Age of Sigmar General /aosg/

Perpel Son Goku of Zeros



New Books have been added

>A Traveller's Guide to the Mortal Realms

>Malign Portents: Behind the Scenes


> Core rules

>General's Handbook 2017!C5BSgTDK!Sx74f87D86frlU0NZ1XKyGP0WEgar52X1Hatj1OA5y0

>Legions of Nagash!L44kEbRJ!VooTlhCe_WTmf5SFEds_wni8Z0EQDfBBsB1KBY_8ZW4

>Malign Portents!7x5hgZZL!l3KcjIUfNjDbEhjFeH31M9mRFfPf03yUFuN-jMU1JBg

>Army and Skirmish Warband builder

>City Generator

>Warscroll battalion blank elf photoshop template.psd

>Malign Portents Stories

New books

>Callis and Toll The Old Ways!JNJiwSLZ!HM0fIa9VjF2hWWpJOS0fymB6kd944VYdHmrk7yKQ2N4

>The Tainted Axe!QRx1gIwS!X3bvo8LQgV6V1Q12C2Y5dnM3m4lF5IkvxTKMzdQuazs

>The Witch Takers!5URyAJTZ!edeqlJAaUNRXsDVBHyGuyL5g3JXlbLej0Ug_oY7qtao

>Thread Question
What do you expect from the Deepkin faction models (as in stats/playstyle)?
Your wishes?

Attached: prupleballoon.jpg (892x819, 127K)

Other urls found in this thread:!64wmnBZR!rWcm37EkOOeToeueqhPjpA!msxhiZDJ

First for the clan

Attached: grotmerchant.jpg (480x360, 15K)

Are we all going to pretend these things never existed?

Attached: 60010799002_WHQSilverTowerENG07.jpg (600x620, 44K)

At this point you're practically forced to either buy Grand Alliance: Order (which is horribly outdated at this point) or take a photo of the actual warscroll from someone else's GA:Order book and hope nobody gives you shit for it.

Nagash: the Undying king scan when?

hyped for nighthaunt

Attached: StaringContest.jpg (464x600, 86K)

I really hope they'll make something out of those. I mean, leaving aside that they'd make a fairly decent unit all on their own, they could be used as a link between Moonclan and Spiderfang.

two months ago?


>is going to be way the hell cheaper.
Well, kind of depends. SCE models are actually expensive as hell and the starter kit has suboptimal loadouts and are not compatible with shield upgrades(And let's face it, those are too cool to not get and you need all the help you can get making them different from the default sctormcast) The SC has 2 easy to build retributors so you need 3 more to make a full squad, though everything else in the kit is neat.
If you want a vanguard force you're in luck though. The SC and battleforce boxes are fantastic value and you get all the options.

The main starter box plus the mini starter together works okay for a starter army.!64wmnBZR!rWcm37EkOOeToeueqhPjpA!msxhiZDJ

I'm only spoonfeeding you because... I actually don't know...

you are the best user

Attached: 1520441198346.jpg (489x262, 63K)

I mean, yeah, there's the Vanguard box, but the normal infantry boxes got a big price cut via the reboxing. Also, and this is the biggie, being a starter set faction, it's very easy to get some off ebay for pretty cheap. Something that is definitely not true for the Deepkin, since they aren't even out yet.

What models do you think need a facelift?
What models among those is possible to fix through simple kitbash/greenstuff/cutting?

Attached: lookism.gif (385x466, 262K)

Obligatory 'what are you working on, /aosg/?'-post.

Attached: lady-celestant.jpg (1218x544, 114K)

Thanks, found them. I love the rules these cannons have. Now I just need to figure out if I want the crew separate or all on the same base.

Plague Monks, Skryre Acolytes, all the Moulder and Eshin stuff. Technically Clanrats, but they are such uniform blobs that just giving them a nice boring brown paintjob is enough

Fixing them? Nightrunners are easy to fix by just using Bloodbowl Skaven instead, but that's pretty expensive

Do you guys have a way to handle skirmish point costs for models that have come out since skirmish was printed.

