>GM has faggy/frail main villain hit like a truck due to strength enhancing item
GM has faggy/frail main villain hit like a truck due to strength enhancing item
Did this once. A frail doctor for the Empire.
They tried to punch him for fun as they were to work with him at the beginning.
He broke the arm of the wookie and the mandalorian.
>destroy the item
>he laughs and keeps kicking your ass
>main villain is a merchant who bought all the loot off the PCs
>arms a personal army with magical weapon an armor PC brings
>takes over merchant republic game is set in
>banishes PCs for robbing ruins and poaching in city owned lands
>destroy the item
>he laughs and keeps kicking your ass with even greater strength than before!
>Turns out the item was actually decreasing his strength!
>the item wasn't magical and the strenght was insidie him the whole time
>kill him
>body was just a strength limiter on his spirit
>banish his ghost to the ethereal plane
>"heh, all according to plan"
>he blows you a kiss and says "I'll be back."
>"prepare your anus, lady of pain, I'm coming"
sure is some samefag up in this thread
I wish I could have this much fun on my own
>it ain't me starts playing
I did this: had a huge guy in full plate armor (early medival, so it looks kind of out of place) attack the party. he was smashing guys left and right with his bare hands.
They assumed that the Armour was enchanted or something so they used a spell to turn it into wood to try and negate the enchantment (don't ask me why they thought that would even work). The guy just shed the armor like a shell (it was basically a goo-like honey golem wearing the armor as a diguise) and just started eating them.
Mah boi, this samefagging is what all true faggots strive for!
>GM has a faggy/frail main villain
>players naturally curbstomp his tiny, birdlike bones into the ground
>"wow what a shitty GM you are, that wasn't even a fight"
>the frail man was a well respected member of the community and coaxed the PCs into curbstomping him in front of an audience of townfolk, merchants, and nobility.
>PCs are now considered monstrous, homicidal maniacs for killing the villain.
I think any plan that involves you dying is very bad plan.
>he gets back up after they leave
in a setting where resurrection is a thing, I wouldn't say it's that bad
I think you're not thinking big enough. Or, for other scenarios, not factoring in afterlives.
But is resurrected person you or is it just a new person that happens to be born with your memories? Unlike mind uploading, this at least has some ambiguity.
Tell that to Moriarty.
>He monologues about love for several minutes until it is revealed that the party has been dead since the item was destroyed.
It's you with your soul. Souls are objective things in most fantasy that allows resurrection.
new meta, call out samefagging but don't reply to them so you can't be proven wrong
I've read an /x/ book that claims soul is an artificial etheric construct that part of your memories and personality are uploaded to, which can travel in astral plane, a-la Eclipse Phase fork infomorph, and merges with you when you exit trance/wake up. So it's not even a guaranteed thing in fantasy.
>main villain is actually really fucking strong on his own but uses the item to make things easier
>party has now just made things harder because he actually has to fight seriously now rather than just granting them a quick death like he wanted
There are few moments greater than listening to someone scream "Why the fuck is he even harder to fight now!?" as they get their shit pushed in by what they assumed was just a decrepit old man.
/x/ shit rarely make bold claims about resurrection with that kind of shit though user. In most games were resurrection is on the table, souls are real.
Made me laugh.
>/x/ shit rarely make bold claims about resurrection with that kind of shit though user.
I don't know. I've read a few /x/ books and none of them treats afterlife as a given, but as something you must earn through hailing satan and shit.
>Lord gorilla power Burns is stamped into the wooden floor
>suddenly his skull rises from his remains
>turns out vest sealed away the arcane energy within
>Mr. Burns is a demilich
>GM has frail main villain drive a truck into the party when they try to fight him
>being hit by the truck sends the party into a different, more cliche fantasy realm
Ok, I could see myself hailing satan, but you are not getting me to worship shit. I'll take eternal damnation or oblivion rather.
>villain just had to believe in himself to be able to beat those children to a pulp