>Unearthed Arcana: Who even gives a fuck
>5e Trove
Stable releases - get.5e.tools
>Previously on /5eg/:
Talk about knights.
>Unearthed Arcana: Who even gives a fuck
>5e Trove
Stable releases - get.5e.tools
>Previously on /5eg/:
Talk about knights.
Other urls found in this thread:
Second verse same as the first, I like knights, the actual knight background isn't good.
Are the knights in your settings supported by wizards behind the front lines?
Big apology for posting this so many times.
Would using the original Beast Master rules for available companions (Choose a beast that is no larger than Medium and that has a challenge rating of 1/4 or lower) be too strong in the revised ranger's Beast Conclave? I just want to have a giant crab friend that doesn't die instantly.
Would you mind explaining why you feel it isn't very good? It's just a variant noble, right?
It's not great, but you can pair up with another PC who can be your squire. Lots of opportunities for roleplay.
Had an death knight-esque bad guy once, he fought our party of 6 solo.
Simply throwing Haste and Foresight on him before the fight made the rogues cry, the paladin weep and the fighter to grind his teeth.
Not even once did they consider that he might have some buffs on and just dispel magic that shit off of him. They won in the end but boy was it an ordeal.
What sex deprived faggot draws this shit?
Ignoring the "armor" for a moment, how is she even supposed to get that rapier out of it's sheath?
What rapier?
You must mean, are the wizards supported by knights in the front lines.
Lots of other backgrounds offer tangible benefits, and even NPC friends that offer specific and useful services
Criminal background gives you an underworld contact who can be a fence, source of information, discreet messenger, ect.
Charlatan background basically lets you take on a second identity as anyone, ANYONE, even a noble.
Sage makes you into someone who's capable of looking up any piece of information the party could ever possibly need.
Knight... gives you some NPCs who explicitly won't put themselves in danger and aren't stated to have any useful skills. It's basically fucking babysitting. And feels like a waste compared to the very tangible and substantial benefits other backgrounds give.
Speak with the DM. Nobility itself offers lots and lots of opportunities. Some doors will be opened. Just talk to DM and bang out the details.
Fuck, I used my guild member background(alchemy) to insinuate myself into the Mages guild(while being a cleric) and start a revolution.
Stop metagaming you nerds
Revised no longer mentions size or CR explicitly, but it gives those examples. If you look (together with your DM) at what power level these creatures kind of are and get an animal companion that's about that strong, I personally don't see a problem at all. Of course, your DM might though.
If you specifically compare the Boar and the Giant Crab, I'd even say the crab is slightly weaker (ever so slightly).
Paladins in my games have this *thing* built into their class, that at 3rd level they are automatically considered titled, technical nobility like, even if devoid of any effective power
Go back to /pfg/ with the rest of the degenerates!
This image actually makes me a little angry simply because of how bad it is. Moving on...
Knights are a cool type of character to roleplay. One of my favorite characters I’ve ever played was a disgraced knight, stated as a battlemaster fighter with the shield master feat who fought sword’n’board on the ground and switched to a lance on horseback. An absolute tank of a man in full plate, he even deflected a few ballista bolts with his shield during a seige.
Yeah that's my biggest problem with Beast Conclave, the amount of available companions is pretty slim and fairly generic. Hopefully that'll get fixed if they ever decide to release revised ranger properly.
So, better ideas for loot than just "Generic mic item, 2 potions, and 75gp"?
I think they wanted to make it more tangible and so give actual examples, rather than guidelines. But it certainly wouldn't be too strong.
75 generic items, 2 gp and one potion.
75 potions (64 of them are potions of fly), two items, 1gp
>Talk about knights.
What would a wizard with the knight background wear into battle? A version of mage armor tailored to look like real armor? Some sort of ceremonial thing that gives no actual AC bonus?
Not a fan of the retainers. I know historical knights had them or whatever but I just...never really bothered with them, I find the normal noble feature way more useful.
Maybe some armor, it's not hard to get proficient.
An old longsword belonging to a farmer who lives nearby. It was his grandfather’s from the War, but was stolen by the recently-deceased inhabitants of the dungeon. Stats wise it’s just a generic longsword, but now it has flavor, a possible side quest hook, a reason for being in the dungeon, and tells your players a bit more about the world.
A cool robe.
