Gerrards daughter is black
Sisays daughter is black
I'm assuming were gonna get a black female Karn, Tangarth and Mirri to right?
Gerrards daughter is black
Sisay was black though, and Gerrard didn't have kids.
God forbid Sissay fucks a white person.
Gerrard was the whitest hero ever. Now his lineage is black women. Wotc is a fucking joke.
Are you feeling okay? Being insecure about cartoon depictions of black people can be a sign of low testosterone.
>gerrard's daughter is black
Gerrard didn't have a daughter. Capashen is the name of an influential benalish family, she's his like great-great-grand niece at best. More likely a cousin of some distance. Also having a tumblr haircut doesn't make her black, a white complexion isn't fucking albino.
>Sisays daughter is black
see now that's just outrageous since Sisay was black too you ignorant fuck.
>Gerrard was the whitest hero ever.
I'd say he's more of an orangeish brown.
>Gerrard was the whitest hero ever.
That's why he has a greek statue.
REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Wizards why are you turning all the characters into ugly [insert racist slur here] your sjw pandering is killing the most important part of the game!
We already had black Mirri, dumbass.
Dominaria more like Pozinaria
I always had the impression Capashens and Benalia were inspired by medieval mediterranean states.
>Because she's always been black in the card art
What kind of crazy pills are you smoking OP
>not realizing its true but want to shitpost against it anyways.
Its already been confirmed by Maro that they are phasing out white men in thier game and adding woman and POC.
Yea but its all make beleive.
Jesus Fucking Christ, learn the lore if you're going to shitpost, Jeremy.
Gerrard didn't have kids. Capashen was a clan on Benalia, but not family related.
>Gerrards daughter is black
Gerrard didn't have a daughter you fucking secondary. The Capashens are a huge family. Also, she's fucking white you retard. The fuck is wrong with you?
>Sisays daughter is black
Sisay was always black.
God damn, if you're going to be a retarded racebaiting newfag, at least do your research.
How insecure are you?
Current wotc logic
>used to be white
>make it colored
(Gideon, Chandras family, Gerrards family)
>used to be black
*dusts off hands*
"Our work here is done
this, but non-ironically
you think you're fucking funny don't you? I do too
They were. Dominaria was always pretty brown/black compared to most fantasy settings. I mean, the biggest continent is Jamuraa.
If WotC released Gerrard today people would be whining about him being too mediterranean to be white.
They literally can't.
When Dominaria was spoiled they all started complaining about the black man and the girl on the box and how diversity was killing magic.
They don't care that Teferi has been a character for 20 years and is a Magic classic and much more than just a token black character, all they want to do is complain about the gender and the skin color of characters they don't even know from games they don't even play, much like the SJW's they so much despise.
I feel like the card should have been 2/3 but that also seems like it would cause it to shift up from an uncommon to a rare maybe.
"Lol user is just an insecure racebaiting poltard"
Lol ok
Regardless of whether it's true or not, I am all in favor of anything that makes /pol/ butthurt.
>Caring about the pictures on the cards or the story in any way
One of the best cards is a fat, asian nerd. One of the best creatures of old is a pudgey, blockheaded dude with a shitty beard. Goofy is straight up incomprehensible. Just alter it if you don't like the picture.
It's interesting because exactly zero black women play MTG and few people think black women are at all attractive, so I don't know to who the fuck are they pandering.
This is truly the work of the jew.
It's almost like if you want to attract a new audience you need to do things that appeal to them
So what you're saying is WoTCchanged Pia Nalaar from being brown to being brown? And by Gerrard's family are you referring to the Capashens or Sidar Kondo?
no, they've made enough 2/3s to last a lifetime. besides which, first strike means it trades just as favorably with 2 or less toughness opposition.
>Chandra, name derived from Chadragupta, and her family are indian
>Gideon has always been a scruffy mediterranean man from Not-Greece
>Complain about these characters not being white
Fuck off man, I can't take this shit seriously, you don't even know the characters you're complaining about.
Yea. Huge influx of black women waiting to get into the game....
They we're going to retcon Chandra but its hard to turn a pale ginger into a east Indian. So they just did it to her parents.
>the Capashens or Sidar Kondo?
he's obviously talking about the Capashens, come on it's in the OP. Don't sink to the same level of ignorance just to have an argument.
Is that suppose to be a depiction of the Legacy Weapon?
Looks like it
I know but it's also common with white creature cards to generally have more toughness than power though that's not always the case like for say Thalia or Spirit of the Labyrinth. Just feels bad having it die to Shock of all cards.
