Warhammer 40000 General /40kg/

Best eldars coming through edition

>Dark Eldar preview:

>WHTV Tip of the Day:



>Old Black Library Mega:

sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdocs.google.com%2Fspreadsheets%2Fd%2F10t6_FO9mTaG8FHY4B7v6hOQgwc3gXxUiIOrMYt16I6M%2Fedit

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Best Eldar, reporting!
.... Why does the DEldar have four eyes? What have I missed?

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What're you working on /40kg/?

Post you minis, games, or hobby goals.

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All Eldar are best Eldar.

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Pic related.

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Darkies for lyfe

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Who here plays shooty chaos?

What kind of lists do you run?

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Dark Eldar can't run 6 patrol detachments in any tournaments, have fun having to run battalions and not getting traits

Every time someone reposts my get I feel all warm and fuzzy.

Loving the pose of that Flawless Host chaos lord, user.

Can multiple units deal mortal wounds to a single unit from a lord of contagion gift of nurgle. Or whatever the frick that is called?

Posting deldar cause it's relevant

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You mean running Battalions and getting 3 traits or 1 uber trait. No DE player in their right mind would EVER want to take 6 HQ's anyway, 3 is already shit.

Can someone shop some more sunglasses on the cooler eldar? This just isn't performing up to meme standards.

So point descrepancies in the forgebane rules. The skitarii snipers are 11 points less than codex, but the data tether and omnispex are back at index price. How taboo is nitpicking the cheapest rules?

Also split the armigers with a friend. Got mine built and weapons magnetized incase full kit has more options. Now I want more big robots...

Nid players are getting too smug these days, sometimes I run full waac lists against them to remind them of 7th

>childish shooty noises.

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This is now an Eldar only thread. Everyone else get out

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If you had infinite money to spend on arranging a tournament, what sort of special stuff would you do?

>All models must be fully assembled and painted to the quality where they could be showcased, WYSIWYG (magnets are fine too)
>If a unit is wiped out, the person who killed it gets to smash the models of said unit with a sledgehammer
>Everyone gets new boxes for their destroyed models at the end, so they only lose the cost of paints + the time and effort it took

Incorrect, at least some eldar are Ynnari.

That's not a dark angel

It's the old finecast archon

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Bye lesser races!

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Stop trying to horn your way into our party, craftworlders.

>human mother
You know to be honest I wouldn't be surprised if the other mom was a mom.

As long as they are not the whoreson Yannari!

If you're gonna go Ironman rules you go full Ironman, fuck replacing the models

>the data tether and omnispex are back at index price
Data tether back to never being taken then

Can I join the party?

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Alright, come in. Take a seat on a mon-keigh and try the tau.

My next goal for models is another devastator box so that I can use more of my marine bodies and legs. I'm also going to make a a long handled thunder hammer so I can give my melee captain a relic blade and hammer for fluff shenanigans

Xth for Knight Titans themed after Jaegers

The far superior Archon model unfortunately..

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Would you be willing to play at a tournament with full ironman rules? No one would be willing to play if they had to cover the cost of their models too.

My favorite part is the art. He looks so awkward, clinging to that book. Like he knows he is going to get bullied in Astropath school.

>76 rears old

This really ranks up there as one of the dumbest ideas I've heard on this Nigerian jet ski sales forum

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>Not just running multiple battalions or 1 battalion and 2 spearhead/vanguard/outrider/supcom like everyone else
Jesus holy tits I didn't know edgy elf players were this entitled.

That depends, did you bring the drugs? And I don't mean those shitty Mon-keigh drugs, I'm talking "Planatery extinction if this shit gets in the water supply."

Yes because ironman means full RAW waacfaggotry

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Ah, now that I see that it makes perfect sense. Should have looked at that picture last thread.

>omnispex are back at index price
The omnispex never went down in cost to begin with.

Don't think so

hoepfully going to get more of this guy done tonight. Decided to do thebdead marine as an imperial fists for some bright yellow to "pop".

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We aren't, it's one or two fags trying to stir up shit. The only thing we're upset about is GW being retarded enough to forget about their own rules. It's a little insulting, that's all.

Nah that’s b8 m8. The edgy knife ears have been aight. Unless your false flagging as well...

Triple post it for the (you)s

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Think i could use these bad boys as Warriors for my nids?

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user which do you prefer, the first few posts are just people scrambling for "1st for FoC NEVER!" or "Thread claimed for the Blood God!" or an actual topic, even if shit one, until someone says something intelligent later on?

Please for the love of god do! I love playing against them in “THERES TOO MANY OF THEM!” Amounts.

