What are the most cancerous Magic decks to play against? It doesn't have to be OP as fuck...

What are the most cancerous Magic decks to play against? It doesn't have to be OP as fuck, but just make you wanna strangle your opponent. Format doesn't matter.

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a friend of mine once built a combo deck that revolved around playing pic related every turn.

Literally not letting his opponent play. Needless to say, he's not my friend anymore.

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Land destruction generally activates my opponent's almonds.


I have been out of MTG since before planeswalkers were a cardtype, but counter decks and sliver decks used to get my hackles up.

Stax or any related deck.

Slivers. Get the fuck out.

Also, I have an irrational hatred for planeswalkers, their introduction was about the time I left.

Four Horsemen is pretty degenerate, and not in a fun way.
> This deck's functionality came into question as a result of the IPG guidelines regarding Slow Play and loops. The Head Judge, Josh Stansfield, composed this statement later on Sunday, regarding a ruling early during the Legacy Open.

>"During Round 3 of the tournament, I was made aware of a Four Horsemen player on the feature match table. I went over to watch the match, knowing that I was likely to see a problematic line of play according to the IPG. When the player started to flip cards from the Basalt Monolith/Mesmeric Orb combination, he quickly ran into Emrakul, and was forced to shuffle his library. After doing this again, he was left in an identical game state: An empty graveyard and no other change to the game state. By performing the same loop of actions without changing the game, he was violating the shortcut policy outlined in the Magic Tournament Rules and the Slow Play policy in the Infraction Procedure Guide.

>being such a sore loser that you drop your friend because of a card game

Isn't the trick with Four Horsemen that you are supposed to delay the Emrakul trigger and order the stack in such a way that you can find all your Narcomeobas and make them resolve first?

Land destruction used to piss off my friends to no end. I started dabbling in it because one guy played heavy blue control decks and thought of it as a nice counter, and it worked well for that and a lot of other decks too. Time went on and I tweaked my decks to really abuse the shit out of it with stuff like Chimney Imp to not only force opponents to play with less mana, but to ensure they weren't drawing lands either. I'd always keep them at about 2-4 mana to ensure they'd never get out their timmy cards and have them sit uselessly in their hand until they had to discard them after realizing between all the befouls and such they'd not get the chance to play it.

When cranial extraction came out, people just flat out refused to play the deck, or only played using things that were a direct counter to it. It's ultimately why I stopped playing magic, because the game became a revolving door of deck building to counter other specific decks to the point where players would refuse to tell their opponent what deck they were using and sometimes scoop when facing something that was a direct counter.

I remember getting this on an isochron scepter turn 2 against a friend of mine, but then the scepter got heavily frowned upon after that.

Man this card game of yours sounds really shit.

Lantern Control
Any variant of Storm
Workshop Prison/Stax
4 Horsemen

Basically any deck that prevents you from playing MtG or take an arbitrary huge time going off.

Speaking of Isochron Scepter, I made a blue deck that ran something like 12 islands with four lonely sandbars and the trick was every single thing in the deck cost two mana and 90% of it played at instant speed. It revolved completely around card drawing, scrying, counterspelling, and regressing cards to players' hands to shit up the game state, and its win condition was to sit and wait to get two brain freezes in the hand, wait until the opponent cast more than a couple of spells, dump as many cheap spells onto the board, and then brain freeze them to mill ~40 cards in a turn. The only thing that really gave it trouble was aggro decks, anything slower would get lockdown.

I kind of miss storm as a mechanic.

way back when NP first dropped, I built a standard deck around Psychic Surgery and as many ways to force my opponent to shuffle his deck as possible.

Basically, if I got it off turn two, he was going to get fucked because I would never let him draw a good card.

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>the PLAYERS who aren't me are really shit rooooooooooooooooooo

I have a dwarf deck dedicated to eating the other players Mana.
It's not a "good" deck and by no means OP. But it's fucking mean and a cunt to fight.

I'm gana mix some goblins into it, goblins who are built to wipe the field.

Working on that now. Thanks.

Here is how it works:
Get narco -> reshufle->[illegal starts here] repeat until finisher AND return are in grave.
Last step is illegal because I will EVENTUALLY get it. Keyword eventually.
It is also no longer an IPL ruling issue with Sidisi, turns out cephalid breakfast style combodecks are like, bad.

This whole fucking thread. And no one has said infect deck.

Infect decks are lame, exspecialy if they are built on good combos. I once lost a game before my second turn from a rush infect deck.

As a good player (ie: tournaments & high (comparatively) IQ) there is no annoying decks, just players.

there are*

odyssey/onslaught ug madness

Force check decks like reanimator

Counterbalance in miracles. Hurr durr maybe Ill get lucky and you dont have a one drop. Oh whats that? it wasnt a one mana spell on top? Oh nvm its terminus. Eat shit

That dumbass 4c New Perspectives deck in standard.

>Play new perspectives
>cycle your entire deck looking your 1 copy of approach
>Shadow of the Grave and do it all over again cycling your viziers to float mana all day

Even with instant speed enchantment hate they just cycle everything in response so your sitting there watching them effectively rebuild the entire deck regardless of what you do.

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Any stax/pillow fort/prison deck, waiting for that stupid, usual, infinite combo.
Reason why I hate Grixis commanders so much

Speaking as an EDH player: Lab Maniac and Food Chain combo decks (among others) are pretty dull to play against, since there's very little room for interaction and the overall board state doesn't matter to them. Also, "chaos" decks (in large part because of the sort of person it inevitably is who thinks it's a good idea).
Tbh I have no problem with MLD or Stax, but I can see why others can't stand them.

Why do you say that? I have only fond feelings for such decks, and this is the first I have heard them demonized.

mass bounce of lands, basically a lock soft enough to keep playing, but hard enough game becomes a chore. Here's an example: