Best piece of 40k fluff?
Worst piece of 40k fluff?
Best piece of 40k fluff?
Worst piece of 40k fluff?
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Vulkan killing an eldar child with a flamethrower.
Any alliance with xenos ever.
Best is Ordo Hydra, Starchild theory and the Inquisition trilogy by Ian Watson in general
Worst is nu-primarines shit and nu-lore. Not because of what they decided to do, but because of the way in which it is written and developed. Feels more like WoW MOBA than 40k
Ordo Hydra
Nuchaos, primarchs being retarded manchildren, and chaos being 2stronk4u supergods who could and do totally win forever for real you guys
Best: Noise Marines killing with the power of sex, drugs, and rock n roll
Worst: Everything not featuring Noise Marines
Best: Space Marines
Worst: Space Marines
The War in heaven, War in the Webway, the Crimson Path creation
Abadabadoon doing FUCKING nothing during 115 years after blowing up Cadia
things like pic related
blatant chaos favoritism and daddy issues from the writers
Best: Astral Knights blowing up the World Engine
Worst: Olly getting retconned
I always enjoy how bizarre Ork biology and culture is, though I'd probably say the Admech has the best lore. The feel the most "40k" out of the current armies.
Either everything after they decided to "move the story forward" and bring big Robert back or deciding to kill the mystique and flesh out the Emperor's personality.
>Vulkan killing an eldar child with a flamethrower
Hey, he regretted that action deeply.
Best is Mankind fighting a galaxy wide war for ten thousand years.
Worst is a techpriest hiding 100,000 space marines in his basement for ten thousand years, and nobody finding out. That's a legion. Completely unbelievable. If he only had 100,000 upgraded geneseed, then I would have believed that.
The Badab War, probably the coolest marine vs marine conflict without all the baggage the Horus Heresy brings.
Abaddon's four consecutive 13th Black Crusades, like fuck, you'd think they'd kill him off already, because the whole company clearly has no idea what they want to do with him.
Not much more stupid than the super secritest Space Marine Chapter having their headquarters in the most heavily defended and trafficked system in the Imperium.
The Adeptus Mechanicus inventing actual infinite energy perpetual walkers and then sticking them on treadmills because they don't know what to do with them.
Fleshing out the 30K period of time.
>The Adeptus Mechanicus inventing actual infinite energy perpetual walkers and then sticking them on treadmills because they don't know what to do with them.
I think the treadmills are more that they're afraid turning the walkers off means they might never restart, so they have them walk ad infinitum instead.
The entire saga of the Daughters of the Emperor becoming the Adepta Sororitas.
pretty much everything in 8th edition thus far since it feels like they're just gonna reboot the entire IP.
When sanguinius surrenders to Horus, and horus stabs him in the back, though I think it's been retconned 20 years ago
Chaos Undivided
That one ork warboss who leads a crusade into the eye of terror just so he can have a good fight.
The Emperor's autism in how he dealt with the primarchs.
>That one Ork
That would be Tuska Daemonkilla, the most glorious mad bastard in the setting. I love it how he had the entire Cadian defense line trained on him, and just flew right past them and into the eye.
The 30k fw black book are really good, 30k BL is utter trash
>Vulkan killing an eldar child with a flamethrower.
>Not Fulgrim carrying out exterminatus against numerous Maiden worlds after he kicked in Eldrad's teeth.
>Gaunts Ghosts and nearly anything IG, Old schola Progerium fluff
>Tau and new Commisar and Storm trooper fluff (zero logic and personality, drugged and brain washed)
As of the 8E Daemons codex, Tuska's ork horde is now perpetually resurrected inside the Warp itself, in sight of Khorne's citadel, and it fights with the Blood God's elite generals every day.
>When the faction I like wins
>When the faction I don't like wins
That Magos often invent new technologies then concoct stories of STC fragments to prevent them from being branded hereteks. Bonus that the AdMech is aware of it and turn a blind eye.
Spiritual Liege.
Bad idea, eventually the fucks are going to win.
Can you fucking imagine a cult or chaos warband performing a ritual to summon like a Bloodthirster to help them conquer a hive city, but instead hundreds of pissed off battlehardened orks come pouring out? That would be some hilarious shit.
Orks have a collective psychic unconscious that allows their stupid slapped together technology to work
That fans take that to mean an ork shoota is just a metal tube with bits of glass crammed inside it or some such bullcrap.