It's funny how they write that, but the minorities are almost always negroes, UNLESS the setting call for otherwise (e.g. Kaladesh having Indian people, Ixalan having Amerindians.)
Do they really want to pretend that people are too stupid to see through their lies?
Sure thing user, le blacks and jews are bad amirite? ;)
Note that her dad is white.
maybe she is adopted?
That's amazing.
Pretty sure spending time and money to go after the black female gamer market is not a good investment. Too many companies in this age try to alter their product to chase after new markets but end up alienating their actual customer base and failing. I'd rather pander to the engaged audience I already have, but that's just me.
>Gerrards daughter
Gerrard was a mediterranean mutt to begin with.
you dont belong here
>Chandra, name derived from Chadragupta, and her family are indian
Look I'm not as buttblasted about it as some of these guys, but I'm gonna need a better explanation than just because for how an indian lady and a white-ish indian-ish man gave birth to a pale ginger. Like, they could've given a token mention to how mages on Kaladesh have their appearance affected by their magic or something. Baral could've been a fucking ginger too, or had bright blue tumblr hair, anything and I'd take it, but they gave us nothing and that shit don't compute.
Fuck this thread, jeremy's personal army and /pol/edgelords already ruined it.
>Sisay was black though
Sisay was brown, not black. Her skin tone ranged from mediterranean to indian depending on which card you pick.
She looks kind of south european, maybe spanish or italian in descent, not fucking black.
At least get the ethnic groups you hate accurate, you mongoloid.
I don't care about her race but wtf is up with the tumblr haircut? It's going to look dated in 10 years too.
I'm not too familiar with the old lore at all, and I never guessed it from her card, but it is true that Sisay is black because she was born in Jamuraa.
Maybe she's GAY
>Theros, the greek block
>Khans, the asian block
>Kaladesh, the Indian block
>Amonkhet, the Egypt block
>Ixalan, the Mesoamerican block
>Now back to Not-Africa in Jamuraa, Dominaria
>"Why are they all blaaaack"
Dude, stop, you're ignoring everything that doesn't fit your preconcieved notions.
Yeah I find it odd too. Hell, I always found it odd that Chandra had an Indian name. My guess is that WotC designed Chandra with Kaladesh in mind, but they didn't think about what implications that would have regarding looks at the time.
I'n fine with assuming that Chandra's red hair is simply a result of her pyromancy talent.
To be fair you're talking to the crowd that thinks Dark skintone = Black
>UNLESS the setting call for otherwise (e.g. Kaladesh having Indian people, Ixalan having Amerindians.)
Why was Innistrad full of negroes with pretty much no asians nor amerindians?
To be completely fair with these guys, there should have been more whites in Amonkhet. Everything else they say is bullshit, but making Amonkhet 99% black was a really toxic move.
By the crowd, you mean OP?
Khans is just the China/Mongolia block. Kamigawa was the Japan block.
I'd like to see a Cambodia/Burma/Vietnam/Thailand type part of asia MTG block.
Innistrad had a fair number of Asians
>Amonkhet, the Egypt block
You mean the Numidian block.
Yeah I don't know what that guy's thinking when one of the most played cards from Innistrad is an asian dude (Albeit a card created/based on an asian dude)
>if their skin is less than RADIANT MILK WHITE they're black
Jesus fucking christ she doesn't look black at all.
You mean this one card or snappy based off of an asian guy?
Not really, especially compared to blacks.
Add to that, that the greek block and the Egypt block were also full of niggers, while asians and other ill-fitting races were still severely underrepresented and it become evident is the old game of jews playing favorites while pretending to be impartial. (and the favorite is always negroes uh? really makes you think!)
>Innistrad had a fair number of Asians
Lol define "fair number". Pretty sure it only had a singular asian.
As you said snapcaster is a special case.
Anyway is funny how you you bring that one up, since they wasted no time blackwashing it. (like they did with many other iconic cards, e.g. sun titan. How many iconic cards got asian washed instead?)
Not him but I always like to think of that card as some Brazilian soccer player. It has also resulted in some fine comedic colloquial names like Snapcaster Negro or Blackcaster Mage
>used to be black
>"Our work here is done"
Even that isn't true anymore. Compare Teferi's old designs to the new ones. He shifted from looking like an East African to Kanye West
Chandra fundamentally an indian name so 'retcon' is probably the wrong word.
