Drops a Death Note in the 40k universe

> Drops a Death Note in the 40k universe

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Wouldn't they just be lesser demon princes?

Picked up by an inquisitor and burned in holy Promethium Fire.

>writes "The Emperor of Mankind" into the Death Note

>nothing changes

I don't think that's his real name though. You gotta know the real name and picture in your mind the real face of the person you want to kill.

Yes and, Shinigami can be SEEN by Orcs.

>he doesn't know Emperor's real name
Do you even fluff?

>Implying a death Note even makes a difference in a world where millions die every 5 minutes.

>some shitkid in a hive city picks it up
>starts killing off people who annoy him
>they're all hive city nobodies so no one notices
>10 years and 1000 dead nobodies later the kid gets an infection and dies
>all is well in the galaxy

>10 years and 1000 dead nobodies later the kid gets an infection and dies
Fuck, Nurgle is on the loose.

So what if you write Nurgle in the book?

Comissar picks it up and gives it to his batman, telling him to make list of all guardsmen in his regiment. Resulting mystery ends in Inquisition ordering an exterminatus on the planet.

Probably nothing.

>his batman

What's wrong?

Universe saved

>Chaos gods die, releasing a psychic shriek that either kills or drives all living beings
>Necrons inherit the galaxy
All is well indeed.

> lands in front of a GK grand master
> who also happens to have the grimoire of true names

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Well, shinigami can't use the death note to kill eachother, so I doubt someone would be able to use it to kill embodiments of concepts like the chaos gods.

Yes, this is a real term. No, it does not mean superhero.

>kill off big Robert, those Ynnari losers, Cawl, Russ, and any other beacon of hope for the Imperium
>40k is saved

batman is a real user

Hades has gone to shit

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>A batman is a soldier or airman assigned to a commissioned officer as a personal servant. Before the advent of motorized transport, an officer's batman was also in charge of the officer's "bat-horse" that carried the pack saddle with his officer's kit during a campaign.
>A batman's duties often include:
>acting as a "runner" to convey orders from the officer to subordinates
>maintaining the officer's uniform and personal equipment as a valet
>driving the officer's vehicle, sometimes under combat conditions
>acting as the officer's bodyguard in combat
>digging the officer's foxhole in combat, giving the officer time to direct his unit
>other miscellaneous tasks the officer does not have time or inclination to do
Basically a hero you need, but don't deserve.

This expands dong

>Write Abby's name
>Write Mortarion
>Write literally any name of one of those living warmachines that the galaxy is packed to the brim with
That gets rid of Chaos at least. Now, what would the Hive Mind name be ?

I didn't know it had been revealed in fluff yet.

>Now, what would the Hive Mind name be ?
Tyranid master race wins again.

>Trying to picture the Chaos God's faces

Good luck with that

>writes Lucius.

I'm sure his name isn't "The Emperor of Mankind".

It's either Doland Drumpf or Malcador.

>pictures Slaanesh's face
>immediately becomes xis follower
>never writes xis name, let alone the rest of the list

99% of mankind is illiterate because we Dark Age is SPAAAACE
majority of those that can read and write will be highly paranoid of any such sudden "gift"

99% of potential murders won't work because either their full name or their faces aren't well known. The best kills you could get are probably;
>Roboute Guilliman
>Belesarius Cawl
>Adrubael Vect
>Eldrad Ulthran
>Shas'O Shaserra
>Shas'O Vior'la Shovah Kais Mont'yr
>Lorgar Aurelian
>Sebastian Yarrick
>Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka
>and various chapter masters of first founding chapters
Anyone else is just too obscure for the common man of any race (whom the Shinigami favor) or have never been seen in person. And even then, few people would probably know the full names of those above.

>implying most creatures in 40k would even know a single one of these names

Most of the universe is filled with suppressed imperial slaves, insane cultists, illiterate aliens or warriors who don't even know what a book looks like. Chances are, it just rots somewhere and is never used

Pretty much. The note would have to land in the hands of a faction leader to really do anything.