Lorgar and Angron bromance
Anything Tau or Tau related
>The War Engine, marine wank done right. Space Marines fulfilling their role, nothing more, and doing it in the most spectacular way possible
>fleshing out and making concrete Big E's backstory and decisions, then railroading him to act specifically retarded enough to ensure the backstory fits, because BL writers don't know how to write the mind and actions of a ascended being with no doubt tens of millenia's political and social experience.
Fucking Monarchia.
Most of the factions lore, most of the setting
Orks as comedy, the 'Orks can do it if they believe tit hard enough' meme, and the 'Perpetuals' from 30k books.
Best: Orks
Worst: Eldar being eternal fuck ups because people cant write precognition.
>the level and intensity of warfare reaches new heights throughout the galaxy
>Khorne's daemons are able to constantly manifest within realspace
>as a result, Khorne's realm becomes slightly emptier of daemons
>with his gaze eternally fixed on the mortal realm, by the time Khorne notices that his citadel is besieged, it's too late
>the skull throne is buried under an endless tide of green skinned lunatics
Imagine being an ork. Guys like Draigo are considered living legends for enduring the horrors of the warp, while some nobody ork boy with a rusty choppa is literally waging war against the God of fucking War himself, never once considering or even comprehending the immensity of the struggle.
Imagine being an ork.
Ironstrider Walkers are said to violate the laws of thermodynamics and ever since the dude who invented them died the admech has been too afraid to turn any of them off, so they keep them running in circles or on treadmills.
Best: Chaos not just being 2 dimensional Saturday morning cartoon villains
Worst: anything ultramarines, they're just boring.
>best piece
pic related
>worst piece
That space marine power amour thing
source on that
i love the 30k legions with their size and amazing firepower
like said, fleshing out the primarchs and Big E too much with bad writers so these mythical legends look like they all have autism
One is far more personal.
Szarekh. Notably the story of him allying with the Blood Angels to strike down Tyranids, and then NOT killing them after. Showing temperance and sagacity makes him actually seem like an ancient respected leader who was famed for his knowledge and even hand. Instead of being told a character is a genius only to see them make the stupidest decisions continuously.
Space marines can eat brains to learn memories of that brain.
Vulkan lives
What they have done with Ollanius Pius.
"Where I fall, ten more shall take my place! And one hundred each of them! So strike me down! I am the harbinger!"
Can we get the rest please user?
>okay so he's a perpetual
>and after dying a bunch of mares jump in front of Horus
>and then more marines
>and then a custode
>the emperor is just watching this
t. Noise Marine
imgur dot com gallery xCFh2
He was the absolute best fluff of 40k.
A mortal man standing up to, more or less, a god.
Now he's a fucking joke.
A squad of Flesh Tearer Dreadnoughts believing they are still regular marines, assaulting a planet and murdering thousands, only to realise the truth afterward.
The perpetual "Minute to Midnight" plight of the imperium.
All he needed to be was a simple man facing an unassailable, unstoppable and unholy eldritch threat because it was the right thing to do. A symbol of highest virtue to inspire the demoralized and dying God.
Instead, they continuously add more and more detail to make the man more 'special', when the entire point of the story was he was anything but. Not a superhuman, not a destined immortal. Just a man charging literal damnation incarnate with a bayonet.
But user, Noise Marines don't have sex. That's why they turn to sound for pleasure.
>The truth about machine spirits
>The reality of how dangerous Mars actually is beneath the surface
>Men of Iron
>Komus the Tyrant Star
>Ghoul Stars
>Temple Assassin fluff
>The lack of mystery surrounding Chaos
>Orks jobbing
>Grey Knights killing Space Marines who have fought Chaos
>Writers that have no sense of numerical scale. 1 million space marines is a pathetically small number. Imperium armies in the hundreds of thousands or a few million is also retarded. China and the United States have a combined military of 5.5 million. Imperium armies should be in the tens of millions.
Just about anything in Angels Exterminatus, especially that scene where the Iron Warrior is about to get Cosby'd in a EC opium den before his buddy barges in to get him out
Blatant retconning of the Tau into orwellian dystopia because a couple fatbeards couldn't handle something not being as dark as their stool samples
A lot of the space marine organs and powers are stupid.
Acid Saliva
Suspended animation
Skin changing colour
>Yarrick getting an actual Laser eye just because he knows how to fuck with Orks
>Khornate Knights
worst is just the tau
but its still fewer xenos dying
Age of Strife
How hilariously onesides every single Imperium and Tau campaign is
This comment is proving his point
>Worst piece of 40k fluff?
space hulk genestealers = tyranids I guess
For a long time it confused me.
