Ever seen a Fighter change classes mid-battle before?
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Has this manga gotten any better? It was so boring that I dropped it ages ago.
it's better than Record of Lodoss Wars, so credit where credit is due.
It's pretty much exactly the same but if you prefer more generic fantasy characters there's more of them getting focus now.
soooo, barbarian or paladin?
I figure he's possessed by the spirit of whoever lived in that sepulcher before he broke it,
So now we have to wait a month to see what actually happens. I know they have to do this, but I wish chapters were just a tiny bit longer.
It's likr Berserk where Casca is FINALLY not retarded, but OF COURSE, the moment she lays her eyes on Guts, SOMETHING happens, and poof mothefucker, gotta wait one more month. The wait is killing me.
I think it's suickly mentionned in the year one side story. Someone looks at him and thinks he multiclassed in warrior/thief or warrior/ranger, I think.
To be fair, that's a moment people have been waiting fucking decades for.
Of course it will be a cliffhanger.
agreed. another 3 pages would be perfect.
Wait the next issue is coming out in a month?
I thought it was going on hiatus again
Good example of morale rules in action. I approve.
Ranger for sure. Preferred Enemy Goblins. No way in hell he isnt. Just look at the fire traps and shit he used early on, all thr obscure facta he knows about gobbos. That's some ranger shit right there.
>that beholder
Literally D&D. Oh japan
What of it?
Motherfucker, really? For fuck's sake. At this point GRRM will finish his books faster than him.
Oh, GRRM will finish books. Just not the ones we want. It's okay though we'll just read the rest of his sample chapters when he dies
I too am delighted to hear what happened 300 years ago when I just want the actual storyline to finish.
Someone argued that he's waiting for the serie to finish, to judge how people react to it, especially since he happened to be a tad pissy when people caught up on his secret theories and prophecies, turning them on their head in order to "surprise" people.
Still his original 2 classes but with diehard. From the beginning, he'd use his own broken arm as a tool to strangle a gob if he had to.
So did he reclass to dark knight or what?
hes always been multiclass rogue/barbarian, hes just activiating his rage per day and is about to wreck a bitch.
>I figure he's possessed by the spirit of whoever lived in that sepulcher before he broke it,
that sounds gay
No, it was mentioned that he was fighter/"scout". It's just inconsistent writing.
>Literally D&D
How have some people not noticed the entire plot is literally a parties DnD campaign, this chapter even says "a roll of the dice"
The entire plot schtick is that Goblin slayers player is terrible at character writing and just wrote "he kills goblins"
I hope elf chan lives.
Goblin Slayer is not a player, he’s a DMPC.
Nah, he's not nearly invincible, flaky or magical character for that.
Goblin Slayer is a literal classic murderhobo, subtype #3 (enemy fixation). Had a dozen of those in my games even before internet was a thing, they differ only in their class (fighter/ranger/barbarian) and preferred enemy (orc/elf/troll/gnoll/demon etc).
There is even a panel which shows a D&D combat grid with a miniature that looks like Goblin Slayer with a player complaining about the ridiculous luck goblin slayer has.
Goblin Slayer is gay and so is OP.
in the same way that Minsc is what?ranger instead of barbarian/paladin.
You do realize that Scout is an actual class in D&D? A fairly good one, at that. (Even though he's clearly a ranger through and through.)
>implying you can't be a ranger and have improved unarmed strike
>implying Animalistic Power isn't a ranger spell
I’ll tell you user.
She does. A ripped shirt, but she’s okay. At least in the novels.
Is there an up-to-date translation?
He doesn't cast any spell at all, he just drops being the "strategic" character that is supposedly not good at actual fighting and gains some inhuman strength due to writers fiat.
I don’t know of any links to read it online, but 4 novels are available right now via whatever retailer you like.
Guy spent years being trained by a veteran murderhobo, he's good at actual fighting
Yeah, I'll agree it's writers fiat, but roaring rage-empowered rampages are my favorite trope so it gets a pass. And iirc, wasn't ripping out the gob's eye the only thing he actually did?
