>Unearthed Arcana: Duergar, more like Dunggar
>5e Trove
Stable releases - get.5e.tools
>Previously on /5eg/: →
Have you ever made players emotional?
>Unearthed Arcana: Duergar, more like Dunggar
>5e Trove
Stable releases - get.5e.tools
>Previously on /5eg/: →
Have you ever made players emotional?
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Do you guys use custom magic items? I like to equip my bosses or other NPCs with specific items, especially if it'll take several encounters before the players get to defeating them.
Our second quest was some simple Manticore hunting. Our cleric spent some time and a lot of gold talking to tanners about preserving hides, getting a barrel of salt, skinning tools. Then skinning their manes, storing them, taking the fucking barrel with him everywhere(we had a cart).
Then we got back to the town and he spent some more gold to order a set of cloaks with the symbol of his church embroidered in the cloth and manes used as trimming. All just to make the party look a little more uniform(we all kinda work for him in one or another capacity)
Next session DM surprised us with +1AC cloaks.
>Elven Samurai
>Wood Elf, Archery Style, Elven Accuracy, Sharpshooter
Fighting Spirit, and roll all the dice. -5 to hit can't be that bad when you are rolling 3 dice. Wisdom buff from Wood Elf stacks well with Samurai's abilities.
>Have you ever made players emotional?
My first time playing 5E I almost cried when my first character died and everyone in the group actually took some moments to collect themselves. And then the GM deus ex machina'd him back to life.
Where the fuck is the longsword, why the hell isn't there one of those?
>Elven Samurai
Good god, are you allowed to stack Weeaboo on Elfaboo?
Although you do redeem yourself by having your samurai be good with a bow rather than focusing entirely on the masterwork bastard sword.
Shit DM
>And then the GM deus ex machina'd him back to life.
What a blunder on his part.
Yeah, not all the time, but major story persona's for sure. The fact that both the items and the current campaign are self-made makes for easier overlap.
>pdf is one of mine
Make him a bladesinger samurai
I made this as a joke item.
>finally making whip a good item
Yeah me and another player I talked to after felt that it was a pretty wrong to bring him back but we moved past it and the GM has gotten a hell of a lot better and the character has since been retired after fulfilling his goal.
When is it ok to bring a character back as a Revenant?
>Playing Curse of Strahd
>New player coming in
>Says he wants to play a support Paladin who roams the land after being blackmailed into a wrongful exectution by his superiors, trying to provide for his family
>I say "Fine"
>Next session, game starts with that player in a dais next to a young Vargas Vallakovich in the middle of Vallakis town square
>A woman and her to caliban children lie in wait for execution
>His family is in a house next to the square waiting for his return
>He knows what threats have been made to him, he came up with them after all
>He is expected to execute this people
>He doesn't want to. He just wanted to start with his droopy character
>Has to. Makes a token gesture to try avoid it, fails
>Agrees to execute them
>"Which ones first?"
>"What do you mean?"
>"Which ones do you execute first? The children in front of their mother, or the mother in front of the children?"
>Player breaks down emotionally
>Slowly spend the rest of the session building him back up as we go through the next twelve years of his life as his runaway under cover identity as Father Donnavich
And those who played through CoS know what that means.....
>Good god, are you allowed to stack Weeaboo on Elfaboo?
Pick Knight of the Realm Background, the order is called The Hunters of Orion. Kill all those who trespass on Elf land in order to secure Elven Sakoku.
Please stop posting this OP shit
Btw do Wizards get anything in Motf?
I'm mad my Battlemaster is already a battlemaster and can't get any of this bullshit.
How would you roleplay a Wizard dipping into Fighter only for the cool stuff without suddenly going around swinging your sword being useless?
I just looked over spell points and I like it, but the most interesting thing was the restriction for 6th or higher level spells.
>Spells of 6th level and higher are especially taxing to cast. You can use spell points to create one slot of each level of 6th or higher. You can't create another slot of the same level until you finish a long rest.
Barring the fact that this just makes spellcasters less good,
>why isn't this in the game as default? Even for Wizards?
>silver whip
but how
the tome is like VgtM. It's not gonna have new class options at all.
Ask your DM, it's playtest anyway.
>Second Wind draws on a pool of stamina
>Action Surge pushes you past normal limits
Role-play a training montage to explain your new speed and endurance.
that shouldn't see play as it is, and battlemaster is still baller bruh
Have you played Castlevania before?
Also the vampire killer is more of a ball and chain/flail in a lot of incantations but always is referred to as a whip.
Through the power of Christ, obviously.
I want to make a Dragonborn fighter. He's going to be a mixed breed of the same damage type but I haven't decided on the color/element yet (basically, a mixed red/gold for fire, or a mixed blue/white breed, etc). What's the best build idea you've got?
I'm torn between Battlemaster, Cavalier, and Samurai.
>Wizard going into fighter
You want to better understand how those who are magicless fight
You want to learn some cqc after going through a life or death scenario
You believe your grasp of combative magic would be better if you knew how your magicless opponents think
>Fighter going into wizard
You found a book and it turns out you can use magic!
>It's not gonna have new class options at all.
Well, technically, it's pretty safe to bet it'll have more options for wild shaping, polymorphing, conjuring fey and celestials
honestly just lower the healing uses/LR. It's an int subclass already so...?
Tips have little bits of silver attached and then silver is inlaid along the braid and hilt. It's not that hard user.
where's the link
actually, it's gonna mostly be shit you can't summon or wild shape into, because it's for higher level characters to fight.
Battlemages are also totally a thing in the d&dverse
I feel you, user. Played a Battle Master through SKT and I played around commander’s strike.
But, you can always talk to your DM about rerolling once this is more polished or save it for your next game.
The ability to heal 2d10 for about 2-11 times a day is retardedly op
it's a stream thing. 5eTools guys are diligently working on putting it on site ASAP, like they did every other at least fully usable stream archetype.
Isn't there also some argument about how that works, exactly?
Well I dont think someone in-universe wakes up one day and go "Hey im gonna be a battlemage"
More like "Im kinda proeficient with a weapon and Magic, so im comfortable with cqc while being a mage"
yes, I was suggesting limit it to INT mod or maybe Prof bonus uses.
However, you also gotta realize no Fighter in his right fucking mind is gonna use this in the middle of a battle either. Especially because you're gonna be using Gambits for your attacks.
well that's fine - but wouldn't you call that a silver-studded whip rather than a silver whip
like studded leather armor is called studded leather armor instead of steel/bronze/whatever armor
Im still amazed that the closest thing to a battlemage we have without multiclassing is a bladesinger
Its still what?
2d10 extra damage for 2-11 times a day?
I think fighter should be more balanced around shorts than longs
if we wanna do a LR fighter I'd like to see it scale differently than use-per-level with such a high base as 2d10's to start with
Battlemages are a specific branch of mages who fight in armor. They usually don’t use weapons in books but the books are just their own thing. By books I mean legend of drizzt and similar. In there they just know how to maneuver in armor. Gameplay wise they’ve always been Fighter/Magic Users.
All this talk of cqc is making me hungry.
Isn't a battlemage already represented in the War Mage subclass? I'm thinking of my next wizard having the soldier background with War Mage.
I want to run a digital table-top, like Roll20 but from my laptop to the players at home.
Is there a set up that I can load campaigns in (Currently running Yawning Portal) Without having to pay for them again?
3-5, or 2-6 if Insight was limited to the various factors that aren't levels. I mean it could be like the ACTUAL warlord where it was 2/SR until you hit epic tier (aka 11+ in 5e)
>from my laptop to the players at home.
What do you mean by this?
From the vast array of races you used to be able to play, which ones do anons wish would come back to 5e?
I want Nentir Vale Bladelings, Eladrin, Gnolls, Gnomes, Minotaurs, Shardminds and Wildren, Mystara Lupins and Mystara Aranea back, just off the top of my head.
War mage can hold his own on melee, yes
But its offense is shit
Most people pick war mage as part of an EK build
I think it would be better to keep Inspiring Wo- I mean Tactician's Insight at a lower number, however ultimately it has about as many heals/buffs per day as a dedicated healbot cleric, if not less.
Are you talking about like those display tables people make?
Im still very weary of a free 2d10 hit a couple times a day on level 3
That could melt shit at that level
Why dont you just use roll20? You can get all the maps and shit you'd need off 5etools.
you're literally describing Table Top Simulator
But user, gnomes are a core race, and both eladrin and minotaurs have write-ups. Technically, minotaurs have two.
>Im still very weary of a free 2d10 hit a couple times a day on level 3
>weary of
it wears me out too user
On multiple characters at the same time, as well.
That is strictly better than Sneak Attack, Zealot Bonus, Divine Smite etc.
Im tired user
I suppose. It is a first draft. I wouldn't be surprised if the scaling wound up matching Bard by final version.
yeah but keep in mind we're talking about a fighter base
fighter base is incredibly good, while caster bases (are supposed to be) more supplemented by archetype features
Play Castlevania
This capstone feels like a "please use this to finish the BBEG cinematically" feat
Well yeah but most fighters have their options pretty limited to just hitting things so its nice to see them get something that outshines the magic fags now and again.
That's a nice game you've got there
It'd be a shame if someone were to
break it
Wait until the next book Fag
You won this time, we , wizard bros, will get a 3d20 cantrip next time
but silver doesn't work like that
Magic nigguh.
Cavalier. Ride another lizard.
>This broken ass shit is getting released
>But mystics arent
Mystics are also shit.
the classes have different roles - I really like the idea of party-helping fighters, but I just don't like the way it's executed with 2d10's as a base with use-per-level on a LR
I understand not wanting to just copy inspiration, but I think there are just better ways to go about it
can't argue with magic
Yep, I do that all the time.
Rolled 8, 4, 8 = 20 (3d20)
I cast Martial Tears
Shit rolls
A German sword of Vampirism?
It's a magic whip made from the soul of a very old and very devout Christian that can turn mundane objects into fuel for magic items such as magicing multiple axes into thin air, boomerang crosses which can pierce evil on the way there and back, timestop, holy water, and knives. Just regular knives but y'know magically conjured and all.
Also it turns from basic leather to silvered ball and chain by powering up by striking said mundane objects like torches and shit. It's fuckin magic bro.
Nigga that's Legendary. Life Stealers are rare and their effect is that, but they only proc on a roll of 20.
Marvel Dracula is such a punk bitch.
That's what I was thinking.
>Fighting at 11:59
>Use that
>Use again
nice rules fag
That's how it works with every magic item that recharges at dawn/dusk bruh
>Exact same thing happens with recharge at dawn items
Considering the lack of good timepieces, actually planning something out for midnight would be impressive.
Once per long rest ability that functions similar to Vampiric Touch, it fine.
That's a better name!
Weapons of Life Stealing activate on 20s and give you 10 temporary Hit points always. This has a once per day limit. It might be Very Rare though.
That's how all magic items work.
They probably have time pieces right? They certainly have clockwork.
Yeah it's a whole fight of doing that, as opposed to once every fight maybe. That's 30d6 possible bonus damage + health if you only hit once per turn, but if you've got extra attack hooo boy
Its legendary
Dont try to downplay lifesteal at will
or to just mash the fuck out of a guy. Mearls likened it to an Alpha strike, or an opening salvo.
When will the stream be posted on Youtube?
Show me where you keep your pocket watch on your character sheet
I mean, in my setting there are clock towers, but that is just for gothic atmosphere. Each (rich) town has a different time, based off their tower.
half of them will be CR>10
That gives a lot of leeway
I could lower it to 1d6 if its too much. At will is forever, this is not forever. I would say a flametongue is forever or a frostbrand is forever, this only last for 1 fight.
I guess this guy counts, but it won't tell you midnight.