On my first mini

Attached: 20180325_220105.jpg (4032x3024, 1.99M)

Going to start working on my Gnarlmaw today

Very nice so far. I'd give the horns a bit more of a blend, but other than that, good job. Really like the skin color

My plague ridden brother

I like the purple skinton, I myself went with a more red-ish hue to make it look infected and rashy. Pic related

Attached: 75B271C3-06C0-4F21-979C-C519E3BE1486.jpg (1001x750, 245K)

They will be in the grot tome next year, just like the mistweaver and other models were eventually released with new tomes / armies.

Technically, it's simply
>take unit cost
>divide by amount of models
>divide by five
>round up

As an example, let's take an existing unit:
>Liberators: 100 points for 5
>Divide by amount of models: 20
>divide by 5: 4
And there you have it, Liberators cost 4 renown

Or, you know, play Hinterlands, which is basically Skirmish but fan-made and less lazy. It also have a change I quite like, where you pay half for Heroes but they only have half their wounds. Because honestly, running a 5-Wound Hero into a bunch of half a dozen Goblins, it's pretty clear who'll win.

If anyone else wants them.

Attached: dorfgun1.jpg (1411x1032, 216K)

Attached: dorfgun2.jpg (1412x1036, 207K)

Idoneth wen

Anyone built plague drones and blightkings? Thinking about merging the kits to make three pusgoyle blightlords but not sure on the size difference between the fly mounts.

They are just an elaborate april fools joke

I think the sizes are similar, but the problem would be to make the Blightkings sit ontop of the Plague drones, but if you can manage that then there should be that huge of an issue


Anons, why do people do kitbash all sorts of things care what guns your units have. I just can't understand the mindset of someone who kitbashes and also demands you use the right weapon on units where it's just a point cost.

>reading Nagash book
>bone giant with Khopesh gets raised
They are just putting salt on Tombfags wounds aren't they?

Whatever you say, honey

Someone said preorders will go up on the 14. of April.

Attached: 1521687287266.png (1825x1063, 3.53M)

Hast du etwas Zeit für mich?
Dann singe ich ein Lied für dich
Von 99 Luftballons
Auf ihrem Weg zum Horizont
Denkst du vielleicht grad an mich?
Dann singe ich ein Lied für dich
Von 99 Luftballons
Und, dass sowas von sowas kommt

You have to have SOME rules still in play or else nothing at all would matter, and where the line is drawn is different from person to person.

Basic human mentality.

thanks, it's surprisingly hard to find size comparisons.

Adepticon final scores by faction when

Futzed about a little and I think the best way to do it would be to file down the carapace of a Rot Fly and then put a Chaos Knight's legs on it. Then you can saw off a Lord of Plague's legs and put the gut on top of the Chaos Knight legs and greenstuff the divide.

Haven't tried it yet, though. Still debating on whether I use my two leftover Rot Flies for this or to frankenstein them into a Daemon Prince.

wur model is that senpai

Oh fuck off, jetzt hab ich nen Ohrwurm.

>Someone said preorders will go up on the 14. of April.
that's so fucking long

I don't know if it is the same for you but the warscrolls on the app seem to work perfectly fine.

Obsessively going back and forth through the Deepkin trailer to find out how the kits are going to be designed

Hymm nazis in tg

Don't have a device that could run that app, so I wouldn't know. Making people get their stupid app to cover for their fuck-ups is low.

Yeah, you fuck yourself straight off a cliff, soyboy

Neave Blacktalon with a Dracothian Guard shield and a sword I can't identify

Nope I am a Jew and I can say nazi when I see one

Standard time gap for building hype and drip-feeding teasers and rules etc.

I'm just glad how much demand this is for these guys, just shows how much more they could sell by not focusing on stormcast all the time.

No it's called throwing those faggots a bone

But user, you can get PDFs off of GW's webstore if you don't want to use the app.

