Would you grab it?

Would you grab it?

Attached: fb7d159b2e19a4a9b425edd52c7caca5.jpg (1120x1400, 117K)

Yes, I'd grab her butt.
Next question.

>I would grab her hand
>pull her closer
>and whisper softly in her ear
Wear a codpiece, woman!

Left-handed people are the devil, so no.

Grab it and pull it to the next inn so she can get some damn food, yes.
Also a scrunchy.

>unhealthy-looking skin
>unkempt hair
>torn pants
>wearing a piece of bed sheet
>gloves held together by zip ties
She's probably asking for spare change, not your hand, user.


Attached: 1284f5bf5e97704d820be588bbb7e59158e5fd4f4fe1b2c8df7ca0977e00a5c7.jpg (860x706, 134K)

>not using 'monstrous fucking Terry Wogan' penis instead

Finally someone on Veeky Forums who isn't a total faggot.

I don't think I'm prepared to go as far as holding hands just yet.

>she's not getting raped
Why tho?

Attached: aesthetics.png (645x580, 166K)


>it's not gay if the dick is feminine

Attached: aniki_smile.jpg (900x900, 148K)

How dare you drag Aniki down like this, with your shit trolling. Delete your post, your thread and your life.

>Grab hand
>Pull in
>Stab into thigh
>Sever artery and penis in one motion
>Explain to troops this is why you wear armor protecting vital points of your body
>Tell them to leave the remains for the birds to feast
>Move out

I-I recognize that artist... doesn't this pic lacks something?

Not if you look carefully.

Trapfags should be gassed

*looks down*

OwO whats this?!?!

>Not using enemy as an example
>Intead just wasting troops and lowering morale of other troopers

Attached: 2Yni481.jpg (400x366, 29K)

And futafags should be thrown off cliffs.

Jokes on you, I'm a BRAAAAPfag also
Trap gas is alright

Attached: IT ONLY MAKES ME HARDER.jpg (356x278, 34K)

>wants to throw them off cliffs in order to remove competition
Clever plan to get more dick for yourself

Attached: Mines bigger.gif (480x360, 2.38M)


Oh hey, I know the person that commissioned this. Didn't expect to see it here.

Anyways, I'd rather not get involved with Thalia. Bitch broke open the Helvault, and is able to fight back eldrazi spawn. Staying near her is asking for an early grave.

>she is not raping anyone either
Seriously, why Aka6 would do this to us?

You have no i/d/ea

Attached: Japanese Lady with a Huge Cock.jpg (765x900, 244K)

Or just let it slip?

Or maybe I just want all degenerates dead and off this board.

Aren't girls with peepees on them just men?

Are men without peepees women?


>Implying I was on his side to begin with
Fucking fags I swear

I can't help but notice the large penis, so no thanks.

Attached: 1518813679532.png (494x518, 475K)

It's a salame, she just ran out of pockets

Not sure. Maybe Avacyn could provide guidance?

Attached: Avacyn.jpg (960x1200, 579K)

Would you?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1024x749, 130K)