I really like the concept of warhammer 40K. What is the absolute cheapest army, and do you guys have any advice on how to get warhammer stuff that isn't uber overpriced.
Thinking about necrons btw
I really like the concept of warhammer 40K. What is the absolute cheapest army, and do you guys have any advice on how to get warhammer stuff that isn't uber overpriced.
Thinking about necrons btw
Try Bartertown and reddit miniswap. Otherwise, you could buy sparingly and planb your army. Necrons aren't too expensive (except flayed ones and a few models) and are really easy to paint.
I haven't played much but have roughly ~3500 points worth of stuff that is painted up. Definitely check these out. A good way to get started could be to get a box of forgebane (sell or trade the Skitarii shit) and a start collecting box. That's probably the best way to start.
You can maybe find the necron half of Forgebane being sold off as itself too.
I recommend going with the dudes who you think look the coolest, because you're going to be staring at them a LOT when painting and assembling them.
As far as saving money, my biggest recommendation would be to get a specific list at a low level in mind (say 500 pts) that you run by here to make sure it's effective. One of the biggest cash sinks for me would always be getting units that wind up being useless or just not knowing what to look for.
From there go on eBay and keep your eyes peeled for ~10-20 dollar lots of squads.
If you don't give a fuck about what army you play the absolute cheapest would probably be primarislets right now. Usually things included in starter sets go for the cheapest on eBay
I like the necrons, and they seem easy to paint. My one strife with them is that they have any good artillery or heavy assault vehicles
They have some decent vehicles
Don't get a monolith though. That this is absolute garbage.
Go on ebay and buy second hand, and/or buy from a recaster
i really want to start playing 40k too but FUCK why is everything so expensive in this 3rd world shithole?
a fucking start collecting box is something like half the minimum wage
>that feel when you play Mechanicus, so you have absolutely zero heavy artillery and no transports of any kind
I'd kill for what Necrons have
Tabletop simulator
You're welcome
but i find the hobby part maybe more interesting than the actual game itself
>have the best two heavy support options in the game
>cawl and mars strat
Ad mech are in a good place
Kastelans are pretty amazing, but I highly doubt Dunecrawlers are one of the best. They're decent. Random shots on the laser really hurts.
Plus they almost auto-lose if the opponent has psykers.
AdMech are a faction full of mediocre choices propped up by Cawl and a handful of good options.
What the fuck, I swear I saw this exact post and image a week ago....
Also, Cawl is overrated and kastellan deathstar is dumb.
Im a bit shattered, im trying to make a Knight world for my house themed after egypt. but the kits that I could have used to decorate my knights suitably are all OOP and only available for the mosy inflated prices possible on Ebay
I wouldn't be surprised. I haven't met a lot of AdMech players who are 100% happy with the codex.
Playing against Tyranids has been a horrible uphill slog. Routinely engaged turn 1, battered and debuffed to shit in the psychic phase, routinely fire every model in my army at a lone Hive Tyrant that I NEED to kill, only to have it to next to nothing.
I don't run Cawl or Kastelan Deathstar, but it's the consistent losses that make me wish I did.
I'm pretty sure Grey Knights are the cheapest. You can field an army with like two boxes of boys. Inquisitors might also be cheap because you can basically kitbash together your squad from spare bits you buy on eBay for like $0.15 each.
>why is everything so expensive in this 3rd world shithole?
Australian? Since the embargo there's no way to cheaply play 40k. Your best bet is to find an intermediary in the UK, have GW ship your stuff to them, then have them ship it over to you.
Hm, even neutron lasers can't deal with it? I'm not an admech player though, so I don't really have an opinion worth much. Maybe fulgurites to clog up the ground? Graia for that deny the witch stratagem? Imperium detachment for Culexi?
Its worse than australia.
Ill probably start with infinity and Aide build a 40k army slowly. Maybe its manageable
Side* fuck phone posting
Custodes is the cheapest. You can make a 500pt force with one Guardians box
Neutron Lasers don't put out enough shots to matter, and it has a '-1 to hit with shooting' ability combined with a 4++. I can use the '+2 to hit' stratagem, but only on one unit, and not on the units that can make the most of it.
I've tried Graia, but the stratagem is inconsistent and has let me down 75% of the time. I even took a Culexus, but the fucker just moved his psykers out of the 18" bubble, since they advance on 3d6 picking the highest.
No matter what jamming infantry I take, he engages them, and then consolidates into melee with the stuff that's behind it. It's absurdly frustrating.
