Age of Sigmar General /aosg/

Need for Boar




New Books have been added

>A Traveller's Guide to the Mortal Realms

>Malign Portents: Behind the Scenes


> Core rules

>General's Handbook 2017!C5BSgTDK!Sx74f87D86frlU0NZ1XKyGP0WEgar52X1Hatj1OA5y0

>Legions of Nagash!L44kEbRJ!VooTlhCe_WTmf5SFEds_wni8Z0EQDfBBsB1KBY_8ZW4

>Malign Portents!7x5hgZZL!l3KcjIUfNjDbEhjFeH31M9mRFfPf03yUFuN-jMU1JBg

>Army and Skirmish Warband builder

>City Generator

>Warscroll battalion blank elf photoshop template.psd

>Malign Portents Stories

New books

>Callis and Toll The Old Ways!JNJiwSLZ!HM0fIa9VjF2hWWpJOS0fymB6kd944VYdHmrk7yKQ2N4

>The Tainted Axe!QRx1gIwS!X3bvo8LQgV6V1Q12C2Y5dnM3m4lF5IkvxTKMzdQuazs

>The Witch Takers!5URyAJTZ!edeqlJAaUNRXsDVBHyGuyL5g3JXlbLej0Ug_oY7qtao

>Thread Question
When will Destruction get something new?
Tell us your ideas.

Attached: 1522106907848.jpg (920x950, 107K)

Other urls found in this thread:

reminder that werewolf fag made this thread, without me nobody would fucking care

hyped for nighthaunt

Attached: 1491512338928.jpg (640x640, 92K)
poor soul

Attached: Malerion.jpg (906x561, 90K)

people don't do it because someone else does it.
stop doing it and you will find your presence irrelevant in the end.

nobody is asking you to, you're entitled to no thank nor acceptance of the furfaggotry in exchange.

Sounds like the new edition of AOS will fix Destruction to some extent by boosting chargey armies (letting them attack first if they charged). Moonclan will then benefit also, having a monopoly on stopping charges.

Then with the new spell system that will help also as it will give a spell menu to everyone.

Also the new GHB might fix some stuff for Destruction, e.g. points and whatnot.

>Thread Question
When will Destruction get something new?
Tell us your ideas.

What I want to see in destruction is a Gargant army. That would be cool

yeah but will it fix Destruction by adding big muscular red oni ladies with sweaty abs?

Finally we might win more than just painting prizes.

Attached: for the lady spider.jpg (2048x1130, 550K)

My spooky boys are ready for a proper release, I got some hexwraiths to do then I can just pick up whatever else I need when its out.

Attached: guardian.jpg (1576x952, 694K)

big muscular red oni ladies with sweaty abs

>letting them attack first if they charged
Like 40k?
Also where have you heard that?
There have been some new rumors since a couple of days ago?

GW has confirmed that if Drake wins this week they will not release anything for Death for the next couple of year so go get votes for Eye

so what do we hope for allegiance?
still deep strike? or summon points like LoN (but i don't think they recycle that)?

Hopefully after this death release coming.

I get that beastmen are chaos aligned but id kill have some different ones that hail put of the wild places of the realms and just like to fight and raid.

Those would be great minis if they hadn't kept three of it's hooves on the ground.

I finished my Knights Excelsior Lord-Ordinator.
Side note, what are you working on /aosg/?

Attached: KE Lord Ordinator.png (576x789, 780K)

you've got at the wrong guy, i've seem them

So it's Malerion and Morathi being assess as always.
poor soul

I wouldnt mind if they kept that, maybe something that lets you redploy units already on the board, have a highly maneuverable that teleports around the board

>Side note, what are you working on /aosg/?
not killing myself

i think this teleporting is the most boring allegiance ability ever - not weak, just boring

i have it already with my sylvaneth, and i hope for something new with my spooks, but i fear they take the GH17 traits an maybe add something but stay with the released

Don’t say silly things like that user. We all love you user (no homo)

Attached: 76D03179-A82A-42C3-A5E8-BD951C84800E.jpg (219x200, 20K)

More mortal wounds

Yes we do! (full homo)

I wonder what this colosseum thing is.

>All the Elves gods hate Sigmar
>They're all going to be Order anyway
They really need to change/expand the Grand Alliances

>rush out threads early
>y-you guys need me
Fuck off retard

more than a handful cairn wraith in the knight of shrouds bubble? that may be a little over the top...

I just ordered my first Skydwarves.

Keen to play!

Attached: Arkanaut Company.jpg (500x500, 53K)

>rush out threads early
>page 10
It seems that you are the retard

You might be the worst kind of Dwarf but I'll allow it, brother.

I'm coming back from a long absence. I have a bunch of these old Chaos dwarves that look ridiculous. Then I noticed there are new dwarves that look ridiculous. Would love to convert my old guys to be more steampunkish.

