So where did half orcs come from? Are they the product of sexual assault against humans by orc raiders? What system did the first half orcs?
So where did half orcs come from? Are they the product of sexual assault against humans by orc raiders...
They're called Uruk Hai
>So where did half orcs come from?
Someone's reproductive organ.
>Are they the product of sexual assault against humans by orc raiders?
Sometimes this is implied origin. Other times half-orcs are their own race separate both genetically and culturally from both humans and orcs.
>What system did the first half orcs?
Make a guess. It starts with D. It ends with S. And it has & somewhere in the middle.
More importantly, why is every half-race half-human? What happens if an Orc and an Elf have a child? Is it the same kind of Half-Orc as one produced by an Orc and a Human? Does it live longer due to it's elven blood? Does it inherit anything the human one wouldn't? What if it has Dragon blood too like Draconic Sorcerers do? And for that matter, is an Elvish tiefling different than a human one? Do they both age the same? Can elves even become tieflings? If not, why? Why is it human-exclusive?
Half-races are dumb and I always just take the Elder Scrolls approach that mixed-race pairings always produce children who match the mother's race completely, regardless of the father. Yeah, it's not genetically or scientifically sound, but fuck """realism""" in a game with dragons and wizards.
Half-Orcs were an attempt to reconcile players who wanted to play an Orc and people who were going "but no they're all evil" back in the first editon
And then they turned around and made non evil Orcs in Dragon Magazine.
>is an Elvish tiefling different than a human one? Do they both age the same? Can elves even become tieflings? If not, why?
Depends on the edition. A Pathfinder module has some Orcish descended tielfings and the blood of X books say that tieflings/aasimar are statistically the same no matter who their parents were. The only significant change is if they would've been a small race, in which case the tiefling is small.
In Forgotten realms, Elven/Orcish tielfings are their own things.
>More importantly, why is every half-race half-human?
What about full lings? All I ever see is half-lings.
>Half-races are dumb and I always just take the Elder Scrolls approach that mixed-race pairings always produce children who match the mother's race completely, regardless of the father. Yeah, it's not genetically or scientifically sound, but fuck """realism""" in a game with dragons and wizards.
This is somehow even more stupid.
>So where did half orcs come from
Gygax didn't want orcs as a PC race, so a retarded compromise has been made.
It has remained in DnD purely because it's a sacred cow nobody is willing to kill.
Eh, it cuts down on multi-blooded snowflakes and really simplifies the 9001 different pairing combinations people are inevitably going to ask about. Undoubtedly the reason ES decided to go with it. (Although the Bretons existing kinda throws a tricky wrench into the rule).
>It has remained in DnD purely because it's a sacred cow nobody is willing to kill.
Except literally next edition of DnD. Blame Hasbro from bringing them back.
Probably the same way we got Finns and Russians. Mixing of groups that were bordering eachother sometimes through rape and sometimes due to normal mixing when central authority on either side weakens enough for borders to slacken.
>Probably the same way we got Finns and Russians.
Nice XIX century meme, too bad genetic data show you are wrong.
>It has remained in DnD purely because it's a sacred cow nobody is willing to kill.
This pretty much describes 50-90% of the stuff that's in or implied to be in DnD lore-wise and mechanics-wise.
Sorry mister Russian but you're a mongol/turkic rape baby. Fine if you want one that won't hurt your feelings then how we got the modern Japanese by mixing normal Asians and Jōmon natives.
Humans are craven sexual beasts and will fuck anything they can. This is why OP's hypothesis is wrong, because it was always the human who established sexual contact.
It's all rape.
In studies they found the number of orc on human rapes to be in the thousands, while human on ork rapes were...8. They couldn't actually find an account of a human raping an ork so they had to list the margin of error.
>Sorry mister Russian but you're a mongol/turkic rape baby.
Nice try, 56%. Now get back to /pol/, where lack of evidence is best evidence.
>Fine if you want one that won't hurt your feelings then how we got the modern Japanese by mixing normal Asians and Jōmon natives
>normal Asians
Looks like we've got world grade anthropologist here.
Haplogroup O dipshit.
Huh, are there normally this many shills on Veeky Forums? Lel 56% is a dead give away. Or this is just a buttblasted ruskie?
>Haplogroup O dipshit.
Haplogroups don't matter, you said it yourself.
If a dragon sires a child with an elf, is it a half-dragon elf or a half-dragon half-elf?
There was a snowflake for elf thieflings in 3E, so this would theoretically call for a different race too.
It's a well-constructed character!
Experiments by a wizard
Wanted the dimwitted savagery of orcs, but with strength and stature of a human
product of rapes by orc raiders I guess if such a union is possible naturally in the setting
maybe by human raiders if it's in a particular savage region of the world
They souldn't even exist, people would kill the rapist monster spawn on it's first breath and no sane person would fuck an orc
>and no sane person would fuck an orc
We have perfectly sane people of either gender fucking dogs and horses because they're horny bastards without morals.
>people would kill the rapist monster spawn on it's first breath
If they don't kill woman first because she's spoiled goods forever now, unless woman is rapist this time.
>no sane non-orc person would fuck an orc consensually
>fucking dogs and horses
>perfectly sane
>either gender
Middle Ages called, they want their biggotry back.
>without morals
Morals are relative and a spook anyway.
Pick one.
>no sane non-orc person would fuck an orc consensually
Orc aren't people, you don't need to specify it
Disgusting tastes does not insanity make, and you're going to have to admit that the majority of the planet is insane if you truly think so.
And no, I'm not saying the majority would fuck a dog, learn to read the context. I am saying a majority has poor enough tastes to match such things, however.
>Disgusting tastes does not insanity make, and you're going to have to admit that the majority of the planet is insane if you truly think so.
