did Skinner have high bluff checks, or did Chalmers just have low Sense Motive checks?
Did Skinner have high bluff checks, or did Chalmers just have low Sense Motive checks?
Super Nintendo Chalmers probably has a negative modifier to Sense Motive checks, and Skinner has a very slight positive modifier to Bluff checks.
I mean, Skinner's lies usually get seen through by at least one person, so I think that's Chalmers.
pretty sure super nintendo chalmers knew what was going on. He just decided to be polite about it and ignore Skinner's bullshit.
Skinner spent twenty years fooling the entire town (minus his mom) into thinking he was someone else.
Neither. Principal Skinner believed his own lies.
Bluff checks? At this charisma modifier, in this edition and with this roll?
You know, I've always wondered what makes this scene in particular the one that is so widely known. What makes this *the* Simpsons bit?
That's impressive. Can I see your character sheet?
>Good Lord! What is happening in there?
DC 10 passive perception
>Aurora borealis.
nat 1 bluff
>Aurora borealis at this time of year at this time of day in this part of the country localized entirely within your kitchen?
better sense motive
nat 20 bluff
>May I see it?
failed the sense motive.
it wasnt that well known until the internet dug it up and memed it to hell and back
not saying thats a bad thing, though.
Dental plan!
If Lisa lands two melee attacks in one round, roll 2d6+3 to tear apart
Fuck that's never leaving my head
Lisa needs braces
Skinner reacts that way to everything in Springfield. He questions it up to a point and then pretends to accept whatever nonsense is fed to him as the truth because the alternative is to go as crazy as everyone else in that town.
So.... does that make Chalmers what Frank Grimes could've been like if Grimes stopped taking the stupidity around him so seriously?
>crits on skill checks
None for me, thanks.
Like relative motion, both perspectives are true.
>Am I out of touch?
>No, it's the players who are wrong!
that's actually exactly what the writer of the episode said.
The writer of this sequence literally talks about comparing Grimes to Chalmers, and that the reason Chalmers is successful in Springfield is that he's able to accept the weirdness.
If ttrpg terms, Chalmers isn't making Sense Motive checks versus bluffs because he realizes this isn't DnD; It's Call of Cthulhu and he's just trying to keep his SAN score intact.
It's a fully self-contained bit. It's not a pop culture reference, social commentary, recurring joke, or shock humor. The characters and their motivations in this scene are understood in the first few seconds. It's simple and wholesome enough that you could show it to a 5-year-old kid.
The voice acting is just really on-point. You could black-out the screen and it still works brilliantly just as a radio play.
Also, the simplicity of the scene really lends itself to remixes. Two characters, minimal backgrounds, no overlapping sounds (background music, foley, interruptions). no overlapping background animations or parallax layers, etc.
Beats me. The most confusing thing for me is that I clearly remembered this clip before it started getting memed. Usually I never see a meme before it's a meme, you know? It's unreal.
Neither. Chalmers was able to see right through Skinner's bluff, but he kept trying until he got a critical success.
Who said anything about crits? They guy said nat 20.
That man has high Bluff.
He's not even Skinner. His name is Armin Tamzarian, and he's been fooling everyone into thinking he's Skinner for years.
This is Skinner: simpsons.wikia.com
I need to catch up on my Simpsons lore.
That episode is over two decades old. It's widely hated but still came out when everyone largely considered the Simpsons good.
Why is it hated?
>It's Call of Cthulhu and he's just trying to keep his SAN score intact.
I'd play that campaign.
I think people just thought that was too stupidly big of a retcon, even though continuity has never been much of a thing for the series so you could just ignore it.
>Snowball II was killed and replaced by a copycat
>Fat Tony died and was replaced by his thin cousin who ate so much he became an exact replica
>Frank Grimes had a son who looks exactly like him and tries to get revenge on Homer
God I hate Nu-Simpsons
People saw it as a cheap gimmick meant to boost ratings and/or proof they were running out of ideas. Basically it was the first time the show was ever accused of jumping the shark.
I read somewhere one of the writers claimed it was meant as a parody of when TV shows do stuff like that, much like how the Poochie episode was one big meta joke on long-running shows introducing new characters designed by committee.
Why not Both?
If I recall correctly the Franks Grimes son episode had a few good moments, but even that was a long, long time ago
>He happened to like hookers!
