Another Filename Thread

Y'all know the drill

Attached: Warlocks.png (901x1440, 1.92M)

Other urls found in this thread:

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I already suspected that the Medic was Jewish, but now I know for sure.

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Attached: When you beat the DC and the GM unknowingly plays into you magical relm.jpg (390x700, 116K)

anyone got the pick of the girl running and screaming Waagh?

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fuck me.

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Attached: Brother Fen sees the Pathfinder 2.0 beta..png (713x888, 454K)

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Attached: Improvised weopons usually only do 1d4 damage.jpg (1456x1081, 357K)

This one got me hard

Well he's a German mad scientist that was explicitly NOT involved with Nazis despite being of the right age.

Attached: Bard rolls forgery.jpg (640x415, 234K)

He fled Germany around the time the Reich was on the rise, he's a very intelligent doctor, has a very particular way to pronounce certain words, considers robots with almost human-like intelligence to be blasphemous and flips his shit at the sight of free money.

Medic's not a Nazi. He's Ashkenazi.


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Attached: CYOA Refuge thread.png (671x300, 56K)

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Attached: welcome to the Weatherligth, son..png (439x390, 309K)

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Attached: The Party Rogue's Solo Venture.jpg (1400x916, 281K)

Doolittle raid reference?

>not "thank you, m'lord"

The Habakkuk.

The plan by the British in WWII to make an aircraft carrier out of ice.

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Ah, the pykrete carrier.

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The best part, the car isn't even a weapon, he's just transporting some people and he's just walking in a straight line.

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Kongou Bancho is an underrated manga

I can't tell if lure evil means to have the Antifa dude show up or if it's baiting for /pol/ (you)s

I still don't get how shutting down free speech is considered anti facist.

The best way to reveal ideas are bad is to let them out in the open and subject them to public ridicule, not force a silence by any means necessary.

>The best way to reveal ideas are bad is to let them out in the open and subject them to public ridicule
In an ideal world perhaps, but we're stuck in a world where rich assholes with shit ideas spend a /lot/ of money on media empires designed to make those ideas appealing to the masses.

>Antipaladin vs Blackguard.gif


>The best way to reveal ideas are bad is to let them out in the open and subject them to public ridicule, not force a silence by any means necessary.
When will this meme die?

Giving ideologies that thrive on being able to feed the uninformed blatant falsehoods a platform to perpetuate those falsehoods doesn't weaken them, it only strengthens them. Idealistic concepts such as the Marketplace of Ideas rely on the average person having the critical thinking skills and motivation to test and verify any information that they receive in order to determine its veracity. This theoretical is absolutely laughable to anyone who has met another human being in their life.

The only way to crush fascism is to deny them platform and to suppress those who advocate it through social pressure and ostracization. Normalizing fascism and treating fascists as if they have a valid political ideology, rather than a thin veneer of politeness to cover their aspirations of genocide, will do nothing to hurt them and everything to help them.

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alt title: buying a new 40k army.jpg

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>The only way to crush fascism is to deny them platform and to suppress those who advocate it through social pressure and ostracization

If you'd been paying attention to real life, you'd know that the opposite has been happening. Normal people find these anti-fascist people insane for what they're doing, and it's slowly giving ground to the white nationalists.

It certainly isn't helping that the far-left considers anyone that doesn't share their viewpoints to be complicit with fascists, and it's backfiring spectacularly.

I don't get it

goddammit man, the last thread devolved into politics because of this exact gif.

t. someone raised on the tit of rightwing media

that's true for any radicals they all look like nutcases from feminists to nra fags all fucking dildos. some are more dangerous and some are more pathetic.

t. american who can't understand nuance

Imagine my shock, that's not an arguement[

History is doomed to repeat, friend.

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Thank you user.
For helping our cause.
t. /pol/

Hopefully the doom will be postponed until after Gay Fashion Mafia: The Anime comes out.

Meh, more like everyone. Radicalism begets radicalism, who knew.

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was always curious since this seems so out of place for Batman. Is this the evil gun-toting Batman copycat that he fights against?

>It certainly isn't helping that the far-right considers anyone that doesn't share their viewpoints to be complicit with communists, and it backfired spectacularly.

Fixed that one for ya. Why? Because exactly that shit happened throughout pretty much the entirety of Obamas term. Did you already forget the birth certificate bullshit? Or right-wing media climbing over each other in order to call everything that doesn't conform to their platform commies? What about the Tea Party? And the creationists? Or how the second-to-last presidential race was their attempt to race to the bottom, having three fundies bitch at each other only to decide on a mormonic turd with less consistency than your average encounter with a Gelatinous Cube?

Nigga, as a liberal, I am fucking ashamed how Dems decided that they too need that sweet nutjob vote, but fucking hell, it has been like 2-3 years. It shouldn't be possible for fucking /pol/ to get though with whitewashing their onw side like that Jesus.

Nah that's Midnighter, aka Edgy Gay Batman

>When will this meme die?
I don't know, when I and every person I would willingly share this world with die, I guess.

Yes, but going around punching Nazis and fascists can only backfire for a number of reasons. Mainly the first one has been that most of human history has literally been 'punch the guy that doesn't agree with me and my side, like Romans punching Christians, Catholics punching Protestants or Nazis punching Jews. The other aspect it shows that your side has no valid argument if you have to rely on violence to make someone shut up or as a once quoted
'violence is the last refuge of the incompetent' - Isaac Asimov. Finally, there's the issue of that if you continue punching Nazis, those Nazis will start grouping out of not wanting to get punched, which punch a Nazi turns into Punch a lot of Nazis.

Because surprise, surprise, pretty much every mainstream media organization has been whitewashing the fuck out of the Nazis as "Free Speech Advocates", although they're rather conspicuously quiet about the fact that the free speech that the said Nazis advocate is the genocide of other races and the formation of a US ethnostate.