Attached: oldies.jpg (1600x983, 202K)

it's referencing a gift malerion did to sigmar in the age of myth, an arena where people can fight, kill and die, and realise shortly after everything happening in it to actually be an illusion with no real physical consequences.
sigmar used it to have the stormcasts train, also I seem to recall the stormcast standard bearer to be elected through a last stand in the arena or something.
it had no true foreshadowing of dire development at the time of the first book, but obviously it was the gift of a dragon-demon-elf-whatever-god of shadows, lies and manipulations who wanted to lure people to kill each other in it so it's never been not shady at best.

man, do i hate those models


It's where Sigmar had the Stormcast train before he launched his crusade on the mortal realms, presumably they still train there. Being gifted from Malarion should have raised all kinds of red flags but I guess Sigmar isn't too bright.

it's always early until it's late

Have a bunch of these guys too. Lost the banners years ago.

early-mid 90s GW was pretty odd.

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do tell then faggit

Everything was weird in the '90s
At least they didn't take the comic books road back then

>At least they didn't take the comic books road back then
Implying busty chicks in bikini armor beating shit up would be a bad thing.


Attached: THINGS SHALL GET LOUD NOW.jpg (500x375, 132K)


I don't want half my models snapping in half and having to worry about handling them because they have more spikes than the Dark Eldars

Slaanesh doesn't exist in AoS. Back to your containment thread.

not this again...

they are literally taking the souls out of Slaanesh in today's malign portents story.
Fucking learn the fluff you fag

>It's another episode of autists get triggered at stuff that does not currently have a battletome.

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Right on, after an accident involving that kid I had to repaint pic related.

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is that a spock?


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if you feel like shit already you probably shouldn't hang out in a toxic cesspool like /aosg/

i feel like shit since 4 years, not much is going to change soon

Buy Jordan Petersons book and sort yourself out.

You should probably get clinical help if it's that bad
Though if you are depressed enough you'd probably think it's not worth it

Well you are talking to a random stranger about it. So that's progress.

Now you need to find someone who can help you.

Have a doctor do a full workup on your blood and see if there is a physical reason, then take the necessary steps after that. Your doctor can help you.

One thing you may have to ask for specifically is iron, vitamin d or vitamin b12 in your bloodwork.
Iron can be a problem for women, since they tend to lose a lot of blood due to menstruation, vitamin b12 can be an issue if you are vegan and don't eat meats and vitamin d can mean a lack of sunshine.

What do you guys do for bases? All my stuff is glued on so Scenic isn’t an option, and GW site doesn’t seem to have grass and snow patches to glue on.

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For my Nighthaunt army has grassy fields that turn into grey sand on the path of my units, with the leader units being completely sand because their "deathly aura" is stronger

Oh shit I didn't realize that.

Now shame I'm not a trekkie..

How would you go about converting Ork-ish stuff to be Iron Warrior-ish? I know Orks are complete and total shit so I want to make a fluffy Ork army that takes after Perturabo and the Iron Warriors. I know tons of artillery, but I want to make a sort of FW Pert Ork and I'm not entirely sure how to go about it.

What’s the best item to throw onto a VLoZD in a LoS army? Shroud or wristbands?

You may have gotten the wrong thread

PSA: the usual guy who does this is being pedantic about spelling rather than lore and not actually claiming Pinky doesn’t exist

Agrellan Badlands, than washed over with Agrax and drybrushed with Screaming skull.

My undead come from a ruined city in the middle of the Desert.

Valhallan Blizzard for GW 'snow' it's not bad.

Astrogranite debris with light ceramite white dry brushing to create a rocky base.

>Leave the Sigmarines to me

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>What do you guys do for bases?
I apply sand after putting down some bigger chunks of cork as rocks before priming.

After painting I have some grass tufts, flock, and flower tufts from various companies that do railroad modeling stuff.
I don't have one specific scheme though, since I like to do something different on each army.
For my fantasy orcs i used snow effects too.

If you are looking for sellers it depends a bit on where you are at. In england you can get loads of stuff from wargamer grass, warlord, army painter and loads of others as well. There are even some shops on ebay that make their own flavors of tufts. You can even get a flock box there to make your own.

Railroad modeling products are international though you can get them everywhere. I got some stuff from MiniNatur and Noch for example.

Have a game against Lizards today with my Witches. What should I expect?

I did. Whoops. Sorry, lads.

i already take meds but whatever, it's not my blog

Slow lizards. If he has a Slaan and doesn't set up his entire army then he's going to summon them in. If he has Chameleon Skinks he'll try to assassinate your heroes. Be careful of his big monsters, they're beefy and strong.

