MTG Competitive Brawl General


What is Brawl?
Brawl is the newest SANCTIONED format created by Wizards of the Coast: 60 singleton Standard-legal deck with one of those cards (legendary creature or planeswalker) designated as the commander. Command zone and color identity rules apply. Standard banlist. No sideboard.

>Brawl Release

>Format Discussion


>Thread Question
How do you feel that you are now allowed to play a WOTC-sanctioned singleton format and thus no longer needing playsets of each card?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm cautiously optimistic. Mostly, I'm waiting to see what happens when hybrid hits standard again. If WotC rules that it's "or" for the purposes of color identity, rather than "and," I'm going all in.

>B-b-b-but the spirit of E-
Fuck it. That shit was retarded from day one.

>Kozilek, The Great Distortion
>No color identity
>Can't use any of the devoid spells THEMATICALLY linked to the Eldrazi.

Fuck you, Sheldon. You are the heretic and WotC is the Spanish Inquisition.

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Seems fun. I'm just gonna make draft chaff mediocre-stuff until i'm sure it catches on. The only thing that worries me is letting planeswalkers be the commanders. I hope that never leaks its way into EDH. The pre-con decks a few years ago that had planeswalkers as commanders was too close.

>The pre-con decks a few years ago that had planeswalkers as commanders was too close.

Ok, user-kun, show me in this doll where the meanie Daretti touch you.

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He touched me right in my Breya deck. I just don't want the floodgates of planeswalker commanded decks to burst open, especially now that they're harder than ever to hit.

The bad:
Planeswalkers are OP and they will dominate the format. There is no reason to use anything else. It's clear that this was the main reason for the format, to promote their mascots.
Just play commander.

The good:
While most people hate standard, EDH's card pool is way too big. Same with Pauper. Modern would have been a better card pool but the format is FUBAR enough already.
>8% chance to btfo EDH
My guess is that Wizards wants to make Brawl a competitive format in the long term. EDH has become too big and Wizards doesn't feel comfortable with that. It's eating away at the other formats. They make money from the old farts who play EDH but the lifeblood of the game is new players and that is what they want from Brawl.

I like how they make it sound like it was a decision made on a whim. It wasn't. This is a highly choreographed and researched decision. You don't create a new format because some guy came to your office and you think it's "fun".

It's hard to know how successful it will be but my guess is that they are going all in and Dominaria will be successful at attracting new players (see: me).

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Seems kind of pointless honestly. Having it be standard-legal sets only means there is going to be a LOT of overlap between decks, in any given color combination people are going to have lists that are 50-55 cards identical simply because they'll have to put in all the playables that exist in the format into their singleton deck. And allowing planeswalkers as commanders is going to make the whole format revolve around the planeswalkers.

I'd probably just play Commander since it's just a straight up better version of the same format and has way more players besides.

Brawl will only be a success if it replaces standard. It's not going to replace standard.

>EDH's card pool is way too big
You're very boring.

Rumor has it we're getting Brawl league in MTGO on wednesday so we should be seeing the first consistent 5-0s by next monday.

When you have a large card pool you would think that there are many fun options. What actually happens is that you either play with overpowered broken cards or lose. Vintage has the largest card pool but the smalled variety of cards because it is unbalanced.

Vintage is not broken because of its large card pool, Vintage is broken because it refuses to ban any card no matter how blatantly, idiotically overpowered. Having a large card pool is a requirement for having more than 3-4 decks in the format.

Vintage is great except for the favoritism shown to Workshops.

>especially now that they're harder than ever to hit.
Planeswalkers have pretty much always been fairly easy to deal with. Every color gets creatures, and creatures can attack them. Yeah, black gets less spot removal that works on them, gets more.

>a new card type is introduced that mandates every deck include plenty of creatures
>easy to deal with

>The parts I hate about commander
>Mixed with the non-good parts of standard.

Yuck. Well at least it isn't 100-card standard as well.

I was talking about how the new rules make lots of damage spells unable to hit planeswalkers that previously could.

Commander is a garbage format, this sounds equally as garbage. I just want to play normal magic, not some boardgame that uses magic cards.

Commander is a format for fun, it is not a garbage format.

I'm playing a UW control deck in brawl, mostly have played against a teammate playing RG. Brawl was actually p-deece, but imo not as good as other constructed formats. I have a feeling its gonna evolve into midrange hell, so it wont be fast enough to play in between rounds of pptqs, which is where I was hoping it would exist.

Seeing as I'm a humongous Commander nerd who drafts but rarely plays standard, I'll probably come up with some Brawl shitbrew and use that to judge interest in the format, then go from there. Personally I'm glad I'll potentially have a home for cards that would otherwise just rot in a binder.
I expect the meta to look pretty similar to what standard looks like now, but just without a whole lot of crushing dominance from 1v1 stuff like mono red and The Scarab God, since they're pretty easily hated out in a 30 life multiplayer format.
Personally I'll try to make a Jhoira and/or Sram-ios deck work.