This is what (((they))) want you to believe. Faking peer pressure is one of their favorite tactics.
elf + orc = human
>Elder Scrolls approach
Aren't the Bretons implied to be human/high elf bastards?
>So where did half orcs come from?
Take your pick:
1) When the humans and orcs annihilated one another in a nigh-apocalyptic war, half-orcs and ruins were all that was left
2) "Half-orc" is just a derogatory term used for orcs who are shit at handling animals or axes
3) Either humans or orcs celebrate Saturnalia, and the others are invited to these annual events
4) The king married one of his idiot sons off to the daughter of a chieftain, both to keep the greenskins halfway civil, and to keep the boy from trying to murder the proper heir.
5) Humans and orcs have a mutual defense pact against those haughty elf fops. Fraternization among troops ensues
6) Rape. Lots of rape. We just don't talk about it.
What if orcs, humans and elves aren’t separate species, but rather a spectrum withing single species?
Orc is one extreme, elf is the other, humans, half elves and half orcs are between them.
Simple, elf studs fucking human bitches created an entire race
The same way african-americans came about. Slave trade of orcs lead to new mixed underclass in human societies.
Invaders raping never caused a major community to form or change national makeup. If german and russian rapebabies were discriminated, their identity hidden and babies occasionally killed what do you think would happen with half-orcs that have heritage that is impossible to hide?
Yes and no. An Elf and a Nord won't produce a Breton, the interbreeding and a new race forming took centuries to happen.
There's also some in-lore evidence that suggest magic was involved and Bretons were literally an attempt at create some sort of hybrid "master race", but this is generally not considered a "credible" theory, even in-universe.
>And then they turned around and made non evil Orcs in Dragon Magazine.
I liked the Ondonti. They struggle a bit as PCs but make quite a cool NPC group.
I'm taking about a group that existed for longer than the Odonti back in 1st Editon. Odonti iirc are 2nd Edition, but the group was a similar concept with Orc mothers seeking asylum with good churches because they may as well be expendable fodder for the winning side instead of some evil dragon or something.
>good orcs
>make them fucking hippies
No, no, no thats not how you did it. Warcraft actually did this right (at first). Divest them of the influence of their daemonic patron and force them to found a new culture
No they wouldn't because D&D isn't your edgy medieval DOOS VOOLT bullshit. In fact, it's been canon for a long ass time that there are concessional human/orc relationships. Usually among barbarian tribes interacting with orc tribes.
>Warcraft orcs
>good, as in good aligned
Warcraft Orcs are not evil for the most part, but I wouldn't call them good. They idolize violence way too much, a few are Good though. Orcs should definitely like violence as one of their defining features though. How they express that depends on how you work them.
>An Elf and a Nord won't produce a Breton
An Elf and a Nord will produce a shattered Elven pelvis. *lusty Nord laughter*
>Warcraft actually did this right (at first).
>make orcs chaotic evil
>fans like them
>let's make orcs marketable
>turn them into Native American caricatures
Not much better.
>bestiality outside of /b/
What is this, /v/?
I salute you even if your gonna get the ban, user
Savages, Savages, barely even human...
Yep, the Spaniards are indeed barely human, can't even pronounce their "S"s right.
Basically this. Every half-orc would be a living argument for abortion! No-one likes rape babies at the best of times. If orcs raped so much that they raped an entire sub-species into existence, the implications are horrifically unpleasant.
At the very least, you'd have to kill all male orcs and all fertile females, as well as the children. In fact, you'd just have to kill them all.
Goblin Slayer is basically the only manga that accurately reflects how orc-spawn would be treated.
>In Forgotten realms, Elven/Orcish tielfings are their own things.
3e Forgotten Realms that is.
In AD&D the fey'ri were elven cambions and the tanarukk likewise had far more demon blood
Goblin Slayer doesn't deal with halfbreeds at all because there are no halfbreeds in that setting, all goblin/human offspring are goblins.
I don't even like edgy settings. It's the orcs who are edgy, therefore they must die
However, there are multiple goblin variants, which implies goblins are a bit like xenomorphs.
Enjoy the ban, you glorious bastard. I'll see you in a few days.
Tolkien mentions someone that could be a half-orc in LoTr in the where the Hobbits met Aragorn. Some spy or something.
Uruk Hai are the half-orcs of LotR, although not from breeding
If you want to cut down on the number of crosses why not just say those sorts of couples can't produce children?
Dare I ask what 56% refers to?
Some players just want their elf-waifu (while not playing an effeminate beta-male elf themselves) and will SCREEE about how they can't have children if you don't make them compatible.
Have a fun time outside, user!
Half races were a mistake, to be honest. Should just adopt the Elder Scrolls method where you come out the same race as your mother, but your personality is influenced a little.
You may not like it, but this is what top posting performance looks like
White population of USA.
Are Orcish crack whores with a mess of half orc kids a possibility in any setting?
That's a nice dick.
>What system did the first half orcs?
Could your mom be considered a system?
Half orcs are the result of a loving relationship between a man and his cute orc wife.
There is no other way to produce a half orc.
Is OP's childhood home the setting with the crack whores?
Halforks in Elder Scrolls.
Dude that orc is sexy as fuck
hundreds of years ago barbaric tribes of marauding humans met barbaric tribes of marauding orcs. It was love at first sight. Nowadays most nomad tribes of the planes are some combination thereof.
They haven't met my PCs yet, then.
Did you see the sheer vitriol that came out when 4e delayed half-orcs from the first PHB to the second and gave us Dragonborn as the Big Bruiser niche-filling race?
I'm going to fap to this later.
Depends. Altmer are taller than Nords.
>(while not playing an effeminate beta-male elf themselves)
That's not the reason, nobody is forcing anyone to play like this. Most people that want their elf waifu are not elf-fags.