Tyranids I get, genestealers infiltrating a planet sure, but then when those things on space hulks that carve up space marines like they're nothing are also tyranid genestealers I thought there was a disconnect since they should just roll over everyone in the field then too if they're that powerful.
Made a bit more sense when I read that the creatures on the space hulk were originally not tyranids.
The Ghoul Stars are some spooky shit. Like, genuinely unnerving shit.
My rhymes are so potent that in this small segment. I made all of the ladies in the thread pregnant.
>have SoB playing friend
>another friend starts a GK army
>that story just came out
>SoB friend is salty
>salty about no plastics and salty about the story
>GK friend doesn't see the issue
>hey look
>a plastic SoB helmet
>comes with the kit to put on GK bases
chaos lore as exposed in the RoC
the entirety of the necron origin lore
every version of it
it's all contradictory, nonsensical and half-assed
I hate that guy and I should know.
Any piece of fluff that is a self aware joke
Any piece of fluff that takes itself seriously.
so you hate 99% of 40k then
>I hate you
>Not we hate us.
>Best piece of 40k fluff
Cadian Blood, specifically the brief naval battle. It perfectly encapsulates the hopelessness of 40k, but also the determination and even bravery of those humans doomed to die in the line of duty. Similar battles also get my approval.
>Worst piece of 40k fluff
I don't know, probably anything that actually tried to flesh out big name characters and ended up coming off totally wrong. Everything gets ruined when you realize it's a badly written soap opera and each twist won't lead anywhere but to more twists.
> Best Fluff
How the Chaos gods are literally unstoppable because of how they feed off of existence.
>Worst Fluff
Everything GW wrote about Sisters and Eldar when they were the setting's punching bags.
And most of the new fluff coming out, not because I dislike it, but because I'm scared of what might come of it.
One is a tragedy, a million is a statistic.
>Best piece of 40k fluff?
>Worst piece of 40k fluff?
Szarekh is quite possibly the worst thing about newcron fluff
He's tolerant (not a good thing in 40k) he's sentimental, he's hesitant, he's considerate, he compromises all the fucking time, he's shy, he's narrow-sighted, he's clumsy, he's timid, he's unambitious and he's melodramatic.
basically he's a fucking pussy who makes stupid decisions all the time and clumsily tries to fix them long after everything's fucked.
I mean let's check out his track record:
-tries to "unite" his people by making them go against the fucking Slann and gets them butchered as one would expect
-makes a deal with the C'tan in spite of his personal advisor's warning (you know, Orikan, the guy who can literally see the future)
-Lets his subordinates lobotomize all of their subjects despite it not being necessary at all
-rebels against the C'tan and gets even more of his guys killed because he feels like he lost ***something*** during the biotransference
-decides to release all phaerons from his obedience protocols so they're free to do what they want BUT LETS THEM KEEP EVERYONE ELSE UNDER THEIR CONTROL
-spends 60 million years writing bad poetry in isolation because he knows he fucked up
-lets all his guys kill each other when they awaken despite it being the very thing he tried to prevent twice
-tries to save the galaxy from the tyranids by asking politely if anybody wants to join him
-wears a mortuary mask of Sanguinius in a clumsy attempt to endear himself to the blood angels
try to defend this fucker
He's not bad in the sense of a lost, last good king. But actually pressing him into the modern fluff is where things really get stupid, because then those goody good traits you mentioned are right there instead of being behind a curtain of time and even mortality.
The worst thing about him is that he's supposed to be 40k Settra
seems like that ork just died and khorne raised him just for fun
Siege of Vraks. Badab is really good too
Primaris, Ynnari and le barefeet eldar waifus.
The tragedy of Lorgar and the Word Bearers getting punished and falling to chaos all because they worshipped the Emperor, which is now mandatory.
Tie between the Grey Knights and their constant teamkilling, and the immortal Emperor acting like a 16 year-old autistic fedora.
>Best: Chaos not just being 2 dimensional Saturday morning cartoon villains
Are we playing the same game?
>last good king
he clearly wasn't that
he was a weak king trying to do what's expected of him and constantly giving into peer pressure because he doesn't have the foresight (despite having an entire order of time-scryers at his orders) to figure out how to fix a situation elegantly, most of his decisions can be explained as clumsy, heat-of-the-moment attempts to satisfy his subjects so they don't get angry at him
he's like a wimpy overworked school teacher trying desperately to prevent fights from breaking out in his classroom
and all his students have guns
>-tries to "unite" his people by making them go against the fucking Slann and gets them butchered as one would expect
Dumbass, the Silent King is just a title that is handed around a lot between Necron Triarch nobles because of the unpredictable and short lifespans of the Necrontyr.
