>absolute nazi company that will delete your thread if you dare criticize their infallible business practices
Absolute nazi company that will delete your thread if you dare criticize their infallible business practices
only when the hopockets get some money from them.
If every WotC complaint thread you make didn't invariably devolve into you complaining about niggers and jews, your threads probably wouldn't get deleted as frequently.
Standard practice in the ttrpg business senpai, Wizards aren't even close to being the worst, go read some of the Green Ronin stories.
that's not my fault, blame the shitheads running the company for that crap
>Make obvious bait thread fishing for /pol/ replies
>Gets mad when it's deleted
Have the courtesy of posting in other boards like people and not like monkeys, /pol/.
Complaining about the Jew Feminazi SJW Black Muslim conspiracy isn't a valid argument, and claiming "MUH CARDBOARD, MUH REPRINTS" when called out doesn't makes you or your other arguments right, even if cardboard and reprints indeed a problem right now.
>WotC isn't solely to blame for the pol comments
dishonest tactics by a dishonest company, for shame
There's a fucking reason why Curse of Strahd is shilled so hard despite it being an utter fucking joke on par with Beamdog tier writing that ruined Strahd reducing him to a bisexual "Literally Angelus from Buffy the vampire slayer except that's every CE vampire you casually encounter in D&D" ruined the entire point and establishment of Van Richten, went out of it's way to censor and hide the Fact that the Vistani were fill ins for Jews in almost every aspect of their character, culture and personality (Just read their guide Girogo!), fucked up the demiplane of dread and managed to restore the issue of how the barovians keep fed which was a massive issue present all the way back in 1e, and cock up with how souls work in the plane that directly conflicts with the concepts of how souls come to be in the realms, not add or restore the common monsters of Ravenloft to the setting.
Did I forget to mention that questionable questline with the Mongrelmen? Yeah, these fucks were just so far up their asses they could sniff their own farts to be honest, and they had the gall to say they did Strahd Justice right at the fucking start too as if to add insult to Injury, having utterly butchered his character.
Oh right- Ireena's is now "Questionably brown", they made Strahd's conquest sound utterly unjust, and there's that choice line of "Barovians come from a diverse background of the nondescript lands Strahd Also Conquered- deafeating the premise of them being drawn/looking like th class Hammer Horror Romanian cast-stereotypes and the like.
Strahd's Statblock is literally fucking babby-tier as well, biggest complain being his regen- and the fact that there's no proper tome of Strahd with the Blue lighting, his dead parents or any compelling humanized factor to his behaviour in life and death- he has no active agents in the realm or a rogues gallery like 3.5 did and has made no effort to hide his nature, something which he does in a very amusing fashion in 2e-3.5
Once upon a fucking time Van Richten was a Doctor, curing people and generally being a nice dude.
Then a band of Gypsies who are also ((Chosen)) Come along, demand him to cure their dying patriarch, he fails, so they consider adequate repayment to be to kidnap his son, sell him off to a homosxual pedophile vampire that feeds by sucking peoples brain juices out, who embraces his son, and he immediately kicks the vampires ass, not before meeting hi sson-mid transformation, sharing a heartfelt hearbreaking moment togther before he mercykills his own son.
Oh right, I forgot, said vampire felt the death of his boymeat, so he went back to the Van Richten household and killed his entire family, then Ricky-Dick kills the Vampire.
And somehow, due to Ricky-dick "not understanding de wai" he's in the wrong here. And get's cursed, becoming an undead beacon- as the ((Vistani)) laugh at him when he confronts them on this matter again. Well, being an Undead beacon has a benefit in the land of EVERYTHING SO BAD HELL DOESN'T WANT IT WHERE NECROMANCERS LEGALLY ANIMATE 3X THEIR HD LIMIT IN UNDEAD. So the Undead kill every single hook-nosed welfare thief in this band.
He then proceeds to suit up, Travel the mists of Ravenloft to kick ass, chew bubblegum and document it to benefit everyone getting fucked by the horrors of the land.
Then at some point, he get's captured by a mad Asylum doctor, brainfucked in some of the most fucked up body-horror torture imaginable, and to top it all off, that fucking Gay pedopyre is still alive.
