How well would heartless do in 40k?

How well would heartless do in 40k?

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is there a key blade or sufficiently powerful weapons of light allowed too? If not, can psykers purify like a key blade?

Grey knights exist and Eldar can probably make something that's capable of destroying a heartless.
A keyblade wouldn't do well ironically, anyone in the Imperium who gets one would just get BLAMED.

Doubtful. The number/types of things that can actually deal with the heartless is vanishingly rare. There's very little that 40k could do, as the grimdark nature of the setting would be working against it massively. No one pure of heart by KH standards,and like you said anyone who'd actually somehow get keyblade would get their brains blown out.

If the Eldar can create weapons against deamons that can perma kill deamons why can't they do the same with heartless? Not to mention Orks are a thing.

You don't need to be pure of heart to destroy a daemon.

Didn't org 13 hunt heartless to create kingdom hearts? And how did Pete and Maleficent hold off the heartless in kh2?

Heartless aren't demons, and Orks aren't pure of heart by KH standards.

Neither is Jack Sparrow.

>You don't need to be pure of heart to destroy a daemon.
If you need to be pure of heart to destroy a heartless then how come the queen of hearts isn't dead?

>And how did Pete and Maleficent hold off the heartless in kh2?
Heartless follow those who possess hearts full of Evil and Darkness, so long as they always work to perpetuate evil and chaos. If they hesitate for even a single moment, then they get their hearts ripped out by the Heartless for being too weak to command them.

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Orcs would crush them because orcs couldnt create more heartless so one orc dying doesnt bolster the enemy. Additionally, being able to do things by believing them aside, orcs are pure hearted, just in the Vageta way. They are only true to their own nature, thus they are pure orc in their

Dunno, can they form a harem guild of gun wielding amazons?

Doesn't work that way I'm afraid. By "pure of heart" it means LITERALLY pure of heart. As in, completely lacking darkness and capacity for evil and destruction. Orks for all that they consider themselves "pure" due to their own love of fighting and murder, do not count as pure of heart for the exact reason that almost everyone in 40k isn't pure of heart. They're assholes. Endearing assholes sure, but still assholes.

Really, the only ones in 40k likely capable of wielding Keyblades and fighting back the Heartless are the fucking Ogryn in all honesty.

>By "pure of heart" it means LITERALLY pure of heart. As in, completely lacking darkness and capacity for evil and destruction.
Then how come Donald Duck can kill them?

Then how come the queen of heart's soldiers can protect her? She sure as shit doesn't use heartless herself.

To my knowledge, "killing" a heartless with anything other than a keyblade just sends it to the next zip code to reform.

Then 40k will do fine because they have plenty of things to kill with.

Killing a Heartless with anything other than a Keyblade only works only the lowest of the low, such as Shadows (who'll still reform near instantly and swarm your ass). Attempting to do so against a Neoshadow or a Darkside or god forbid, a Demon Tower, will just result in said entities laughing at your pitiful attempts to harm them, before wrenching your heart out from your still-warm body.

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And where in Kingdom Hearts do we see this happen? Seriously, where does this happen? By your logic every world in the setting is fucked. Also why can you kill a giant heartless with gumi ships?

>And where in Kingdom Hearts do we see this happen?
Whenever you leave your allies to try and bet boss Heartless on their own, they can't kill them. At all. It requires a Keyblade Wielder like Sora or Riku or Mickey (only in cuteness though) to deal the final blow.

>By your logic every world in the setting is fucked.
They are. That was literally the plot of the first two games, in that the Heartless were already swarming the world's and threatened to devour all of their Hearts. Hell, the very backstory for the entire franchise paints this as being the case for the setting. The very first playable world is quite literally MADE out of the remnants of worlds the Heartless have devoured.

>Also why can you kill a giant heartless with gumi ships?
Unsure, though Gumi Ships are supposedly made out of the same Gumi Blocks that keep the Heartless from just swarming every world at once, so that might explain things.

>Whenever you leave your allies to try and bet boss Heartless on their own, they can't kill them.
You need light or a keyblade. A psyker can finish the job.
>They are. That was literally the plot of the first two games, in that the Heartless were already swarming the world's and threatened to devour all of their Hearts. Hell, the very backstory for the entire franchise paints this as being the case for the setting. The very first playable world is quite literally MADE out of the remnants of worlds the Heartless have devoured.
Then how come literally anyone is alive in any of the world you visit in Kingdom Hearts? By your logic, everyone in say, the Pride Lands should be dead by now.

>Whenever you leave your allies to try and bet boss Heartless on their own, they can't kill them. At all.
They also can't do the same to ANY boss. By your logic the same applies to Pete of all things or even someone who isn't even that good with heartless like Scar. You can't even do it to the Final Fantasy crew despite them not being heartless aligned whatsoever. It's a gameplay mechanic.

