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Huh, they were right. insects have conquered the thread from the fluffy tails.
The fluff will fight on!
>an insect
So, what do you guys think the Melkor-side's scenario reward will be?
Also, what exactly is Ungoliant?
Is the Arken stone a Simaril?
That's not the previous thread mate.
then link it and the OP pls
If you can't beat em, join em!
>Is the Arken stone a Simaril?
No. The Arkenstone was mined up and cut from under the Mountain, whereas the Silmarils were shaped from the essence of the Two Trees of Valinor
Yea but one of the Simarils was thrown into lava or some such and only two were prophecies never to be found.
But if it's not a Simaril what is it? Just some random rock that is extremely beautiful?
Infinite balrog works? As for for Gol, I don't know much beyond the fact that she's a giant spider god, she ate the big gods star trees and she threw down with what looks like at least half a dozen (probably more) balrogs going by this picture and the wiki.
its just the shiniest rock the dwarves ever polished.
What the heck are those trees anyhow? They seem shiney but I have no idea what they are for.
>But if it's not a Simaril what is it? Just some random rock that is extremely beautiful?
An excuse on Eru Ilúvatar's part to get a Hobbit to do something interesting with his life
Actual last thread:
This is the correct one right?
I mean, if you take the long view then all of Middle Earth was an attempt by Eru to give his kids something interesting to do with their lives, and problems only happened because some of them missed the point.
>she threw down with what looks like at least half a dozen (probably more) balrogs going by this picture and the wiki
Damn it. I'm going to have to pick up The Unlight perk and get those Simarils. I'll slap Morgoth around like the little Maia he, practically, became.
Tbh the gulf between Valar and Maia is much smaller than you'd think there lies between an archangel-pagan god, and a regular angel-pagan god. I mean, Melkor was carrying a fearboner for Arien long, long before Tulkas dragged his ass out of his own hidey hole. I'm pretty sure it's their domains and maybr the scope of their existence letting them incarnate as more formidable physical forms that set the Valar above the Maia, when it comes to their connection the the Secret Fire the Maia always seem to be represented as significant backups OR hindrances for Morgoth in a fight.
You two seem to know actual things about The Simarillion. Which seems like a more fun/less suicidal idea to you? Going Unlight+Maiar and trying to be a much classier Lucifer analogue than Morgoth. Or going Unlight+Dragon and going the opposite direction by being the scarier doombringer.
Just to clarify: could Eru have squashed Morgoth's little rebellion at any time if he wanted to?
That's the impression I got from trying to read the Silmarillion ten years ago but I could be very wrong, as I often am.
Thematically, I prefer these two. The corrupting/deceiving nature your Lucifer expy will undoubtedly have fits with the obfuscation that comes with snuffing out the world's light. I feel the Dragon is far too blunt and obvious a threat to fit with Ungoliant's powers.
>could Eru have squashed Morgoth's little rebellion at any time if he wanted to?
Yes. He is the capital G God in the setting, being "all-powerful" and transcendent. He's also very subtle with his interventions, like when he made Gollum trip and fall in Mount Doom to ensure to destruction of the One Ring. If He ends your reign of terror, you won't even know it was Him.
you just know the Silmarillion jump will never get finished
Hey. It is almost done. All I have left is item and drawback descriptions.
Could you kill a balrog with enough artillery?
>Dragon is far too blunt and obvious a threat
Hrrm, I think there are good ways to do blunt threats. Make them inevitable. Entropy is a blunt and obvious threat to most worlds. Few can do anything about it and those that can will likely only be able to save themselves and maybe those closest to them.
Double hrrm, The Secret Fire does not seem to be exclusive to Maiar. A Dragon interwoven with the very concept of Entropy sounds like something I'd enjoy a great deal. or maybe I'll be the Maiar of Entropy
Reminds me of a great quote “When the first living thing existed, I was there waiting. When the last living thing dies, my job will be finished. I'll put the chairs on the tables, turn out the lights and lock the universe behind me when I leave.”
Would Entropy be valid for The Secret Fire?
Please tell us what the evil Valar reward will be
All things are part of Iluvatar's Song. Entropy can create beauty and without it other parts of the song could not be. I'd say it is fair.
i'll believe it when i see it my dear namefriend
not to be too much of a dick but did you finish Elric?