So you kill him, but the Je- I mean Vistani Matriach is still alive, and is now a killer ghost living in his abaondoned family home, which after him leaving, the caretakers Lovetriangle murdercided themselves.
Oh, and at some point, probably due to the stress, Rickey-dick suffers total spiritual collapse (Get's Jewed hard) and forgives the Vistani because "It was only ONE band of them responsible" adnd loses his undead beacon mode. Nevermind the book higlighting how fucking malicious their kind actually is, or the notion they're gypsies because they somehow commit some sort of terrible wrong and can never stay in one place (Identical to the wandering Jew parable) at a time.
So anyway, Richten is a badass who benefitted the entire plane because he's literally a slightly addled Van Hellsing who's too old for this shit, and is breaking under the weight of SEVERE mental trauma and fucked up hallucinations- following you breaking him out from Doctor Mengals Brainjuice sucking greater vampire featured Asylum psycho lovecraft horror house, you fight the Gaypyre with Ricky dick and help him beat the fucker, despite being that BOGGLED.
So anyway, the Je- I mean Madam Eva- wait, no, that's the fortune teller in Barovia, fuck, I forgot her name- has the house in possession and tricks Ricky into it to fuck him up some more in an act of pure revenge she is somehow entitled to because LOLdark powers and we get a series of endings that are Deus Ex machina as fuck, such as Van richten being eaten by the house and becoming a resident helpful spirti, the Dark Powers liking him so much they reincarnate him so they can do the whole thing over, or him being put into stasis so he wakes up in bordering world war one demiplane of Dread to kick ass again.
Point is- this motivation, this drive for Ricky dick, everything that makes him the total badass that he is?
Nowhere to be found in 5e Curse of Strahd.
Like- Richten is just fucking there- with a Vistanti girl no less, but the point still stands, he has NO reason to exist, because they didn't add the monster he covered in his books, there are no domains, ESPECIALLY the one he himself hails from- He's just fucking there.
eat shit neocommunist rat
I mean 4e Ravenloft was also awful, and that was due in part to the fucking Shadowfell, but Richten still had his Reason to be, the Pedopyre was Shadfted for Strahd in that iteration.
3.5 never really had a proper Ravenloft coverage. Expedition is a standalone adventure based as a remake of the first meant to fit into FR, d20 Modern and other settings, but it was stellar in what it did, and there was at least 3-5 or even 6 Dragon magazine Articles, Monsters of Faerun even adapted some of the Lich Salient abilities mentioned in VR's Guide to the Lich, and the Plane was still the 2e one, with the addition of the World Serpent Inn letting you get in AND OUT of the Demiplane of Dread (Though the Dark powers try to immediately stop you via will-save DON'T OPEN THAT DOOR, YOU HAVE NO SUFFERED ENOUGH), a questline of what occured in Soth's domain after he got ported back to Dragonlance and killed off with a roll table for what domains you end up in when Travelling, the Spellbook of that Mad Asylum dude who fucked up VR, 3.5 statblocks for Gobylns (the blood sucking ones), Tome of Strahd, two statblocks for a more classic Strahd and other stuff, Then S&S did it's unnofcial d20 continiuation of the events there, which is pretyy fucking swell, and I consider mandatory for the use of the age category tables for vampires.
So yeah, the content was there, and there were even lasting online communities dedicated to Ravenloft and it's content, netbooks, errata for the S&S ravenloft stuff and a coherant Ravenloft timeline.
But because of 3.5 shafting it- when 4e rolled in- we got this utter disconnect from RL's roots and we ended up with what is honestly a more run-down barebones travesty that is a shallow parody of a true ravenloft adventure- no more campy strahd that socilizes with you, or tries to pass himself off with elven ancestry (Hilariously, he's not wrong) when question about his vampiric features amongst other things, gone are his agents, spawn, spawn spawn.
Get the fuck off this board
>neocommunist rat demands Veeky Forums become his echo chamber
Why do victims of cultural marxism always do this?
>diversity in practice
>Green Ronin stories
Do tell
Imagine actually believing Veeky Forums.org janitors are part of a WotC conspiracy specifically to oppress you.
well they do post in pol just so they can pretend to be victims
Stop being an illiterate grog than can't even communicate a simple story coherently. I SAID STOP IT.
