I bought a box with a friend and had all these dragons I wanted to use. I had a hard time making a 60 card kitchen table deck out of all my 1 and 2-ofs and my friend told me about EDH and recommended Scion of the Ur-Dragon. Made that deck, had my fun, Ur-Dragon came out a few years later and I converted over to that. The deck is my baby and I love it.

Cards you wish were legendary?

Attached: 42[1].jpg (312x445, 61K)

Thanks, user.

we all know this one should have been legend

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This was actually 100% supposed to be legendary, according to MaRo, but they couldn't fit it all on the type line.

>b-but the typeline doesn't have room

t. Rosewater

If the card type was Aura instead of Enchantment, they could have made it Legendary Aura Creature. Also, Aura Creature sounds much cooler than Enchantment Creature.

I usually go for a theme and realize most of the cards are bad. Then slowly strip them away to make room for good cards.

>Card is “heavily played” at a $10 discount

Should I take it? At that listing I feel like I’m giving up my right to complain.

I have bought cards at HP and recieved SP when buying at Cardkingdom.

TCGplayer? Take it. I've ordered HP reliably, and very rarely does the card that arrives actually look at all battered or worn, usually they'd *probably* make the grade of MP but the seller doesn't want bad feedback from some asshole with a loupe and a PSA rubrick.

depends on the card

>usually they'd *probably* make the grade of MP
... or even LP really. Last one from me was a copy of Lich that looks about as good as any Unlimited card I've seen and saved me like 20 bucks over LP.

That's not how trypes work. Aura is a subtype, and only appears alongside Enchantment. Also, if it was a base Aura, there would be rules issues (creatures can't attach to each other, and Auras are tied to enchant), and Bestow works bette this way, so there is no reason to change it for one card

The best remedy for the problem is to use a characteristic-defining ability i.e. "Chromanticore is legendary" in the text box, or for any of its types/subtypes. Clunky, but worth it

I'm in the process of building deck right now after ten years plus of being out of Magic entirely.

Right now it is a mono-black Vampire Night / Zombie Apocalypse Deck. Only thing I am really lacking is someway to destroy artifacts and enchantments. Any advice on how to do that?

And what would be a good commander for this kind of deck?

The best remedy for this problem would be a smaller font for this card's type line.

cheap, fun, and fairly competitive. only upgrade i would need is expensive mana rocks for fairyland t1/2 wins, but barely effects gameplay otherwise. i got tired of how linear and predictable Krenko is.

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>How did you end up picking the commanders that you use? Who are they and what made you decide to build a deck with them?

Bought the Oloro Precon back when it was new. Immediately split it into Oloro's Deck and the Esper Artifacts deck. Reinforced the latter with random scraps from my collection and dropped Sydri in the zone over sharuum because sweet Terese art and she could make literally anything work at least a little.

"Fuck being focus fired from turn 1 all the fucking time, I'm building politics and forcing somebody else to take the heat for a moment."


Wanted the Wizard deck for Mairsil and misc supplies, decided to build Inalla Magical Girls as a budget side brew, and it was unreliable enough to be fun while still doing shit.

>How did you end up picking the commanders that you use? Who are they and what made you decide to build a deck with them?
I built toshiro because his ability was really interesting, and I stuck with him for nearly 5 years now because black instants are super fucking fun.

y'know, I was gonna say that it wouldn't be readable, but I think it takes up less space than Neheb the Eternal's typeline. the fuck?

Worse art, more linear deck, weaker to removal. Also sort of outclassed by Xenagod, while the dragonlord version doesn't have any direct upgrades.

Temur is pretty hot too, user, but dragonlard atarka is a repeatable removal spell who's also an 8/8. And when she gets removed, they're just giving me access to the removal spell again.

>Thread Question:
>Bruna Light of Alabaster.
Because muh dick, and because I like enchantments and hitting face for massime damage.
I needed something to beat my friend's competitive Proshh when we play 1v1.
It also taught me that it's nice like being on the other side of counterspell hell every once in a while.
I play many other decks just for variety but overall I'm a brainlet that likes a nice linear gameplan I can follow each time.

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Either MaRo was lying through his nose that they thought it should be legendary in design, or WotC learned from their mistake with chromanticore and figured out how to use smaller fonts.

Personally I think the former is more likely; wotc is incapable of learning from its mistakes.

I'm actually gonna say the latter; while I could definitely see lying, they haven't really messed with shrinking font that much before the reprint of Animate Dead in EMA. So I think they were hesitant to do it until they realized a bit didn't hurt.

Still really dumb

>Thread question
I figure out exactly what kind of deck I want to build. Tribal, reanimator, mill, spellslinger, whatever. What cards I want to build the deck around. Then I look through my collection and EDHRec and figure out which commander suits that deck best.

Right now, I'd say Selenia is your best bet. The other suggestion of Torgaar looks solid, since he can pad your life total back out for more self-harm.

I need some advice or card recommendations or something for a deck. I've got a Sek'Kuar deck built around sacrificing creatures mainly, but I want to change it.
I basically want a deck based on this idea: "The shaman was feared by all Terisians for his unpredictability and savagery."
Like unpredictable, can aggressively win out of nowhere. Any suggestions?

