Tell me what happened on your last session, Veeky Forums. Did things go as expected?
Tell me what happened on your last session, Veeky Forums. Did things go as expected?
Other urls found in this thread:
Punched a man through a tree
Beat up a burning building
Made several puns
Got caught in a civil war
Didn't expect it, but liked it
One of my friends wrestled a demon and suplexed him in mid air
Our heros ventured forth into the forest.
Half the party had a tense standoff with an unknown group and one of the guys from the other part of the party got molested by a tree octopus.
We sold a Tyrannosaurus from a random encounter that the Druid had charmed to an ancient queen to trade for an important component for an Aaracockra ritual. We expected this plan to fail so we had the rogue steal the component while she was evaluating the T-Rex. Things kind of went to shit when she actually fell for the ruse and discovered the plant was gone. We had to fucking book it out of there and now she's likely looking us potentially with a Tyrannosaurus in her thrall
t. turok
Had to pull a punch because I accidentally though my players could take on a Wraith and it rolled a crit on its first attack and would have one shot the monk which could have killed him outright if he failed the save.
Good thing I don't show them my rolls.
>secured the youngest princess
>fought our way through SO MANY DEMONS
>dragged her out of the citadel
>had a well-earned rest
>my character is the only female
>have to sleep alongside youngest princess
>have to dress alongside youngest princess
>have to bathe alongside youngest princess
>have to accompany youngest princess while she relieves herself
>all in the name of duty and dignity
>GM emphasizing how much she looks up to and adores my character
>/ll/ is the fetish of mine that surpasses diamonds on the mohs scale
You must show the princess the taste of sweeter fruits, user
Damn it user that is not help, that is the opposite of help
Sometimes help comes in mysterious, dripping wet, ways user.
Last session:
>sorry guys I can't show up
>me either
>hey well I was gonna show but if they're not showing I'll not bother
>session is cancelled
Session before:
>same as above
send help
We were playing shadowrun. It was basically a milkrun designed to test out the new mage (our old one died recently). For a few details about him:
>elf chaos mage/face combo
>coked out of his mind most of the time
>ziggy stardust-esque fashion sense
>minor fame from "his past in the adult trideo industry" (the player's own words)
Started out with meeting with Mr. Johnson (who was pointedly trying not to remember that he knew our guy's face from "Ork Teens Love BEC"), and then continued into a job to reacquire some guns that a gang had stolen. It ended with our rigger hijacking a minivan full of firearms and us driving off into the sunset with them. Good times were had by all, except the thieves we stole from.
Last session
>Mind controlled a bunch of bandits to attack themselves
>Pissed off a Fae noble
>Repelled a Fae ambush
And now to rescue our kidnapped friend
>Grognard barbarianbeats up a homeless man because the elf slipped an alchemic potion in his drink
>Turns out the 'homeless' looking man was a much loved priest on a pilgrimage
>Church is now after us
My group started clearing out a bugbear complex and actually took heavy damage for once, and got angry saying I was "overcompensating" for the group's damage dealing with the encounter, even though they won through smart tactics (sundering was actually useful in PF, since these bugbears' bows did loads of damage), because one of the characters does a shitload of damage. Despite the fact that it was an EL 12 encounter and they are a group of level 9s and 8s. It's almost as though I don't want to go through the requisite 5 to 6 encounters required to wear down a Pathfinder party and would rather just do a few powerful ones.
they killed the BBEG and now face the decision of what to do with the world
2 years long campaign, next session is the clincher
We defended a town from a raiding party of lizard men, though we were unable to take one alive to interrogate the location of their camp from.
My character then ran around and helped heal or perform last rites for the civilians. I also took a lizardman corpse and cut the flesh off so I can raise it as a skeleton. Hope it can lead us to their camp.
Why does one of your party members have ZARDOZ over his dick?
The party discovered that most world banks and governments by extension are controlled by lizard people living inside of the earth and have been using NASA to plant rockets on the moon that push it into a permanent eclipse over the sun
This combined with directed nuclear war will plunge humanity into chaos so that the reptilians can take over the world
Elon Musk is planning to create a tech utopia that he controls with an iron fist and has enhanced himself to superhuman levels using nanomachines, son.
Basically the sun is going out and everyone is going to die. The only chances of survival is to invade the hollow earth and live off the Reptilian sun's light
lvl. 3 party angry due to deadly brown mold (the cold kind). I'm pretty sure I adequately warned them ("it absorbs heat around it and is very dangerous"). Did like 20 damage (I fudged it from 4d10 to 3d10) and knocked out the wizard (who was in front and was healed with little difficulty). He got pissy, and I'm wondering if I did the right thing?