Yeah, wul, s-shuddup! D':

Your opinion has caused me to shit a toaster oven

Heartless are stupid as fuck. They're barely self aware and have almost no autonomy of their own, thus cannot seek out targets. Also is incorrect, most heartless can be destroyed by conventional and magical methods but you need the power of light to kill the big ones.

Even the small ones require them ight of a Keyblade user. So long as the Heart that composes them remains entrapped in Dakrness, they'll just keep remanifesting without end.

Even total mundanes like Aladdin and Jack Sparrow are capable of destroying heartless.

Yes but they don't just swarm you all day unless you're someone important, such as a keyblade wielder. You can hold them off because they're widespread as hell and will often reform in the realm of darkness. We have never seen a heartless get poofed then just reform right back where it was.

>Not power armor
They get an army release and never again get new models for over 20 years. They accomplish nothing of note in the fluff.

I would venture to say that Darkness, given its connections to negative emotions andf the like, could count as a form of warp phenomina. Anything effective against warpstuff should work on them.

There is of course the problem that any killed in this manner probably wouldn't release the heart inside, with the heart instead likely being obliterated.

Heartless take the form of whatever's native to a world (dimension). They'll get power armor or something that looks like power armor. A foul mockery of the Emperor's finest men.

As was said, that's true, but they literally CAN'T remove the darkness from the Heart that makes them up, and thus they'll simply reform in their native realm, then take a Corridor Of Darkness to plop back somewhere else later on to continue eating more hearts.

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This. Though something like the Phantom or Kurt Zizbar would be common as fuck and scary as hell in 40k.

Kingdom hearts is gay

haha nice

>Heartless follow those who possess hearts full of Evil and Darkness, so long as they always work to perpetuate evil and chaos.
so they would just serve Deldar/chaos?

Would a Living Saint such as Celestine or a being such as The Sanguinor be able to wield The Keyblade? They are probably the closest things to pure of heart I can think of.

Does this mean rapey heartless would be a thing?

Dear god does this mean 40k will go for edgy and have hybrids running around?

wud ib bortykay

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>Orks aren't pure of heart

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Would demons be able to use the whatever the heartless are coming out of to go to the kingdom hearts universe?

Corridors Of Darkness can be used so long as you have some 'control' over the Darkness, but unless you have some form of protection (such as the black coats all of Organization XIII wear), you'll get eaten nigh-instantly by the shit lurking about in there.

So the Hive Mind will take over then?

the hive mind is amoral, the heartless require immorality

animals are neither good nor evil

nothing has a purest her then an Ork.
He his heart is full of one pure emotion.

>nothing has a purest her then an Ork.
>He his heart is full of one pure emotion.
What the fuck am I reading?

i'd just like to see what the themed heartless would look like in 40k world
some of those designs are good as fuck

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>Orks aren't pure of heart by KH standards.
They don't need to be. The WAAAGH is a thing.

I guess you could just take anything from 40k, reduce it to a black silhouette with glowing eyes, and add the heartless symbol somewhere for a start.

You, in fact, are a homo. One woth pretty shit tastes as well! O ho hooo

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Maybe? I mean they're both probably deeply filled with the sort of murderhate that the imperium favors. Sanguinus himself probably could have, though.

Murderhate does not stop a Keyblade user from having a keyblade. The lack of a heart can and even then that's not always true.
> Nobody!Xehanort and Roxas.
Being a creature of (pure?) hate(???) doesn't exclude you from having a Keyblade.
> Vanitas.
Being a god damn nightmare thingy doesn't stop you from having a keyblade! But then again that could be the image of a keyblade for all I know. I didn't play 3D since I have a love/hate relationship with dream mechanics and sudden unwanted pet-catching in a non pet-catching series.
> Dream Riku. Also the fake Riku from Chain of Memories although Xion is closer as a not-quite-real-but-oddly-distinct-personality person.

Technically, Nobodies are just hollow shells that will 'regrow' new Hearts over time, despite most of them being quite villainous. O it makes sense as to why they can still get chosen by Keyblades despite everything about them.

>can instant kill regular folk in one hit, which creates a new heartless
>basic heartless are limitless in number, coming from primordial darkness
>can only be killed by weapons of light or the keyblade
>can travel through space with relative ease as well as open doors to darkness on any world with a sufficient amount of evil present for someone to summon them

Honestly, they'd be a fucking huge problem, especially if they first appeared in an out of the way place like a hive city so they can build numbers and spread. They basically be like even more annoying and hard to kill tyranids, because once they're established they can show up pretty much anywhere, and if unchecked, drag the whole planet into the darkness so you can't even get it back if you wanted to.

Would chaos be able to deal with them? Would they even be considered an enemy or would they basically be considered some sort of upwelling of chaos undivided?

Chaos often fights itself, but there is a difference between heart and soul and the heartless only wants the heart leaving the soul behind... without emotion. Could this be a good thing for 40k?

Do keep in mind that KH seems to subscribe more to the "World=Entire Universe of its own" side of the spectrum more than anything, so if the Heartless find the World Heart of 40k, and they don't get a Keyblade Wielder to immediately seal it away from them? They're fucked.

