My character's superpower is an aura of normalness, so everyone loses their powers and becomes mundane!

>my character's superpower is an aura of normalness, so everyone loses their powers and becomes mundane!

>aren't I special, guys?

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explain to me why does your gif looks like porn

it's not necessarily a bad idea; it's how the player approaches it.

It’s likely a bad idea because it could remove the point of playing a super type of game if you’re constantly neutralizing everybody.

Replace aura with a fist and most neckbeards will be fine with it.

just stop the aura from having a range big enough to de-super the entire encounter.

>A slut looks like a slut

Do you want me to explain why water is wet too?

Most superheroes are hyper-athletes even without their powers, and anybody who isn't is probably smart enough to stay away from them. It'd work on, like, two guys, tops before they got constantly beaten up.


I can see making it work with a villain.

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It's fine until you face the Batman.

Rena, pls.

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That all depends on what kind of characters the other PCs are. The more powers they have that would be stopped by this aura, the more problematic it could be. It could still work, but it might not be entertaining for the other players.

Good thing I'm running a session 0. It gives us all an opportunity to discuss if we can make the group work with the nullification aura before anyone puts anything on their character sheet.

I thought that making an obvious reference to an anime character pissed people off.

Though having to touch other characters to nullify them has more interesting potential than a passive nullification aura.

"That's neat. Sadly ordinary people don't have auras, so the first power you neutralize is your own."

I meant that I thought this was supposed to be a no-porn board, I got nothing against it if you like to spend your days in a basement jacking it to 2d underage girls

Get out John Wick, this is why nobody buys your games anymore

this isn't a BnHA thread, stop that.

There's a cape-hunting serial killer in Worm called Hatchet Face that has this power. He's also has super-strength on top of that.

Make it a nuetralizing ray. Ether magic or some kind of technology that the user has to calibrate. So they study thier target, make adjustments and then remove some specific aspect of thier power.
They would have a utility belt of weakening beams, clouds of confusion, ionic polarity reversers, tinfoil anti-telepathy nets, demystification waves, atomic banana peals, colour sprays, kryptonite slugs and dog whistles.

It could be a deeply insecure dude who obsesses over finding ways to take down the superhuman.

You mean the Mundanity advantage from GURPS IoU? Which level do you have so I can know your Reality Check?

>I thought this was supposed to be a no-porn board

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Good thing he didn't post porn.

Stop fucking whining and carry a gun or something.

Nisio beat you to ot and did it better than you'll ever do.

What if instead of an aura, it was a point-blank ability that let you basically banish power attacks by parrying them and disrupt someones powers for awhile after you hit them?

>I thought this was supposed to be a no-porn board

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What killed the hype?

"Okay. When your powers manifested, it went unnoticed by literally everyone, including yourself. As a result, you lived a normal life, got a normal education, and got a normal job as a bank teller."

"Now unfortunately, we're playing a game about super heroes and not about bank tellers. Roll a new character."

The power nullifier should be a villain that pops up once, and the players demonstrate growth by overcoming. There's a reason Hatchet Face is the least liked member of the Slaughterhouse Nine.

>you will never enter Mr.Deculture's Magical Realm

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I actually played that character, and he was pretty fun. It helped that the setting was more urban fantasy gumshoe than supers, so his powers didn't just instantly solve every encounter. It also helped that it was flavored in such a way that it was little more than a minor annoyance for REALLY powerful magical beings.

>Deciding your player's character's backstories for them
What a shit GM

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>umm, no they can't be...
Yep. Ah.

>power nullifier with clearly defined mechanics and limits

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using reductio ad absurdum in that method is fallacious, user

The alternative is everyone's characters die in session one, because Mr-no-power-aura removed everyone's powers, which included their defenses against mundane things.

EVERYONE makes new characters.

>omnipotence is undefined

>it's fallacious if I say it is

The modern anime fan is a fickle creature with a short attention span. Even a short hiatus will make them forget about everything they've previously watched and only engage with what's currently airing instead, which they will then also forget after it has finished airing. It's a meek existence, but do not pity them as they made the choice to be like this.

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No, user is right - that is blatantly fallacious.

>it's le phallus if I le say so
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...... no.

99% of anime made after 2005 or so is shit anyway so it doesn't really matter

A lot of anime from 2005 or before is also shit. The difference is that anime is now mainstream enough to a western audience that you're seeing more of it and therefore more of the garbage.

What a fucking tryhard.

Power Nullifier works better on a villain, like say they're still superhuman (but maybe not outrageously so, just like captain america tier) so they can do nefarious things while nobody can stop them. Power Nullifier as a hero is generic and repetitive.

Would love to see you try

Nice lack of argument, kid. Stay mad, oh, and do reply again just to show how you totally don't care and totes aren't mad. lol

>Batman goes in, thinking that he'll be fine
>His super power is money, so once he gets too close, the bank forecloses on Wayne Manor.

>bank forecloses Wayne Manor and seizes assets from Wayne Enterprises
>a bug in the system causes the entirety of the repossessed wealth to go to one employee instead of the bank itself
>a simple, mild-mannered bank teller

You're honestly laughable though. I'd tell you to scoot off back to obligatory downvote forum, but even they aren't this pathetic. I am splitting my sides watching you scream like an edgy toddler who thinks that they're clever enough to snark at people.