Warhammer 40000 General - /40kg/

Shouting down the Eldarfags edition

>Dark Eldar preview

>WHTV Tip of the Day:



>Old Black Library Mega:

>not doing your own math until you memorize the effectiveness of every unit and every weapon against every other conceivable enemy statline


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P.S -- as OP I need to say I also love farting, I goddamn love the smell of stinky swampy ass smelling turd farts. What's the stinkiest smearstinker you've ever made? I do love me some brapposting, and 40k is known for its farts! Wouldn't it be cool if Noise Marines guns farted instead of made noise? I bet it would smell and taste delicious, mhmm oh boy ooh my probably like curry and corn flying around out of their ass holes.

Any Admech anons run Vanguard barebones? I usually run Metalica and with plasma being so expensive and arc rifles being cheap but not really worth the loss in shots it doesn't seem like a bad idea


what did you get from adepticon?

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>Literally cannot stop playing with my list
This is getting annoying now, my thirst for perfection would be worthy of Slaanesh.
Initally it was an all-in force, with the most ranged gun being 18", but now it's becoming something of an Onion - layered threat ranges.

Can anyone help just put me out of my misery?

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I blob naked vanguard, get them the fuck up the field and unload the cancer. I only out special wepons in if I have spare points, and then it's usually arc rifles I leave plasma duty to the plasmaphrons

user please stop this

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When is the big march update? Isnt adepticon over?

Remember to paint, play and not shitpost.

And read as many books and codexes as you can so that you know the fluff.

Attached: Umbra Sumus.pdf (PDF, 1.41M)

Has anyone tried converting with the necromunda gang pieces? I want to try converting the Esher, Orlok and Goliath gangs into Chaos Cultists / Renegades / Genestealer Cultists.

Too Nurgle

xth for the True Kin

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It finished yesterday user, chill the fuck out.

only shit it run specials on is rangers for snipey boys. special weapons cost too much when you can just buy something else to do the job

Yea, my experience with plasma Vanguard hasn't been great. Even in a 10-man with 3 they just don't seem to do as much work as I expect, except it drives up their cost astronomically.

Haven't really had great work out of my plasmaphrons either but I've fought Custodes like a billion times and the last time was during that mission with a constant -1 to hit at 18" so I was just fucked from the get-go

>Can anyone help just put me out of my misery?

Sure thing, filthy Xeno lover.

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Stop spamming commanders and try some versatility to start.

Posted after the new thread link in the last thread, so I'll try again. Are Tau still boring to play against? Was thinking about getting into 40k but heard that games just involve chasing them while trying to survive; If you don't catch them in a few turns, you're screwed, otherwise you win. Is that true in 8th?

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Not in that sense
My primary army is DE and it seems we're getting fucked again anyway

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Give it a few hours, this is what's in it
>Hive tyrants are 1 per detachment
>Dark reapers are 1 unit per detachment
>Bobby g dropped 15 points
>Cloud of flies is up 1CP
>Beta rules for smite etc are now confirmed official

I turned some Esher into Slaanesh cultists, I assume the others would work just as well

Will the rules for smite make GK better or worse?

No. I've never had someone turn me down for a game. As long as you keep your list interesting and avoid spamming the same one trick, Tau are fun to play with and against.

My list isn't very optimised, but for plasmaphrons I run a 6 man squad with a Dominus. It helps with accuracy and their penchant for committing sudoku. With a -1 over 18" you want to be blowing CP on protocols so your skitarii is still hitting on 2+

>+1 warp charge for each attempt after the first
It'll get painful to try and cast

I play Krieg with a SM detatchmentpowergaming DE speeders and skiffs are my bane with their bullshit jinkingi still play 7th

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This is what i started with
I also keep thinking the Breachers are better than the Strike for what that list is for but i know the Strike will be better for holding mid range Objectives

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Fair enough. I like them (and Breachers), they're just a touch expensive. Bummer that the only way to get a +1 to hit on them is an expensive strat that requires Kastelans too

Out of curiosity, how do you pronounce Acothyst?

Which bell end got that decent mega with the FAQ updated codexes removed?


I've had great luck with plasma vanguard personally. But then again I've had shit luck with things like the Iccarus array so maybe I just play a bizzaro admech.

>>Bobby g dropped 15 points

Thought so. Thanks.

Why take marker drones over pathfinders?

(Genuine question)

Is this your dealbreaker for whether you get back into the game? Whether one of the many other armies in the game is boring to play against?

Most of my games recently have been against Custodes, who just roll that 4++ and don't die when they fail regardless, so I'm sure that's coloring my perceptions a bit. That said, I like having a bunch of disposable(ish) bodies on the board and they jump up the price a lot

Bobby G needs to cost 100 more.

Are Cuckstodes a plague now?

Marker drones can move and fire and are more resilient.

Bobby G needs to be entirely removed

It's the same guy, my local group is fairly small and he's just been who I've had the opportunity to play against.

Vior'la units can advance and shoot, hence if i keep them with the stealth suits i will effectively have full BS pathfinders that can run around when needed

Oh shit, ok thanks user, I hadn't accounted for that. I built my list back when I thought markerlights were assault. Time for a rethink (and a cry over how much time I've spent modelling and converting 20 pathfinders)

There's reasons to take both. Marker drones are more expensive and require controller support.

Ah, better. Are they as gamebreaking as they seem?