You can find a torrent of it at nyaa
I think this particular scene is book 2 or 3, so the novels are pretty far ahead of the manga.
Naaaah, that's the whole point of his story. He's not bound by the gods' will. He's neither a PC nor a DMPC. He's free.
But it is noted that he is insignificant, hence why the gods don't act upon him. We'll see whether or not he stayd insignificant (by just keeping on killing goblins forever for example,)
Thanks. I kinda hoped someone got to fifth or at least sixth already.
Do they all survive? The priestess lost a chunk of her arm after all.
Oh, he's such a great strategic thinker that can pull an answer to every goblin problem out of his ass, but also a super duper fighter with deep sea scrolls and he has a harem and a dark past and red glowing eyes, but he's so misunderstood by other adventurers that happen to be assholes and dumbfucks. What a Mary Sue.
Here's your (You). I don't give out too many of these so make good use of it.
Nah. He's also a complete social autist, is clinically obsessed, and this chapter has him getting fucked pretty hard. That's not being a Mary Sue.
No one is forcing you to like him, friend. You can walk away any time you want.
>He's also a complete social autist
Doesn't stop him from gathering a harem. It barely hurts him at all, and as I said the people that do no like him all also happen to be arrogant and foolish and will get gobbed anyway.
>is clinically obsessed
With something that is inherently good for the world, gets him more famous and also a harem.
>and this chapter has him getting fucked pretty hard
That just serves to make it more awesome. It will not matter in the long run.
This character has no real faults, no real flaws. The story and all events are deliberately written in a way that make him look great, no matter what happens. He's an expert to an everyday problem that so other characters we get presented happen to be idiots about. It's an easy self-insert that is not the worst Mary Sue out there, but he checks several boxes.
Yes, I painted my post very baity for the sake of my own amusement. But let's be real for a moment: he hasn't actually done much very clever things, or rather the manga does a pretty bad job at it. He was very dumb in that chapter, a lot of things he should have been better at stopped working for no real reason other than the writer wants it so, and giving him a rage-fueled power up undermines what this character is supposedly about.
Eh, I'd rather run an adventure for the Goblin Slayers than whatever special snowflake edgelords that you'd cook up.
Yeah, they all make it out. GS badly hurt, and they have to use a Resurrection spell on him. One of the components is to lay with a virgin. Guess who.
Good deflection.
Why, the dwarf obviously.
Truth be told, GS is a more interesting character than 90% of the PCs I've seen posted around here in Veeky Forums.
How this helmet works? Is he blind or he have eyes in the mouth?
Like so. I'd recommend to pick one with horizontal slit, though.
By the power of anime user.
Can I be terribly bad and ask you to post the pdfs here if you have them? Thanks in advance.
This one have high slits, the GS helmet resembles pic related. But I guess is right, can't argue with those digits.
He's looking downwards in that picture. It's not hard to understand where his eyes are at with how he often gives off the red glow of doom.
So, it works like a regular helmet, in fact those eye slits are even a little too big for my taste, looks like you could easily half-sword your blade in there.
GS's slits are well on his eye level. You get that impression from the forehead crest. And gobbos are snort, anyway, so he keeps looking down.
>it's better than Record of Lodoss Wars
Wow, fantastic counterpoint. You really showed him user.
The gods in this setting are playing a D&D game. It's just that, being Gods, their NPCs are sentient. Goblin Slayer is one such NPC and they like his shenanigans because he's entertaining and he won't really affect the bigger picture.
Sorry, I bought the physical copies.
It's cool, I got the ebooks from amazon.
The noob party killed a dragon in the first episode. Lodoss is kinda bullshit.
Grab them from nyaa, they're in epub which is better than pdf, anyway.
>asked a question
>got actual answers
Thank (you)
I think he's laughing because Lodoss is pretty bad to begin with
Dunno, it looked like an average party back in the day.
I'mean still waiting for when someone entertains the thought of telling goblin slayer the Ruler of Goblins is the demon lord, he would probably kill the shit out of him by poisoning, then burning, his entire castle, and watching gods get pissed over it would be great.