I mean, I completely agree, but how is it related to WotC as a whole as opposed to the idiots responsible for 5e?
>use of the age category tables for vampires
fuck this sounds really good
If you wanted to complain about women and jews, why didn't you just stay at reddit instead of coming here?
4e ravenloft isn't, and I say this as a ravid 4rry. They reused some names and vague concepts, but nowhere in the books it says "this is 4e ravenloft". So please leave us out of your bitching crusade.
I entirely agree. Strahd, like - you know, Dracula - was supposed to be this classic vampire with an obsessive crush on this one woman. The classic Dracula had three gorgeous Brides who were just as deadly.
Here, they made him bisexual for no real reason. Gee, where did that shit come from?
>the only person ITT to mention women and jews is the guy accusing others of complaining about them
You forgot to call him a racist.
Sure Jeremy, keep playing dumb
>Here, they made him bisexual for no real reason. Gee, where did that shit come from?
Vampire of the Mists book, where him and the elven vampire get pretty god damn subtexty at times?
I made that post. The plan is continuing perfectly. Keep screeching and losing. The demoralization continues.
>posts a screenshot of /pol/ from last november
Wow, you sure refuted him.
>becoming a personal army for a salty neckbeard toy unboxer
that's a new low for /pol/
Check the archive history, a few days of thread was all that happened. The theory behind it was to cause an overreaction. Hence the "infomeme war" bullshit. It was all just fucking around to scare retard like Hence I listed a bunch of legitimate complaints. Since they would see such complaints everywhere and think it's pol boogeyman
Jeremy and those crowd did continue it though but it never had a hold on /pol/
and you are still here...
Dude we see these threads every day on Veeky Forums
You can't expect anyone to just roll with your "it's cool bro there's no /pol/ spam it's just all in your head" facade
>3-4 tweets
I don't understand why you'd get so upset about 2-3 tweets for
lol, yeah there is some backlash against MTG that is continuing I guess. Still the point of was specifically to scare into overreaction and to get people to accuse legitimate complaints as being a psyop
It just so happens there are some people who legit don't like the SJW stuff from wotc
Also on the MTG arena front it's not like we have to do much.. I only made a single thread about it and haven't made anymore since it's failing on it's own to gain any hype right now.
I think he's saying these are Hamblydrones, not /pol/, but I'd still consider them a part of /pol/. Just the more retarded one.
... I'm sorry, but was the comparison with actual people and culture actually... Pertinent ? (Before I got the "omg you are ponctuating so badly you retard" comment, it is because french ponctuate like this. Thank you for your understanting. If you don't understand... Well keep going, it will make you feel a bit better I hope.)
I mean, i totally understand how a good character and a story can be ruined because of some political agenda or some shit (seriously, I disliked SW7 for this mary sue Rey) BUT. BUT in this case... Isn't it because the 4th ed of D&D sucked on matt ward level as my fellows made me thinks ? Or it is not because they had shit writers ?
Blaming everything on blacks, jews and fems are not always the solution. SJW are a plague indeed. But not all of thoses communities are SJW or part of a grand Cabal dedicated to subversive all of us. Besides doing it by D&D and especially Ravenloft isn't... How to say.... Tactically sound ? I mean. How much people would it affect ? Not a lot....
So... I kinda disagree with you
When this will all end
1. Pro-Fascist plane of successful ethnostates and failed multicultural wreckages.
2. At least 4 hot white fappable girls per set for 3 years
3, The suicide of a trans character.
Noone on this board likes Wizards, hardly anyone on this board likes the SJW art direction. We know, shut up, what's the point of derailing every MTG conversation into that. There is nothing new to say. This place has become unusable now.
>(Before I got the "omg you are ponctuating so badly you retard" comment, it is because french ponctuate like this. Thank you for your understanting. If you don't understand... Well keep going, it will make you feel a bit better I hope.)
It's times like this that I really wonder why the rest of Canada tries so hard to keep the Quebecois from seceding.
I'm not sure if it is a joke or your actual opinion. In one case it is a bad joke, and the other... Is a sad joke.
