My players all cancelled this evening.
What do I do now?
My players all cancelled this evening.
What do I do now?
Become the raven king.
Host a campaign for me instead.
What do you want to play, user.
start masturbating. Was gping to say play with yourself, but same damn thing.
Think up ways to make the next session more crazy than it would've been otherwise, or come up with a scenario where they come back and find all their characters are in jail or captured by enemies; their absence being interpreted as either blacking out, being drugged, or in some other way rendered unconscious.
Or would that be considered a dick move?
Browse one of /pol/'s conspiracy threads for two hours and report back with screencaps.
Do more prep
Play some vidya
Fap to lolicon
I dunno, man
pour yourself a bubble bath with the works, put on a good podcast or audio drama, relax and enjoy your reserved time.
I guess I'll try Exercise.
Vermintide 2 is fun.
When was the last time you reinstalled Morrowind?
Plot a long and petty revenge against them.
I'm talking YEARS. So far along they'll have forgotten. Then, at the end, you can have the last laugh by cancelling on them at a later stage, and force them to feel what you do now.
Go out drinking, you basterd.
OP, there are a lot of good answers in this thread, but in the end, I think you know what you must do.
Try to find out whose session they all went to without you
put the tater tots and cocktail weenies to use.
print out pictures of your players, tape them to household objects, and use attached to run your game anyway.
I unironically thank you. I didn't know this existed, this shit will be useful.