Okay, I'm sure playing against Bant Tamiyo will be really fun when they consistently power out an Omniscience emblem. You'll definitely get a chance to remove her with creatures first.

>mfw Standmander was wotc's secret tech to get people to buy more new release packs
cany want for standardlegacy and standardmodern (totally different from frontier)

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Modern magic encourages you to play with creatures. It is more fun and balanced.

>I let Doubling Season and a Planeswalker resolve uncontested

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They want Brawl so they have an EDH variant to go up on Arena.

It's a fine idea for a format. Walkers as commanders is the only thing I'm iffy on but it's probably needed to have enough commanders in normal Standard environments where sets like Dominaria aren't shitting out legends left and right.

The real perks of the system are:
-Draft chaff and buying booster boxes is enough to make a deck.
-FotM meme decks like Ixalan tribes don't get drowned out due to lack of support.
-Less powerful commanders don't have to compete against retardedly pushed precon commanders. Fuck Eminence.

>implying any LGS will sanction 1v1 matches
It's all going to be casual bullshit. Even though I wanna use Vraska but the key cards are too damn high.

I fucking hate you.

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Think this could make a good brawl deck?

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Black has three tutor effects right now so it's consistent, and UB in general has no shortage of win conditions. Seems good.

>Draft chaff and buying boxes is enough to make a deck
This. Brawl makes a LOT of otherwise unplayable stuff playable, which means a lower barrier to entry, more decks, fewer feelbads from packs, and more people playing, without a whole lot of impact on the secondary market.
Jhoira in particular uses a lot of bulk from Kaladesh block yet still seems to work, which I'm pretty happy about.

All of this sounds grea....
Well fuck it, Shame it’s not modern, I play the fuck out of it, but Standard, fuck that!

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It won't last lol. It's just wotc trying to get the command bros into standard and like hell they'll come into it.

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I made an Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim deck for EDH just so I could have an actual Eldrazi deck. Its fun if not very competitive and since its mostly eldrazi spells the overlap of W/B cards doesn't hurt other decks. And I get to play with a waste or 2 just because.

Agreed, that and Legacy I would do.

EDH player here, and yea thats what they're doing I think, I'll never go into standard, if they do a format wide type, legacy, modern etc. version then sure, I'd use Mindsculpture stasis all day.

Tamiyo isn't in standard, and her colors don't have any wraths.

>Legacy EDH

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Sorry I'm a retard and missed the context from previous posts.
On a serious note, Pirates looks like a really fun deck for this format, though it might be soft to wraths.

What is Fumigate and Hour of Revelation, Alex?

Oh hell yea son let me shell out 6k right fast on some shit for legacy EDH

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I dream of the day they ban Mishra's Workshop and the format just combusts as everyone collectively flips shit at WOTC

>he isn't on first name terms with VZ

ching chong chew ching chow

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I've been itching to make a merfolk tribal deck in some format, and I've been fond of the Ixalan merfolk.

Is brawl my best bet?

The money-to-fun ratio seems good, since most Lorwyn merfolk are overpriced and Ixalan is cheap right now.

Worst case, you build a Kumena brawl deck and if it turns out nobody plays brawl, you have roughly half a merfolk EDH deck to work with.

You mean UG Nissa. Kumena ain't a PW. Hope you enjoy looking at shitty Nissa art, because that's all you're getting.

Oh shit, I just found another hitch to the format. You're just going to play certain planewalkers for their colors and almost never cast the motherfucker.

>RG players only have ugly ass samut
>GW players only have STP Ajani
>Rakdos only gets shitty pirate support or Flame Chained gudstuff
>WU only gets Dovin
>WR gets Mexi-bitch
>Grixis is the only 3 color and God Pharaoh is the playable one. At least Bolas looks good
>UR gets an ugly Pooinloo
>UB has Tezzy
>GB has vraska. At least her art is nice

You're pretty much locked into whatever Wizard wants the PW to do, unless you just use the pw for its colors. Reminds me a lot of Tiny Leaders, in that you don't have all the colors represented (you'd need to devote design space to always have at least 10 PW in standard for each of the color combos). And also of TL, where eventually it just became using the commanders for their colors

You realize you can use creatures or Planeswalkers as your commander in brawl right?

get ready for a brawl masters set, $10 packs of current standard reprints!

>only grixis
you forgot samut the speedster :)

Kahili is my wife.

>he thinks legendary creatures can't be your commander
>he heard "planeswalkers can be your commander" and thought legendary creatures weren't
>he literally didn't see anything about brawl besides that before going on the warpath
>he literally didn't take twenty seconds to read OP
>he wasted ten minutes typing this
>I wasted twenty seconds reading this
>I wasted two minutes typing this

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t. retard

Anyone got some hot brews? This is a decent Jhoira deck:

I just mashed some stuff up today, haven't even added lands yet

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The Kumena lists people have been posting to Goldfish are somewhere on the $90's

>two cards in your singleton deck are your win conditions
>neither can be your commander
What do you think

Sounds awful
>one mistbinder
>one deeproot
>one boon even
Only saving grace is a consistent kumena

Cool, I love how wotc decided to make a meme format in a desperate bid to drive pack sales and push standard as a format but will only succeed in driving up card prices, further prohibiting standard as a format.