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I like this better. Use the stealth suits to hold objectives, make one or two units of FW strike and the rest breachers to give you the versatility.

Primarchs were a mistake

post your DKoK list and tell me if their playstle is fun

Not particularly. While I haven't done well against them, that's mostly because I suck. The biggest kicker has been the base guards with storm shields; Since I'm not playing Mars and my lists are a little limited atm I don't have the mortal wound output to really get around the 3++, so while the specialist units die relatively quickly, they get enough done that the nigh-unkillable guard finish me off or camp objectives.

My other buddy plays DG and just buries him under Poxwalkers and non-psychic mortal wounds and he folds by T3

You were a mistake user
but I still love you

I worded that poorly. I'm definitely getting into 40k, already bought Dark Imperium. Tau was top of my list but heard they can be anti-fun. I want something fun to play and play against.

I collect AdMech too...gotta start playing yet, I fear finding them pretty much everywhere. Guess a squad or two of Ruststalkers are a must against them

I don't really see Ruststalkers doing shit, they don't really tend to do that many mortal wounds. Electro-priests seem like a better option.

Only outside HH

>hightech headgear and mask
>fucking medieval chest plate armor
nice designing job, GW. this things look retarded

But daemon primarchs are swell.

But you have to spend CP for that, right?

Yeah Tau are kinda boring and the codex emphasises boring ways to play

What model are you talking about?

forgot image

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No, Fulgurites do D3 mortal wounds on a 6 to wound.

True, but my tactic is to zoom up the board turn 1, markerlight his big scary tank and then delete it before he can react. Starting to think marker drones would work better for that

You are forgetting about the Rule of Cool user. This is 40k, the setting itself is retarded and awesome. That must be seen in the models too

Ah fair enough that's a much better reason lol. No they're fun to play as and against now, as long as the Tau player is creative in his army composition. The rules allow for variety of units and playstyles, it just comes down to the player now.

From what I see on 40kgee these replaced the iconic kasrkin.

Why'd they do that??

Maybe 40k is not the setting for you.

You do realise that 40k has always been about mixing old and new design wise, right?

certain aspects of it, certainly
i-i just want right wing death squads

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Kasrkins are exclusive to Cadia, since a Kasr was their equivalent of a town/fortress.

Scions replaced Stormtroopers. Ease of copyright and new non metal models.

>Mfw Skitarii are baseline Guardsmen with +1BS

Moving all kits to plastic killed them off.
Kasrkin were unique to Cadians.
Most Regiments would employ Storm troopers (better looking imo).

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>That filename
>Bunch of skinnyfat cosplayers


>chest plates

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Fulgarites are better in almost every way for that job, unfortunately. They should actually make hilariously short work of them desu

Ah fair enough, thanks anons. Still a shame about the kasrkin

Fire Warriors would be a better comparison

It is noted that the kriegers chestplates are largely ornemental, unlike the scions armour, which is carapace armour, the best stuff non augmented "average" mortals can get in a mass produced manner.

They're Scions. Almost the exact same statline

that's a full prussian uniform, it matches. he'd look stupid wearing the same outfit with a darth vader mask though

Iirc, Skitarii and Guardsmen have literally the same stats with +1BS for the clanky gitz, and Skittles are augmented and nearly mindless. I see the balance reasons, but idk. Is not very fluffy

>Skitarii and Guardsmen have literally the same stats with +1BS for the clanky gitz

they also have a 4+ save instead of 5+, and a 6++ invuln, with longer weapons and 2x special weapons per 5

There's also the whole -1T aura that Vanguard have.

yeah but its not exactly common that they are within 1" to use it

>-1 toughness to an enemy you can't shoot
>your melee units either have exploding S8 attacks, S7 attacks with mortal wounds, or 5 billion S5 attacks

As someone who doesn't play either of these factions, they don't sound very alike at all lol

Except that aura is useless for 90% of cases.

It only works when you're in melee combat, which means putting your vanguard in melee, which is bad. Your other dudes can't shoot into the combat either.

Only good for helping fistellans or electro priests in combat.

Rangers are easily better than vanguard imo.

yeah so the same as guardsmen but with +1BS right?

How to survive 2x Ynari Dark Reapers who shoot 2 times thanks to Yvraine and other fag of a psyker?

Has anyone used daemon SUMMONING to any real effect? i want to play a pure thousand sons army as as all our daemon options can only be brought in as summons(else we lose our 6" extra range) i like the idea of springing up tarpits and being able to bring a box of random daemons to use at my discretion based on how the battle goes.

also if screamers are warptimed can they use their attack for flying over an enemy unit even tho the move technically happened in the psychic phase and not the movement phase?

Should've posted the one that he's aged in
What happened to Dunc anyway? Vacation I guess?

I thought one of the strengths of summoning would be to bring more units to the field while needing less turns of deployment in competition for first turn

By not playing whoever fields them

kill them or LoS block

Flip the table. Let's see the knife-eared faggot magic his way out of that one


He was mentioning differences between the units and that's a difference.
>Rangers are easily better than vanguard imo.
They both put out roughly the same damage against marines but Vanguard are outright better against hordes due to higher volume of fire. If the claim that Rangers are going back up to 8ppm is true then they're both pretty well even.

Really the -1T aura is fun when combined with the Graia warlord trait, even if it isn't exceedingly practical.

>extracting another mans seed
Apothecaries are gay

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