Necrons woo!
Lets roll up a dynasty for the newish coded
Starting with a d10 for some background stuff
Spooky robot zombies
Off to a good start.
Options pal
Rolled 8 (1d10)
Fuck I'm dumb.
Haven't rolled for things in a while. Also blame it on donating blood and shitposting on 3 diffrent boards while bathing a pre-kindergarten kid at the same time.
8 (Secessionist) Fought to destroy several old rival Dynasties and their allies.
Another d10 for which ctan the dynasty fought under
Before the whole war in heaven
Rolled 9 (1d10)
What's the new fluff like anyway, because I feel there was a golden mean that was really overshot between the Chambers and was it Cruddace codices
Did I come off as to sassy?
I didn't mean to I'm sorry
9 The Flayer
They probably have a few shards of this guy then
Next up
Hated nemesis who do these guys despise?
I think it's supposed to be the flayed king not the flayer
Anyway here he is
d10 for nemesis
Rolled 3 (1d10)
Dude, chill. Bedtime story for the little kid.
3 The Old Ones themselves and now their chosen children the Eldar
Necrons vs eldar
A grudge match as old as time
Now mental damage
Something went wrong during the sleep
D10 for what it was
Rolled 4 (1d10)
4 Still believe self to be of flesh and blood and fighting the wars of secession. Still fear own death and those of your subjects and vary tactics accordingly.
That's cool still think they're alive
That's gonna make their goals harder
What are their goals? D100
Rolled (1d00)
You um...
You rolled a d00
>Still believe self to be of flesh and blood and fighting the wars of secession
I like that, especially combined with and I think they should know on some level that they're robots, but are in deep denial, which leads them to wear people's skins and pretend like everything's normal.
I like that idea
denial necrons
>were not robots look at all this flesh we still have
Anyway d100
Well I'm going to bed now
If this is still going in the morning I'ok continue
Jesus, I thought Necrons were smart.
Rolled 91 (1d100)
I'd be willing to take charge, but I'm even worse at rolling than OP
Lemme try.
>death is release and they have lived so long...
hmm. That could be hard to jive with not believing they are robots.
In denial death korps crons.
>I'm made of flesh and blood so why the fuck have I been alive for so long? I'm not natural, someone kick my ass.
I like that, death seeking warriors. They want to die, but they're so prideful that they won't accept death from anyone but the best.
Rolled 58 (1d100)
Okay, rolling for Favored Conversion Subject
>Tau – You yearn not for a powerful body, simply a familiar one: warp-resistant and free of your race's ailments, they may be perfect.
We don't want any of that Warp shit, leave that for the Old Ones and Eldar. We're meant for this world, up until we leave it.
A proud, hot-blooded dynasty, one that despite the flaws of the body managed to scrape together some bravery and valor in the otherwise death-gripped Necrontyr race. Enraged by their unwilling conversion to metal bodies, when the Silent King betrayed the C'tan they and their fellow servants of Llandu'gor the Flayer fell upon him and did what no other dynasty could: kill a god.
When they awoke from the great sleep, an irregularity soon came to light: they had little memory of the C'tan or other necrons at all, and even believed themselves to be Necrontyr still, if a stronger and superior kind. It seems the trauma of their conversion matched with their species pride and severe rampancy of the Flayer virus among them, drove even the noninfected into deep denial over their robotic forms. Pointing out the holes in their arguments is a clear and easy path to a good flaying.
This denial and the stress it causes are themselves the cause of a number of other mental issues they suffer. Every Necron in the dynasty, not just the Flayed Ones, adorn themselves in organic skin flensed from sentient species. In addition, they throw themselves into battle with a ferocity that crosses into mania, their hot-blooded bravado crossing the line well into "death wish" territory. On some level, they do understand their artificial nature, and wish to end the abominations they have become. However, their pride is such that they will not accept destruction from any but the greatest opponents, making them terrifying fighters.
Their greatest Cryptek alone has risen above his flaw and recognizes the need to transfer their minds back to the organic. He has become fixated as of late on the young Tau race; their innate resistance to the disgusting warp resonates with the age-old enmity between the Necrons and all things eldritch.
That's some nice writefaggotry user. Seriously, you did a very swell job.
Thanks. Creation threads are my crack cocaine.
Im feeling a knight house myself now
Holy shit this is good
We just need a name now
That wasn't me rolling
Also I'm glad this thread is still going
Nebma'at Dynasty. Named after a 4th Egyptian dynasty pharaoh's tomb name. Builder of the Red Pyramid. In this case the pyramid wouldn't be red because of the stone...
I like that specially the red pyramid part
Cuttra maybe?
Maybe he doesn't wear the flesh of his enemies because he's not in denial but since all the other necrons are he wears a big suit of armour everywhere
Cuttra is a stupid name forget I said it
Illuminor dahley
Cryptek Lect'er. Lord Dahm'er.
Another name: Rad'er. Might be getting too edgy, though.
This is good
Perpetual nemesis: an Eldar farseer known as "The Starling" and Inquisitor Crawford of Ordo Xenos.
Is this a reference to something
Silence of the Lambs. Hannibal Lecter, Agent Clarice Starling, FBI director Jack Crawford.