What's your favorite race, Veeky Forums?
(except humans, who we already know to objectively be #1)
What's your favorite race, Veeky Forums?
(except humans, who we already know to objectively be #1)
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Dunmer from Elder Scrolls, because they're the only "Dark Elves" or "Dark-anything" race I've ever seen done in a setting in an interesting way ever.
Shame they got a whole lot more boring in recent games with the Tribunal gone and Morrowind itself FUBAR'd
This nigga is my nigga, to be honest. Dunmer a best.
Pre 4e, and forget about fucking 5e, gnolls. I'm just a sucker for hyenas and gnolls are basically hyenas.
>human #1
No, not really.
shhhh we're just trying to keep the HFY fags quiet
I like orcs, they are generally the ones with the second most sensible motivations after humans.
From more exotic races I like giants and ogres, especially if they differ from DnD variants like in Shadowrun or Dominions Agartha. More beastly variants are ok to a degree too. Does any setting have sentient insectoid ogre?
>sentient insectoid ogre
I'm afraid those three words directly contradict each other user
The Black Fey from Agone are really fun. Immortal fairies cursed to sleep every 70 years, and forget their previous lives. They can speak to inanimate objects and, if they ask them about their dreams, awaken their soul. Their also skilled artists, and have an unparalleled talent for Concord (The practice of magical Art: Paintings that fly off the page, Statues that come to life, Music that controls minds, and Poetry that bends the nature of time).
Well insectoids exists and they have much higher bodytype variety than most races.
How is it absurd to think that some are just really big? Doesn't seem to be a problem for lizardmen.
IRL most insects can't grow beyond a certain size because they'll either collapse under their own weight, or need too much oxygen to survive.
Then again, a very fair case could be made for "fuck realism, we're playing a game" so why not actually
The Therians are a immortal synthetic race of Internet junkies and eternal shitposters who plan to defeat entropy by converting entire galaxies into their Universal Big Dyson Sphere.
They also attack other races for fun and despite their technological supremacy lose quite often because the all-powerfull Therian race forgot stuff like tactics and strategy during the ages. They are a bit like GrimDark Irken, the rich, spoiled assholes of the universe.
> (except humans, who we already know to objectively be #1)
Aren't Shadowrun ogres just fat orks with strong stomachs?
Let them come and bitch. Smacking down hfy scum with facts should be a national pastime.
Well there are subspecies, some looking pretty abominable and others more human.
But every race in Shadowrun is technically human.
>he thinks his shit race matters despite not even having the balls to literally exist
Whatever you have to say it's irrelevant humans are best because we own reality.
> not being an elf who is so perfect that even despite non-existence humans dream of their superiority over mankind.
Warforged, because robots are cool.
Just because they have an insectoid appearance doesn't mean the interior makeup is necessary the same.
I really like any sort of avian. I think in general, birds are cool as heck with tons of variety and potential yet almost nobody seems to ever consider them. They could easily replace any core race due to their numerous possible subtypes/subraces and their widespread nature makes them as adaptable as humans are in regards to living in different locales.
Probably one of the most done versions of the archetype and generaly one of the most well done Evil races that arent a generic "Barbarian horde" or "backstabbing politics evil".
Sadly there are few modern games that take influence form those guys. The franchise they originate from is dead and it was never known for having amazing lore.
Truly a shame tho. These guys had the chance to become *the* unifying iconic Reptile race.
Right now thats WHFBs Lizardmen but WHFBs Lizardmen dont do very well outside of an ONLY WAR setting.
They still fall just short of actual existence which makes them inherently lesser.
> dirtying thyself with reality
2d > 3d, fantasy > reality. Face it.
Broken logic, broseph.
The first 3 require reality to survive which inherently makes them inferior.
Importance does not dictate quality.
Quality is irrelevant as import is above all in such things.
Take your highest quality elf and they will pale in comparison to the import of a basic human simple because one exists and the other doesn't.
I really dig rat-people.
But I really hate the amount of furries that are associated with them. And that they're more often than not just fuzzy goblins that pillage.
This. They work in everything from stone-age fantasy to far-future posthumanist settings and pretty much anything inbetween, I have no idea why they're so underrepresented.
The Fae and the goblin family for me.
>I like ___
>But I don’t like the people who like it
So ignore them? It’s baffling that peoplewith this mentality even like anime anymore, considering the sheer magnitude of obnoxious weebs out there (and especially on Veeky Forums).
its just a way people want to protect themselves from beeing called a furry
I do ignore them, but that doesn't stop them from being obnoxious.
I don't want to fuck them, rats are just cool.
im not saying you do.
but its pointless to try to defend yourself from people who will attack you for badwrongfun.
Theyll just pretend you wanna fuck em anyway.
You dirty fucking furry.
>not wanting to fuck the rats
Oh, way too many... but, I'm a huge fan of 4e's rendition of Gnolls and Bladelings, specifically, and outside of that... probably Aranea.
But Gnomes are cool.
I morn with you brother.
I loved the Karman's, the yeti-gorillas who realised they were being manipulated by the Therians so made themselves more usefully as shock troops and gurilla fighters.