Wait until you hear the reason they got canned in the first place...

i just want the rules, stats and playstyle so i can decide if i want to play them....

Germany is Nazis from two years now they going murder again, only not Jews because they are almost gone in Germany now they will be muslims

Read the post chain. The warscrolls for most Ironweld war machines are fucked on the website and do not show the crews, prompting one user last thread to wonder how the fuck the crew member thing works.

>this somehow relates to an 80s German pop singer singing anti-war songs about balloons

All new factions have the same playstyle, even nurgle. They all have a variety of units, some method of moving fast or teleporting, a tanky centerpiece monster, some elite shooty/chargey things, some chaff grunts, a sprinkling of wizards/priests/leaders.

Deepkin will be no different.

The only thing that makes factions different is how they look, and their signiture allegiance ability - in this case will be something to do with the eb and flow of tides (like a nurgle wheel maybe).

i want to know if they are shooty or not, if not then i will be forced to become goldfaggot

>All new factions have the same playstyle, even nurgle.
Well you cannot blame them for it, the core rules left lack of space for different playstyles

What theme song would you say that your dudes/army has?

still Nazi

Germany and UE= IV Reich

>making Vanguard Hunters with axes
>the kit is missing a second holstered axe so you have to make the astral compass guy with a holstered sword while everyone else has axes

Attached: 1443823786420.jpg (606x540, 34K)


Attached: Cairn_Wraiths.png (574x895, 1.08M)

>not converting them to all hold swords because those dinky little axes look like horseshit
wew lad

Shouldn't you be jerking off to steel tariffs?

if you tell this germanys actual nazis even they wouldn't agree with you...

A Mortis Engine freshly out of Pimp My Ride

Hi all,
Haven't played AOS yet and have my old empire army, and have some questions:
1) Can I still play with Empire knights?
2) And if I can, how much of a disadvantage will I be at?

No, they have no points cost. You could only play them in Open.


their swords look even worse

there will be mass murders of Muslims in Germany I guarantee it

can /pol/ fuck off to /pol/?

Fock eu german 4 reich

The funny part is that Germany's Green Party has spent so much time calling everyone to the right of them Nazis that the word "nazi" in German political discourse has practically no value anymore as an insult.
Always and forever the perfect album for SCE. Perfect mixture of overblown and tongue-in-cheek.

if finally we get something interesting here like deepkin scrolls

Leave the women alone though, I want a fetish gf.

Attached: persian woman (14).jpg (1600x1000, 105K)

No, not their swords. Some Liberator swords instead.

>there will be mass murders by Muslims in Germany I guarantee it

I'm gonna try it, worst case scenario is butchering their bottom half and greenstuffing. Will post results sometime.

No. reddit's here to stay.

Yeeeaaa no more insult they will bring it back Nazism is in their nature

I had completely forgotten about the app. Thanks for the reminder, it's convenient.

Attached: H2_Abia_Info.png (1280x720, 960K)

My overall theme for Maggotkin/Nurgle

My personal theme for my dudes
(Good part is around the 2 min mark)

report it is then.
Can we discuss shit like paintjobs or something...
Anyone still got the Stonecast Statueternals picture?

no, and guarantees you that young Germans will soon be able to take out the Muslims with the help of the army and the police

Is a song about air balloons, see OP pic you dumb idiot
Also, the song is anti-war.

Huniepop 2 when?

is a hobby to play and not just painting Picasso faggot the battle is essence!!

Were devs already hitted by part and parcel of big cities?

Please do, I hope it works.

Ignore, hide, report. Why do you think that's been written in the OP for weeks.

Wooooo bad anti-Semitism
Why do you call Jews idiots? This anti-war song is supposed to support Arab terrorists with whom the state of Israel fights

God what an intolerant anti-Semite

Because a party nobody wants to associate with got 13% of the votes? Sure, buddy.

This is just not true.
You are stupid, false flagging /pol/, whatever.
Stop posting.

Ignore. Hide. Report. Do we really have to put that back into the OP?