>Unearthed Arcana: Duergar, more like Dunggar
>5e Trove
Stable releases - get.5e.tools
>Previously on /5eg/:
Do you prefer your Monks Oriental or Occidental?
>Unearthed Arcana: Duergar, more like Dunggar
>5e Trove
Stable releases - get.5e.tools
>Previously on /5eg/:
Do you prefer your Monks Oriental or Occidental?
Western monks are a dumb meme. Don't act like you don't know where all that running on water and shit came from.
Christ walking on water?
No, that's why clerics learn water walk.
Using ki to run on water is martial arts movie shit.
Why are Monks even in the game? I've never seen anyone play anything except meme characters with the class. They're a shitty one-trick stun pony and if they can't place their stuns they end up being more worthless than PHB Beastmaster Rangers. Hell, even WITH their stuns, they don't have the survivability to perform against multiple enemies. You're not tanking things like a tougher martial like Fighter or Paladin, and you're not abusing the terrain and your mobility like a Rogue can... and even for crowd control you can only apply your stuns to one target instead of multiple like several casters can do.
Everything a monk can do it feels like another class can do better.
players love kicking enemies down pits. add a pit to the next combat encounter you have and watch them have fun.
Anyone have a source that shows what creatures typically ally themselves with other creatures? Looking to think of some Duergar allies
how do you feel about GMs giving you strong goodies as an excuse to throw bigger badder shit at you
Have you read their entry in the Monster Manual yet?
>Duergar make war against their dwarven kin and all other subterranean races. They forge alliances when it is convenient, then break those alliances when they have nothing more to gain. They take and hold slaves to toil in the Underdark, regarding them as free labor and crude currency.
I play monk. The ability to fucking mover fast in any surface is a huge deal. You are a melee battlefield controller who darts combat and darts out. You aren't supposed to be in a melee like other Martials.
New DM here. Is it a bad idea to start with tomb of annihilation? I don't really have the time to create my own adventure we also have 2 player that are completely new to roleplay in general
ToA is a pretty harsh campaign, like, we as a party ran into a stone golem at level 4. We barely managed to defeat it, but only because our wizard kited it smartly.
The module also is extremely skimpy with magic items.
What sort of game would you like to be a part of, user?
What if i make my player start at level 2 and add some more items?
In curse of strahd how am I supposed to let the party seep into the castle to steal the dragon's skull? They still are no match for Strahd
Is shadowblade worth it for bladesinger?
Are magic items from 3.5 compatible with 5e? I own the magic item compendium and I wanted to use some of the stuff that's there
Other then Sleep, are there any spells for knocking people out? Sorta want to be able to put people to sleep for a character I'm building, but sleep falls off rather quick.
Yeah I saw that, I guess anything from the under dark that can realistically be beaten into submission could unwillingly fight for them until they no longer posses enough strength to stop it from fleeing or turning on them perhaps? I've been thinking about trained Quaggoths so far.
I'd be okay with a typical campaign.
what's a typical campaign?
Generic fantasy adventure? Could be one of the official modules, I'd just like a nice group to play with is all.
Catnap. Sleeps 3 targets with no save (I think)
Catnap requires the targets be WILLING. It's more for use supporting allies by giving them fast recharges on their short-rest resources than it is meant to control enemies.
Lads one of my players wants to play like a speed archer class.
Is there any way to do this?
I mean in ye olden days archers could fire several arrows in seconds so it wouldn't be that far fetched, but I guess it would be game breaking.
If any of you have ideas I would greatly appreciate them
Fighter can fire up to four arrows per attack action. Action surge for more. 1 lvl in War/Zeal Cleric to fire one more. That's 9 arrows in 6 seconds, completely legal.
Now if he also took a dip into Hexblade he would be truly unstoppable
He can also pick Close Quarters Shooter Fighting Style for some quite decent bonuses.
ah, I had a feeling I was forgetting something. Yep, that sucks
Level 21 character is not legal user.
You are missing haste though, so still 9.
For what exactly? Dex is so much better here.
Thanks guys!
Eyebite. And I guess you could fluff Hypnotic Pattern as putting enemies in a drowsy state. Also Imprisonment, but that one's gonna take a while.
