>Elder Scrolls
>Orc Stain
What tops these?
>Elder Scrolls
>Orc Stain
What tops these?
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Tekumel. So obscure, I bet you can count the people with deep lore knowledge on it on Veeky Forums with one hand.
Oh my god, Elder Scrolls are sure deep and awesome
>the people with deep lore knowledge on it on Veeky Forums
I mean if we're using that as a metric then how about Drakken Tectonic priests from Agone... As unless some other French speaking Agone players are around (none of them seem to ever respond to any agone threads I've started, so my guess is no) then I'm probably the only person that knows what they are, since I haven't uploaded my translations of the Drakken codex yet.
world of darkness? but why? isn't it basically just Dresden Files from the point of the monsters?
okay where can I find these in PDF they look cool.
Not even joking. Chris himself has created such a stupid yet convoluted mythology behind his characters and the CWCville setting which he actually believes they do exist, crafting cherokian idols and the comics as a way to commune with them, The Bear, prophesying the birth of his twin sister Crystal as his own daughter and abandoning christianity in order convert himself into Hyperdimension Neptunia(whatever that means)
Those are all shit.
Glorantha and Elder Scrolls in particular.
>MYFAROG (our friend did put in autistic detail about religion and the seasons)
This but unironically.
You are living garbage.
The only other rpgs/tabletop games I play are historical.
I came here to post this.
It's really not.
It's basically the northern half of the Hyborian AGe with all the racism cranked up.
>Elder scrolls
Obviously Tolkien.
>dude what skyrim is about fighting dragons man what the fuck is God's head? Stop being a faggot
If you search the DA Annex for Agone, you'll find a link to all the English books, as well as all my finished and in progress translated PDFs.
fuck your tolkien
I did actually go find it in archive. if those are yours I got, thank you very much user.
so unique they verge on gonzo
>Elder Scrolls
Dude, it's okay to say you started with those games, but don't go around spouting that they're "god tier" especially next to Glorantha.
I don't see why so much of Veeky Forums has nostalgia for a setting that has continually failed to deliver, and a setting that is based around the kind of shit a circle of stoners would come up with, right down to their shitty lingo.
Neptunian? Neptunist?
>liking Glorantha
I didn't know there were so many Californian students with Bachelors in History left.
Human Occupied Landfill was a ride.
As far as I can tell, I'm really the only person who cares /is insane enough to actually track down the French books, translate them to English, and then share them... So in short, no problem, I'm hoping I can eventually have English speakers to talk to about it other than my players...
I'm going to pour through them tonight without a doubt. hopefully the next time you start up a thread I'll be in there to chat about it.
what's your idea of God Tier? because all I've seen since OP is "meh"
I enjoy Dark Souls (the first one at least) lore and I dont give a fuck who knows.
What's so special about TES? Not saying it's bad, but what makes it top? It is mostly generic, a lot of concepts in the setting are still unexplored and it does suffer from retcons.
>Old Testament
>New Testament
Unironically Runescape
it's packed to the brim with Tolkien inspiration slightly modified to fit whichever chosen one story they're pushing for it's current iteration. so yeah it's not special.
I find the whole interaction withivng gods cool though.
Beat me to it
as the saying goes - great minds taste alike
Anthropology, surely,
Why no female Smough?
Literally the only redeeming part of the entire game is the engaging setting.
Because you already got a fine choice of thicc girl that's a girl to begin with?
And because Smough is actually not that thicc, it's mostly just the armor?
remove greg and his fetishes (forbidden lore) and I'm fine about it.
smough is ripped according to the concept arts.
ripped yes, thicc no
Homestuck. Say what you want about the comic itself, but hussie's incredible at worldbuilding
Kingdom Hearts
god-tier: the incalverse.
underrated af tier: Bloodmajiq/IRO and Lovelyss/syck from Alexis Flower, dude is obliged to make nsfw stuff because else no one would read the madness he writes.
old one tier: unironically Lovecraft and his other mates before he died and Derleth took over with his weird ideas, specifically the oniric cycle.
it's-EGA-colors-so-I-like-it-tier: early
I guess this whole thread is about
>I see you like [moderately popular] thing, but i do not like moderately [popular thing], let me tell you why you are wrong on the basis of subjective perceptions
Make that "this whole board" and I might be able to suppress my reflexive contrarism for long enough to agree with you.
GURPS Infinite Worlds
well tweak it just a bit and you get the whole site.
So why don't we talk about things we like instead?
