Warhammer 40000 General /40kg/

Tank girls edition

>Dark Eldar preview:

>WHTV Tip of the Day:



>Old Black Library Mega:

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>Dark eldars are shit Gue'la sub edition

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This is gay

I'll post all that I made of volume 2 till now and then I gotta sleep, I have exams and shit coming up soon.

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You're a sissy trapboy

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>we told him to summon his star buddies and the madlad actually did it!!!


It's like I'm back on the internet in 2002

No u

How old were you when you grew out of HFY/SM wank and started playing a real faction?

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Gosh, thanks user.

Now it's time for me to slumber..

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So does anyone have some good books on the Dark Eldar, and have you all accepted them as our 32 CP overlords.

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>Growing out of HFY

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>shoot marine with marine killer weapon
>pays for itself instantly

>shoot marine with inneficient not intended for killing marines weapon
>pays for itself instantly

is there anything marines actually do?
They can't tank small arm fire and they can't tank big guns. and I don't think dropping their points is a good idea that just defeats their purpose. what do you even pay for when you field them? they're not even good at objective capping with the bonus cover saves cause everything designed to kill them negates it.

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>but this is who I really am, mom!

Remove Primaris and put their stats onto normal marines. Done, hire me GW.

I like daemons.
daemons can be anything weird you want them to be. lets me play with all the crayons.

>growing out of supporting your own race

They either need an extra wound+attack, or SM bolters should be ap -1. Preferably all those things, but then they’d need a small price hike

>how do we fix space marines without lowering their price
>we lower the price of primaris to space marine price point

HFY? High Fructose Yogurt?

Never stop you fucking shining star

xth for Bunker Buddies! You can't name a better duo.

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Great! It sounds betterwhen you say it!

Humanity, FUCK YEAH!

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I sincerely don’t think that’s what he meant or implied at all user

r-rate this scheme, anons

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that sounds good, but now you just make them efficient at killing marines so they're useful.

>marines are a huge point pinata
>well now they can make up their points by being good at killing marines

I mean that sounds fun now that I think about it.

Make the white extremes fade from purple and I'll like it.

Primaris is the gayest thing GW has ever released. A refusal to go big and just start releasing every marine at truescale but instead they only release some of them and totally screw the lore to do so.

Knee pads are weird, and the armor around the feet needs the same blue trim as the shoulder pads. Good otherwise

gonna get annoying to that knee and cross. maybe print out some decals

Switching from painting guard to painting orks is really therapeutic.
>before: dirty & "realistic" scheme, generally all quite drab

Everything is fine except the white lover legs. Make them blue like the rest of the armor. If you want variety, trying making the right arm a different color.

Would it look weird if I painted a knight army to be different coloured freeblades?

They didn't delete anything to fit primaris in instead

Ap -1 isn’t generally anti-meq. Much better for GEQ.

For god's sake don't do a fade that never turns out good when you paint. I like the scheme, even tho it's nothing special, but more then that I love the logo.

I think you should drop the paint on the kneepads because it always looks worse on the model that it does in the image. Rest looks neat

>7 feet tall near immortal supersoldiers with multiple inhuman organs
>has no desire to fuck

>white lover

Primaris design has nice elements, but it makes my marinelets look tiny, which makes me greatly uncomfortable.

>When did you decide to get into a backseat, npc, literally who army?

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Ive been thinking about it lately and I understand that GW wanted to fix the scale without invalidating the old shoulderpads and headswaps but I feel that all they needed to do was shrink the head, hands, and weapons to fix marines. Then they could go on to slowely fix some of the taller models like guard and tau to fit the new scale.

So there will be a 2k event at my store next month and I'm thinking of getting me a Stormsurge for it. How would it fare in this list? The idea is that it provides long ranged anti-heavy support while discouraging deep strikes via EWO

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I got an idea for a gencult special character:

an infected space marine

SM are sterile, so he can't pass on the infection, but he'd still be subservient to the hive mind and could conceivably be tough enough to survive several planet digestions and spread a cult over several systems

how's that sound?

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Get a spine and play literally anything else but that faction lol

Noam Choadsky
W.E.B. du Fuccboi
Kanunî Sultan Süleymang

>when did you decide that hope is more powerful than fear, and that progress is something worth striving for

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Paradoxically, the best way to achieve Humanity! Fuck Yeah! is to remove as much of said humanity as possible.

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In outer dark there's a bit where sharr (space marine captain) almost falls under the influence of a genestealer patriarch) so it's not inconceivable, even though I would understand it if people who played against you were annoyed by it

>Didn't even bother to remove the nose from his generic anime face before T'auing it.