I will not start Elric until Silmarillion is complete. I have pages of notes of course but if I formally started actually constructing multiple jumps at once I would really never get any done.
Heh, You can't have Song without Silence to separate it from mere noise. I think I am going to enjoy being the Silence that ends each individual Note before bringing the whole Song to an end.
I will only give a hint in that it involves things mentioned in notes from the Morgoth's Ring volume of The History of Middle Earth.
hey that's kind of thematic and cool
I like it better than Entropy which feels OOC
What have I done?
Damn user, that's brilliant as an almost metapower
Your best.
I'm certainly going to have fun parsing the idea. I am very open to ideas on how being Iluvatar's Silence could work as an actual power. I'm only really certain about the entropy bit that kicked this off.
you can kill anything with "enough" artillery
Got anything for Good Maiar/Valar to have as their Secret Fires?
I just thought about it, but would you guys like if I added an OC companion option? It would basically just be the import option except you know making your own.
>more fun
I would definitely say the Unlight/Maiar route, because it's kind of Morgoth's shtick that he tried to actually MAKE things of his own. Yes, he got too big for his boots and pissed away his potential. But he did have a vast latitude of scope to exercise his will in. According to Gandalf even Ancalagon the Black's breath couldn't have touched the One Ring, Ancalagon himself was defeated by a human in basically a spaceship, and Tolkien himself said Sauron at the end of the 2nd Age was stronger than Morgoth at the end of the 1st. So it seems like Tolkien set Maia-level combatents above even the very best "original" beings Morgoth could "create".
Also, in-universe speculation is that Ungoliant was one of the spirits swayed to Morgoth's side, which I find unlikely simply because the Valar thought there was a very real threat she could have eaten and digested the Silmarils into oblivion whereas even Morgoth was burned from handling them. Even then, unique among other characters the narration is VERY uncertain about Ungoliant's nature and eventual fate. I like to think that Tolkien's real world fear of spiders, simply made him unable to reconcile their existence with that of an all-loving, all-powerful God.
And so in his creation mythos, spiders are literal eldritch horrors from beyond God's light.
To clarify what others said, technically he ALREADY did twice when Morgoth still had his full power. Morgoth kept trying to sing over the Great Music, and like Bob Ross Eru keeps going "surprise, kid! There are no mistakes, only happy accidents in the music of life!".
But he gets progressively grumpier as Morgoth refuses to take the hint.
Maybe? Really, really buff elves could slay multiple balrogs. But they tended to be armed with Noldor-tier swords, so maybe make sure it's Final Fantasy-style magitech artillery?
Sure, go for it
You know, for all its flaws mass effect has some sexy ships.
But honestly if the various races have ftl good enough to move like they do in andromeda why do they even bother with mass relays?
Also damn I kinda want an andromeda jump now, except for everyone sounding like a tranny it hasnt been too baf a game so far. Well that and weird fucking visual glitches and it being impossoble to make a more than passably attractive character.
yeah that'd be rad
>unique among other characters the narration is VERY uncertain about Ungoliant's nature and eventual fate.
Ummm duh she was the maiar who fucked sauron obviously.
Whoops, meant for I gave the game a hard pass, wasn't it part of the plot that their tech takes so long to travel that in the time the crew was put into stasis, the Krogan's immune systems had somehow mutated away the Genophage?
Like I said, even in the story it's not explicit that she's a Maia user. Just what some old elven st
stories say. Also
>the other Valar come in neatly wedded pairs
>implying it wasn't Nienna
>implying she isn't crying all the time because her intended husbando is throwing a shitfit in Middle Earth
>gave the game a hard pass, wasn't it part of the plot that their tech takes so long to travel that in the time the crew was put into stasis, the Krogan's immune systems had somehow mutated away the Genophage?
They are colonists to another galaxy and it took 600 years to get there, krogans still have genophage but have undergone constant gene therapy in stasis to get the number of viable offspring up to 4%, 96% are stillborn.
The ungoliant thing was a joke about shadow of mordor games.
>making me remember the lore of those games
what did I ever do to you user
>Iluvatar sang reality into being. Reality is a Song. Songs are defined by Silence. Silence denotes the beginning, Silence denotes the end. Without Silence the Song becomes Noise, Too much Silence and The Song is no longer a Song at all. just disparate notes without context. Remove the Silence between two Notes and they blur together becoming indistinct. A Sour Note Thoughts, Memories, Emotions,The Body, The Soul. All part of the little Note called You.
