>The party paladin is instructed to purchase a child by a luminous being in a dream
How might he proceed?
Is skepticism warranted?
Can evil dreams be detected?
How might a good man purchase a child?
What comes next?
>The party paladin is instructed to purchase a child by a luminous being in a dream
How might he proceed?
Is skepticism warranted?
Can evil dreams be detected?
How might a good man purchase a child?
What comes next?
Just go to the marketplace and purchase a slave child, this is only difficult if you choose to make it so.
>Buy a child
>You have another dream
>The luminous man instructs you to fatten up the child and sell it at profit
Do it and ask what's going on in the next dream
>doesn't say anything about slave's purpose
>doesn't say anything about duration of servitude
I'd probably just use them as a squire (maintaining/carrying gear, training in combat and morality), then let them go once I feel they've grown enough. From an altruistic perspective, they've got valuable skills to live on their own as opposed to being a "free" serf or whatever. From a selfish standpoint, I'll have a potential ally down the line who might owe me one. If they don't, that's fine, I've dealt with worse than ungrateful squires. Ultimately, it's what you make of it.
Now if this dream outright says that it's for unholy purposes, then it's probably my mind falling to some form of temptation and I've got some penance to do.
Buy it, free it.
How is that not obvious? Does the paladin have int and wis below 6?
No, good people in a medieval fantasy setting always have the same morals as middle-class Americans are meant to! Slavery is wrong! Children are sacred! God can be evil, but Hollywood always tells you what is right and wrong!
>>The party paladin is instructed to purchase a child by a luminous being in a dream
Alright. Am I still in the dream? If so, I look around for a market.
>by a luminous being in a dream
Well which luminous being is it? If it's not my luminous being, I'll just tell it to fuck off.
>How might he proceed?
Go about his business as usual and maybe buy a child for sale the next time he sees one and make it his apprentice.
>Purchas child
>Treat well while awaiting further instructions
>If no instructions or instructions worrying, release and see to it's taken care of
>live in a slaver society, slavery is a societal norm
>purchase kids, treat it as members of your family
>when the kids grows, free them and maybe also hire them if they can do work you taught them
wow that was hard. it's not like there are historical examples of that, and it's not like sometimes slavery/serfdom was voluntary.
Clearly he must execute the child, to avoid a new age of darkness to fall upon the land.
Well, now my character's wife will stop nagging about having more children.
I think that is 3e+ thinking.
>There's a discount sale on children
>1 Tiefling, male one Drow, one Diaboli female,a half elf and ghost elf child for sale
>Have to somehow buy them all
Purchase, teach the valuable life skills of a paladin and instill a strong moral code, release. Done.
As others have suggested:
>He goes to the appropriate market place and buys a child that he sees fitting.
>He raises the child with fairness and firmness, preparing the child as he sees fit.
>All of this assuming the luminous being didn't give more explicit instructions in these areas and that the Paladin accepts the task the luminous being is giving in the first place as legit.
I really don't see a problem here. There are any number of reasons why someone may end up a slave that are not necessarily evil. The evil would be in how the slave is treated.
I'll start the bidding at 500
What the hell is going on in that pic?
There is nothing wrong with purchasing a child slave to raise it and give it a better future.
>Send that child back into the world without training, whereabouts of his family or even a way to take care of itself.
Way to go idiot, it's best chances for survival is going straight back to the slave trader.
>What comes next?
Child could be a chosen one, a forgotten prince
So under the Paladins care he becomes a great and just leader and warrior
There is, actually. By buying a slave you're perpetuating and funding the system that enslaved them, doing more harm on the whole.
Or so say all the human trafficking briefs I've had to sit through.
The child is the chosen one and you're supposed to train him in the ways of the light. Buy the child, what's the issue here. A paladin certainly isn't going to steal the child.
Have a cleric roll a religion check every step of the way.
> the paladin roll
> the slave market roll
> which slavemonger to use roll
> picking out the slave roll
That's what they're there for right?
Swing at every ball, that's what Jay T. Dogzone says.
pic related
Buy the slave. What's the problem?
Yeah that's a fair way you could have it go, maybe if you neglect some stuff during the care of the child
As long as you don't let the mage have her you should be fine.
>how might he proceed
He would go find a child slavery ring, in full regalia, with a sign reading 'not a paladin' hung around his neck. You know, to re-assure them.