>hold it in a castle on a private island
>prize is 1 billion dollars
>losers are fucking killed
>don't tell them this until they're on the island
I have become an anime villain

>Forget their own rules
Or perhaps, JUST PERHAPS, not every rule GW writes is specifically tailored to 2000pt tournament play.

Okay I decided that I'll try to wrap up volume 2 BEFORE my exams, so I guess I'll be posting part 3 and 4 later today.
Meanwhile.. reposting this for probably the last time before volume 2 is finished.

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yeah nah, that'd be shit as, literally the worst tourney idea I've ever heard.
Requiring a high paint standard is going to shrink your potential players a lot.

Plus most people who put the time into getting good at painting are going to habe old minis, conversions and just choice paintjobs, they'll never agree with breaking their minis.

There is always that too!

>>hold it in a castle on a private island
It better be fucking gothic styled like an Imperial cathedral

>Also invite Robin Cruddace and drop him into a pit with venomous insects.


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was practicing painting hive fleet hydra colors on some old orks from the starter set
he looks like sentinel now and I just can't
>plus captcha is a streetsign with a giant circled X

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This shit was better when gw didn't give a fuck. I mean they gave a fuck but it was for fun shit, not some deep intricate plot or some folly of mankind, or whatever we have now.

I don't know what I'm saying, I've got a heavy hit of anemoia. I just want to go back when people made shit based off of dnd and really crappy drawings of monsters that were only designed in stories. Not this stagnant shit that is inbreeding ideas until were left with this hideous retard baby we call 8th edition.

That's just as bad as forgetting your own rules and you're retarded for thinking it's somehow an effective argument.

Post old codexes

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Thank You.
Christ ive been asking that for a week.

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Better be a sandcastle.

Yeah, how DARE they print rules for other play formats, it is an INSULT to patrician Adarki Aeldari players like myself.

I bet you insult people whenever they think power levels are an actual playstyle too.

they haven't forgotten their rules.
the 3 detatchments limit is specifically a suggestion not a rule.

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>If you had infinite money to spend on arranging a tournament, what sort of special stuff would you do?

1:1 scale Epic ending in a real exterminatus

cadia broke BECAUSE the guard did

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>adarki can't use their own units easilly because we fucked up their factions
>how about a consolation prize that is worse than what every other army has

I swear if it's in your codex it shouldn't break battle forge even if it lacks the keywords.

I would beg you to.
Sidenote where the fuck did you get that in this scale? I must know.

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Are we not supposed to?

Stop b8ing.
Stop falling for bait.

Can you play custodes in kill team?

Yup, that's why it's insulting, not because they chose to not put a "Outside of matched play..." qualifier in front of it like they have done plenty of times so that it's obvious they aren't just being retarded. No sir.

Here's a tip, when GW have literally proven your argument wrong themselves multiple times maybe you shoukd reconsider your argument.

It's a rule when tournaments (see: all of them) make it one you dunce, but then again most tourney's run ITC which has a habit of changing too much shit.
>So glad my area avoids ITC like the plague

>Daemon codex talks about how Cadians started selling their souls and betraying their friends

Random rules idea:

Would T5 Meganobs be all that crazy?

Of course we are, because matched play is the only real format. Can't have it both ways.

I keep seeing people say
>Rip Duncan
What happened, does he really have cancer or are you all just shitmemeing?

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>tfw you don't play in tournaments and you revel in your codex stirring up so much shit before it's even released

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not him but it looks like one for Starship Troopers: The Miniatures Game. A now OOP wargame from a decade or so ago.

There's probably still some floating around the usuall 2nd hand market places.

Cadia broke because the guard were supposed to fucking defend it
>sir you're Dieing but at least your body guard is still alive

What kind of asbestos eating mouth breather thinks losing the planet you're defending an accomplishment.

$250 on ebay.

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No, sex scandal with an asian employee being covered up to not impact on any pending legal action.

At their current points cost they'd probably still be trash.

He's surviving for now, they did a few videos of the new models a couple months ago so he can let people know on his own time

So are the Dark Eldar basically the surviving eldar empire?

Dude you have missed out on a wild ride. Duncan has been in and out of the hospital for the past couple months. Now they just record there.

GW has no control over 3rd party house rules.

You can't be unhaply with GW when someone elses rules interact poorly with the offical rules.

It's a shitpost that's been around for weeks now

why are Tau so bulliable?

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Pretty much.

They do when the actual rulebook makes suggestions.

No, they're the faggots on a deserted island that drink salt water and parties while the other guy is putting out signals and making shelter.

Oh and the party guy deliberately destroys the rescue signals because he doesn't want to be found.

only as much as the craftworlders are.