Suffice to say that the Silent King who ordered the war against the Old Ones is not the same one who made a deal with the C'tan.
>-makes a deal with the C'tan in spite of his personal advisor's warning (you know, Orikan, the guy who can literally see the future)
Orikan said that the deal will give the Necrontyr everlasting glory but at the expense of their souls. Measured against extinction, this was viewed as worth it.
>-Lets his subordinates lobotomize all of their subjects despite it not being necessary at all
It was necessary. The empire didn't have enough resources to make sophisticated bodies for the trillions upon trillions of plebs.
>-rebels against the C'tan and gets even more of his guys killed because he feels like he lost ***something*** during the biotransference
The other alternative was eternal slavery. And he doesn't just "feel" it's an objective fact that being soulless sucks and being around the soulless sucks. A lot Necrons couldn't have being soulless and committed suicide
>-decides to release all phaerons from his obedience protocols so they're free to do what they want BUT LETS THEM KEEP EVERYONE ELSE UNDER THEIR CONTROL
He wants to rule them by their own choice not by tyranny. He sees that the right of ruleship is something he must earn back.
>-spends 60 million years writing bad poetry in isolation because he knows he fucked up
He had no purpose in the galaxy.
>-lets all his guys kill each other when they awaken despite it being the very thing he tried to prevent twice
That's a failure of the Triarch Praetorians whom he tasked with safeguarding the slumbering dynasties.
Pretty sure that's Imotekh actually
William King's "Assault on Holy Terra" short story
Absolutely everything in the Horus Heresy series
One of my favourite pieces of fluff.
>>-tries to save the galaxy from the tyranids by asking politely if anybody wants to join him
He isn't polite about it. His word is law.
>-wears a mortuary mask of Sanguinius in a clumsy attempt to endear himself to the blood angels
It wasn't clumsily since it disarmed the Blood Angels enough with shock in order to trick them into an alliance and make them open to the future alliance with Anrakyr.
Now I want you to defend yourself. How could be dumb enough to think that "The Silent King" remained the same guy for many centuries of the War in Heaven round 1?
Vulkan’s backstory
the black crusades retcon
Then who is Nagash?
>Fought off a Dark Eldar invasion with two hammers.
THIS is the over the top bullshit Primarchs should be doing.
Well he didn't do it alone, he did organize and unite the clans
>Gets defeated by an Ork in 1 vs 1
>Dumbass, the Silent King is just a title that is handed around a lot between Necron Triarch nobles because of the unpredictable and short lifespans of the Necrontyr.
Szarekh lived for many decades, there's a good chance it's the same guy
>Orikan said that the deal will give the Necrontyr everlasting glory but at the expense of their souls. Measured against extinction, this was viewed as worth it.
well maybe he could have asked for extra details from the guy who's supposed to give him some. But no he went ahead and fucked everything
>It was necessary. The empire didn't have enough resources to make sophisticated bodies for the trillions upon trillions of plebs.
the Thokt dynasty did that
>The other alternative was eternal slavery. And he doesn't just "feel" it's an objective fact that being soulless sucks and being around the soulless sucks.
I don't fucking remember it being stated anywhere in the fluff that nulls feel depressed
>A lot Necrons couldn't have being soulless and committed suicide
citation needed
>He wants to rule them by their own choice not by tyranny. He sees that the right of ruleship is something he must earn back.
oh yeah but he's perfectly fine with letting all of them be tyrants
oh wait except he's not, that's why he chose to join the Thokt dynasty
>He had no purpose in the galaxy.
but now he thinks he does? come the fuck on, if he couldn't do something about his guys murdering each other what makes him think he'll be able to ally with the imperium and the eldar?
the triarch praetorians are STILL under his orders, if they fuck up it's HIS fault
he's a hypocrite and a fuckup
Yarrick turned out to be gay.
Orikan for the "I wanna be a god" part
Szeras for the "I came up with zombies" part
oh he IS polite about it, his word carries no authority anymore except in the Thokt dynasty because they let him be in charge
also we've got examples of necrontyr who lived on throughout the whole war in heaven, such as Zahndrekh
and also an example of a necrontyr artifact that extends its user's life: the dawn blade. Plus, they have tons of time travel and stasis devices
so assuming that Szarekh was the same guy who launched the war in heaven is perfectly reasonable
now apologize