>Is skepticism warranted
Probably, but he can game this
>can evil dreams be detected
not be the sleeper
>how might a good man purchase a child
Through a standard mercantile transaction
>what comes next
He wasn't given instructions, so presumably he asks for a refund and murders the entire ring. Then wanders off to the nearest church with the 'product 'in tow.
Looks like that krieger killed the mechanus who was doing unsanctioned "research" on that tau girl and now she things the krieger is about to pick up where the mechanus left off and she's begging them not to.
living and consuming products is to perpetuate the slave systems in the employ of big company.
There's a bit of a difference between someone working a soulless 9-5 of their own will and someone kidnapped into or otherwise sold into slavery.
>Buy child
>set it free
>hand over to responsible NPCs
>defeat the slaver later
There's no moral consumption or innocence under capitalism, comrade.
>unlawful murder is ok
Congrats, you just lost your connection to god. That slave merchant's family is without a husband and father, and the chosen one thinks it's ok to use his status to kill as he pleases.
Go get an orphan. Duh.
The real honest answer here is to write down everything he remembers of the dream, consult with fellow clergy about the nature and meaning of it, and decide with them whether it's wise to heed the luminous being.
you think people oversea getting paid pennies a day to make designer clothes and electronic product is not slavery? if you would not live in that condition yourself then how would it not be torture to those people?
This is the right way.
You know how that goes, when in rome...
If the laws of the place allow slavery, it's sad and all but you're not going to beat an entire city/culture by yourself. Buying out as many slaves as you can and perhaps meeting the slavers outside the guards' reach or sending your rogue to steal back the money may work too but it's more of a chaotic thing.
Pay in cummies. Whose cummies? Daddies cummies.
There's no moral existence under Leninism or Maoism.
There is no moral existence period. The weak must fear the strong!
>Purchase the child.
>Raise it as comes natural to yourself.
>The god in question realized how you'd raise it, child's upbringing puts it in the perfect position to accomplish some goal the deity wanted, such as becoming a champion of the people or similar.
>The person raising them gets so attached, they go out of their way to try and keep the child safe from harm, fighting against their deity to prevent the child from filling his destiny, which the paladin has come to see as a burden forced upon him with no choice.
Buy the kid.
They're there willingly. The fact that their economy is so bad that that's the best they can do just means their economy is bad, not that it's slavery, minus a few instances in China where they actually are slaves.
to be fair, paladins of different gods of good might handle it differently. one might seek to do no harm and part happily with his earned coin to free a child from a possible worse future. another might view anyone involved as evil, demand everyone involved to swear to find a new livelihood or die on the spot, then kill anyone who balks.
Am i being directed purchase a specific urchin?
Can my church assist me with an augury to determine that my dreams are not being tampered with by magic users, psions, or adversarial outsiders?
I mean, if this is just my own head, I guess I've been thinking about acquiring a squire and perhaps a few other camp followers anyways.
If it's a friendly good aligned outsider influencing my dream, then there must be a larger purpose.
I feel like getting straight down to chopping heads without trying diplomacy or even intimidation isn't a very paladin thing to do in this case.
Like if you come across a slaver enslaving someone, by all means get the swords out but a slave market needs more nuance.
>Have long talk with clergy
>They suspect the work of a wicked spirit or demon
>Suggest working with it briefly to divine its true nature
>Complex adventure ensues to identify the luminous being and defeat its source
>Clergy help out discreetly to avoid tipping it off
>Send out coded messages to them to indicate the messages in each dream
>Adventure culminates in a sting against a demon-cult of corrupted paladins tricked into worshiping the luminous being
>Destroy and cleanse its altar, finally driving it from the world
>Paladin just does whatever he dreams of
>has that no pants dream
>Paladin has a dream where he and the luminous being are flying
>Paladin has a dream he doesn't remember when he wakes up
See that's not what that means to me at all. Looks more like they syphoned the blue out of the Tau and she really wants her blue goo back. So will you please help the Tau and inject her with goo?
Mechanicus guy in the background merely died laughing. He'll be okay once his auto-defib he installed in his pelvis kicks in.
Fortunately the church just has a lot of kids lying around the back offices for some reason, many of them in various states of distress also for some reason. Turns out, though, the priests aren't just giving them away. For some reason. Instead they expect you to get your own kids from outside and bring them back to the church.
It's about this point you notice the can of luminous paint and the magic mirror that lets them project reflected images into peoples dreams.
Look at it. It's clearly a Haemonculus?
I think the blue thing is a dildo.
Wrong. That's clearly a Haemonchanicus. The most heretical being of sexy fusion in the matterium or immaterium
It dispenses lubricant, user, generally for the anus. That's why it has the nozzle and the syringe-like end to push the substance forward.