And of course, since the average person is a braindead moron who doesn't attempt to verify the information that is put in front of them, Nazism is normalized in the eyes of the average schmuck.

>Chaotic Evil vs Lawful Evil
Would be a better name for that pic.

Attached: Lawful Good.jpg (921x888, 195K)

The Galileo Fallacy is a fallacy for a reason, user.

And punching a lot of Nazis is how WW2 was ended.

I feel like I need a file name for this particular picture, because whether or not silencing a group is the best way to progress society as a whole is going to be eternally debated topic. Never mind how the internet complicates this further because any group that gets pushed out of the public eye, is just going to retreat into online circles with are far more insular.

If you had told me even 5 years ago that there would be serious Traction in a movement trying to disprove that the Earth is round, I would not have believed you. However there are a lot of disturbing Trends in how the smaller communities are cropping up and it appears to be with increasing frequency given how easy it is for false information to spread, and for people that hold these ideas to find a venue to promote themselves.

You really can't stop this unless you want to go to the extremes.

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I want to see Part 5 just for the dance.
Hopefully they do a better job of it than they did with Part 4

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if we're gonna devolve into politics anyways

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What I'm trying to say is that when you go around actively suppressing an ideology, no matter how twisted or vile, it'll create a blacklash effect causing them to create larger groups for safety and political reasons and that's when they start becoming dangerous.

The true Nazis have died out after the world war, now you have a bunch of white nationalists who romanticize Nazi Germany.

Except the people you call nazis in the US aren't executing jews.
Find me one (1) instance of Richard "Controlled Opposition" Spencer advocating for violence against people.
Do you hate the Black Israelites just as much since they claim they'll enslave whites and kill the Jews?

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You are so desperate to fight Nazis that you are inventing them out of whole cloth. You are the new Satanic Panic.

You don't even deserve to be engaged honestly in debate. You only deserve to be mocked and shunned.

Let's not conflate black bloc commie protesters with soldiers that literally killed and were killed by Nazis to end a war. They haven't earned that.

Do you really think that the average joe wants to get up and go beat up minorities? Fuck, I wish the dems had run a human being so that we didn't have to deal with hourly politics derails.

I don't get it.

>Do you hate the Black Israelites just as much since they claim they'll enslave whites and kill the Jews?
Yes, of course I do. Was this supposed to be some absurd gotcha question?

Hateful ideologies that advocate genocide or ethnic cleansing should be suppressed with all expediency, regardless of their race or political affiliation. In fact, I consider it to be a travesty that people like the Black Israelites and Louis Farrakhan are not only tolerated by the left, but defended from valid criticisms about their poisonous beliefs.

They wave Nazi flags. They chant Nazi slogans. They harass Jewish and minority populations and dream of the day when they can revive the Reich and exterminate non-whites.

The only metric by which they are not nazis is if you believe that only actual members of the historical german Nazi Party count.

Punching people who disagree with you just makes you look like an asshole. And its downright dangerous to give a free pass to violent political extremists just because they happen to be attacking another extremist group. But for some reason the media barely reports it when antifa and similar groups riot and smash up private property.

Kunti gained the ability to summon Hindu gods and ask them for favors.

First, she asked Surya to impregnate her. When she gave birth to his son, she asked Yama to knock her up. When she gave birth to his son, she asked Indra to put a bun in her oven.

Repeat several times until she's calling up a pair of sexy God twins to tag-team her and her sister-wife, all while their super-cucked husband watched.

Meanwhile actual free speech advocates are being called Nazis to silence them. And what world do you live in? The "mainstream media" does not give a damn about free speech.

Imagine having to outright invent, misconstrue, and miscontextualize this much bullshit to justify your worldview. It's pretty goddamn nuts, innit?

>ideas I don't like have to be silenced
m8 that's a bad recipe no matter how you cut it

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What are the chances of getting this thread back on the rails?

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I wonder if nobody can see the parallels. One day you'll make concentration camps for "nazis" put them in ghettos and censor differing ideas to keep the ruling party in power and pat yourself in the back not understanding that you turned into what you hated.

Lack of introspection and myopic certainty in the purity of your cause makes villains out of heroes.

Pretty low, normally these derails don't happen until pretty near the image cap so we can just wait for everyone to calm the fuck down and make a new thread, but with it happening this early we basically just have to wait out another 200 or so posts of off-topic political shitslinging.

And, since I'm a hypocrite, I shall contribute to said shitslinging.

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I know Shindol somewhat meant well, but jesus did that porn turn dark. I stopped fapping and just read it for the fact that it really highlights how badly drugs can fuck you up and how not every country handles poverty the same way. I wonder how many japs took home a lesson from this.

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>I wonder how many japs took home a lesson from this.
>Ever questioning how their culture treats people it can deem as lessers

Remember, these are the same people who still keep denying warcrimes that everyone else in the world acknowledges, simply because their irrational hateboner towards Koreans is so massive that they refuse to accept that committing atrocities against Koreans is a bad thing.

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>tfw you have to babysit literal mentally-damaged teenagers as they play videogames and dissociate

>inferior houses bitching about theiur betters

You realize that's not the population at large, right?
That's like judging all Americans by watching Breitbart.

>The only way to crush fascism is to deny them platform and to suppress those who advocate it through social pressure and ostracization.
Antifa proves time and time again that they are no different than who they fight against. Same shit with different labels.

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>Sex: Every Night

I'm fukkin dead


>But for some reason he media barely reports it

our society is too easy to live in now, cold hard reality is allowed to be kept at bay. Thus the only ideas that can spread anymore are those that propagate themselves. How true or effective they are doesn't matter as much as they did in the past.