>I don't want to fuck them
I'm sorry? I understand all of those words individually but they don't make any sense when combined like that
I -do- like me some snek.
Made for fighting and for winning.
Tieflings or Drow
Angels. I admire perfection.
But only if it's three-quarters snek, one quarter humanoid. That's the best kind of snek.
Uplifted bear.
Neo-whales are also kinda cool, but they're pretty impractical to play unless you put them in some other morph.
any kind of snek is best
Everything about this post is correct.
Damn it, posted in a newer duplicate thread. Skeletons/liches and Thri-Kreen/the other, more obscure mantisfolk
>tfw you can't play as a single one of these in 5e
This guy is gonna be so excited when he finds out about homebrew
Homebrew is almost never balanced correctly and Kreen homebrew in particular is always a broken mess. Nobody wants to be that guy.
Hrm, now I'm wondering how wildly impractical it would be for a species to have both an endo- and exoskeleton...
Well I mean as long as the exoskeleton has decent articulation
Xenomorphs and the carapacians in Homestuck are like that, it's neat.
Kobolds yo.
I think it's funny how many different Kobold descriptions there are.
There's the dog and lizard kerfuffle, and I always knew them as the giant rat things from WoW.
Which really makes me wonder; what's wrong with having kobolds be bunnyfolk/lizardfolk hybrids in your homebrew setting?
rabbits scream real bad.
Don't ever use them as a thing you have to regularly fight and kill.
That's why we invented rabbit punching.
There's really very few HFY fags left. And thank God for that.
Number Demons
Unironically goblins. They're scrappy and designated underdogs and I like that, especially when they're also little mad scientists. And I find green skin aesthetically pleasing
Heeell yeah
Yeah. Sad but accurate.
Wow that's pretty neat. Very flavorful and evocative
I'm amenable to most types of snek so long as it's not just animu monster girls
that's just an off color gnome slut
I think hags are pretty cool.
Me too
I've always had a soft spot for medusas, to the point where I'm actually in the process of publishing a pathfinder rulebook with a bunch of content I've done for them. Snek? Snek! Snëëëëëëëk!
I like so many fantasy races. I'm a big fan of anthro ones, especially when they throw in the various stereotypes of the animals and build them with some interesting and unique elements.
I'm also a fan of strangely colored and modified humans; such as elves, dwarves, those half-elemental or genie people from D&D whatever they are called. I think these are pretty underrated.
I also like generic monster races that are given a touch up and a bit of humanity. Goblinoids, ogre types, trolls, maybe even things like mind flayers could be given a bit more redeeming factors and turning down their power curve a bit to make them into an interesting race.
Truthfully, I'm a huge fan of science fiction style races though. They're a lot more creative then fantasy races usually, and I don't just mean really dumb super non-human aliens I mean things like weird flower reptile people or whatever that just don't look like a generic race. Plus they tend to have much more creative cultures and weird ass technology or powers due to their nature as science fiction creatures in vast universes. I've always wondered if it would be possible to mix up a fantasy setting by making the races more science fiction inspired instead of fantasy inspired, but I like both.
Plant anything. From big monstrous ents to plant-themed anime girls, anything plant themed is my favorite. I'll even count fungi, even though they're not technically plants.
>designated underdogs
Not a Veeky Forums property, but the Charr from Guild Wars (specifically 2) have always been one of my favorite fantasy races design wise.
>draw a green halfling
>call it a goblin
That said, i DO like goblins.
Dryads, ogres (especially if they're ogre-magish), harpies, gnolls, Dunmer, and any within-reason peaceful take on Skaven.
Crows too, but I already consider them a real-life race. Born, it's either human or crow. Take a pick.
Kenku and Aarakocra for the win
Of these two body types, which do you prefer your medusa having? Legs or tail?
I choose option C
Even though it's the trap choice
That is rather compelling!
I’m fond of cat-men mostly because of the Khajit
A lot of the races in Agone are very well detailed and uniquely interesting. I'd recommend taking a look at it if it interests you (the game is out of print, but you can find the PDFs in the PDF share thread).
It's the male counterpart of the Medusa
While not my favorite, I appreciate Rabbit people. I'd like to see this one explored more.
Forgot pic related, Viera from Final Fantasy.
I dont know if they take #1 but I love centaurs to bits, really wish they didn't drop off the map so much in terms of fantasy races in media
There are many flavors of goblins, user. My personal favorite are bat-inspired goblins, although I've never seen them outside this one piece of artwork.
The old Hercules cartoon made me fall in love with Medusa
A for the initial monster, B for the playable half-Medusa race
I think both are good, desu
green halfling, or jewnosed trash-gremlin both play good roles and have interesting traits
I could easily see goblins that evolve to be more part of actual civilizations instead of one step above feral creatures developing more tamed traits, like wolves to domesticated dogs
Fairy, but as long as they have the mentality of a nac mac feegle.
So a pictsie.
My brotha
plants, robots, and bugs are three of my favorites and playable in almost all my settings.