So what class is the lizardman? Necromancer Wizard?
And yet he’s invincible, knows what will happen before it happens, and always has a “clever” solution to his problems that are rare and pretty much exclusive to him.
That’s bullshit because the only story you actually see is the fight between goblin slayer and the goblins. If you were in a campaign fighting ever more dangerous goblins while being told there are greater dangers, the one guy that is the best at killing goblins that always leads your party into every dungeon while you barely survive fighting mooks is totally a DMPC.
Especially when the turbo-autist is admired by every other relevant NPC in the game for being a turbo-autist.
>he hasn't actually done much very clever things,
This is the ultimate problem with the character. He's presented as having this specialized knowledge that lets him best deal with Goblin trickery, but none of this stuff is that complicated nor should it be new to other adventurers because A) Other creatures should also be employing tactics and B) Most adventurers have experience with Goblins anyways.
The story has never been clear on why people seem to simultaneously underestimate goblins despite the frequency of attacks (in at the very least, the frontier region) while also having Goblins responsible or party to every major event in the story. Nor is the setting clear on why the King himself didn't heed the warnings of a gold ranked adventurer (sword maiden) who told him of a monster infestation in the holy capital outside of "goblins? Not a real problem right".
The blanket excuse is that this war with the demon king has things more dangerous than goblins running around, but that never sufficiently explains away the reactions people have towards these creatures as the main location doesn't frequently deal with dragons, liches, or other higher threat monsters. Same with this city, any monster invasion should be treated seriously. Instead we get a token fighting force and some lone adventurers that died off-screen. City guard couldn't even bother with this shit when Goblins are kidnapping women off the streets.
This story is just another power-fantasy character wank. I wish it were more but it's not, still enjoyable at times but overall nothing special.
It's blunter in the LN. You get scenes of the players getting mad.
The guild woman is the GM you silly geese. She tries to get Goblin Slayer's player to do other adventures and he refuses and just wants to keep killing goblins.
>That last page
I hadn't noticed that. Neat.
So the beginning party that got murdered and raped were players who had to roll up new characters after that?
>my edit still makes appearances
Feels good
Yup, Priestess is a character for fantasy/Illusion, and she was prematurely thrown away cause crit failing against gobs and immanent TPK, she literally got bailed out by GS.
>in the original LN he says "That's horseshit."
Typical Yenpress
That's hilarious but for a real group that would be infuriating, especially with D&D.
You could read the LN.
Interesting thing is Priestess is still levelling as a PC and is currently doing NPC shit with GS, her player is currently playing the hero.
Well since they're comfortable with violent rape together, it's probably not their first rodeo
>veteran murderhobo
Who is also a crazy hermit, that counts for a lot in training montages.
Still a Mary Sue. No real faults.
>Your PC's face when you abandon them mid combat to make a new donut steel, leaving them to realities cruel fate, but then a autistic ncp saves them
No that's called taking a fuckton of flaws to min max like a mother fucker, it was totally a valid strategy in older D&D editions.
I think the argument is that while he has flaws on paper, they don't translate into actual character faults.
Take how when he does eventually ask for help to defend the farmhouse, we see that quite a lot of adventurers actually respect him despite the previous implication that he's some outcast. He's still a weirdo, but people actually like his presence around for various reasons.
I'm not a guy claiming mary-sue status, but Goblin Slayer is definitely a guy that has some fake-problems.
I'm not sure if it's been done elsewhere, but the goblins having goat pupils is a neat flair.
Goblin Slayer didn't change classes. He changed races. Bitch is a revenant now. You thought he was single-minded about goblins before, you ain't seen nothing yet.
Considering i've played in a game or 2 where similar shit has happened that a PC survives what should by all rights be a TPK, then proceeded to Fuck off with a group of NPC's, I believe it happening like this.
That's quite the tone change. While it is a smaller change it still rubs me the wrong way too. I guess Yen Press just remains irredeemably shit.
Is there any rape?
Next chapter GS goes on a goblin rape spree.