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When I started playing Lamenters

Chances are that would be one of those things the Imperium picks up on in a heartbeat, not only revealing the cult but making the inquisition and whichever chapter act unbelievably fast

I don't want to get bit by a viper, but go ahead you can do that.

Ap-1 is better, the better the save.
If you were causing 6 wounds at ap- to a 2+ it would be 12 an ap 1, 6 wounds vs 3+ become 9, vs 4+ 8, vs 5+ 7.5, vs 6+ 7.2

Actually I would love to start working on a second army (really like 1k sons for example), but I just don't have time for such a big project at the moment unfortunately

Anyone played with or against this yet? Seems pretty good for 50 points.

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Iirc there were a bunch in the nurgle list that to 16'd at adepticon.

/pol/ plz

No. It could look absolutely amazing if you pull it off right and have each color scheme complement each other.

When I made a homebrew kabal that started winning battles with a heavy focus on footslogging

>wanting to kill xenos is /pol/

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>32CP overlords
You simply can't get that in a normal 2000 points game unless you spam the minimum costed battalions. Which any faction can do, any many do much better than Deldar.

I mean if he's the last surviving marine of a strike squad or something and he was presumed dead, it could be said it might take some time before he was discovered. On other worlds, he might even awe some people into the cult with his appearance.

not if that happens on a space hulk.

from then on, the dude would just have to be stealthy, which space marines and genestealers are both exceptionally good at

besides, the imperium didn't immediately pick up on the genestealer cult that's spreading on terra

Extreme xenophobia is one of their things yes.

Which is why the best and most relevant buff Termies could ask for is immunity to AP-1, like Steel Legion vehicles have.

This makes me like /pol/ more.

>My own race
>lead by a turk

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>Necrons and Darudari get all this cool shit
>Meanwhile Rubrics still don't have their own Strategem


that's exactly the idea

The Big E is Anatolian native, user. Probably what a cross between Hellenes and Georgians/Armenians would be like?

I'm not sure that marines can even be infected by genestealers
Last time I checked, genestealers work by altering the genes of the infected's child, not the infected themselves.
At most you can mind control them, but that's not something that will last forever

>when did you decide that hope is more powerful than fear, and that progress is something worth striving for
When Lord Guilliman awoke from his slumber and lead humanity once again

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Bonus points if you make him a raven guard (successor) so he gets to be all sneaky

Suck that birb benis and like it.

Can't you guys ally CSM and get their strategems?

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Artists don’t bother making sisters of battle fugly hag reverse traps when they depict them. Sometimes art isn’t about “realism”.
Good taste user
>incoherent gobldy-gook
What? English not your first language I guess


>my warlord is this tree, good luck trying to claim slay the warlord

>in anatolia any year before 1071
brainlet please

In carcharodons: outer dark, the captain almost get's mind controlled, so there's something to be said for the idea. Maybe a particularly weak-willed space marine?

>great tree, tell me of your tactical genius
>lol, just keep runnin' fagit, idfk

>only viable way to run TSons is with zero units that have All Is Dust rule

All is dust indeed.

Point is that TSon dex mostly focused on Tzaangors and assorted crap instead on actual TSons.

Unless you are Ahriman or TS DP, i guess.

I wish they would make sisters of battle ugly traps tho it would add so much realism

I'm just not seeing it. As soon as who/whatever is mind controlling them dies, it stops.

Fuck yeah

Why are people so afraid of not having their armies be relevant to some grand narrative...
All that mattets is that you like them and liking Orks, tyranids etc. making
you laughing stock is like laughing at a Dark Mechanicum player in HH...

I thought Big E was supposed to be born later. My mistake. still not my race though

The whole sisters of battle look like pornstars thing gets old reeeeaaaallly quickly

>implying I play Space Marines
>implying there's any problem with supporting the superhuman soldiers that give up everything to protect humanity

Caring about humanity is not politically incorrect.

Xenos have for as long as humanity has been around done nothing but ruin everything that humanity does. And before we were around they broke things so bad that chaos happened. So I fail to see what is so bad about removing the xeno.

Would the gene seed be dead and he just be a husk? Furthermore has it ever been mentioned how servitors/apocs detect and recover gene seeds? I'd imagine your world killing super soldier has something of the nature

Clearly you know nothing about 40k and you're an idiot

If a spell or strat says "add 1 to a unit's saving throws" does it include Invulnerable saves? Or is it only for the regular armour save?

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>still not my race though
We're all human user. except commies

>this post
What makes the Tau attract these kinds of people?

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