There is no conspiracy to make traditional games politically correct. Characters in fiction and gaming communities simply change with respect to the latest cultural values. But you fedora-tipping cancerous fucks always blame imaginary SocJus boogeymen when people start hating you for the shit that you do. As long as you continue to refuse act like decent human beings, people will keep noticing.

But of course, you will keep blaming imaginary "SJWs", "poseurs" and "normies" when you the public hates you for the scum you are. And let's not even get started on how you all react to games becoming more popular and easily accessible.

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Cover the base in sand, undercoat black along with the rest of the model. Basecoat with Rhinox Hide, wash with Agrax Earthshade, drybrush with Steel Legion Drab. Glue on a few patches of static grass, and job done. It's quick to do, looks nice, and doesn't distract from the model itself.

I use toxic wasteland for my bases
>Striland battlemire
>Drybrush with tyrant skull
>Paint the little pools and/or crevices with Caliban Green
>Paint over the green with a layer of Nurgle’s rot

It will become like pic related

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Finally, the name of Malerion's edgelords revealed!

No, it's the collective name for Morathi's snekgirls and harpies.

I swear you couldn't make this shit up.

green stuff roller to make textured blocks, then lustrian undergrowth texture paint

basecoat blocks with grey, pick out some features with a pale off-white
then do a mixed wash of green and brown to make it look natural
drybrush the stone a shade lighter, then drybrush all the stone with a brighter off-white colour
drybrush the texture paint

add vines, tufts, and skulls

Attached: IMG_20171113_204254.jpg (1564x1564, 1.81M)

>The absolute state of Dorfs.

Attached: IMG_5150.jpg (663x599, 84K)

Souls pulled from the 'belly' of slaanesh. It all makes sense now. Teclis pulls them from the mouth, morathi & malerion pull them from the butt.

They pull it out from where the sun dont shine - the realm of shadows

What did he mean by this?

Attached: deepbait.png (625x626, 70K)

The perfect height to hammer people in the balls.

Scáth is Irish for "shadow" and is pronounced "skaw".

Decent firepower at midnto close range. Hardy units with some that ignore Rend. No issues with Bravery. Big, DINO, Claws.

What ya bringing? Interested in starting DoK especially since the Cauldron of Blood can give you like 3 Leaders. Still trying to find the one with the Witch Elves bundled with it.

What’s this about sigmar wasting Teclis’ gift? Did sigmar fuck up the deepkin?

Sorry, me blind. Ugh, at least Malerion got some love...

fair enough. But how many people know that outside of Ireland?
It's like Mierce giving their minis welsh or gaelic? names that nobody can write, remember or pronounce.

Why even bother with an actual language if you call the other minis blippety bloppty slimetooter?

Great way to make everyone hate them. I guess americans will lap it up though, they even love the IRA because Irish.

The Scottish is probably the same or similar. Depending on how old the word is then it might also be similar in Welsh.

But yes you're right, it won't be pronounced correctly by a majority of people. It will annoy me to no end but I'm probably the same with words derived from languages I am unfamiliar with.

GW has always drawn on Gaelic inspirations for Elf/Eldar names, there's a few others in the Daughters of Khaine battletome as well.

I'm German so I feel your pain.

What AoS audiobooks would you suggest for a guy who didn't pay any attention to the setting itself? Is there anything in tone of Shadedpire lore? Curses, ancient relics and dark morbid themes.

So Scathach is pronounced "Skawach" or even the latter part of the word is read differently?

Anything new for Destruction when?

Idk that he has skinks. Are lizards slow? Cause I could totally swap withering for pit of shades.

I'm bringing this, which is currently 4-0. Figure, if it ain't broke, right?

Allegiance: Daughters Of Khaine
- Temple: Khailebron
Slaughter Queen (100)
- General
- Trait: Mistress of Illusion
- Artefact: Iron Circlet
- Prayer: Catechsim of Murder
Bloodwrack Medusa (140)
- Lore of Shadows: Mindrazor
Hag Queen (60)
- Prayer: Martyr's Sacrifice
Hag Queen (60)
- Prayer: Crimson Rejuvenation
20 x Witch Aelves (200)
- Pairs of Sacrificial Knives
10 x Witch Aelves (100)
- Sacrificial Knives and Blade Bucklers
5 x Doomfire Warlocks (160)
- Lore of Shadows: The Withering
Avatar of Khaine (180)

Total: 1000 / 1000
Allies: 0 / 200
Wounds: 70

AOS 'Phase 2' is incoming. Changes will make Destruction better.

"Skaw-ock" (as in the end of "rock"). The ch sound in English words like church and cheese uses a t in Irish. Teach is a good example of the difference. In English we pronounce it one way, and in Irish (where it means "house") it is pronounced "chock", as in chocolate. The pronunciation differences are so vast that a few Veeky Forums posts won't be able to do it any justice.