What's the Finland of your setting?
What's the Finland of your setting?
An autonomous duchy in Russian Empire at the current state of the campaign, part of Swedish Empire at it's start.
Vyborg Governorate, you mean
Proto-Finnic Holy Roman Khaganate
Kla County, they had one great hero once and they are all about him. Parades, ceremonies, holidays, architecture - all about that guy.
Finland. I don't think anything in fiction could ever really match the weirdness. Also it's a modern setting.
Part of the last old heathens’ kingdom which was founded by an upstart warlord who united the northern coast though they’re closer to Baltic peoples than Finns
That got me curious. What should a nation be like to classify as not!Finland?
Take all the tropes people associate with Russia, switch the local Christianity flavor and language, and add a ton of denial about those tropes.
Lots of snow, misery, and filled to the brim with malevolent retarded demichinks who think it's still 1550 and love setting cruel traps to kill people.
Also saunas. Lots of saunas.
Denial of it? Why?
>love setting cruel traps to kill people.
The fuck? Got any sources on that?
Aside from demichinks that’s notRussia
>Denial of it? Why?
Don't forget the alcohol problems, chronic depression, and strange tastes in music!
I think that guy covered it.
>least advanced people in the world
>not too bright
I'm surprised I've yet to see any salt about this gem.
The comic is made by a Finn
>licking Swede's AIDS infested, melanin-enriched ass this hard
That's pretty good overall, but we're less immediately amicable than the average slav
Litterally the prospitians
If it exists, it must be ruled by this mighty god-shaman of the Finish people.
The goddamn planet has been trying to kill the finnish off for the last 8000 years. What makes Russia think they can do it overwinter?
>The goddamn planet has been trying to kill the finnish off for the last 8000 years. What makes Russia think they can do it overwinter?
The notion that the same applies to them as well. Finland should have taken the money, though.
>WHFRP - Troll counrty. Right in middle of Kislev and Norsca who absolutely hate each other, though mostly controlled by the norscans. There is absolutely nothing of note there and half the time people haven't even heard of the place. Also a lot of trolls.
Sound like home perkele.
A metric ton of autism
There is a TPK monster out in the forest, a boss fight and devourer of armies.
Just stay off his fucking lawn and you will be fine. If you have to meet him in his lair don't stray from the path, don't make loud noises, no sudden movements and for do not draw your weapon.
This seems a bit understated of what Finns look like
Should be an axe. 0/10
Realms of Chaos and other chaos books were written by a finn.
My setting is:
>Japanese Dragons
>ex-dragon slave Japanese Drow
>French Elves
>English & Scottish Humans
>Spanish Pirates
>Polynesian Mermaids
>Burning Man Goblins
>Druidic Fae
>Chinese & Nepoleonic Moon-Rabbits in civil war
>Naturalist, Hippy, Tree-Hugging Treemen.
I suppose there's some room for Scandinavian Halflings and Sami Gnomes.
Finland was both part of Russia and Sweden until aprox a century ago.
They adopted a lot of Swedish culture and shaped it to suit their own but they detest their Russian roots and still largely don't like Russia today.
They kind of a weird, insular people who can be kind of abrasive but make fast friends if you earn their loyalty. Not so much fearless as an unrealistically high threshold for "Well, this is happening" levelheaded reactions to danger.
By and large, just leave them the hell alone. Their land isn't even all that great, but by god if you try and take it from them they are going to fuck you up tot heir last breath. In WW2 they fought for the allies, then against the allies, and then for the allies again. They lost a little bit of territory and had to pay reparations to the country that invaded them, but for a country that got invaded by both the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany they came out surprisingly okay and independent.
Lots of coffee
Why won't he stop laughing?
It's the one place on my entire map you that's not controlled by a state. It's too cold and sparse to support any sort of agriculture, so mostly tribal herders just faff around, doing whatever.
I'd tell you about it but it's not important.
It's uh, it's an interesting place.
Huh, sounds bout like home.
I actually ran a finnish land of gnomes.
Basically my thought was the odd behavior of gnomes and their natural affinity for magic and tinkering would make good fins.
Cold, misty land with a people who can weave illusions to perfectly hide within it and if need be put a piece of iron between some faggots eye.
Play up their behavior of a bit pessimistic but always able to deal with shit. The "Oh well, could always be worse" Mindset.
>came out surprisingly okay
Better not look up their (current) official airforce flag. Crazy snowpeople...
>Burning Man Goblins
This one I need to hear
you mean the swastika with white wings around it? Or did they change it?
ment for
Almost exactly a century ago actually. They had their 100th birthday a few months ago
>implying Finns like Swedes and their roots in that direction
Reminder that the White Death’s exploits are Finnish propaganda with literally no proof or corroboration.
>inb4 you call me a Soviet
Not an argument.
Tell me more about this "Finland"
Time to play the spot the windmill of friendship game.
That just looks cool.
I don't know, I think it looks tacky. A good flag with an emblem should look less messy. Symmetry, meaningful symbols and a sharp, minimalistic look make a good flag. This one just looks silly with the wings.