You... maybe should see more porn, user.
It's a syringe full of lube.
>How might a good man purchase a child?
i mean, its better in your care than being treated as goods by the slaver, is it not?
you have made a terrible, terrible mistake.
truly you are the worst slave owner.
at the market same as anybody else
(well, slightly different as you'd then stalk the slaver when he leaves the city limits and kill him for selling to you in the first place, but half the evil characters do that too...so yeah, just like everybody else)
surely the paladin would be directed to a specific child?
if nothing else it's a nice financial deterrent to genocide. especially in a world where your enemies are another species so interbreeding isn't (much of) a thing
He needs it to be slain and burned on an altar, any child will do
paladin can't lie, so lose the sign, otherwise: this
looks like that krieger killed the mechanus who was doing unsanctioned "research" on that tau girl and now she wants the goo he extracted back.
but by then it's too late and the child has been sold to cultists or whatever. paladin is for action! act now and if consequences are evil act again to smite that evil.
buy the kid now, then talk to clerics about the dream and what you should do about it now
to be fair, cost of living is also pennies a day there. a flat global minimum wage doesn't work, it'd just break their economy or whatever
not in southeast asia, india, or parts of south america, africa, middle east, china. there some corporations have 3rd party suppliers with literal slaves that nobody cares about
well the party paladin certainly isn't going to /steal/
oh, in that case it probably isn't /my/ luminous being and can be safely disregarded
if nothing else it's a nice financial deterrent to genocide. especially in a world where your conquered enemies are another species so interbreeding and assimilation isn't (much of) a thing
Wouldn't tampering with someone's mind be in itself an act of evil, thus disqualifying being from a paladin's god, which must be lawful good, from doing so?
He could wing it by saying he was not a paladin of a different god. They never asked if he was a paladin of his own god
Just as planned
chimp eyes are so weird
Buy the kid and set them free
Totally be skeptical of dream gods
Detect evil and good doesn't work like that
Who/what needed that kid? Does the paladin let that thing happen?
>Buy the kid and set him free
>Dream another drea
>"No matter what, do not set the kid free"
>"He must remain in your care else you may not protect him"
good point, free them and adopt them?
>How might a good man purchase a child?
With money, most likely.
I don't think a barter-based economy can get up to the point where it can manage a slave market, but I might be wrong.
Most historical slaves were treated better than the overseas children being forced to make the products which sustain our first-world lifestyles.
Don't act like syringe-administered anal lube is a regular thing in porn or sex in general, user.
>Decent Jedi
>Shitty parent
Checks out
Then you seek to over throw the laws and system, just because something unjust has been made law does not mean a paladin is suddenly incapable of stopping it by force if necessary.
Purchase the child, await further instructions from aforementioned luminous being, pray it's not the god of childfucking
>Buy slave child.
>Free Slave child.
>Raise slave child as successor Paladin
>Slave child will eventually surpass you in power, fame, and deeds.
>But that's ok because all you care about is serving your deity
>On deathbed task slave child with repeating the process
>Start a tradition of noble former slave paladins
>Paladins save the world multiple times, spreading the faith and doing good
>Eventually, deity comes to visit you
>You have done well, to spread goodness and virtue
>All faithful have a vision, you are canonized as a saint
>Always represented in the mortal plane by a single holy warrior and the adopted child who will be their successor
>Become a core aspect of your own faith
Being a paladin isn't the same as being suicidal.
The world is full of unjust things and evil people, it is true - but you're not going to help anyone if you sacrifice your life for nothing.
You wouldn't start a fight against a slave owner in a place that allows slavery the same way you wouldn't charge into the evil army by yourself. You can disapprove something and work against it without such gloryseeking.
Spending a bunch of gold to purchase slaves, releasing them with ample supplies outside the city - or perhaps leading them to a friendly chapel - would be the right thing to do. Heck, let your Chaotic Good Robin Hood knockoff freer of slaves know when the slave master leaves town and where he goes to next, and he'll make sure the illgotten profits will not be used to propagate slavery.
It is rare indeed that one of the divine messengers manifests in a dream. The child must have a worthy destiny indeed.
I will do my best to instill in the lad or lass an appropriate moral code, and all the skills of a sacred warrior.
Go home God, you're drunk
>she's begging them not to.
She's begging them "to" continue the research
There you are user, fixed your error
The only thing I would change is that as a paladin of this order you must free 2 slaves