>>can instant kill regular folk in one hit, which creates a new heartless
I saw that more as "if you lose the will to fight there goes your heart".
Fucking Auriel can fight them off.

World heart would be at the Golden Throne, no contest. It's just too thematically fitting.

It's clear the the heartless won't take it out, because just before before that could happen, Big E would get a keyblade and take on a keyblade armor form.

He would then proceed to get up, seal the rift/lock the heart safely, and proceed to be even more fucking awesome than ever, fighting Heartless Titans and shit.

Keyblades are powerful, but not that powerful. I doubt a full cure could repair being a skeleton.
I mean, Jack Skellington doesn't stop being a undead skeleton.

You just get a giant keyblade flying around wrecking shit like what happened with Aqua and how her friends protect her.

Eh, he's mainly a skeleton cause he's devoting his power to keeping the warp from spilling out and turning the Solar System into the next Eye of Terror, right?

He'd start get better after sealing the rift with the keyblade, and until then the the keyblade armor augmenting the shit he already has for life support would get him up and moving around in the meantime. He'll probably be buff again within a decade, tops.

Chances are, they would do very well. Grimdark setting and mega-cities only make it easy for the heartless. They can literary enter IA, possess objects/stone, and effectively instantly teleport between worlds (not exactly, more like a warp equivalent to the eldar webway, but immensely better then warp). They can also pilot space craft and/or teleport their way onto any craft or object in space.

I just don't know how well they would do against Necrons, Tyranids, and Orks. Everyone else, except for chaos, is likely just going to be killed off.

Any magical weapon will do, it's also confirmed that several different types/kinds of weapons can kill heartless (it has more to do with the person holding the weapon then the actual weapon).

If a keyblade warrior exist, I'd bet on them being Tau or maybe Elder. . . Though I guess it could likely be a Rough Trader (or someone working with them).

Isn't there keyblades of DARKNESS, how do we know an Ork won't get one?

You stupid git, orks would get their own kiblade bigger and stronger than those the humans use.

>Orks Ork their own kichoppas into existence.
So now Orks can weirdboy without needing to be a weirdboy?

I forgot about this, but ya, you could just control heartless. Adding onto my post , I guess the heartless could effectively be a weapon. Though, honestly, they are a very poor weapon. Their strength comes from the fact they can attack defenseless citizenry directly, bypassing all defenses. In turn, this allows them to multiply and overwhelm the defenders from the rear. Ork societies might fair well, for a while, but eventually I suspect Warbosses are going to start turning their minions for more control.

You also forget they take the form of whatever's native to a world user.
So someone in 40k is going to get any number of crazy shit for a direct assault.

As is the answer to most ork stuff: I don't know but yes.

Maybe Orks could create their own OhoppenaSword, devastating locks throughout the galaxy, though without a Mark of Mastery it will likely change hands very quickly.

It will just go to the Orkiest ork. Or Yarrick.

It would most likely just be an other version of becoming a waaaagh boss.
Instead of leading a troop of mighty warriors you are so mighty that you don't need no warriors and use your power to steal all the shiny gubbinz behind closed doors.

Just think about him meeting the other Keyblade users and starting swearing like only a Ork Fighting Veteran Commisar of the imperium could

Sora received no training in keyblades and yet by the end of Kingdom Hearts 1 he could survive a fight with Sephiroth "destroys the solar system for shits and giggles" last name here. By the end of Kingdom Hearts 2 he was fighting a somewhat more agitated Sephiroth and was throwing buildings around like they were paper. Not to mention his Xemnas lightsaber feat.

Imagine what ungodly destruction an Ork would do, he'd literally be a one git WAAAGH.

>and was throwing buildings around like they were paper
The only acceptable usage of Quick Time Events. That and Sora/Riku blocking the 1000 lightsabers.

Please Drawfags, i need the Picture of the Ork Ohopenchoppa wielder crashing the fight between sora and sephirot

More like Kingdom Farts

>Sephiroth "destroys the solar system for shits and giggles" last name here
I think you are confused. Consume more Chinese ( asian in general?) media. Or better yet, don't
But basically, that kind of shit is just a visual metaphor/illusion generated from the might of the true attack. This stuff is really common in xianxia.

mfw someone finally gets it, to bad after the """"3rd"""" game in the series their will no longer be heartless as the creators have openly stated that it will be an end to the "darkness saga" v.v

>But basically, that kind of shit is just a visual metaphor/illusion generated from the might of the true attack. This stuff is really common in xianxia.
Unironically tell me more. (Not the user you replied to.)

The pride lands was beleted in KH2, Sora brought back a few worlds by beating a Xenodork

Kingdom Hearts 1 I mean

I was just replyng to a thread like this but featuring DC' s Brainiac, are they being considered bad now?

There are those who despise speculation, believing it to be a waste of time, those same faggots also forget they are on Veeky Forums.

>implying Sisters of Battle aren't worthy

They aren't and your waifu is shit.