What's Veeky Forumss opinion on the Warforged.
What's Veeky Forumss opinion on the Warforged
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They're fucking awesome.
I like the idea but I dislike the general design
Depending on the region of the world they are built I can seen Warforged having various shapes and sizes.
I don't like them, and I'm extremely liberal with player races. They really don't make sense at all outside of Eberron, and even then, feel way too "human" for a race of magictech robots. It'd be better if they were a form of undead, souls inhabiting a mechanical golem.
I'd imagine, but official art always has that goofy cogtooth mouth and goofy two toed feet. I just don't care for it
I really want to play a Warforged Druid.
In Shadow of the Demon Lord the "clockworks" are basically Warforged that are people's souls pulled from the underworld and attached to a mechanical body.
Hard to roleplay properly. I think there are a lot of good hooks in their concept, but hard to make the most of.
I like them but don't like the setting they hail from. I'm a sticker for mechanical LN races like Warforged, Inevitables, and Modrons.