You gave them too much warning. Dude is being a bitch, unless it wss entirely out of the blue
I like to warm them up with some midly dangerous stuff so they become suspicious of anythung strange at sight.
Killed some undead. Broke up a makeshift arena fight an slaughtered a probably captive elf for Grummsh and almost got destroyed by some wraiths. I failed a save and instantly had my Max health halved. Thank fuck it was AL and the option to pussyfoot out was there
>Party has one of the BBEG's undead lieutenant's tied up in a dungeon while they exhausted
>Lieutenant is also the Paladin's mom
>Barbarian and Paladin #2 want the two to make up before they murder them while Paladin #1,#3 and Mystic want to murder the shit out of her
>It ends with an awkward compromise with Paladin #1 giving up his divine powers so she moves on peacefully rather than getting a proper smiting
>They go back to their primary town and exPaladin wants to get a canon leg to replace his missing foot
>The rest of the party go to check on Paladin #2's wife at a bakery
>exPaladin goes back to his house alone and he's planning on writing a book on War
It was a clustfuck of a session, I felt like I was doing bad but I think my players had fun for the most part. Paladin #2 is a bit disappointed since trying to find Paladin #1's happiness was a major goal of his. Then the barbarian is sad that everyone he grows close to in the party leaves him.
The PCs found the hidden Khainite temple they've been seeking, and got into a scrap with a manticore guarding it. Thanks largely to murderously good rolls and a magic weapon they earned the hard way ages ago, they quickly killed it, though not before it got a decent lick in.
>Party encounters a room that gives images of people's hearts desires or something
>My character meets bishop of her order giving her recognition
>Fate of members of her order is to eventually go insane and be put down
>Knows an accepts this
>Also knows signs of insanity hasn't shown yet
>aw hell naw.jpg
>Backpedals out of the room
>Tries to drag party out of room for their own safety
>Instead of rolls or anything, GM fiat puts her standing there listening to multiple different conversations as if they were convincing that nothing is wrong here
>ohok this is my character I guess.
Three people died the previous session so we all introduced our new characters and found our reason to join with the party on on their quest.
Two people have outs and leave, one before combat starts and the other mid-combat. DM had already started shit and the enemies were balanced around a full party.
>mfw my crit samurai kills 4/6 astral deva and the final two surrender.
to be fair, the DM did pull a bunch of punches on some of our allies, otherwise our poor witch and summoner would have been fucking obliterated.
My players:
-Finished up the caverns from last session.
-Befriended an ogre after some high rolls and accepted him as an ally despite him needing 12 bodies a day to consume
-Also rp'd their way through high level encounters for the rest of the night which made me run out of content faster than i expected.
-They were basically chummy with evil dudes who a good party would of attacked on principle.
Going forward, I'm not exactly sure how to run an evil party in Storm King's Thunder. Need to flesh out Waterdeep for the session after next, it's where most of my work is going into. I just need more stuff that an evilish party would be into.
Since my DM let me be a Skeleton mage, i did lots of skeleton stuff, also im preparing a conspiracy with my skelebros
Shit went better than expected
>All-paladin party in Barovia
>Find Vladimir Hoorngaard, the second-in-command for a paladin order that fell from grace hundreds of years ago
>Now just a revenant, a shell of his former being. He's trying to keep Strahd alive indefinitely so he suffers forever.
>Players try to convince him to fight Strahd, he doesn't budge, commands them to leave
>They find a piece of a journal written by his superior, from way back
>Our bard-multiclassed paladin decides to read it for him
>Amazingly done reading ensues
>Everyone promises to bring the leader's skull to the crypt where it belongs
>Vladimir is left pondering on his throne, holding the piece of paper
Vladimir's soul will pass with the other paladins once the skull is brought back, but because of the care the players took into really just helping this old man, I prepared an answer from Vladimir to the players already, written on the other side of the piece of journal.
And once his soul is come to pass, part of his will from hundred years, and the newfound purpose before his passing, will imbue itself into his greatsword. Normally just a +2 Greatsword in the module, but fuck it, it's the motherfucking Holy Avenger now. Where else but from having the will of an ancient paladin would you get such an artifact?
We have an older guy at our table who's been playing DnD since forever. He recently got on the 5e train and, after rolling a normal fighter, made a Paladin of the Ancients/Hexblade multiclass. He's since become the liveliest and most terrifying force on the table.
Last session, it was discovered that he hasn't had a copper piece on him since the first session. He took the Retired Adventurer background, instead, and has been relying entirely on people his character had saved way long ago. Someone would roll through with a pie and offer him a slice. Another would buy a round at the tavern and slide him a mug. Maybe he'd have a burnt-up cloak, and someone would replace it with a new one for him.
It's not that we didn't run into any treasure. It's just that he's good with numbers and insisted on dividing the loot, not taking any for himself because he knew he didn't need it. But then he lost his elephant, and was inconsolable for days. We just suggested buying a new one when we hit the next major city, and that's when we learned how penniless he was.
Suffice to say, we pooled our cash and made an adventure out of finding an elephant for sale in medieval fantasyland not!Europe.
The party almost collapsed tunnels on themselves, then killed a dragonborn priest of Tiamat. Now they want to go north so they can get more gems to enchant so they can build and power a giant railgun. I wonder how they'll react when they find out this whole side quest is just a distraction from the important stuff their enemies are doing.
Nice. Only question is how Strahd will react. This seems like the kind of thing he would notice, and he isn't exactly paladins' biggest fan.
Did this wing of White Plume Mountain
This is my first time doing D&D(well pathfinder technically), we’ve done about 8 sessions so far once a month
Playing a Elf Ranger (pls no bully) and I blasted a bunch of shit with my arrows, almost fell down some traps but otherwise had a great time
>The party discovered that most world banks and governments by extension are controlled by lizard people
Our fighter cut herself in half and came back looking like a devil due to the GMs whack ass reincarnation tables but on the plus hand we managed to steal two airships, so that's cool.
Our party traveled for 9-10 days into the underdark looking to get help from a beholder against an Illithid stronghold. Get to the damn thing and it demands an arm and a leg in terms of gifts and magic items in order to cooperate.
Needless to say, most of the party is premium mad and vows to butcher the shit out of that floating asshole once we get back, TPKs be damned.
First session of a brand new Edge of the Empire campaign. Our quartet got called in by one of Jabba's lieutenants because one of his teams screwed up a deal. Now their ship was in Imperial impound and they were being evasive about what went wrong. That got them gunned down just as we arrived. The pitch was the guy wanted his cargo, and if we got the ship out too it was ours to keep.
So we get to the planet and the PC with a chip on his shoulder about the Empire is eager to sneak into impound, hotwire the ship, and blast off leaving the Imperials with a stupid look on their faces. A quick tally of the party's skills shows that we have no one with a single rank in Skulduggery, Stealth, Computers, or Mechanics. The "steal the ship out of impound" plan is shelved.
Instead we poke the local underworld and find out that the former crew had hired a local slicer before meeting with the Imperials. Meeting with the Imperials to bribe them for the cargo was part of their mission. Bringing a slicer was not. So we decide to gamble that it was the crew that screwed the deal and go meet with the Imperial garrison commander.
Turns out the commander has been losing sleep because the slicer gummed up his base systems and if it doesn't get fixed soon it's going to bring in ImpSec people who'll uncover his side deals. So he's more than happy to do the original deal of "bribe for cargo" if we can get the slicer to fix things. Even pulls the slicer out of detention for us to try and talk into helping.
Oh look, the slicer's a stimhead, now in withdrawal for being in detention the last few days. Luckily we have a PC doctor with a medkit who fixes him up enough to talk. He spills the old crew was trying to run a side deal to hack some Imperial schematics for the Black Suns. That's why they didn't want to explain things to the boss.
The Blue Mage sacrificed his 9th rapist to Madeen (one of the good, if vengeful gods) via a smelter, for no other reason that he has a hatred of rapists and pedophiles. The GM mentions that the Blue mage hears laughter every time he does so, and it's getting louder.
The chemist successfully managed to revive several child casualties of a demon attack, and unnerved the local authorities when he explained he just wanted to see if he could actually do so.
The Dark Knight and White Mage finally fucked.
The Black Mage and Monk spent most of their time craftwhoring to hell and back. Roughly ten battles worth of money later, they'd upgraded the party's equipment and gave everyone nasty special effects.
The slicer was in the middle of the job when his last fix wore off, which is why he goofed and tripped the alarms. He also swears the only way to un-gum the system is to let him hack complete and download the schematics. Well, that's not what we agreed to with the garrison commander, but the slicer swears if we get him a fresh fix he can cover his tracks.
It's a risk, but it's the best plan we've got, so we fix him up. And he does it, barely. So as promised our doc goes to put him in a medical coma so we can fake his death and smuggle him off-world, as promised. Only, oops, bad roll and instead the shot overloads his system so he falls over dead. But at least it looks like a natural heart attack from an OD, and he already did his job so no one cares much.
