/cyoag/ - CYOA General

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Attached: Slut Life v.3.1.3-SFW.pdf (PDF, 374K)

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Attached: stellar knight.png (1432x7552, 4.78M)

Every thread until we like it, huh? Guess it beats the other saber cyoa that usually comes within the first five posts

Attached: 1521952087191.png (1024x3072, 7.59M)

>Bio-Knight Noah-1
>Insurgent Knight Lev
>Synaptic Knight U.M.A.

I help Noah-1 first, enhance Lev's rebels, use the war as a distraction to get to Mars and ascend U.M.A. to Transhuman Knight status.

>No longer mere earthbeings and planetbeings are we, but bright children of the stars! And together we shall dance in and out of ten trillion years, celebrating the gift of consciousness until the stars themselves grow cold and weary, and our thoughts turn again to the beginning.

Attached: 1521952157847.png (1024x3072, 7.42M)

Attached: 1521952244099.png (1024x3072, 7.36M)

i like the original more

Fresh OC for a fresh thread

Shoutout to Lone Observer, who made this possible by assisting/proofreading/compiling into an image

And also to my bro Part Point - I hope you're doing good brother. I made this in your honour.

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Summarize the word barf in twenty words or less.

Why aren't there more CYOAs aimed at women? I don't mean husbando CYOAs I just mean ones that suit my feminine sensibilities.

>Not a single girl as best saber

Attached: 1519707731375.jpg (400x400, 31K)

ooh you mean hushbando cyoas
maybe cos few girl make cyoas

>durr reading hard

Attached: (you).png (403x448, 53K)

Because the majority of this place consists of lonely overweight men

fags are not welcome here

But I'm not a fag, I'm a girl.

Looks good, it’ll take me a few to get through it. The font size/color is a bit hard for me atm, but I’ll see how it looks on a proper screen later.

Quit being a cunt


>Shoutout to Lone Observer

You make yourself sound like a twat by posting this every day

I like this one a lot.


Why is it easier for you to believe someone is a mentally diseased minority over being part of 50% of the population?

Because no women play CYOAs

Hey you got it done. Good job on that, its been a long time brewing hasn't it?

I gotta head out, but I'll tell you why its wrong, I hate it, and I hate you when I get back.

>mentally diseased minority
alright, now you've really given away who you are
either you're some /pol/ shitter or fatposter trying to stir up shit again

>he doesn't think men who pretend to be girls or try to become them are fucked in the head
I don't know what to tell you user.

Thoth is the only girl here

Celt has a vagina

I really wish people would make their introductions shorter and spread that stuff out more evenly.

Context mate, where do you think you are? If you don't have any mental diseases you should not be here.

>You're in Dark City!
>Move In
>Get Stuff
>Special Stuff
>Meet People
>Cool Powers
>Join some groups
>Prepare your anus

stop posting this trash

bastard! That was supposed to be mine!

Gotta say I didn't think this would ever get posted again when I made it.

I can't believe someone can be so ignorant about such basic things. Wake me up

Or turn this into a dream about waifus by posting waifu OC

Demography. Profile of an average /cyoag/ poster skews male and maladjusted, so more folks make CYOAs for males who are likely not pleased with life and the world as it is. Blah blah vicious cycle, if you want something different, start it. If it's good there'll be at least a little "follow the leader".

Attached: dreamprincess.jpg (1959x4969, 1.74M)

anybody who likes the original less has to have some sort of saber brain parasite.

I will post it over and over again, your service to my wife will not be forgotten

None of the girls that come here are normal in any way. Most of them aren’t even straight.

not true, there's about 1 woman per 50 men here

I do think it's fucking weird a shit, maybe even dangerous, which is why you need to seek help.

what if all the pictures of starships in stardust were replaced with sabers

angel + highlander? or where did you get that statistic from?

Even if I'm not straight I'm still a girl. I want more cute and pretty CYOAs!

To be fair, the Saber Brain Parasite is pretty common around these parts.

Ironically the best husband cyoa made here practically requires you to be a dude

No there one weird dude pretending to be a girl every 50 men here. I'm looking at you thoth

>CYOAs for males who are likely not pleased with life and the world as it is.

Stop with this shit already, I'm pretty sure more than half of /cyoag/ regulars play cyoas simply because they enjoy short-ish thinking games about chosing what they like most.

I mean, they exist.

Attached: blackandwhitecyoa.jpg (1280x9769, 7.6M)

Let's find out.

several different strawpoll results over the years

I have not even made a posting implying my gender, people just freaked out over nothing also
I will tear this world to ashes

If you are not choosing To marry vanilla Saber with a cock Then you don't deserve a waifu, also she is the only one not trying to actively manipulate you and only wants to spend time with you, also i will centralize the power on my person with this move

Looks good. I'll post a build after I make myself some pancakes.

>Trusting people to not screw with your results just to troll you

Better than nothing, I guess.

Everyone vote female.

N-no senpai

Turning boys into cute traps CYOA WHEN!?

Attached: 1493730261233.jpg (1280x1810, 346K)

Attached: CYOA-Choose One Option.png (1224x1806, 1.63M)

This, whoever does it will be immortalized

Those two and one other, to my knowledge. There have also been sporadic “teehee I’m a girl” personalities, but those were likely just shitposting.

I don't really, but some people might answer honestly. I did, at least.

already did

You can't really know for anons who don't produce content and just make builds.

Attached: 1469025292581.png (1000x1000, 1010K)

Hail to the king. Join the hall of Heroes today!

>Take adventure
>Never wanted to be the little girl anyway
>Saber is not my waifu.
>The spaceship restriction is actually the most relevant since it means I have to rent, charter, or drive clunkers if I go to a scifi universe

What if I voted female but actually am female?

After seeing more of this kind of art I've been inspired to finish my cyoa

Attached: View_of_the_Hudson_River-Robert_Havell_Jr-1866.jpg (3000x2162, 1.72M)

OC (sort of)

Attached: Lost in time Ultimate edition.png (1280x5108, 782K)

Then you are forced by user to make a CYOA for her. Because...

what if i voted male and i am actually a female?


several polls over the years with the male/female things as part of a larger question and no implied troll bait like this one, were consistently showing an about 2% female population in these threads

True, but as we were discussing the production of male-centric content I assumed it was more relevant

What if I voted male but am actually male?

We are all girls man

Clearly /cyoag/ is nearly half female, as proven by this irrefutable evidence.

There are no men here, lol, why don't you go take your smelly ass somewhere else? also stop mansplaining

I know Thoth is a FEMALE, DON'T TRUST HIM

still kinda sucks when theres become a girl cyoas that dont acknowledge i could be a girl

What did Thoth make, anyway?

There's literally only two female authors

Girls don't visit cyoag

Become a girl CYOAs are for men with tranny fantasies. If you're already a girl it just becomes a generic "live this fantasy life" cyoa.

Thoth is a THOT, Don't TRUST HER

Attached: Thoth.jpg (900x675, 118K)

Shitposts about every sixty seconds


>implying most CYOA authors aren't all cute reverse traps

which authors?
because im a chick and made a few cyoas

Attached: 1472743644701.png (1060x1952, 853K)

Some cyoas based on fate chars

Nothing user, just autists being autists

Angel and Highlander