>Death Note only works on humans
>even the humans in 40k aren't real humans by modern standards, so it's useless

>All the emotions that used to feed them quickly coalesce into new chaos gods. Leading to conflict between the followed of the new and old chaos gods.

So not much has changed.

>even the humans in 40k aren't real humans by modern standards
nigger you what?

Even knowing a single one of those names is a good enough reason to have exterminatus called on your planet.

The names of influential chapter masters and Primarchs are reasonably common knowledge throughout the Imperium, although which are known where varies. They're useful figures in myth and propaganda. Even feral worlders tend to know a Primarch or two from grossly misinterpreted stories passed down from their founding.

Purestrain humanity is extinct. Everyone is some flavor of mutant, abhuman, or descended from gene engineered colonist stock.

~38K years is enough time for isolated human populations to evolve into dworfs, orgres and skaven/halflings in WH40K, so it's reasonable to assume most human populations do deviate from modern standards.

in any case I doubt some minor genetic variance is enough to disqualify humans from being targeted by a deathnote. That would be retarded. In fact, I think in a universe where orks/eldar exist Shinigami would still fucking allow it

Languages drift over time, along with the pronunciation of words.

How many people know the actual name of a Primarch instead of a mispronunciation ?

Because the Death Note only works if you write down the persons correct name. Get it wrong and nothing happens. I remember reading somewhere that if the name is gotten wrong accidently a few times, then the person becomes immune to the death note. Though I can't recall the source, so it might be non-canon.

As for the correct name, I've got a standard english name. The closest approximation of it in Japanese sticks a vowel on the end of my first and last names. Would the japanese version of my name work in a Death Note ?

If that wouldn't work, then 10,000 years of linguistic drift is going to leave very few people who know the names of any primarchs. Possibly only the people who were around back then.

The biggest problem they'd have to overcome is the method of death. Some people, like the Necrons or the admech, would be immune to heart attacks, and if you list a method of death, it has to be plausible. So if you write down "falls off a cliff" and your target is actually traveling through space, it still wouldn't work.

You could try writing something like 'accident' and letting the Death Note fill in the gaps. Though that still has some problems with plausibility.

Another thing to consider is the warp fucking with time. You could successfully write a name. They then die. But between you writing the name and them dying they lives quite a while, then travelled back in time because a journey through the warp went strange.

I think the closest thing to a name revela he's had is some of his followers shouting "By my fury they will know The Emperor's name!" before smiting some heretics.

Also, no one outside of the Custodes, a few High Lords, and the one Sister have seen him in the better part of 10,000 years.

>minor genetic variance
user, most of humanity isn't even universally interfertile. "Human" isn't a species anymore, it's a genus.

Not to mention that an awful lot of them wouldn't be particularly affected by falling off a cliff.

>tyranids and necrons destroy the galaxy
nice job retard

You know what? Fuck this arguing

You get the list. You may only write one name in it to kill any settings character regardless of whether or not you know their true face or name.

Who do you kill and what happens to the setting afterwards?

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I kill Relic

did you even watch death note you pleb?

>Adrubael Vect
He would suddenly die then get rezed by a haemunculus. Litterally a minor inconvenience for him.

>>pictures Slaanesh's face
>>two hours later: "Sir, this man appears to have...orgasmed himself inside out through his dick."
>>"Damn these chaos cults, when will people learn?"

>Kill Slaanesh.

>Xir daemons kill each other to take xor place, while the other three wants to take part its power.
>Eldar are no longer cursed, so they became even more arrogant and xenocidal.
>Lucius dies for good (fuck that fag)
>Abby loses his mind by the sudden lack of equilibrium. It takes few millenia before the surviving Chaos gitz gets their new Warmaster.

>The DEATH NOTE will not take effect if you write a specific victim's name using several different pages.
Custodes confirmed for immune to Death Note.

> The human whose name is written in this note shall die. This note will not take effect unless the writer has the subject's face in mind when writing his/her name. This is to prevent people who share the same name from being affected.
Can't do shit to demons or xenos, maybe not space marines either depending. So Morty lives and Abby has a good chance.

odds are highly likely the god emprah is immune as well for similar reasons.

>Ollanius Pious
>Watch the paradox destroy existence