/kdm/ Kingdom Death: Monster (KD:M)

How's everyone's expansions?

>What is Kingdom Death: Monster?
Prologue Narration: youtu.be/FNLc8dHv0Ac

Monster is a board game about surviving in the darkness. You play a bunch of cavemen, called 'survivors', stuck inside the world of Kingdom Death, a setting full of freaky (and sometimes psycho-sexual) monsters. The current version is 1.5.

Your goal is to arm your survivors and grow your settlement over 20-30 'lantern years', in an effort to overcome the mysterious odds that are against you.
The game has 3 phases each lantern year:
1. Hunt: You hunt down monsters for resources
2. Showdown: Fight them
3. Settlement: Return with the goods to build, innovate and sacrifice

A maximum of 20-30 sessions are expected for a successful campaign. Shorter campaigns will be available in 2019-2020.

It's basically Warhammer Quest meets Monster Hunter meets Berserk meets Sid Meier's Civilization.

>Official Sites

>1.5 Rulebook photographs (yet to be fully scanned)

>Official FAQ and Living Glossary

Official build guides: build.kingdomdeath.com/
Upgrade 1.3 to 1.5 guide: kingdomdeath.com/wp/upgrade-to-1-5-edition/
Unofficial lore and miniature build guides: vibrantlantern.com/
1.5 Core Game and 1.3 expansion miniature info image: i.imgur.com/t0clW3a.jpg
Gambler's Chest (coming in 2nd half of 2018) miniature info image: i.imgur.com/A64r2Ar.jpg

>Thread FAQ

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Other urls found in this thread:


with 1.5 out for a while now, are there any changes to the recommended expansion list? I wasn’t keeping up when the pledge manager reopened and missed that boat so i’m hoping to score some next sale

Still waiting for Wave 2 shipping notice.

Mine is likely going slow because I didn't order expansions I already had, and the people getting theirs are those who ordered the entire set.

For quarries:
- Gorm: Providing more choices in the early game and creating a meta regarding innovating.
- Sunstalker: The best end-game quarry for offense gear, and you get access to a great campaign too!
- Dung Beetle Knight: Tons of utility and accessory gear that grants armor points to all locations without it being armor. It's also fucking hard.

For nemesis:
- Manhunter: Adds a lot of great utility, top tier events and a great fight.
- Slenderman: Replaces the awful pre-Gambler's Chest King's Man with a fun yet confusing fight. After beating it you gain access to crafting new gear that requires resources from core game quarries.

I can read the faq. Can you read my question?

I haven't kept up. Did the gryphon ever release? What did they even change about it from the early version?


I just realized but the Dragon King is HUGE.

Still don't think I've gotten them yet. Haven't been able to check yet today. Hopefully they will be showing up this week. I'm in the same boat as I think.

Were there any expansions you user's regret not picking up?

Sunstalker, but I've got it now.

Still waiting for my Wave 2 shipping notice.
I only got the best 6, I don't "need" the rest but oh boy I sure want them.

In other news, I finished painting the Antelope last night.

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I've been waiting for one of these threads. Does Poots do Easter sales?

My game shipped to me without the Kings Step Fighting Art card, how is he about sending replacements?

Why is Rawhide armor so much better than white lion armor?

I took Survival of the Fittest, do I basically need to hold off oin intimacy until I get Founder's Eye?

Do titles in names do anything whatsoever?

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>Does Poots do Easter sales?
>how is he about sending replacements?
contact support at their website
>Why is Rawhide armor so much better than white lion armor?
because it's more cost efficient and the resources needed can be obtained from any monster
>I took Survival of the Fittest, do I basically need to hold off oin intimacy until I get Founder's Eye?
don't count on intimacy with sotf, instead try to keep your dudes alive at all costs and rotate them to prevent retirements

Won't the Kings Man and the hand just massacre me?

Attached: imageedit_41_3687915783.jpg (533x673, 105K)

>when you get no hides the 2 fights before pic related
guess i’ll die

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>going in with two full rawhide sets
I think I can win, though I'm a bit short on weapons. I've got darts, a club, kings spear, and catgut bow

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You've got more than enough.

Nice job user.

So, bit of an odd project, but I wanted to be able to use my Forsaker in place of the level 2 butcher mini, so I'm making aan expansion base. How's it looking so far?

Would help if I posted the image

Attached: 20180326_194710.jpg (4032x3024, 2.78M)

Me and a group of friends were thinking about starting this for the first time, however there will be 5-6 of us while obviously the game is designed around 4.
How exactly do we balance around these extra players, and is it even really running it with this many?

There are rules for it in the back

Anyone got a guide on how to make a recast of the face bases?

It would be better if the lower base had a socket for the 30mm base than just sitting on top.

Literally any single-part mold tutorial.

I prefer using Oyumaru for my pressmolds and using greenstuff.

It was a learning experience user. I didn't budget enough space for it, but I don't want to just bin it.

If I draw Hack City on the butcher, and the only threat is out of his range, do I get the Legendary Lungs event? or does "ending the action" skip that phase?

Well if you actually read the fucking rulebook sometime, you'd know that you don't continue the card if the target parameters tells you to instead preform a different card.

You don't get to have a free chance at a SFA because you made him Menace instead.

