What's the most anime TRPG setting available, anons? How decent is it?
What's the most anime TRPG setting available, anons? How decent is it?
Read pages 6-8 and tell me if this isn't the most anime goddamn thing imaginable.
Grancrest has a system?
Does it pre-date the anime?
Has a loli-pope.
Dungeons the Dragoning.
A lolipope does not an anime make.
I think so. I didn't even know there was an anime, but it doesn't surprise me.
It's airing right now, I read the first few paragraphs of the intro and that's pretty much how the first episode goes by.
>A lolipope does not an anime make.
I can raise you a vampire king, people born with special powers being persecuted by the evil establishment, airships, and an impossibly oppressive almost continent spanning government that is actually ran by nightmare-demons masquerading as gods/good spirits.
exalted seems pretty weeb, but I guess you don't have to use their nip art for inspiration either. seems like you could run it like Kill Six Billion Demons setting to though.
That'll do it
speaking of which did the K6BD rpg end up being any good?
Is that why all the OP pics for Pathfinder are anime monstergirls?
The book is good as a setting supplement but the system is meh.
Apocalypse engine. not bad, I love the setting not a fan of the engine. to be honest I was hoping that the book would be 70% setting and archetypes.
There's also sentient magic robots made for war. They may or may not get into fights over their ideals about the meaning of life.
Pathfinder isn't very anime. Its users are just huge weebs.
Seems to be more of an issue with the fans than the actual system. But then again ive only been in a few PF games but they where all with massive weebs and im not really a 3.pf fan.
I dont know, but whatever it is better be able to run Rage of Bahamut.
Anime fantasy battles have never looked so cool.
How weeaboo is D&D 4e?
4e is a system, not a setting.
It's pretty fucking anime
Pathfinder isn't weebpandering at it's core
The playerbase are all just huge fucking faggots who force their garbage on everyone else.
How the fuck has nobody mentioned Black Tokyo yet?
Maid RPG
The actual anime settings. Big eyes small mouth, any small system for running actual anime, so on
>the system is meh
It's PbtA-based, so "meh" is entirely par for the course.
Anima. It's pretty good.
Smash from the Air (Weapon Mastery)
Your powerful and swift attacks can slice ranged attacks out of the air.
Prerequisite(s): Str 13, Cut from the Air, Power Attack, base attack bonus +9, weapon training class feature with a melee weapon.
Benefit(s): You can use Cut from the Air against unusually massive ranged weapons (such as boulders or ballista bolts) and ranged attacks generated by spell effects. Spell effects that do not require attack rolls cannot be deflected.
That feat's anime as fuck.
DnD (at least 5e and 3.5).
As a DM I was angry about how it was imposible to make a realistic setting with the bullshit mechanics it had.
After years of trying to make a cheap TotallyNotTolkien world and story, a weaboo friend run a campaign inspired by anime/manga and all the pieces fall together.
The game is actually pretty good when you run it with that in mind.
Shadowrun is up there. In-universe media protrays "street samurai" pretty literally
Yea, I've run a 5e campaign with a ton of anime tropes. The high powered heroes and innate "chuuni-ness" of it really lends well to it. I think Pathfinder would work as well, even in the default setting.
With Pathfinder, I think it's more just that they included a ton of everything from every genre they could think of and the weebs came for the weeb content.