I usually just rework the Mercenary Veteran feature for knights.
Feature: Knight Errant. You are able to identify knights by their emblems, and you know a little about them, including who they've sworn fealty to. You can seek food and lodging from any peasant or tavern loyal to your lord who has beds and food to spare. You can find work acting as personal guard to a local nobleman sufficient to maintain a comfortable lifestyle (see "Practicing a Profession" under "Downtime Activities" in chapter 8 of the Player's Handbook).
I also ensure knights are proficient with shields regardless of class and start with a shield that has their colors and emblem painted on it.
>return the sword to the farmer
>lets you stay with him and eat his food, gives you a reward he can afford
>he asks the fighter to show him how to use it
>come back to the village months later
>he's a local hero after using the sword and your fightman's training to fight off a monster that came knocking
Quest items, duh. Something not useful at the time that can be studied and will give some info.
That sounds cool, I would think that the skills should be different, have any of your players made their own background? I was thinking about "Wizard college drop out" or something.
>Knight Errant
>your lord
That's not how that works, is it?
What's more piratey? Swashbuckler or Swords Bard?
Something like the Grey Wardens mage armor from Dragon Age would be a pretty good option, i think.
Mostly because i like silver and blue.
Kinda, but who cares? It's a feature title, nothing RAW.
On the subject of Backgrounds, anyone else fucking love Inheritor?
started working with a player whose making a new character and he picked Inheritor as his starting background and worked out a ton of details for his inheritance.
For instance, we worked out his inheritance was a suit of traditional samurai armor that was stolen by someone in his family and emigrated with it to a far off country, so he's off chasing him to get it back. So now he's a foreigner in a strange land where people will find him exotic or even be outright racist to him.This is like, 2 different backgrounds in 1. It's neat.
Both. And 3 lvls of battlemaster.
>triple multiclassing
I actively encourage homebrew backgrounds. I'd definitely let someone do something like trade one of the skills for Athletics maybe, swap out the signet ring and scroll for something more "wandering hero-knight" like.
No. Wizards in my setting are very few and far between, generally untrusted (untrustworthy), and overall don't give a shit about the political state.
Japanese mostly.
Nope, because most knights are human and there are no human arcane casters in my setting.
But clerics can be a pretty good support for them in general.
What's it with backgrounds? 2 skills a tool, and a feature?
Played my first session last week.
Gnome Tempest Cleric
Went into the desert and our bird person didn't buy the right gear.
DM said the heat would get to her and she couldn't stand watch at night as an effect
I said I would cast fog cloud to help her
DM says its all gucci and gives me inspiration
is that doable or was DM just being nice?
Felate a shotgun, faggot.
*Either. I meant either.
Why not? There is no mechanics written for hot/cold weather.
Well that's a lot less terrible. I like the Errol Flynn style flavor of the other two however. Singing sea shanties and the like
DMG, pg.110
read the book etc, but this time it's the DMG
I was thinking of refluffing wave echo cave as an underground temple that has been recently taken over by the drow that the players have to bust into to steal shit. What I'm wondering is who would you change the encounters? Adding more drow and spiders is a given but I'm not terribly knowledgeable of what drow use to fight beyond that. I'd also like to keep the difficult around the same if possible.
optional rules who nobody uses
That was supposed to be how would you change the encounters rather than who.
okay but you said nothing was written, how often they're used wasn't the argument.
2 skills, a total of 2 tools or languages, and your background feature.
I lied.
We won't stop until paizofag is gone.
Can the center of the fog cloud be moved along with the party?
We were in a caravan traveling.
Would my spell slots be exhausted recasting it enough to maintain the cooling effect?
Am I overthinking it?
>not having your Players freeze to death, trying to cut through a snowy mountain pass
Probably not. Strong wind disperses it, moving in the still air will probably do the same thing. Just pack a lot of water and Cloud Burst sometimes, if you have access to that.
Oh! Cool. Seems really simple to home brew something.
deserts are generally cold at night and at 1 hour concentration you'll go through all your spell slots and not get a rest off if you try to keep a fog cloud up, even discounting the fact that it doesn't move with you.
Hey tg is the artificier class good?
Inheritor is fucking great. One of my PCs has a sword with a locked sheath that proves impossible to open, got it from his dad who was part of some weird cabal, left it open for me to play with.