Turns out Paradox Engine is a little bonkers combined with new Jhoira, though I expect my ass to be thoroughly reamed by Kambal and most U/B/x players (which will probably be most players) after a few games so combo might not be an option if I don't want to play Archenemy.

Got my Gideon of the trails Brawl deck ready!

I know this isn't relevant at this time, but do we have any confirmation on how hybrid cards are treated in Brawl rules? That is, does it follow the EDH rule where a blue-black hybrid can only be played in a deck with access to both blue and black mana, or could it be played in mono-blue or mono-black interchangeably?

There aren't any hybrid mana symbols in standard right now, so while the official brawl announcement doesn't explicitly mention hybrids...
>The mana symbols that appear on your commander dictate what cards may be in your deck. Mana symbols that don't appear on your commander can't be in the deck.

Yeah I'vee been playing this shit all week with my bros and tribals are limited tier shit.
Kambal, Ghalta, Chandra ToD and Scarab God is where it's at.

Do you think the Locust God is any good?

I play Ghalta in actual real EDH and he's a powerhouse. Green has a lot of good stuff in standard, so I feel like he'll be one of the better Brawl commanders - Steel Leaf Champion, Territorial Allosaurus, Wayward Swordtooth, Rhonas, Greenbelt Rampager, Rhonas's Monument, Longtusk Cub, and Prowling Serpopard are all great cards. Oh, and Rishkar's Expertise to draw more cards than anything else in standard.

How does Scarab God look as commander? There's plenty of good ETBs to copy and some Zombie synergies in standard at the moment.
Does exiling it from your graveyard put it into the command zone?

this will be 1_drop_ aggro.dec the format

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nice meme, im sure you will have it opening hand every single game in a singleton format and not be dead turn 5

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>by turn 5
>in a multiplayer format
>with 30 life

>There is no reason to use anything else.
*laughing in Scarab God*

Woah, using the best single creature I'm standard as your commander? I can't believe nobody has thought of that yet...

Why the fuck would it be different from Commander? The rules say hybrid mana is both colors, and Commander rules say both colors are in its color identity. Shouldn't be any different here.

Because Maro has issues with how hybrid is treated in EDH, and since this is a Wizards headed format, that rule might change.
It's probably the only issue I can agree on with him.

>30 life
>1 drop aggro

Chill man, just wondering if it gets exiled forever if someone exiles it from the graveyard

No, you can put it in your command zone.
Quick google:
>If your commander would be put into your library, hand, graveyard or exile from anywhere, you may return it to your command zone instead.

WOTC's article says "If your commander is countered or leaves the battlefield, you may put it back into the command zone instead of putting it anywhere else it would go."
Just leave battlefield or countered

They clarified it later that it’s the exact same as commander.

Oh, ok.

Are you kidding? Most of Vintage wants Workshops restricted because the deck is too dominant. Hell, I know a guy who just bought his last Shop and *he* wants the deck restricted because it is too powerful. Shops is bananas man, it should go away.


How will this not dominate? :think:

shit commanders need not apply

If this wouldn't rely on standard, which is a cash grab, I would push this harder than commander because it's like a less intimidating gateway to commander for newbies who want to build and learn.

No doubt it will at first, but consider that TSG has a monstrous reputation and this is a multiplayer format. People are scared of Scarab God decks, even people playing Scarab God decks themselves. Any WUB decks are going to be holding up instant speed removal the second you hit four lands, and RG will focus you from the start and the rest of the table will let them.

Sure, TSG will steal games, but it's waaaaay more fragile in a singleton format where three other people are paranoid and packing hate cards, sometimes specifically for your deck.

>shit commander


>technically a tri color
is this her time to shine?

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It'll just be Naya goodstuff while Nicol Bolas is Grixis goodstuff

Convince me the format will not be completely dominated by The Scarab God.

zacama is probably a significantly better naya goodstuff commander

>the 9 drop

If they have big dick ramp sure.

niggers tongue my anus

between treasure with mana and dino dorks, maybe it would be worth it. not enough land ramp thou.

There's no way you're ever ramping more than one mana a turn in Standard singleton, which means you're sitting through at least 5 turns of Scarab God being out before you see Zacama. At least Samut is a decent bundle of effects even if she's almost unplayable in every other mode of play.

there are some ramping tricks. t1 prying blade and ornithopter nets you one from t2 and after. with arobor elf you have new horizons, unbridal growth, and gift of paradise. dowsind dagger nets three mana. growing rites can net you one for each dork or treasure maker. neheb can net some fuel for dino and his abilities. treasure trove too.

basically gonna boil down to ramp up to big guy or bug. but bug has the colors to stop ramping and even snatch it from their grave, but once dino gets going its over.

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New format? Not buying your shit WOTC. Standard sucks ass and has since Khans. I'll stick to playing real EDH with real cards like Demonic Tutor and Counterspell.