I crazied at a notepad and this happened. I will probably crazy at that notepad again until I have a fully fleshed out power.
If I were good at making interesting Goodguy things I'd probably be one more often. Sorry I can't help.
>half an hour later, user realised he had become the Maia of Dubstep
On second thought. Patterns. A defining feature of What Is, rather than What Isn't. (More like the very concept of defining features but hey)
The only two things that survive the end of the DC universe is the Presence and Death. And probably who ever else the writer wants to survive.
Seems like it would almost make you satan, or at least give you what amounts to hell. Removing you from Gods light and all that.
>The Presence and Death
And Tom Bombadil.
Andromeda was like 900 years in the future, they probably salvaged the FTL from the reapers. Their ships are also kinda meh, at least from my point of view.
But then I prefer heavily over designed ships or ships that are actually possible given current theories. So Human ships from Avatar and perhaps also Elite Dangerous.
Really? I was under the impression that the andromeda mission left before the reaper crisis. But that does explain a few things.
Tom isn't part of DC though?
No from my understanding they basically took ages and reverse engineered the relays. Then they just upsized the thin and used it as a cannon to shoot ships at Andromeda.
Might be wrong I only watched a partial play through of it but that's what it seemed like.
Also it really annoyed me how they tried to keep the Protheans as the biggest and best. I mean you have this cool alien race with tech that's basically living and you need to put in a comment about them being less advanced than your own galaxies super alien precursors.
That was the idea. Explicitly. was my post that started this train of thought.
Yeah, the Andromeda mission left the Milky Way before the Reapers were dealt with. It was supposed to be the Hail Mary if the Reapers won and wiped out all life.
Like that will stop him.
I still think the quarians being delayed was on purpose. Why would you not bring the number 1 best race at living in space on ships into a situation where living on ships is a crucial part?
Of course it was delayed. They delayed it so that if any problem did happen during their transit time, that the other races would fix it or at least be on their way to fixing it, giving Quarians a free ride. They’re not called space gypsies for nothing.
No, it seems it was more like the Indoctrinated people delayed the Quarians so they couldn't be around to fix things if they went wrong, thus dooming the mission and getting rid of the last remnants of the current cycle.
Right. “Indoctrination delay” excuse. “We weren’t late on purpose, it was the REAPERS! They had their indoctrinated slaves sabotage our ship! Why didn’t they do that for the others? Huh... BECAUSE THAT’S WHY!”
Which is more powerful.
Overlord Maxed out Dragons.
Seuol Station Necromancer Maxed out Dragons
Everyone is a Returnee Dragons.
It's mostly because it's hard to gauge how powerful they are by reading their respective species. Even if I am reading all 3 I kinda want to know how they all compare to each other.
Are all the Mass Effect games as militaristic as the first one? I'm a pacifistdyke and even though I love rpgs and sci-fi it was too much for me?
Also to keep this /jc/ related:
What did you do in the Mass Effect jump?
Poor Garrus, he just wants to calibrate his guns.
I got all the bitches.
>Why didn’t they do that for the others?
Because delaying and sabotaging the Migrant Fleet is on the same level as crippling attacks on a planet. Unlike those with planets though, the Quarians don't have other places to pick up the slack - The Fleet is all they've got.
I feel like EER Dragons are the strongest, plus if they are incubated right as an egg they have amazing potential.
Overlord and Seoul Station seem weaker and they have a lower level cap then EER Dragons do.
Here is what Lone Valkyrie put in the notes of EER to give some scale.
>Peak Damage:
>Level 1: Base Human
>Level 50: Town Destroying
>Level 100: Mountain Destroying
>Level 200: Country Destroying
>Level 300: Planet Destroying +
>>Level 300: Planet Destroying +
That explains the numerous responses in the thread!
>implying Planet Destroying is any big amount of power now.
With warriors like her, who could resist?
Repeating this question from earlier but wanted to ask Mardukth if we can guide how a Third Circle Demon develops as it's in its Chrysalis state in order for it to fulfill a role we want it to.
Also different question for Valeria if she is on, what could the skill Knowledge of Respect and Harmony do if it is at A+ rank?
I genuinely hate mosquitoes, they always go after me and even when I have bug repellent they continue to bump into me.