What he doesn't know (yet) is that the weapon will let him draw it whenever he's fighting an undead or aberration creature and will effectively give him advantage on damage with it. Once the party hits second level and he starts encountering some he'll find out.
the background section starts with instructions on how to customize a background for your character, it isn't really homebrew if it's following RAW is it?
Concept is rad, execution not so much. Mechanical servant out of nowhere feels weird, feels like it should be a third archetype instead that starts like a little crab or spider and ends as a war machine.
Its playable, but mechanically and conceptually the last draft of it that we saw left much to be desired.
No, it's a thematically incoherent mess and not a very mechanically good one at that.
So with Guidance and Resistance, how often should I be using it out of combat?
I'm tempted to just be holding someone's hand and sneak in a casting before every AC they do.
Or maybe have them tuck my little gnome body in the crook of their arm for a 1d4 boost to all their ACs.
There are people who consider the fucking flavor text RAW, gotta account for all stages of RAWfag retardation.
Literally 80% of Veeky Forums is "paizofag" to you, so that will be never.
Make a shitty little board to yourself as /b/ and wack off your hate boner to how much you hate paizofags instead.
Looking for that "wild hunt adventure" in Curse of Strahd that gets mentioned here once in a while.
Does anyone have it?
That is how my young (13) human Druid uses it as well.
High charisma as "the face" when possible, acts like a younger and much cuter child, and stumbles around giving out guidance like that.
So far it is working out well.
I mean, the DMG gives you some tips on how to homebrew. It's actually something that I really like about this edition, the openness to homebrew. Despite the reputation that it gets in /5eg/ and even despite the trash fire that dndwiki is I think encouraging this stuff keeps the edition alive. The game is built upon creativity and we should foster that, because who's runs their games in the forgotten realms? Having your own setting is so much cooler.
No. It lacks conceptual focus and tries to be three things at once.
Accepting retards and stupid shit is why everything's going to shit. It's a battle of endurance, and you are showing weakness. Fight now! Stand your ground!
needs refinement
Remember that casting is meant to be fairly obvious, and that you need to cast it before a check is called for. Players abusing guidance to have it on literally every check is also why some DMs ban it.
I just remind my players that casting a verbal component requires a confident, authoritative command, somatic components are full-body, and that they have to remember there's minimum 3-5 seconds of anime bullshit happening for most spells while they cast it.
I used this background to start my kobold sorcerer with an orb of dragonkind.
His goal is to revive the dragon inside.
>why some DMs ban it
Yeah I was reviewing cantrips and I was like damn,
Why not just do this all the time?
>verbal component
I was just gonna be like "You got this bb"
or "Thor loves you."
>somatic component
I figured since it was a touch spell,
that the physical contact with the target would
be the somatic component
Neither of those are blatant enough. If you're not throwing a radical couplet and doing a pose, you're not getting your magic on.
Wait for real?
I better work on my funky flow.
Do I have to do that with my domain spells too?
"Prepare for thunder wave,
ye weak and callow knave!"
If you want to please your god, yes.
Good show, old man.
RAW verbal components are mystic chanting and somatic components are forceful gesturing or intricate gestures, so yeah. Also implied by the sorc subtle spell meta magic.
Or just make them an NPC so a player doesn't have to be second fiddle to another player.
Feel free to use OG Beastmaster, but a good guide is CR = 1/4 Ranger Level.
What are some fun rewards that kuo toa can give to a fairly low level party?
Accepting triggered Autists is far worse.
No mostly because it's whole thing of making magic items is garbage as is on top of being a 1/3 caster for only God knows what reason.
How many magic items should a party of 5 (level 6) have?
A holy totem
Grab the blade when it's halfway out.
Was that second link supposed to go somewhere else? What kind of stuff would this holy totem do?
The link was a mistake, the holy totem is resembling their god and when attuned replicates the guidance cantrip or something
Items that can cast Create/Destroy Water or Shape Water.
>Talk about knights
>Posts whatever the fuck that is for an op pic
I don't get the appeal of boob plate and never will.
Also if you truly feel that way then you should also be telling paizofag to go fuck himself. Since this whole shitposting campaign has been one or two autists reeeing about how /pfg/ was forced to become /pgg/.
I personally don't mind boob-plate, but that OP is just not appealing to look at, at all.