Do you ever have kingdoms ruled by creatures who aren't of the race that they are ruling over? For example...

Do you ever have kingdoms ruled by creatures who aren't of the race that they are ruling over? For example, an Elf kingdom ruled by a Dwarven king. Or a human kingdom ruled by a fairy. Or a kobold kingdom ruled by an angel.

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Sometimes. In one setting:
>elves are ruled by undead (elven ancestors)
>dragon rules a human empire
>ancient automaton guides the gnomes

I have a couple.

>Fae rule over the trolls, as trolls are bound by an ancient pact to serve the Fairy King.
>Orcs rule over a few tribes of Goblins, Hobgoblins, and Bug Bears.

United Kingdom

Well most "great" leaders were of different nationalities then there empire (for example Napoleon was from one of Italy's islands)
So one thing they might have is different mindset to the race they rule, giving them edge at times and hinderence at others.

Overall few concepts I can suggest:
Giant ruling empire of dwarfs could be fun.
Orcs ruled by a goblin (ok that one exists in WH fantasy but that setting is dead so we are free to use it)
Or heck - a kobold somehow pulling off rule over kingdom of dragonborns.

Napoleon was from Corsica, but it's a French island. It's close to Italy though.

Oh sorry my bad. Well I could still say like all Russias notable rulers were not russians or at leasts only had like 1/12 russian blood. (Stalin being from some small nation near Gorgia and not russian at all)

Culturally it's a mix of more Italian and French, but really Corsica is its own thing.

They were mostly not Russians and thats why they fucked up Russia and its people.

Yeah and this is why it will continue to be fucked up (even now someone who does not even have a single drop of russian blood rules it)

In my Earthdawn game my character hails from another land called Azura. The two largest groups there are humans and trolls, but the ruling queen is an immortal elf. Now the existence of immortal elves is a secret, but everyone knows she's an elf, they just think she's ageless because she's a powerful Nethermancer. Few people object to being ruled by her because she has protected Azura, made it prosperous, and lead it to victory over and over again.

The way she got to be in charge is, basically, she married the human man who formed the kingdom. Earthdawn doesn't do half-breeds, like if a human and a troll have children, you either get big-ish humans or small-ish trolls, but they're clearly one or the other, usually the mother's race. Curiously the queen's children were all human, people figure it's some kind of sorcery. Anyway her oldest kid takes takes over, and our elf becomes queen mother, a still powerful and respected position. Fast forward a few generations later, and everyone's gotten so used to having her around that she's just The Queen.

Funny thing about her is that she doesn't seem to like other elves. Those in her realm are only allowed to have a single ambassador in her court, and she generally treats other elves with extreme suspicion. Meanwhile she always has a human husband at her side, and keeps popping out more human kids every so often. People think she has a fetish for humans or something, but the truth is that the queen is a hardcore elf supremacist. The reason she's so down on other elves is because only an elf could possibly be a threat to her power. The reason she seems to like humans is that she thinks they are the perfect servant race, since they're good at pretty much anything, yet still easy to manipulate. The entire royal family is basically an extended breeding experiment for creating humans that are both more badass and more loyal than normal humans. Thus far she's succeeding.

Planetar rules over the kingdom by sheer absolute advantage.

Note that my character is not one of the Immortal Queen's brats. All that shit is just backstory. The character herself is the 10th child of a powerful and highly accomplished noble family. She decided to go adventuring somewhere outside Azura so she could make a name for herself without being overshadowed by her own family. Thus far, she's also succeeding.

It's sorta hinted at that the human empire is ruled by someone not human, still most speculate (including humans themselves) what it actually is. The human empire are not just ruled by one emperor but also 4 high kings who are human. Still before that most human lands were split between smaller kingdoms and didn't care much for warring with other races and mostly competed economically with other humans (which sometimes lead to minor war). With who became the first emporor they quickly united most of the humans and declared war on both the dwarves and elves in a dual offensive. The speed at which this happend and the completely out of character action for most human kingdoms which lead to the speculation. Some assume demons, other a literal god, some even that there actually is no emperor and it's just a military alliance of the 4 high kings. Currently I'm thinking of something more interesting that those things, but they will be rumors circulating depending on where people travel.

tl:dr Yes, there are rumors. The reveal what I'm still looking for more inspiration, to not make it too obvious.

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Corsica is an Italian island, that happens to be owned by France. The Republic of Genoa sold it to France in 1768, Napoleon was born in 1769. He was basically an Italian man who happened to be in the service of the French and then became Emperor. Not that this is particularly weird, during the same time period Britain was ruled by the German House of Hanover. Also after the Swedes made one of Napoleon's generals their king, and his descendants still reign to this day as the very French House of Bernadotte.

The generic Ye old medieval/Puritanical human section of the world is run by Elves.

>King of sweden ruling over north somalia

If you count shadow counsel stuff, the whole world is run by warring eldritch abominations.

>Not that this is particularly weird, during the same time period Britain was ruled by the German House of Hanover. Also after the Swedes made one of Napoleon's generals their king, and his descendants still reign to this day as the very French House of Bernadotte.
100 years, Romania would go specifically hunting for some foreign noble family to put on the throne, instead of some high-class boyars, or some descendant of Basarab, to keep power struggles to a minimum, and rub off some of that western progress.

Ended up with a kickass kraut, that got shit done, won their independence, and used a captured steel canon to forge the royal crown out of.

Attached: Carol_I_King_of_Romania.jpg (365x500, 37K)

>Or a kobold kingdom ruled by an angel.

That's kind of a fun idea. Just an angel that showed up one day and started dispensing orders and removing plagues. No one knows how or why it showed up, and it always gives the same answer when asked in diplomatic meetings with other kingdoms.

>"I am doing my duty."

And it never bids farewell. All it says when leaving is the same semi-ominous thing at it walks away.

>"Prepare yourself."

>used a captured steel canon to forge the royal crown out of.
Now that’s how you begin a Royal dynasty.

>Elf kingdom ruled by a Dwarven king.
Owed a Debt, lost a bet.
>Human kingdom ruled by a fairy.
Young prince unwittingly makes Fey pact
or no one speaks of it, they try to pretend she doesn't exist- she's not evil, but there's something off about the arrangement that's inherantly unnerving to anyone, think crafty granny goodness or something
>Or a kobold kingdom ruled by an angel.
Got tricked into a redemption questline, is now managing a fastly growing tribe.

Does the planetar rule by sheer absolute territory?

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I liked the skyrim take on the concept, where dragons ruled men as their gods without doing anything of the tedious part of ruling, but leaving that to the dragon priests.

On a more donut steel idea, having a humaneavo demon lord as a ruler of a human kingdom is all kinds of amusing, as it is an elf being unwillingly in charge of an orc horde (and wanting out).

It does sound like she's into bestiality

Is it Shadowrun?

Perhaps, i mean after a few hundred years fucking human men and bearing human babies in order to build up her powerbase, she's probably started to enjoy it..

Where are the Elven kingdoms ruled by an orc king?

>Dragon HRE ruled by decadent draconic nobility who use their Dragonborn burghers as liaisons for the Human majority
>Not!Scandinavia ruled by Elvish nobility established during the old conquests of the region, ruling over the half-elf population as the rest of the soldiery went native
>Undead philosopher-kings ruling over a human majority, though they spend more time living ascetic in the desert or contemplating existence in cleverly-devised "dungeons" than ruling

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