Spongebob Squarepaints Edition

Spongebob Squarepaints Edition

>Citadel Painting Guides:

>Figure painter magazine issues 1-36

>Paint range compatibility chart across manufacturers

>Painting Videos only

>DIY Lightbox

>DIY Spraybooth

>DIY Wet Palette

>How to Moldlines

>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?

>List of mini manufacturers for converting and proxy

>Stripping Paint (yes, the ellipses are part of the URL!)

>Priming With Acrylic Gesso

>Green Stuff Casting

>Thin ya paints, ladz!

>On the consequences of insufficient ventilation

>WIP's own 10-point painting scale:

>Reinforcements are en route

>Previous Threads:

Attached: c9f.jpg (600x669, 45K)

First for more dakr eldar soon

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>forgot the thread title

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reposting warboss conversion

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How did you do the blue on the shoulders?, what colours.

I hope covens get some cool shit, I need the motivation to get moving on my grotesque project

I appreciate the fact that you gave him quilted sleeves. Very RT design choice.

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AoBR Warboss body, Nob arms and axes, AoBR Nob head, and... I don't recognize the pole. Looks pretty good!

Reposting my snek wip.
Should I keep going with different shades of green + a different colour for the squad leader or stick to all the same?

Also looking for guides/tutorials on jungle/forest basing if anyone has links.

Attached: snek wip scales.jpg (4048x3036, 3.78M)

I took a anons advice from one of the previous threads and tried to edge highlight. Still gotta layer some more glazes but I feel pretty happy with the edges so far as its my first time.

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Fuck, phone keeps flipping the images for some reason.

love the multicolor.

Friends, I need help. I'm trying to make an Abeyant for my Cawl model I plan to run as an Archmagos Prime in 30k. The main problem is he's just too damn big. He doesn't really fit on anything other than a Baneblade chassis. Anybody have any ideas?

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Army painter primer is inconsistent garbage and I hate it.

How's my first Rebel Trooper? First thing I've painted in months, and while the face is awful I like how the camo came out. Sorry for the poor image.

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Has anybody had any experience "basing" a model without the model actually being on the base? I'm trying to get a similar effect to pic related (ignore the paintjob, and it's not my model, just a proof of concept); I want to use the same base and a similar minimal basing scheme (probably just some of the gravel basing paint and minimal additions, similar to how Forge World bases its models), but I'm unsure if I should wait to put the model on before or after I paint the base, to avoid the "feet sinking into the ground" look.

Attached: 9n1ldaylkzjz.jpg (900x1191, 98K)

Even though I know it´s supposed to be quilted sleeves they still kinda look like half a grenade, which is good considering he´s an ork. Nice conversion user.

You could try putting tiny bits of sprue between the feet and the base to give some buffer space for the basing material.

I used stagadon scale green as base and used a mix with ice blue (old gw paint) as overbrush color,sort of stippled it on te higher area

>no /wip/

what the fuck

Maybe the thread itself is a work in progress?

>glue mini onto base
>decide I want to spruce it up with cork and rock
>glue on stuff
>realize I left I crevice between his legs I can see but can get a brush to
Fuck. Hopefully globs of texture paint and wash can save me

I *swear* I had nothing to do with this:

Attached: johnny_everywhere_at_once.jpg (780x508, 124K)