I mean, if you just want little guys to paint, take a look at 'Gates of Antares' from Warlord. Pic related has like 33 models or something and costs USD$50. You'll never find another soul collecting the game to play against, but you get all the fun of painting up some guys and putting them on your shelf.
nobody cares
Do what i did.
Get a box of basic troops and just play Heralds of Ruin.
That sounds miserable. Does he have a bunch of hive tyrants?
Isn't Star Wars legion going to be cheaper than 40k?
Just the one, which makes it even more infuriating- he's not TRYING to be cheesy, it's just a single model that the entire faction struggles to deal with in any meaningful way.
AdMech kind of struggle with T7 and above. With T7, 3+, 4++, -1 to hit, and possibly 5+ FNP with psychic powers I can't deal with on top of 12 wounds means there's a model on the table I have almost zero ability to interact with.
God I hate Tyranids.
That does sound fairly miserable. What about heavy grav cannons? they're decent ish against it probably right?
S5 VS T7 coupled with the -1 to hit on top of their mediocre BS of 4+ means I hit and wound on 5s.
15 shots hit 5 times, and get one or two wounds, of which he saves one, and they do an average of 2 damage.
It's disheartening to fire that many S5 AP-3 d1d3 shots to such little effect.
The only things in the codex capable of killing it in one round (barring good luck) are either a unit of 6 Ironstrider Ballistarii firing 12 Lascannon shots at it while under a re-roll aura and with the '+2 to hit stratagem', or Cawl's Moving Castle- both of which cost more than double the points of the Hive Tyrant.
It's absurd that I'd need to spend 500+ points to kill a ~250 point model.
Space Marines.
They have some of the best valued box deals (betrayal at calth, dark Imperium)
Also eveyone and their dog has space marine models, so it is very easy to get cheap second-hand models.
>highly doubt Dunecrawlers are one of the best
You wound most vehicles on 3's, negate a 3+ save completely, and cant roll less than 3 damage.
Duncrawlers are fucking great.
Not OP but this seems a good place to post this. What is a good set up for a 500pt army the features Hellblazer Primaris? I really like the idea of plasma dudes & I don't know what goes well with them
It may be cheaper because it uses less models. Price per model, it is about the same.
>7 rebel troopers cost 25 dollars, or about 3.50 per model, which is slightly more expensive than guardsmen (3.00 per model).
Wrath of mars stratagem on infiltrators can put out some sick mortal wounds. I've yet to see an hq unit survive it.
More dudes honestly. At 500 points the hellblasters will take up a lot of your budget. So just bring some intercessors and a Chaplain.
>1d3 shots
I can tell you how many times, out of every game I've ever played, where my Neutronagers have downed something big in one round of fire. I assure you, it's not a big number.
The stats of the gun are great, but compared to a lascannon-equipped predator, 4 shots vs an average of 2 means they have half the firepower.
Good? Yes. Great? Not in my play experience. Your results may vary, of course.
I'd ask you to take those 50 dice and roll them as part of an experiment. We can be generous and assume the Infiltrators have full support- a re-roll aura from Cawl, the +1 to hit stratagem (they don't get +2 since they have no data tether), and the Wrath of Mars stratagem.
They hit on 3's (due to -1 to hit rule), wound on 6's. Even if the Hive Tyrant doesn't have the power up that grants it a 5+ FNP roll, you'd be lucky to even come close to killing it.
Hive Tyrants are tough as shit, man.
I get an average of eight mortal wounds on the tyrant. I guess your'e just going to have to shoot it with other things too you big whiner.
The problem with Legion is that it's an FFG game, and therefore it will be dead inside of a year.
wait. monoliths are bad now? I stopped playing a few years back. still got my my army and a friend is trying to get me to play again, but i have no idea what is still viable
If you like plasma check out Dark Angels, they specialize in it. One of the more popular combos is Azrael+Company Ancient+Hellblasters which allows them to fire their guns with a higher chance to hit, much lower chance to explode and anytime one of them dies near the Ancient you have a 50% chance to buff them up for one last shot
oh and alternatively you can use a normal captain in place of Azrael
Do not start an warhammer army if you think it is overpriced. You will only suffer. Eihter accept the price or leave it alone. But keep in mind that an army for 300€ can keep you busy for 5+ years gamewise.
Also: Necrons are a good choice. They got a new codex and a cheap starter with the basic rules. Get the old Start Collecting Necron box before it is too late. Consider to buy the Annihilation Bark set and the Warriors since both sets give you 2 units for under 30€.