And there's Symbol too
>You are missing haste though, so still 9.
But that would require him to a) have an arcane class in the party and b) have that caster use his spell slots just to give him one more arrow.
Eldritch Knight can't cast haste as a bonus action, so it would take up one action just to fire another arrow, which would be the same as just having fired 8.
Hey my fellow elegan/tg/entlemen, I need your help for weighing some pro's and con's.
I joined the Adventurers league last night and had a blast. It may seem boring or cliché but I tried something I haven't before, variant human fighter. I've never played a human and I've never played a non casting class, rolled him as a 17 year old Farm boy who did some oddjobs for the town blacksmith for a year in exchange for some crappy gear so he could set out and be an adventurer. (Terribly boring for some but new for me, I've never played a character that young either)
Anyway I hit level 2 and with level 3 approaching I am unsure of what archetype to take. I went for a sort of tank build, chainmail, shield, defensive fighting style for 19 AC. It was pretty hard to hit me in the first session and I put myself between the enemies and my allies. My initial thought was Battlemaster because it just looks super fun, but then after playing I wondered if I should fully commit to being "The Tank" as the DM kept calling me. So now I am undecided if I should take Eldritch Knight for the shield spell or Cavalier for the Guardian sort of playstyle.
Stats are 16/14/14/12/8/10 in that order and I took the shield mastery feat.
Any fighters here that could help me out? Tl;dr help me pick an archetype for 3rd level fighter?
How would you swap out the Hexblade Patron's expanded spell list to give it a more good deity flavour?
I'm trying to build something around the idea of a mortal finding an Angel's blade and trying to prove himself worthy of it.
Thats the players job to figure out
How to play a puppeteer?
Depends on how you want your presence to be felt. Do you want to be able apply pressure in every part of the encounter? Battle master so you can stay back and give commands and effectively apply yourself all over the map. If you want to go harder on the bodyguard presence, go down that EK shield spell path.
I am facing this same decision in my human variant fighter. I will honestly be reactive to what comes in the roleplay with my party mates. The character is designed around a heavy pivot to later on to become a student of one of the other member's professions but thats just my schtick.
Glam Bard
>tfw next battle is SKT finale with that 800ft deep pit
If I've never played a published adventure, am I really missing out on anything (in this edition at least).
>Do you prefer your Monks Oriental or Occidental?
I'm currently condensing my character's faith into a 1,5 paragraph summary.
It's basically a half-Orthodox, half-Daoist version of Kossuth worship.
So... Both?
How would you create a mindflayer PC race in 5e?
I am under the impression most (all?) published adventures are still in the Forgotten Realms. For some reason, the setting rubs me the wrong way.
I will likely avoid most such adventures as long as thats true. I am interested in the more historical settings of the game, or something new.
It says you can change them pretty easy. I know sunless citadel at least has the different places you can put it for the different settings.
I can't help but feel this is the "Wizards are quadratic" kind of thing but taken to new magnitude. As a mindflayer 1 welp, you would be nigh useless but would get stupidly stupid op once you get past a certain level.
The thing is, it doesn't look doable for most parties: that place is a complete maze and the encounter rate is crazy, plus Strahd is supposedly able to keep tracking everyone in his realm, so of course he would know people broke in his castle to steal artifacts
It is for this reason that I am not bouncing off 5e upon my dive into it, as compared to almost immediately bouncing off 4e. 5e seems so easily tinkerable, that so many different player anxieties are assuaged.
Players are 4 smart people on average working together to come up with a solution. That's pretty resilient.
So don't try 5o figure out their problems for them.
Why is Critical Role such cringy cancer?
The hexblade expanded spell list is a bunch of smites and a couple of spells making you harder to hit, it's perfectly valid for a good patron.
Curse of Strahd is pretty universally loved, so maybe that.
Because you hate other people's fun
Could a novice run CoS?