He sounded too sincere about seeing those blessed Northern Lights, so at least that much was legit.
Does anyone have that screencap with Skinner as dm?
>the writers claimed it was meant as a parody of when TV shows do stuff like that
Yeah, and The Room is satire.
It's their excuse. Nobody ever said it was a good one.
That exists.
Decent bluff skill, but the DC on convincing anyone of those lies is incredibly high (I would say 30+ on the northern lights one). Lucky for Skinner, he rolled natural 20 after natural 20 and was in a game where the DM does critical success on skill rolls.
How does he smoke through the mask?
Chalmers passed all of his checks, he just found the whole charade pathetic and just went with it.
for what purpose
Save the aurora. Springfield is so odd he thought that one could actually be true
I did not need to see that
The joke is that Chalmer manages to see right through Skinner's nonsence, yet still inexplicably buy it just at the end and lets him go. It's likely Chalmers just knows Seymour needs the break and lets it off.
The guy actually turns around and sees the fire and smoke consuming the Skinner residence at the end of the skit, and he just keeps on walking stone cold. It's Seymour's problem, and he neither needs a Chalmers bollocking nor does Chalmers himself need the trouble of getting involved.
Steamed ass
>He's not even Skinner. His name is Armin Tamzarian,
fuck that
What do you think a nat 20 is?
the highest you can possible roll on a d20 and thus the most likely roll to succeed on a skill check regardless of skill checks being able to crit or not (they're not)
Then why would you even roll if 20 didn't mean a success.
Springfield itself is an eldritch location since it's a coastal city and landlocked at the exact same time. Not to mention one of the older episodes mentioned that west Springfield was 'three times the size of Texas.' Whenever someone tries to point out Springfield on the map, it gets moved around or hidden. Also it seems to border on five seperate states, which these states do not share borders with.
>holds up spork
>did Skinner have high bluff checks
Do you mean Armin, the man who has kept up his bluff and disguise for decades pretending to be someone else? Nah, no way he has high bluff.
Steamed clam after all.
Reminder the judge-appointed penalty for bringing this up is torture.
>If ttrpg terms, Chalmers isn't making Sense Motive checks versus bluffs because he realizes this isn't DnD; It's Call of Cthulhu and he's just trying to keep his SAN score intact.
That would be an amazing one shot. I'd play it.
with some difficulties, apparently
I mean, isn't that exactly what the Frank Grimes episode was?
Homer was the cosmic horror all along
post the lubed hams
>"You've...gone to outer space"
>"Suuuure. You haven't been?"
Seymour, you are an odd fellow, but I must say, you play a good character.
>asking for a roll when you know they can't succeed.
You are literally worse than Hitler
what was her name again? and age?
Remember how one Bart is the Evil one?
Wait, didn't Cthulhu show up at one point on the show?
She's around 18-19 at the time of that picture, despite what user will want to tell you.
Belle Delphine late teens or early 20's
Belle Delphine. Age is legal.
Good luck, I doubt she does porn.
Lana Rain, on the other hand, does porn.
I want you to remember this when you jack off. A man without pants on helped you masturbate.
>Lana Rain
why the long face? and the square jaw?
Skinner faked...well being Skinner. Lying to everyone for so long he gains a natural bonus to all bluff checks.
Hey, give the girl some respect - she does her level best to make sure you don't spend too long looking at them ...
Eh I remembered OVER 9000 before it became a meme
I would say the difference is that with Poochie, it's REALLY obvious that it's saitr because of Roy. I guess you can argue that the episode ending with a "let's never speak of this again" shows it's a parody but it feels like a copout.
Chalmers has low Sense Motive, Skinner has modest bluff. The he lies quickly and reflexively, but his lies are not particularly deep or well thought out. Chalmers is Wise enough to be suspicious of the strange circumstances of their lunch, but consistently accepts Skinners claims despite his doubts, suggesting he's probably got good Wis but not too many ranks in Sense Motive, thus not benefiting his rolls over much.
What I want to know is why did he yell SEYMOUR at the start? Skinner hadn't done anything wrong yet.
There was smoke pouring out of the oven
But Skinner gave no indication to Chalmers that something was wrong.
It's easy for him to live that life when there's so many of him.
The real diffference is that both Poochie and Roy alike were actually liked on a level
(and also introducing a shitty addon character is drastically different from undermining, transforming and replacing a well-loved core original character)