Did you ever have to use this word and why, Veeky Forums?
Did you ever have to use this word and why, Veeky Forums?
No because I'm not a faggot who wastes his money on professional MTG when kitchen table is more fun, and there is no pride to be taken in being good at netdecking / memorizing meta.
I use it only when there is a lot of mtg players around and I’m playing other board game, just to fuck with them.
Only when my opponent attempted to urinate into a 44oz styrofoam cup at the table because he thought someone would steal his cards
the fuck?
It’s not that uncommon - I knew a dude who threatened to piss into someone’s throat while playing mtg. He also had a massive boner, Dunno why.
>massive boner
I'd let him stick his dick in my throat OwO
git gud kid.
How does if feel to put together shitbrews that get raped in the ass on daily basis so much that you simply cannot play outside your snowflake dweeb group of friends?
How does it feel to spend thousands and thousands of dollars on cards that go out of service after 12 months just to be good at a card game? Some of us play for fun, because we actually have attained success in our normal lives and don't need to be "gud" at a card game to feel better about ourselves. "Gud" meaning "I can look up decklists online and learn a meta just like everyone else."
Only during MTG prereleases since I'm not too familiar with newer card interactions so it's best to double check with a judge
Get a load of this special snowflake
>How does it feel to spend thousands and thousands of dollars on cards
Pretty good actually
>that go out of service after 12 months just to be good at a card game?
Jokes on you, fag. I am a long-time collector. The ability to whip out any T1 list on a blink of a eye is purely orgasmic. I don't have to grind tournaments since I can just buying anything I want to, even FNM promos.
>Some of us play for fun, because we actually have attained success in our normal lives.
I already got my professional degree in Medicine over four years ago, kiddo. No spouse, no girlfriend, no children (I got a pet though, his name is Neron) to waste money into. Only precious cardboard.
>don't need to be "gud" at a card game to feel better about ourselves.
As a medical professional I am in a permanent smug mode 24/7. But I like the extra spice of watching kids like you struggling to put together a shitbrew since you can't even afford the cheapest of staples.
YOU get a life, fag.
And you never said "JUDGE" at the kitchen table?
It was a running joke at Uni...
All the time when my friends do something in social games that would get them DQ'd
>the ability to whip out any T1 list in the blink of an eye is purely orgasmic
Only when drafting with one of our area's local judges.
Those are actaully pretty neat shoes/boots.
Occasionally at prereleases. I'm a bit of a rules lawyer so sometimes a niche interaction will come up, or I might just be playing a less experienced player and if they don't take my word for it or aren't 100% on board with what's going on I'll usually call a judge instead of trying to argue the point and coming off like a jerk. Also I used to play in the huge venue prereleases that they discontinued and I got used to having to shout over an entire auditorium's volume level to be heard, so when I call judge in an lgs, they hear it. A lot of players are really timid about it and will just sit with their hand up having not been noticed in the first place.
last judge call i remember was during EDH.
I cast Living Death with a Phyrexian Delver (Reanimates a creature on ETB) and Progenitor Mimic (fancy Clone) in my graveyard. I had no other creatures in gy and I wasn't sure whether or not Mimic would die "soon enough" to be a target for Delver's ETB. The answer is that yes, state based actions are checked before triggered abilities are put on the stack.
Standard doesn't cost thousands and formats that do don't rotate. Even rotating formats last longer than 12 months. How does it feel to realize how stupid you are? "Better to be thought a fool..."
Played YGO competitively for a few years, judges are called a lot because of cards with confusing wording. Got good at it and actually became a judge for a while, but I'm no longer involved in the game and these days my rule knowledge is pretty shaky.
>Spend your entire youth studying
>Amounts to cardboard collector
Maybe I should change "Spend" to "waste"
>making up shit on the internet to cope with the fact that you wasted thousands of dollars on cardboard
Whatever you say bro.
Not at once. But if you play it for a few years it will as cards constantly rotate out.
I have twice, once to clarify a rule that my opponent and I, both fairly new players, were unclear on, and once when someone had a card that was not legal in the format. Both times it was resolved in a calm and cordial manner. No shit fits or drama.
I was in Cort for stealing magic cards from Walmart. I called the judge 'judge' and he got fucking pissed and told me to refer to him as your honor or be held in contempt.
Only at prerelease when nobody knows how new shit works. Sometimes at Standard Showdown or PPTQ's when opponents don't know how shit works. Never at FNM because who cares.
You're an idiot as evidenced by your spelling and propensity for shoplifting but that judge is a dick.
Yeah, there was a card interaction that I didn't understand and didn't get explained to me so I kind of had to, still lost but the guy shouldn't have been such an ass about it.
Please never have kids..tho with this taste in clothing, it shouldn't be a problem.
you sound like a pure asshole
'T.O!' in a particularly nasally voice is the superior meme.
>cheaters and kids who don't know the rules at fnm
>wasting your money on professional MTG
Have you ever played the game? Every single event has judges. Even prereleases, drafts, fnms, casual nights and whatever.
You thinking you are sounding smug instead of seeing your childish rant for what it is is amazing
Never change, Veeky Forums
Why didn't he loose on purpose?
>not getting into huge arguments about rules at the kitchen table
Fuck off it's more fun. My friend group was nearly destroyed by "protection from X" and wrath of god/trample.
Friend, you NEED someone who understands the rules.
Yeah me and my opponent both agreed to call judge when we were unsure about an interaction of an exerted creature getting highjacked and exerting it again.
Turns out 'you' as a player are targetted as the exert(er) and when it goes back after the hijack/end turn it untaps as normal
When playing at larger tournaments and my opponent does something iffy or if we have different life totals written down or the like. I'd also do it if I found out I had one of my sideboard cards in the maindeck game 1 or the like.
Yes, when my opponent used clearly bent foil cards.
They were clearly distinguishable from other cards.
Godspeed user... Godspeed
Wut in darnation
What's more important to you, having lots of hot sex with a beautiful woman, or winning at a children's card game?
I have a good deck, not my best just my favorite, probably not tornament legal, it has a lot of old and new cards, and some of them are bent, I feel bad knowning what card I'm gana draw sometimes.
My elf deck has the Bee in it. And it's discolored from age slightly, and I can tell when I'm gana draw it.
I can always have lots of sex with women, I can only win this match once.
It's a common joke around our Commander table whenever anyone gets a turn 1 Sol Ring.
You sound like a pathetic bitch
>Friend, you NEED someone who understands the rules.
Yes. It's called, knowing the rules yourselves and having a copy of the rules as PDF on your computer, regularly updated, and also playing with friends who understand semantics and logic.
>dare you enter my magical realm?
At GP Phoenix, me and my opponent at the Pauper Double Up both didn't bring a pen to sign the match sheet. I raised my hand, bellowed "JUDGE" using all the air in my lungs and asked him for a pen.
Surgeons truly are the niggers of medical professions
The best feelings I've ever had in magic were the times my stupid budget gimmick decks routinely beat someones top tier standard deck to the point where they get annoyed enough that they build a deck to specifically counter it. Happened two or three times in high school with this faggot spike and I felt smug as hell every time.
>No spouse, no girlfriend, no children, only precious cardboard
>get a life, fag
>Playing MtG
>Not getting into a horrific car crash, mangling your hands, going bankrupt trying to fix them them, and eventually travelling to Asia to learn real magic and become a Sorcerer
Yes...on an interaction between two Unstable cards
>The ability to whip out any T1 list on a blink of a eye is purely orgasmic
And to not be a complete fag.
Your group is as fragile as my level in drawings. . .
>medical professional
>piece of shit obsessed with feeling superior to everyone else
Every time.