Reposting because im retarded and didnt see the thread sinking
Im thinking of creating a spell
>Gas Cloud, Level 1 Spell slot
>1 action
>Concentration, 1m
>M, C (A pinch of Sulfur)
>Creates a transparent Flammable Gas Cloud in a 10ft area, if it comes in contact with any kind of igniting reaction the cloud bursts into an explosion, any within the cloud's range must perform a dexterity saving throw, if they fail they take 2d8 fire damage, and enemies within 10ft of the cloud must do a constitution throw, if they fail , they take 1d4 force damage and are knocked 10ft away in the direction opposite to the cloud, if the movement gets blocked, then they take an extra 1d4 damage for every 5ft of blocked movement and move no further.
The gas cloud is have no form but possess an odd smell and could be dispersed by a constant stream of wind.
>Casting this spell on a higher level spell slot increases the cloud size by 10ft per level
So, what you think?
Trash or OP?
I am accepting suggestions
Ya makes sense.
Follow-up question, what'd be a decent thing to multiclass into?
Not too well.
It would take a lot of prep, and if you fome it right then you wouldn't be a novice any more
But as I said it's not really a matter of being smart or not, it's simply that the final villain, who is still unbeatable by them, detects them the very same moment they try to sneak in to steal a precious thing for him, so unless I force his behaviour, and decide he won't bother stopping them for whatever unreasonable reason, they can't even enter the castle without being noticed
Too much angst.
Seriously, angst in RPGs is the fucking WORST.
No, I don't care that you're almost a fucking GOD and can control the fucking WEATHER or summon fucking DEMONS or whatever.
You do NOT get to angst over shit that you could solve with a snap of your powerful-ass fingers.
>But muh tragic past
DON'T CARE! You're powerful now, your problems can be solved by
>Kicking It's Ass
>Being Mature
>Spending the boatloads of cash
Angst has little-to-no place in good campaigns, I hope to fuck that when I reach Mighty Nein it becomes better.
What makes CoS so well liked?
spells with aoe effects generally don't differentiate between friends and enemies, additionally the target damage for an aoe 1st lvl spell is 2d6, overall not a terrible first attempt.
Just stick with warlock.
Got it, I will make adjustments
Thanks for the feedback
The cringe is part of the fun. Having not watched Season 1, I was surprised at how authentic to actual play the first session of Season 2 was. That guy busts out his in-character voice for his "little goblin girl", everyone starts giggling, and he backs it up with "OH YEAH MOTHERFUCKERS, IT'S ON" with the conviction of someone who is prepared to do that weird timid croaky falsetto every week for the next two years.
I don't even need to draw an arrow on here. Even if you don't watch the thing, you can tell from the expressions who's doing a stupid accent and who's reacting with an affectionate "you are such a fucking nerd" laugh.
Too many saving throws for a 1st level spell.
How about a single dex save, success =
>Half Damage, Including the push damage
>Half Push, as in 5ft instead of 10
>Disadvantage if you're the source of the flame
Increase the spells distance pushed by 5ft per level (Radius the same as your OG post), damage by 1d8 per level.
I see
Gonna write that down
>Run Tomb of Annihilation
>Party gets annihilated
I don't know what else did I expect.
Well done. Maybe try something not called tomb of annihilation
>Run Tyranny of Dragons
>There are Dragons
Is Season 2 good so far?
Do I need to finish season 1 to understand it?
I just couldn't watch the last 20 episodes or so it got awfully cringy with the whole angst and love and ugh
Strahd is meant to fight them multiple times, have him show up just as they reach the skull and force them into a fighting retreat, and then have Strahd leave after a few rounds of combat. You know, the way he is described to behave in combat in the adventure.
Valor bard lv10 can fire 4 arrows/round too. Magical secrets -> Swift Quiver. Then you can add some fighter levels for fighting style, action surge, improved crit range.
Yes, but they are ruining the hobby by bringing new people, don't you know? Well-groomed attractive people are a big no-no.
Season 2 has nothing to do with season 1, new continent, new characters, and something like 60 years later.
Guys my players are new and don't roleplay.
All except one just do whatever the fuck they want, not caring about what their character would do.
The one exception is also the only one who talks to the party. Like yesterday he found a cool trinket but wanted it for himself so he said "Nope, didn't find anything, just an empty well"
No one even questioned it, no one said anything.