We shove the bribe into the Imperial's hands so they let us out of impound with the cargo. We shoot a quick apology to the local crime boss that his slicer's dead, but it totally wasn't our fault here look at the med scans. Then we high tail it home to give our own boss his cargo AND the Imperial schematics the Black Suns had wanted as a bonus. He's happy, we have a new ship, and we didn't even have to fire a shot.
We told the wizard to stop ball-hogging and exploding everything before anyone got a chance to do their stuff, and he agreed.
Thirty minutes later, we immediately requested he resume exploding everything as we grossly underestimated how many undead could fit into one crypt.
Dude had like, seven fireballs prepared. All of them were used to cover a retreat.
Fortified a feudal village in preparation for a Necron attack, Techpriest blew his own arm off trying to make Laslocks to arm the villagers with, Ogryn jumped on a Commissar.
Saved three eggs from a burning dinosaur island
Killed a small demon
Befriend a lot of spiders to help me fight a giant
Dumb wizard lost our ship
Have a (You).
Can't wait for the cultists to get massacred. It'd be hilarious if we were at the wrong location and the whole ritual took place elsewhere though.
We returned to a shitty village where our first quest took place. First quest was clearing up the cult, we kinda went overboard, burning some huts down, breaking some legs, reading some gospel with Thaumaturgy assistance.
Now this fucking village has another cult, dedicated to our cleric.
We also encountered the BBEG, Milday DeWinter mixed with a pissed of bear, whos party was at least lvl 5(we were lvl3). It was supposed to be a simple case of secret police takin some quest items off of us. But fucking cleric Thunderwaved the very second one of NPCs put a sword to someone's neck. We barely made it out alive.
A d20 was smashed after literally every roll (easily more than 20) the person made with it ended in failure.
I don’t want to give too specific details because I know some of my guys browse TG, but they’ve been progressively wiping out the members of a group because they’re convinced that this group has committed certain activities.
In reality the group in question is innocent (at least of what they’ve been accused) and they PC’s have been misled by one of their own who is secretly a traitor.
There has been so many occasions when I’ve thought they’ve finally going to catch on that they’ve been betrayed, but whenever my asshole clenches thinking “okay, now’s the time they’ll ask those crucial questions and twig what’s going on” they just don’t and I’m grinning ear to ear behind my computer screen.
My DM for the game felt we needed a one off from our normal campaign to get us some xp before making us traipse through chult so we did a thing from the giants one where we made an alliance with an ettin. I failed the strength and a single drinking save but I rolled amazing in the others so I won. We silenced the noise that bothered the chief and my bugbear ranger took a wizards head.
Exactly as planned.
After a bit of investigating about people disappearing in the city our group chases after two thieves into the sewers.
>Barbarian and Bard get nibbled by a ratswarm, both get sick but bard gets the only cure for the desease.
>Party accidentally burns down peaceful shroom-people colony out of paranoia. we felt kinda bad when the bigger one started to scream about his children.
>Thieves turn out to be a clan of wererats with a affinity for traps, Our party proceeds to fall into each one of them.
>We manage to subdue one of the wererat thieves for interrogation. The barbarian gets bit for the trouble.
>Found an knocked out the leader of the thieves, a werewolf, Barbarian has it tied and slung over their shoulder, Party wants to check out loot room, Barbarian tries to hurl the werewolf over the pit trap.. but actually just throws the creature in killing it instantly. Find no clues or valuables among the loot in the loot chambers
The Barbarian was pretty pissed end session.
From the events of the session before last:
>Whole party hits up a club to feed
>My character (Tzimisce "Anarch") has to keep the Brujah Anarch from losing his shit after an altercation with a mortal
>Said Brujah goes into a Frenzy anyways, but we get it under control
>We crash at his place, party members have a bit of soul-searching with each other, asking about motivations and thoughts on being Kindred
>My character reveals that for the past year, the entirety of her being a Kindred thus far, she has zero memory of it. No idea why or how, just doesn't.
>Party decides, against reason, to head down to Mexico to face her Sire and make him answer.
Fast forward to this session...
>Party essentially gets into a mosh with a bunch of Anarchs at a small metal concert
>Highlights include my character ripping off someone's face, stealing a pipe out of someone's hands mid-swing and then nailing herself in an attempt to spear-throw it at them, and other members just generally getting really good rolls in the scrap
>The Kindred we were looking for gave us a location, Monterrey, just north of Mexico City, ran by the Archbishop, my character's Sire, and the Priscus, a Salubri who's the rival of her Sire and wants both of them dead.
How do I feel about it? Tense.
Our group of ronins were stopped at the gates of town and were prohibited from exiting because apparently the travel papers were not up to date.