I like Heroquest:Glorantha for example.
here we go sailing in the /biog/ archives...
pretty much everything there is to say about Greg's work on bionicle:
>bans romance ("love isn't canon"), though he still subtly writes about it
>2004: creates Krakua, the strong womyn sentient Rahi
>2005: adores writing about Roodaka, who is pretty much a sociopathic dominatrix and creates Lariska, the strong womyn high ranking Dark Hunter
>2006: no main female villains much to his chagrin, but manages to make the token Ga-Matoran unusually aggressive and starts making Hahli gradually more aggressive as well
>2007: again, no main female villains, but he more than makes up for it by creating his waifu Tuyet
>2008: a grand year. He creates Gorast, yet another psychopathic female villain and Helryx, the strong womyn who leads the Order of Mata Nui AND has Roodaka and Lariska reappear in the serials and even makes Tuyet reappear as the main villain in another serial
>2009/2010: manages to asspull his way so he can resurrect his waifu Tuyet and creates the strong womyn Sisters of the Skrall
Except for all the parts that deal with Gnosticism and Hindu spirituality.
TES is as deep as you're willing to dig
dwemers thought so too until they vanished.
Honestly, Dwemers borrow heavily from Gloranthas Mostali and god learners
Go on.
It was pretty good, but things got kinda dumb later on, much like the game itself. Guild Wars suffered similarly, albeit in the form of a disappointing sequel instead of gradual change. Though I never played it, I'm willing to bet that WoW had good lore back in the day that's been gradually shit on over time. It seems to be the fate of MMOs.
Real life, it inspired pretty much all of these settings
>no mention of Lord of the Rings or Middle-Earth
What's going on here, anons? Did your dicks fall off?
read the thread nigger.
He technically didn't mention either.
Gladly, let me start between the similarities between
>Mostali and Dwemer.
Live underground (yeah yeah dwarfs i know, no points for that)
Advanced Magitec that puts them into the industrialization in some places and downright sci-fi (robots for example) stuff
Both created the Crossbow and got the tech stolen from them
Will not share any of their secrets with filthy outsiders, will go great lengths to get their stuff back if stolen.
Try to build/repair their own God
created their own metal, not alloyed or found
Autistic amoral bastards who utilize souls, spirits and minor deities to power their stuff.
>God Learners and Dwemer
Didn't shy back from messing with supernatural deities for their own gain
Messed with the source code of reality
Reality said "Fuck you" and removed them entirely over night.
>Minor tidbits from Glorantha in general
Everything is styled to look like bronze
They got that Babylonian/late bronze age style going.
Ken Rolston, lead designer of Morrowind also worked on Runequest and thinks that Glorantha is pretty dope.
>but things got kinda dumb later on
I think the lore for the gods, which was the most interesting for me, totally fell apart when Jagex decided to be lazy with it. They were building it up like the god wars were fucking back on, what with the Armadyl vs Bandos event decided by which side had more players supporting it. Bandos, a god that's been in the lore for a while fucking died becasue more players supported Arma, shit was getting serious, we were making history. Then they up and decided to shit all over the playerbase by turning it into a awful linear questline with horrible rushed writing. Where the fuck are the events? Where are my fucking god wars?
To be honest, killing off Guthix in the first place left a bad taste in my mouth. Things were already getting messy at that point, but after that it just went crazy.
That said, I had quit a decent while before that, so I might just be nostalgiafagging.
Prophet/Prophet: Earth War
What's wrong with Glorantha?
I'm curious of what you think a good setting is.
Dragon age I bet
Not critizing, just curious of what someone who dislike both likes.
unironically this
There's a lot of negative things I could say about Myfarog, but the lore aspect is axually alright
Yeah, if these niggers at least said what they like instead of just shitting on what they don't like then that would be interresting.
Until then, I'm convinced that they are just pretending to hate everything.
>entire game is based on kirby retrieving his strawberry shortcake
you're in the internet hate machine man, do you think we need arguments to state a subjective opinion at this point?
the old wod lore and meta plot had a way of showing a really interesting Fantastique Alt-History universe. With plots that connected all these monsters and sometimes characters together in a way that you feel like you need all the books to get the whole picture but you don't feel cheated if you don't... i think people underestimate how well writen it really is.
It even has some actually interesting and memorable characters... unlike most player characters
my brethren
armadyl is a good boy
In a similar vein, Tails Gets Trolled has a FUCKton of crossovers and backstory for both canon and original characters, starting from Kermit being a fucking Jedi Master.e
>No Abhorsen
Fucking amazing. I love necromancy, charter magic, and the idea of Free Magic Sorcery burning you from the inside out
I need more Orc Stain, what the hell is stokoe doing these days?
I like forgotten realms...
He either just finished or is in the middle of doing an Alien miniseries.
Mario has the deepest lore