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Suicide Black with Toshiro. I added in all the risky instant speed tutors like Spoils of the Vault and Demonic Consultation, and it's been a fucking blast, and extremely competitive.

Got a list?

Fine taste.
The idea of swinging in with an abserdly powerful creature with every protection fathomable is what made me build her.

>Oona, queen of the fae
Shes pretty and so are the faeries
>Patron of the moon
Its weird and seems like a real fun thing to build around. And its art is awesome, kaimigawa is just fun.

SPAWN YOUR CULT AND SAC THE ALL TO THE GOD. Very fun, all the creatures you have have die effects so board wipes dont hurt you as much as most go wide strats

When i first started playing my small group had her floating round and it was one of the most powerful so i wanted to have one for my self.

some kind of sac loop with myr retriever and a few other cards that do the same while having enough mana to loop it. parallel lives and purp can help with etb damage, token amount, and pump the elementals, but at a certain point its just redundancies to ensure the win. pic related can ensure you can swing right away at least if you dont have a haste enabler or a damage enabler on the field.

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Not an updated one on tapped out, and I'm about to go to bed. Here's the last one I put on there that's legal. Of note, the mana base is off, and was from before the mulligan change. Also instead of 14 snow covered swamps, I cut it down to 4 snow-covered and 4 non-snow covered, with nonbasics filling it out. This lets me run Tainted Pact, which is fucking amazing, with a very low risk.

I think when making this list I was testing out a potential storm win, which IIRC was possible, but not that good. Later lists stick with Hatred, Repay in Kind, and big mana life drain

Put her in the Graveyard, recur her with stuff like Hell’s Caretaker, Marshal’s Anthem, or Gift of Immortality. Dusk to Dawn is great, pretty much takes care of everything and returns Elenda to your hand. Use stuff like Relic of Progenitius to exile it from your graveyard and put her back the Command Zone. Get some stuff like Vona’s Hunger and Merciless Executioner. A couple of Sac outlets. Bam, you’ve got a deck.

>How did you end up picking the commanders that you use? Who are they and what made you decide to build a deck with them?

I've yet to decide, played a bunch of other people's decks but have absolutely no idea what I want to do. Apparently for my LGS, tribal is too dumb, combo is too boring, stax is too evil, aggro is too weak, and hug is too format breaking. So what the fuck am I supposed to do?

>4 card combo which requires 12 mana to pull off
wow nice combo man

We're talking about artifacts, user. Welcome to the real Johnny's world.

I just choose X where X equals what I like flavor-wise and then build a deck doing what the thing I like (X) does the best. E.g. I like dinosaurs therefore I’m gonna build a dinosaur deck and do what dinosaurs do best, whatever that may be. Or it could be Eldrazi or fucking squirrels, whatever you like. Then just build a deck around it and make it as best as possible. Does everyone not do this?

What commander is the most "extra turns" commander that isn't narset?

Why not play Neheb and never end your turn because you have infinite combat steps instead?

Welp, that's getting slapped into Karn

play UW taigam and rebound all your extra turn spells

>t. non-artifacts player

ive seen riku decks take an extreme amount of turns

they could have easily fit the word legendary on the type line if they had just gone with a different creature type than manticore.

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>dragon tittys on old dragons
>new female dragons look like the males
End me

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have fun with my list, user

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Wait, Intet's a lady? Fuck she THICC

Edric flying men is extra turns as fuck. You jam every extra turn spell into the deck and rock a fuckton of flying men. You attack with your guys, and they draw you a bunch of cards, which is an extra turn spell and more flying men. You play the flying men, dig deeper with them, draw more turn spells and flying men, repeat.

it could have problems with having one be an enchantment and one a creature and the legend rule in non singleton

Attached: Wanted to play mono blue because I think blue is more interesting when it doesn.pdf (PDF, 281K)

Why the fuck is this a PDF. Also, are we posting our commanders now?

Attached: Commanders Jan 30 2018.png (1461x450, 1.71M)

I need some advice, /edhg/.

I have a few low-budget decks that I'm trying to upgrade over time. Currently I'm running Alesha, Gishath, Ezuri, Wort the Raidmother, and Dralnu.

Dralnu, Lich Lord is my favourite but also by far the weakest of my decks. What are some must-haves/wincons for him? I'm also struggling to find any effective ramp that will let me stay ahead of the fine-tuned precons a lot of my playgroup are running with.

I have no idea what these are and I never will, what the fuck were you thinking with this file format

Extra turn spells are generally pretty good with him. Rise From the Tides is good for making a bunch of dudes.

As for ramp, it shouldn't be too hard to just shove the normal mana rocks in. Signet, Talisman, Thran Dynamo, Gilded Lotus, etc. Maybe Coffers and Urborg if you've got enough land tutors.

Whatever you do, include this card.

Attached: 133.jpg (312x445, 71K)

Bad decisions.dec? Hidetsugu, damage doublers, ways to pay odd life totals.

If you want to ride the razors edge and gamble the game away play timesifter, the salt will be completely unreal, win or lose.

>new female dragons look like the males

You take that back! Atarka is a THICC 8/8 and doesn't have a beard like the male dragons of her brood

Attached: image.png (482x644, 681K)

Good on you for playing mono colors.