I'm writing up a fantasy golden horde, what do I need to know to give off the right feeling?
I'm writing up a fantasy golden horde, what do I need to know to give off the right feeling?
Everyone eats sheep and only sheep.
Make them sheepgirls and thus cannibals.
Four horses to a rider and they don't consider non-nomads entirely human.
Make them nomadic goat people with centaur gods
This but less retarded. Make them a race of horned people. Horned people are cool.
All warriors are archers, and plenty of non-warriors are also archers. Most of the tribe are warriors as well; and literally everyone big enough to ride a horse can ride a horse.
All the homes and places are quick to set up and disassemble. They're also pretty light - not everything is light enoough to be carried by a human, but everything is light enough to be carted around via horse unless it's some religious site that doesn't move.
Religion is pantheistic with an emphasis on the sky, the plains, or the horses themselves. Historic mongols went the sky route, IIRC. Either way, horses are the lifeblood of the tribe - they gather grains and steal food from the people they raid, but the staple foods are horse milk and cheese and flesh. Horse bone is probably as common as wood for anything it's reasonable to make out of horse bone - sometimes you just need wood, but bone would be more plentiful and easy to get, since the really old horses are being slaughtered all the time. There's also herds of other sorts of animals, but horses are the big thing. Think of it like modern cell-phones; if you don't have one you a broke-ass bitch.
The leadership consists of a bunch of Khans who answer to a bigger badder Khan, who rules the whole shindig. If this is post-division, there's also a bunch of neighboring hordes who are blood related but total fucking tossers who are fair game to kill the fuck out of. Nobility is strongly linked to how much shit you cart back home after killifying white people, preferably without losing your horse. You do that by being an archer and never leaving your horse, thus stymieing the masterrace through your cunning use of circles. Ignore /pol/ish REEE and put an arrow down their throat so you can take their gold, fancy toys, womyn, and potted plants. Then you shall return as a chad.
Didn't the Golden Horde convert to Islam?
I thought they converted to Finns?
So we've created a caste system and a universe with a basic religious idea
kinda but not really. Most around the alania / kuban region were orthadox, likely know them as the cossacks. The tartars were / kinda are islamic, but in the sense that they kept their pagan bits. Kind of like how a northern african may be a mud, but still buy fetishes and charms to ward off / honor spirits. Helps that they were used to fight against other muslims so often they never really bought the dar-al-islam shit.
Make the centaurs have the sheep people ride them with reverse facing saddles. Its literally another person to hold a bow so why not. Like a living, automatic bow turret on your back.
They need to have some kind of ritual where the most powerful clan leaders gather to fight their most powerful warriors, a big competition, a medieval tournament that's really barbaric. Every so many years so the reigning Khan can make sure the other Khans are keeping their warriors well trained.
you mean the nerge? Basically a great mass hunt to show who is the coolest and have a big ass feast.
More like the Nadaam is what I meant but a giant hunt sounds good too.
Naadam* I have shamed my ancestors
>sheep think they can ride the Great Thunders of the Steppes
Why don't you go back your heretic "gods" of the Golden Fleece
>still buy fetishes
Excuse me?
Pepe arrived late to the party once again.
African charms. Not the /d/ sort of fetishes, at least any more than anything is a /d/ fetish.
A fetish is a piece of pagan or sorcerous paraphernalia, often a totem of some kind.
Like, voodoo figures, fertility idols, carved bone bling.
Fetish is one of those words with two very different meanings.
Better not be a bald man in mozambique, mon.
Why is Veeky Forums so stupid?