I'm listening to joe "ethnostate" rogan podcasts while trying to save Veeky Forums from commies. All works carry a reward if you work hard enough.
Oh no. Don't blame Quebec. Canadian are great too... No I'm french. That's all.
What's with... the namefagging...?
>joe "ethnostate" rogan podcasts
What? Is Joe currently talking about someone who wants an ethnostate and the opinion chameleon rogan agrees completely a 100% until he talks to another person?
This kind of punctuation bullshit is exactly why "lingua franca" is no longer an applicable term. Welcome to English, enjoy your stay.
Am I the only one reading the French posts in William Shatner's voice?
"I don't...thinkyou understand, Mr.Spock. This is...how the French...ponctuate."
Sure, you will convert everyone here by being annoying. You could as well try to redpill anons by spamming gore.
I take that as a compliment.
What politifcal spectrum is she on?
/Pol/ please go
Also learn about what makes up a Nazi / fascist youre fucking embarrassing yourselves.
You'd gather more sympathizers by falseflagging considering how annoying you bunch are, but I seriously dobut you're smart enough to do it correctly, considering we can all tell all these thinly veiled /pol/ threads are all filled with the same fucking people everytime. You don't even notice you end up discussing with yourselves, or maybe you do and just enjoy shitflinging, I don't know.
All I know is that I want you off of my board.
As I might add on a side note... Would not it be ultra counter intuitive to ba a nazi jews ? I mean... I know historically they existed. At first. They strangely disappareaded (not sure of my grammar there.)
Badass awesome inquisitrice. That is her political wings.
>the Vistani were fill ins for Jews in almost every aspect of their character
What? They're gypsies. BLATANTLY Gypsies. Like the most stereotypical gypsies to ever gyp. And incidentally, Gypsies are way worse than your precious fucking jew bogeyman, at least Jews believe in the concept of personal properly.
Gypsies are not Jews. That's an insult to Jews
Also this rendition of Van Richtens background is awful. Van Richten forgiving the Vistani is an important development in his character, because until that moment he was literally haunted by his hatred (cursed so that everyone he loved would die). He was NOT cursed as an undead beacon - the Undead were sent by Azalin Rex, who was observing the whole thing and basically thought it was fucking funny so he literally sent a mob of zombies and gave them to Van Richtens command
>at least Jews believe in the concept of personal property
That's not an upside.
>Makes his own thread
>Complains about business practices of a company that's not a part of the website
>Thread gets deleted for violating site rules
>It's the company's fault!
Nigger fuck you. You deserve your upcoming ban
>what's the point of derailing every MTG conversation into that
Because that's literally the only thing in the game that matters at all right now.
Every Magic discussion should be turned to that, not just here but everywhere, until WotC realizes what fucking morons they're being and steers the boat away from the edge of the world.
>That's not an upside.
Fuck off Communist, you ruined Socialism for everyone
>WotC posts on pol
>g...guys, we're the real victims
last I checked, WotC made a lot of different board games
>muh culture war!
If there weren't anything else to talk about we wouldn't have any other threads.
You aren't right just because you're the only person with a chip on their shoulder.
The only problem with the new art direction is the increase in CG art over hand drawn and anyone that disagrees is a gatekeeping grognard
>the rapture
No one believes in the Rapture except Ameritard baptists. 'Rapture' is just slang for 'pussy bitching out' of years of delicious suffering. Catholics love suffering. Jews don't even believe in hell.
Last time I checked, they didn't run this website or have any reason to check it
The kind that has horrifically generic and boring designs.
Oh wait that's all of Magic the Gathering since it started.
You are nitpicking names when the concept is the same
Jews think the can cause the promiced end of the world if they all obey the Sabbath by getting off with a technicality about owning everything
clearly you have never dealt with a paranoid company before
>/pol/ calling anyone else paranoid
So you've convinced yourself that there's a conspiracy to undermine the entire white race using card art in a children's game but the company that produces the game is full of paranoid nuts?