In my campaign the elven race is split into 2 factions: Summer and Winter elves. Summer elves are your more tolkein elves whereas the winter elves live in the polar regions and are pale, slightly stocky, and instead of using just magic use a fusion of magic and machine. In the winter elf domain on the north polar region, there exists a settlement far to the north, near the pole. These elves are weird, secretive, drink heavily, and have strange customs.
some lore
Oci. They're /int/ meme Finland, being Norse Mongols/Asians, except they're monstrous demi-humans with a variety of horns. They're all unironically and legit autistic as a racial trait. This impacts their lives from how the individual acts to how their tribes function. Every so often a high-functioning autist is born, known as a "Druid." The Druid is in charge of looking after every other dumb goat and making sure they're eating, not committing suicide, not killing each other, and not wandering off into the woods, and generally isn't miserable all the time.
Druids are not just high-functioning, they're higher functioning than their hearts can take. Without a means of stress relief, from stress eating, degenerate behavior, violence, and/or some other means of relief, they will have a fucking stroke and die from stress and overwork. On the flip side, the others are so retarded that they've turned their obliviousness into a martial art, inspired lightly by Gropey the Clown's story involving his blood fetish club gig. "Life is an illusion. Pain is a part of life. Pain is illusion." Almost as if they've achieved CHIM, they turn off their ability to feel pain through sheer detatchment of life and become juggernauts. Despite this, they welcome anything that gives their life value. This can include pain, but hardcore drugs are also a viable answer, among a slew of wholesome ones.
Their tribes are split by what they do with what little metal they have. Oci is unique in that it has little to no metal in its earth. Besides mineral deficiencies, this means they can't make weapons on their own. They use the iron and steel looted from warriors on a holy crusade to kill their mindless, pain-loving, degenerate horned asses for being the demons they basically are. Some tribes use iron only for trades, others don't even have it and use petrified wood and stone.
So yeah they're autistic goats snow mongols that do hard drugs to feel like they're still alive.
Stand Still, Stay Silent. Mutant zombie virus proliferates in warm climates but suffers in cold places, effectively wiping out most of the world except for Scandinavia.
Even Madagascar?
Which is weird, considering Scandinavia (except for eastern Finland) is not nearly as cold as Alaska or northern parts of Russia and Canada.
I'm sorry, looking back at that I feel that it fails to capture a lot of the theme and aesthetic of the comic, so let me continue. They call these things "trolls" and that they've reverted back to Paganism and old-school Nordic traditions. "Mages" and magic teeter on a weird state of not sure if real or not, because the depiction of magic is a much more old fashioned singing to the moon kind of magic that is generally indirect and with not an obvious effect. Cats can be trained to be basically sentient, capable of communicating with humans in abstract ways, and mages are often cat-like in appearance, reinforcing the idea that perhaps magic is real and cats are magical things.
It's fun and the artstyle is gorgeous.
This actually looks really cool. Not a big fan of the noses, but everything else looks really great.
The noses are there I can't deny that, but between the aesthetics and the way this artist depicts supernatural things is just a 10/10 in my book. A more traditional and less grim story to read would be A Red Tail's Dream, same author, about traversing the Bird Stream because some puppy fox that made the auroras fucked up.
Meant to include this with the post to minimise the amount of shill posts I'd make but I didn't so here's how I do the most powerful magic in my setting.
Sounds pretty solid. Good job
Literally Tolkien's elves
Gondola land
You need to kill yourself. Your mind has been replaced by memes.
A Swedish speaking Finn (a.k.a. a Swede)
Wish I could hear those men say "Benis XDDD" in a rasp baritone.
Based Fins
Troll Country is mostly peopled by either Norscans, yes, or the Mongol-like Ungols.
t. Swede
Finns may not like Russians, but they'll go out of their way to tell you how much they fucking hate Seedes. Considering that these are a people who consider greeting a neighbor with a monosyllabic grunt to be too talkative, that should help you understand the antipathy for Swedes.
Don't you guys love it when outsiders try to fuel conflict between two groups they're not a part of. It's almost as pathetic as people who are barely part of one of the groups doing the same because they live in the make-believe world of Veeky Forums politics.
It predates the Nazi one.
he is too aware of the pain of existence
you sound like a gigantic faggot
hehe scandi rivalry swedes hate finns and finns hate swedes and norwegians hate swedes and danes xDDD
Neck yourself.
how tolerant of you
Swede spotted
Veeky Forums swedes tend to be no less delusional about the actual state of things than Veeky Forums danes, norwegians or finns. This whole site's full of retards who'd rather fight like chimps over some banana, or watch others do it.
you just KNOW the first replay to that last post is:
>go back to america
>get shot
I could have sworn that the last post used to have that.
There isn't one, because the one finnish person I ever met was an awful person, and every one who ever identified as one online that I met was an awful person.
Sort of puts a damper on wanting to figure out what cool shit they have.
Be honest user, you just didn't remember that Finland existed in the first place.
oh, no, I did a project on finland when I was in grade school.
It was only much later that I got turned off on finns from actually meeting one and talking to some online.
My great-gramps, a Russian, was nearly killed by this Finnish propaganda. They like to embellish his exploits beyond reason, but he was crazy good. Zaytsev-good.
Incidentally the dude who bestowed us with his symbol of good fortune became a huge Nazi sympathizer later on, but there sure weren't Nazis around in 1918 so it doesn't count
Well, if the finn talked back, it was obviously somehow malfunctioning and not a good sample.
The Elves.
Why the fuck is there a power supply in his sink?
Here's finland in a nutshell.
I'm both too lazy and too drunk to post the fucking images.
In the true finish spirit.
Suomi mainittu, torilla tavataan!
vittu miten vaivaannuttavaa paskaa
nyy nyy nyy.
turpa tukkoon.