Attached: Hack City.png (639x1003, 513K)

Settle down there cowboy and try reading what I fucking wrote. The second mode is "closest threat" not "closest threat in range" He can target someone on the otherside of the map with Hack City, full move towards them and end the action, which isn't going to Menace

Yeah, rules as written, you'd get Legendary Lungs to trigger. Though, it can be pretty hard to game it unless you specifically plan it, due to how many cards the Butcher gets to draw.
You can just fluff it as the Butcher very aggressively moving towards you, I guess.

What sleeves did you guys get? I ordered mage sleeves back in nov, but apparently that was a mistake, I still haven't gotten them yet

mayday actually changed their sizes so now you have to use sleeves that are slightly to big if you're going with the cheapest option

There any word on when the survivor boxes will be available on their own?

The look cool as hell, but I have no interest in the game or the giant fetish monsters.

The 1.3 armor kit sprues go for sale as a bundle a few times a year.


Note that it doesn't come with the DBK's Rolling Armor set.

Also the vast majority of monsters aren't fetishy ones.

Core is just:
Antelope with a belly maw
Giant Bird Monster
Four different armored dudes.
and a spooky robe ghost

Expansions are:
Scarb man
owl and flowered themed knight
The Undertaker (with a gun)
spooky mime with brambles
Knight with lion head
"green armor" (which is just a pair of knights)
scaleless nuclear dragon(also comes with human form)
A Tree

The only fetishy expansions are the gorm, which is nasty-anglerfish-elephant-baby; Sunstalker, the broccoli tentacle penis-shark, and Lion God, which does creepy things with hands and faces coming out of different orifices.

Put together the lion god, almost finished with the dragon king and after that I'm gonna glue together my anglerfish elephant baby.
Will probably take some time before I get back to playing the game, though.

Are you saying the Gorm is a fetishy expansion because it has testicles?

I'm in China and don't have all expansions ordered but got my tracking notice last week. another two weeks and it should be here!

>one survivor dies
>other two get knocked down from a reaction bash
>final survivor was a bow user woefully out of range
>she steps back rather than advancing
>hack city fails
Felt wrong

And not just because I literally fucked up the monsters attack stats half the fight and need to wipe the slate clean and pretend that fight didn't happen and start over

Anyone here played earlier versions of this Black Lion homebrew?


I ordered the KD:M sleeves cause I thought poots would put new ones out in time for the expansions to hit...Oops.

There is no conspiracy to make traditional games politically correct. Characters in fiction and gaming communities simply change with respect to the latest cultural values. But you fedora-tipping cancerous fucks always blame imaginary SocJus boogeymen when people start hating you for the shit that you do. As long as you continue to refuse act like decent human beings, people will keep noticing.

But of course, you will keep blaming imaginary "SJWs", "poseurs" and "normies" when you the public hates you for the scum you are. And let's not even get started on how you all react to games becoming more popular and easily accessible.

That man on the left is reconsidering his life choices after buying himself a pair of dildo-swords.

You alright there, user? I think you got the wrong thread. Especially given this is Kingdom Death...

Just report and ignore

>some people in my country already received wave 2 a week ago
>I haven't even got a shipping notification
>my wave is all the expansions, so it is suposedly priority over partials
Should I be worried?

Fuck off tripfag.

Kingdom Death is some good shit. Few friends of mine started a game with a copy that the GM got from backing the kickstarter. So far, we have a town population of 14 and no one has died.

How far is so far?

I have 1.0, how has everything changed since?

We made it back to town after the first boss.

Improved copy of v1.5 rulebook uploaded. Same method, but realised that I'd missed an event (Returning Survivors) and some of the images were worse than others. Should be a little more consistent in quality, but still only images.

SS /file/ehzomf

Feel free to update OP.

So Gorm and Slenderman are the absolute must-haves if you can only choose one quarry and one nemesis expansion, right?

>tfw canada
>tfw no one has their shit yet
Feels bads



He is a great display model, but honestly he is a bit bulky if you need to transport the game to play with your group, and he takes up a lot of board space.

Still, I'm going to try and do something special for painting him, because he demands quality.

Enemies get some extra health to compensate for the extra damage potential your +2 players will dish out, and your rewards are spread more thinly among you all.

>You can just fluff it as the Butcher very aggressively moving towards you, I guess.
I imagine the character feels the classic anime "overwhelming killing urge" roiling off the Butcher, and they take a very deep breath to prepare to die screaming.

Even though he doesn't actually annihilate them, they still doubled their lung capacity, and then imitate what they imagine he would have done to them for the SFA.

Not to mention the extra damage that makes early game noticeably more difficult, but if group survives then late game becomes noticeably easier. If you start your KD:M journey with 5 or 6 players, remember that the "balance" is off, or at least very different than that of 4-player standard.

No but it's a giant nude baby monster with vore aspects so some people consider that fetishy.

He must target you, but he doesn't need to succesfully attack you (ie. if you dash out of his range you just watch him walking at your while wildly swinging axes).

It has a very well scultped anus.

It also mandatorily comes with a pinup version of its armour.

Got my Dung Beetle Knight, Lion Knight, Spidercules, and Green Knight Armour expansions.

Feels bad I didn't grab all the things. Looking bad, horrifyingly, I should have gone full Satan.

You didn't even get Gorm or Flower Knight, you have no early game content.

In addition, you can't complete the Green Knight armor anyway.

Hopefully you can nab the rest of the 1.3 expansions come Black Friday.

Already had the flower knight. But yes, I'll need to heavily house rule to get the green knight armour without the Manhunter and the Gorm.