To be fair, since Hiroshimoot took over there's a pretty good chance they actively get sold 4chans traffic and user data. If any astroturfing is done, it's probably not done with any greater urgency than on any other website. Certainly if I was a big company with money to spend, i'd save my shilling for Reddit and Facebook, and instead use Veeky Forums as a platform to muddy the waters with negativity suppression, rather than the futile attempt to make anyone thing my product was good. IE; settle for "not Hitler" or "break up strong counter-company narratives that could evolve into nascent movements like Gamergate".
This isn't to suggest that /pol/'s paranoia is valid, some grogs bitching on a columbian flip-book forum isn't worth paying attention to.
While legalism is a part of Jewish Rabbinical tradition, it's always done with the expectation that the almighty is final arbitrator, and their books are basically a long list of "times God did not let the Jews get over on him and slapped their fucking shit". It is extremely unlikely that any mainstream Jew legitimately believes they can cause the end of the world or that this is desirable. At most you might see this sort of fringe belief getting strength in Israel which has always been a hotbed of hyper-nationalism and Jew Supremacy due to the fact the original (and current) settlers were (and are) PTSD afflicted paranoid lunatics surrounded by enemies and with a huge chip on their shoulder about how the world owes them for shit their grandparents and ancestors went through.
>calling me pol
I don't know, and frankly I don't really care. I have dealt with company representatives, and they have been dismissive dicks, so I think it's justified for me to have some fun at their expense.
Is it possible that they dismissed you out of hand because you accused them of something that sounds like a bad joke?
I'm pretty sure they just block anyone that disagrees with them on twitter so they don't look so bad for their recent decisions.
How exactly do you accuse someone for something that they already have stated that they are going to do?
>cultural marxism
Saying things like this shows you are a meme-sucking paranoid sheep.
>le hurr durr fuck off tumblr
No. I despise the far left postmodernists too but, unlike you /pol/ shitheads, I actually understand them. Your problem is assuming a lot more method to their madness than there really is.
Fuck off Jeremy
>le ebil nazis will kill all the minorities and gays
>calling pol paranoid
Pic related
Why do I feel like the conversation went something like this:
>You: Hey MaRo you fucking cuck why are you in favor of white genocide in my fucking game?
>Y: Answer me you lazy nigger kikes
>W: [blocked]
Not him but I fail to see why expecting a group to attempt to achieve its stated goals -goals they've attempted before and made pretty significant progress on at the time- makes one paranoid
nice. It looks like you've summed up about half of this thread pretty nicely
Not from my perspective, but considering how the conversation went, I could belive that they are that delusional.
Whose Jeremy
Is he like that crazy guy in the nwod room on flist
Post screens, loser
Unrelated question, are you in the Navy?
Make me Hamster.
>He doesn't want us to know how unhinged he is
You've already lost, mate. Have fun at school tomorrow. Try to ask a cute girl (or guy, if that's your thing) out for prom. Surely that's coming up before too long?
you're being a dick
Call the mods, see if I give a fuck. You've posted a bad opinion in a bad thread and I'm going to ridicule it for as long as you keep responding
Hela cool!
ok cool
look at this fucking SJW thinking somebody appointed him master of what we can discuss
fuck off m8
I'm fine with bitching about SJW's in fact I enjoy it, the problem is that I want to bitch about sjw on /pol/ and talk about card games and monster girls on Veeky Forums
lol no u nigger.
There is "method to their madness" in so far as it's the corporate culture of Hasbro catering to a growing consumer base of women that have a shit tonne of disposable income they didn't have 15 years ago that the want to spend on shit. In the era of Avengers and capeshit movies appealing to mass audiences, it's leaving money on the table if women think it's only gross neckbeards that play this game. It isn't as much as an active take over as a huge virtue signalling campaign saying"see, we won't tolerate people telling you you have to understand the culture of a space you want to enter. That is sexist of them o question you. #/r/gatekeeping"
This is the whole fucking facebook thing that people aren't getting. You are being catered to and influenced to a degree that human beings never had to deal with until this point in time. Thought control is a real goal of people, but not as an ominous boogieman. Im sure all the ig data corps out there are pissed that cambridge analytica stepped on their dick with this Trump shit.
Finally somebody gets it
>rel picated
So what you're saying is that I'm supposed to make a race war thread on pol instead of bitching on /a/ if Toei shits the bed. I really don't see the logic here.