Then they were approached by a real magistrate of the Crane, who helped them get the magistrate in charge of issuing travelling papers from this town convicted for corruption and removed from his post. The two samurai women had to seduce him and they are very much opposed to anything sexual, so that was hard for them... but they managed nonetheless: the corrupt magistrate has been beaten up and arrested and now the group has a Great Clan samurai to travel with. Things are looking up.
Good question. I'll probably drop in an additional encounter with him, trying to fuck the players up before they come fpr him.
The only peoblem lies in the fact that the players have disabled Strahd's teleportation device. It requires throwing specific stones to a brazier, and these fuckers just straight-up took all the stones.
Probably going to pay them a visit with Beucephalos, if they ever decide to camp outside of town...
Our Druid became catatonic after witnessing the true form of an old forest God, my Ranger lost his arm to bandits and our Paladin died in a swamp.
It's been a rough week.
We learned that one of my players has been drinking a fifth of gin every time we sit down for a session. I mean, it's not like he was downing it all in one go or anything, but I still consider it super surprising that he's been doing this for three years and nobody noticed.
We secured a passage on a reckless ship.
My character got to work in the worm pit.
The gods seem angry with us and just showed up with a stormshow. Whops.
Hi Eos
The Storm mothers are angry because captain Cockula didn't offer them something in order for them to overlook the passing of two women on board. Also, none of the sailors even approached you in order to ask you to dress as a man to confuse them. So they are to blame just as much.
my player with a broken build died to a swarm of insects due to getting critted twice and then rolling 1 on his death saving throw.
Ancient Derugar keep, recovered piece of armor. DR 6 on the ground is nothing to shake a stick at.
They killed 3 giant spiders, then talked to some dwarves, looked at a gelatinous cube and poked some pillars with their fingers to get flashbacks.
We're playing dwimmermount, they were supposed to fight a *lot* on this level, instead the dwarves gave them a guided tour. Not what I had in mind, but the players seemed to love it.
Last week was a side story session as one player couldn't make it. It went about as expected, players roughed up some cultists spreading a plague, killed their leader and trashed their water tainting artefact
-rather than killing a kobold distracted by a chest my party instead decided to shove him inside the chest and lock it. They made him fit with a nat20.
-burned down a slaver ship rather than stealing the captains gold.
-told an innkeep they didnt know what a boat was when questioned about it the next day.
RIP user
>My sides at "grossly underestimated how many undead can fit in a crypt"
We got in a big fight with some demons. Apparently the largest couldn't be defeated so we had to run away, after triggering a cave-in. After some rest and further dungeon exploration we stumbled upon a large room with infernal runes inscribed on the floor. And were locked in it by some madman barbarian.
Two members of the party were nearly killed by Strahd. CoS suggests that he shows up to fuck up the party on occasion. So that’s what I had happen. I think I shouldn’t over do it though because otherwise pcs will die and Strahd will seem like more of a dick than a BBEG. Does Veeky Forums think Strahd should occaisionally attack the party for lulz?
They all took a pit stop at the places they lived and had a close call with some zombies and guys with flamethrowers. I Think I'm too easy on them but I do enjoy who they are playing so maybe that's a bad thing.
In a town guard campaign the players investigated the theft of a stolen farming plow to find that it had been accidently animated by the local hobo lich with super Alzheimers. They found the plow trying to murder some of the locals and ended up aggressively dismantling it.
We had a die like that at one point. Not only would it fail at the worst possible times, it would CRITICALLY fail almost every time that the roll was life-or-death. The fact that it was marked with the insignias of Cthulhu probably didn't help.
Got cancelled because GM got tied up with some things but we finally start another Dark Heresy 2nd Edition campaign after about a year of not playing due to our busy lives. I'll be playing a Feral World Guardsmen as a Warrior and our campaign is going to be set on an Imperial World getting overtaken by Tau. We had 2k starting XP so i got some good stuff like mighty shot, crushing blow, counter attack, and some other goodies along with acquisitioning a heavy stubber with sacred inscriptions. The other two players are Imperial World Adept Sage and a Forge World Mechanicus Warrior. Gonna be fun!
They're somehow still fucking around in the room they started in, talking among themselves about what they should do first
The monk beat the absolute shit out of an ankheg by himself while the rogue got eaten alive by mosquitos.
Spent more time dicking around than playing the game because dick-ass rogue somehow forgot that he had a doctor's appointment and we all agreed to just wait till he came back.
Not the strongest session, morale is low, and I feel like next week's game has to really blow the players out of the water or else the campaign will fizzle out completely.
Mostly if he has a reason, such as...
>PCs are protecting Ireena
>He knows they have the Tome
>They kill Beucephalos
>They light the Beacon of Argynvost