Experimented on the Leviathans and Thorian. Also modified the Quarians, Krogan and Salarians to fix their disabilities (immune system, birth rate and genophage and lifespan respectively). I also fucked over Asari civilisation by cutting their own life span in half, uppity cunts tried the we are better than thou approach with me. Bitch I'm a 30 thousand year old mad scientist, don't make me go all Frankenstein on your as.
I don't know of anyone that actually likes normal mosquitoes, but what of her? You wouldn't want to get to know her better?
They're all fairly militaristic, yes. The series is about saving the galaxy from giant killer space squid, lots of military involved in that.
As for what I did? I introduced an Artificial Alloys-based method for synthesizing element zero cheaply and efficiently. Having functionally limitless access to eezo led to numerous technological innovations among the races of the galaxy, frigging every Alliance and Turian ship had a Tantalus Drive, for example. I like to think it helped things by the time the Reapers showed up.
No because she is a huge sadistic bastard with a blood fetish. The only thing I want to know from her is how how hard will it be to kill her since the cyborg guy couldn't touch her and caped baldy one shotted her in her humanoid form
>Artificial Alloys-based method for synthesizing element zero cheaply and efficiently
Could others replicate your OoC materials technology?
Thanks for answering!
I didn't mean that I hate the military, Stargate is one of my faves. I was just weirded out by the weird worship for officers and stuff like that.
Also you can't be a lesbian in the latter games and that's less fun.
Tumblr user?
Then you also get to the higher ranks of Higher Existences, like with a level 550 dragon, who could kill thousands of level 300's in a blink.
Is level 1000 just Godhood?
It's too early for that.
They're all adorable, but I don't know which one to be.
It's night where I live baby! Jumpchain after dark, horror edition. Sorry about that user.
Also no I don't know if I'm Tumblr user, who's that?
What kind of things can classes do besides the raw destructive power?
No Absol?
The description of dragons says their xp boost slows down to slightly above average after 200. Does this mean that angels and demons are better in the long run since they don't say anything about slowing down?
>What did you do in the Mass Effect jump?
Mostly just Asari. But also quite a few Quarians, a handful of Turians, Salarians, and Drell, a couple thousand Geth programs, and an unlikely couple of surprisingly charming Hanar and Krogan.
The Reapers weren't interested.
...Oh, and I went in with my own fleet of spaceships, exiting hyperspace in full view of the Citadel and parking right there.
Most of the ships in that fleet out-sized the citadel itself. One of them outsized the Citdel races' capital planets, being a mobile planet-ship.
So, with them properly spooked, I took my Stellaris altform and started broadcasting a request to open diplomatic negotiations. A request sung by a thousand perfectly synchronized drone created for the purpose of being my diplomats to them.
Basically, I bluffed, saying we're an exploratory fleet from... maybe Andromeda? Yeah, that sounds good. Just to spook the Andromeda mission.
If maybe we could have a handful of systems to build a few small outposts, just a couple ringworlds or so.
Suddenly, the Asari had competition in being the waifu species, the Quarians had competition in being the fleet-based species (outpacing everyone by huge margins in genetic engineering and megastructures), the Salarians had competion in being the science species, and the Geth had competition in being the hivemind "species".
Bit costly for my intentions, but it is cute.
It is a common Pokemon in the Sinnoh region. I hate that place, but I can get my Absol and someone to train me in Aura there.
You should be Eevee, its the fluffiest.
Or Vulpix, who while not as fluffy, turns into an awesome fox who is also fireproof
t. Thulsa Doom
I think God was about level 1000 yeah. Yu Ilhan combines every world in the local multiverse into one big Xianxia like world well before that point though.
Classes can give boosts to the skills related to them, they can also provide various skills/abilites (eg Yu Ilhan gains the ability to collect the fragments of souls when he becomes a death reaper)
They have a quicker start but have about an equal speed after level 200 as Angels/Demons.
>I hate that place
Why? Also, I'm deciding what Pokemon to be in Mystery Dungeon.
>Classes can give boosts to the skills related to them, they can also provide various skills/abilites
What kind of skills?
A question about Infamous Conduits and Avatar Benders. Would a Fire Conduit be about the same as a Fire Bender if given enough time to train?
The 4th gen pokemon all suck, the enemy team is stupid, and the plot is so bad I had to grind through it. I quite from boredom several times. I think it took me over a year to beat Platinum the first time.