But Kanye was born in Atlanta. That's somewhat Eastish!
Her hair was literally fire for a while before it was hair of any colour.
Kanye West as a planewalker actually sounds pretty rad
I'm especially angry about when wogwashed Sun Titan.
I think SOI or EMN added a couple more, but I forget which ones. Probably draft chaff commons. Enough to say that there's probably an Asian minority somewhere on innistrad, rather than a singular artist's fluke. Or maybe they were retconned in, I don't see why it should matter.
I can't understand what makes people take a fantasy card game so seriously that they post their political thoughts on Veeky Forums so vociferously and throw the n-word around so easily. You guys sound crazy.
We wuz paladins
now were just houseniggers for a murderous ideology
>too many people that aren't milk white!
This has ceased to be even whining about black people. Now you guys are whining about anyone that doesn't look like they've smeared themselves in whipped cream.
The irony is that the main characters of MtG are less racially diverse than they've ever been. The Gatewatch is three white guys and three white girls.
Neither do you, friendo
Teferi's joining in Dominaria though.
>I think SOI or EMN added a couple more, but I forget which ones. Probably draft chaff commons. Enough to say that there's probably an Asian minority somewhere on innistrad, rather than a singular artist's fluke. Or maybe they were retconned in, I don't see why it should matter.
>Can't remember or prove his point
>Expects people to believe him
Look dude, i'm asian. If there's an asian character on a card i would fucking notice, you tend to notice your race being depicted and represented on artwork or other media. SOI or EMN never added any asians in so don't go making up shit. If you're going to do a setting based on ancient China, Japan or Mongolia you damn best be sure it better have the right representation. SOI or EMN doesn't have a single asian person on that plane, oh wait, do you mean TAMIYO who was from fucking KAMIGAWA? She's not even human.
They're totally saving the asians for future innistrad stuff though, there's that whole thing at the end of Avacyn Restored where they talk about werewolves who don't want to get cursemuted fleeing across the sea to a continent with weretigers. The asians on innistrad are for Innistrad 3: Let's Rip Off Yokai
>That ending spoiler
I'm fucking dying
When did Gerrard fight the Eldrazi...?
you have no idea what a mediterranean looks like, please stop posting anytime
If people complain about based Teferi, then truly all is lost.
That said, who d'you guys reckon is next for the Gatewatch? Dack? Sorin? Resurrected Elspeth?
It's probably an artistic depiction of Yawgmoth. Note that the spear looks like it has the Weatherlight for a 'blade', making it probably an artistic depiction of the Legacy Weapon.
ur mum
>Kamigawans aren't even human
Typical racist chink.
This post is a joke
>Alms of the Vein
>Faithbearer Paladin
>Ghostly Wings
>Guardian of Pilgrims (debatable)
>Survive the Night
>Veteran Cathar
>Weaver of Lightning
These cards taken from a pool that;
a)is found in SoI and EMN
b)contain a humanoid in their artwork (no lands, no eldrazi, no werewolves, ghosts, treefolk, inanimate objects etc etc)
c)features a character who is not named and is from Innistrad (no gaywatch or story characters)
d)if all of the above, race is at least guessable (clear view of face, not a zombie with pieces falling off, no coverings etc etc)
The named cards taken as a percentage of cards in that pool is a decent amount. Still a minority compared to white people of germanic appearance, but by no means a rarity.
Yes. YES. The white race shall curl up and become worthless, like a recently opened foil!
apparently not
Can we talk about the fact that each block/ plane has been reduced to "Facelift of ____ ancient culture but fantasy" . I'm happy for Dominaria just because it doesn't feel like like a grab-bag of obvious cultural motifs.
as a white dude i gotta say: who gives a shit? it's fiction. they can be whatever, it doesn't matter. this is a nonissue.
>muh pretend people look different than what i expected
If you have to qualify it, it's probably not a good one
Eh, that doesn't bother me. It was a way of quickly adding variety to locales and available creatures. Would I have liked it if each place was as fleshed out as Dominaria is? Sure. But they also don't do things that way anymore. Dominaria's a slow build over dozens of sets, novels, etc.
The only art where she looks balck is the Vangard one by Foglio. In all others she's more of an arab/hispanic tone than black.
I cannot see Sorin joining ever. Also, he's occupied by being in a rock.
I could see Sarkhan joining up just to strike back at Bolas.
> the n-word around so easily.
You are on Veeky Forums fag, return to whatever shitty subreddit you came from if you can't deal with cuss language.