And if anyone else had gone down there, they wouldn't have said anything at all.
How do I get them to roleplay?
You got it, boss. One large well, coming up.
>try to join a group
>The are a bunch of well-groomed normies spouting reddit memes and talking about sjw shit
Never do an all-new player group, you need atleast one vet to show them the proper way to play
Atleast if you are doing an all-new group, make sure that they are mature enough to take the game seriously
In your case tho, you are fucked, either you go iron fist and they will go "dude , its just a game, lol nerd"
Or they will stop coming
Motivate them to roleplay through roleplaying experience bonuses or inspiration rolls
If they dont care even after that you are fucked
Ask them what they want from the game. If none of them want to RP, just make it more combat heavy. If you want to DM RP, find another group
Where I live there are no people that play D&D.
I live in a pretty small town, I've posted on noticeboards around my Uni, I've asked online and nobody has ever played it. The only people I got where the noobs I'm playing with now and it's frustrating.
I'll try that.
I hope it will work.
We are about to finish the training wheel campaign and start a new one, hopefully they'll grow more attached to new characters and a new world.
They are playing the game to be entertaining to viewers, not fun to play, but stating that they are doing it for fun, and then people copy them in their regular Friday night game with no viewers.
Same problem with twitch sensation vidya.
Ok cool, thanks for the input. So battlemaster seems to be the more universally effective role?
Individual bonuses mind you
You want to Foster competition to see who roleplays the best , if you give bonus to the group there are gonna be Free riders
Shield has Somatic components; It depends on the ruling but unless you have War Caster you might not be able to shield for extra AC. I advocate battlemaster, but that might just be because I'm playing one. Pick some Maneuvers with varying saves, like Trip and Menacing attack, so you can fuck with enemy dice rolls.
I recently started an all new player group and amazingly all of them were big into the roleplay. They probably roleplay more than I do when I play.
Try playing Online (Roll20, Fantasy Grounds) and see if that gives you your fix of D&D
Somewhat, maybe.
I think 5e is only designed to allow a +3 bonus, for one. You'll probably have to go through and adapt a lot of things, especially at the higher power end when they've got +10 equivalent bonuses.
I have a shitty connection, shitty mic and shitty cam, or else I would have done that already
What about text games?
My players are going into a huge battle that if fought normally they would likely win. How do I resolve it in a quick but satisfying manner?
I don't like the mass battle UA because it essentially boils down to normal combat, which in this case would take a long time.
Some are, some aren't.
Like said, atk bonuses are different, this is because AC worked differently. Magic weapons are also a lot rarer in 5e, it's very common to find +1 swords on goblin worg riders for example in 3.5.
So far I've found that miscellaneous items that give some kind of effect are largely the same and where they're not there's either an equivalent (like Pearl of Power in both editions), or it's very obvious.
god no absolutely not
What are some reasons that a powerful wizard could be undefeatable by anyone other than the heroes?
Some item could of course always be an option but I don't really like that.
If you could give me any ideas at all I'd love to hear them.
Is it really that much worse than non roleplaying murderhobos?
Undefeatable in battle? Or undefeatable in life?
Consider the following:
A Half Orc ex-city guard, current Hexblade Warlock.
He found his spooky blade when bringing in some mercenaries that his superiors told him to arrest. He instantly sees it as a weapon that can be used for the good of the kingdom.
Instead of giving up the weapon to his bosses and letting it collect dust in some noble's attic, he breaks the law (a VERY rare case for him), steals the blade and goes out to find a hero worthy of wielding such a magnificent weapon.
All of his spells are reflavored as being illusion'ed by the blade to appear like they're divine intervention.. Eldritch Blast looks like a blast of fire from the heavens. He assumes that this means that he has divine backing for his quest to find the true king of england. I mean, a worthy hero.
I made half orc Poppy, except he wields a spookybadsword that just wants to kill shit and eat souls.
Also, thoughts on alignment? I'm thinking LN? Maybe LG?
Is he still LG if his weapon eats souls.. but he doesn't know?
In battle.
You had me at Hexblade
That's what I meant with forcing his behaviour, and let them steal the skull/relic because why not, even though it's a great buff for the party.