>System Preferred
>Times Available (with timezone!)
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
Game Finder Thread/Gamefinder Thread
>Deathwatch (using adeptus custodes homebrew)
>Saturday 8pm GMT+0
>Roll 20 with discord for comms
>Inquisitor Jesus#0535
So are you playing as custodies, featuring them, are they optional, etc
Playing as the custodes.
Looking for games of the lewd variety
Exalted 3e
>Times Available
Sat, Noon MDT (UTC -6) or later
>Method of Play
IC Text over Discord. OOC Voice over Discord.
Roll20 for dice, character sheets, and handouts
>Contact Info
Kasdaye#8474. PM me on Discord.
>Additional Notes
Diplomats and soldiers from afar, purporting to be from a vast and powerful nation, have arrived and demanded your people bend the knee. This 'Scarlet Empire' has set its sights on your small but prosperous kingdom, and seeks to vassalize you. The player characters are royals, generals, and other influential but mortal people of the kingdom who must make the best of the bleak situation before them.
I'm looking for 1 or 2 more players interested in something a bit more character-driven and a bit more "Dying Earth" in genre. There will probably be a character creation house rule or two.
I don't have a stable of players who are interested in Exalted so this is my attempt at finding some. The first Story or two will be as mortals. People I enjoy roleplaying with will be asked to continue, Exalted as Solars, for further Stories.
Accept your friend requests you triple nigger.
What are you into?
Other Dust, the postapoc version of Stars Without Number.
Game is Tuesday evening, 7:30-10 PM EST.
>Method of play
Text via Roll20, coordination via discord.
>Contact info
discountmusketeer#8706 on discord, shoot me a line.
The game is called SOUTH. The current party is a group of 3 scouts from a far northern town of survivors. The winters have been growing colder and food and salvage more and more scarce, and so they journey SOUTH in search of a new home. One of my players dropped, so I'm looking for one or two more to join on, most likely as fellow refugees or survivors. Alternatively, you could take control of the NPC they have tagging along. Give me a buzz and we'll hash things out.
Any 40krpg, open to D&D and pathfinder but I've only ever played 5e and it's pretty basic bitch stuff
I'm available week days after 4gmt, and any time on the weekend as long as it doesn't start at 3am or some silly shit like that
voice or text
Roll20 or discord or whatever it's not a big deal
>player, looking for both group and GM
>and warhammer 40K RP system
>anything works, i'm a neet, us eastern time
>just trying to learn the system
I always want to post to look for a gane, but I feel like I'll not be able to commit to a game and chicken out.
Also bump I guess
Nobody here but us chickens
Alot of stuff
What about giantesses?
What about furries?
So this is the state of /gfg/?
It's been this way for a long time.
Full scale furries? No.
An all-around good system doesn't exist
Kaiju game when?
Everyone has left for the Discord which serves the exact same purpose plus has better social hygiene since the autismal people get tagged or bullied out just like in real life. That combined with chat history means you can filter better.
In this thread you just have to see if someone outs themselves as a soyboy (BantzGarrison) or being autistic (NobodyImportant).
>Everyone has left for the Discord which serves the exact same purpose plus has better social hygiene since the autismal people get tagged or bullied out just like in real life
So Discord channel basically filters out Veeky Forums? That exlains a lot.
Playing as, or against the kaiju?
What's the discord?
What about upsized mecha-girls?
Mecha-girls fighting kaiju? Sounds good.
>tfw in a mecha game from the general
>taking this thread for your shitty porn bank
Taking this thread for your shitty greentext dump
Sounds like a circle jerk waiting to happen or already did happen
This thread's
Where? Have you seen these threads? They are dead most of the time.
Seeing the thirsty losers posting here I understand why
Wow, such an unquenchable lust for (You)s
anyone got a database of tokens for roll 20?
Just make your own, it's easy.
>System Preferred
Cyberpunk 2020, WoD, Pathfinder, very open to new systems
>Times Available (with timezone!)
I am available all nights of the week right now I'd like to just pick one night or be in a large group with a rotating party. My timezone is EST
Text preferred, voice possible
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Discord or roll20
>Contact Info
Boon Rival#8802
>Additional Notes
Haven't played in a regular game in a couple years looking for a laid back group and to be able to have this creative outlet again.
Anyone ever looks at ads made by newbies, proclaiming their newness and their willingness to learn as long as they are accepted in a game, and get the bizarre maternal instinct to take care of them?
I do. Much prefer a newbie to mold into my perfect player than an old player.
I taught my group of 6 players how to play. They still suck at the game. Apparently I'm a bad teacher, so no. But I would play with them to give them an example of "good" or at least "acceptable" roleplay.
>full scale
Monster girl shit is infinitely worse
>System Preferred
GURPS, Iron kingdoms rpg, open for other systems, I learn fairly fast
>Times Available (with timezone!)
GMT+1, pretty flexible with time, as long as its not 2 am or smth
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Fine with anything as long as we also use some kind of voice chat.
>Voice or text
>Contact Info/Discord Room Link
>Additional Notes
I'd prefer playing anything gritty with a more serious tone.
let me suck on your rpg-knowledge titty user.
I did initially, until so many of them refused to read the fucking book, functionally forced me to make their character, and never learned the setting or the mechanics enough to not ask the same questions literally every turn
Seriously, when you don't take any time to learn the game between sessions you are not a good new player.
This. For fucks sake, this. It's been over a year and they still always have to ask what half their spells do.
>>System Preferred
D&d 5e. But I'm open to shit. It's the only one I got books for though.
>>Times Available (with timezone!)
American Central standard time
Text. I don't like voice stuff, personal thing. Never have the house to myself and I don't want to explain shit to my roommates.
>>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Discord, Roll20
>>Contact Info
>>Additional Notes
Never played a game before. Ever. If it puts you off then do be it.
Romance of the 3 Border Princes
I'm a player, but posting on behalf of the GM
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Wednesdays 6PM PST
Text only
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Roll20. Group out-of-game chat on discord
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
We've got 3 players, looking for upto 3 more. Feel free to make an application.
Please no weirdos
Sent you a request dude.
Nope. "I'm new xD" posters are almost as bad as "forever GM looking to play for once" posters. Whenever I see either I just laugh and blacklist them from my games.
>Open to anything
>Open a large amount of time throughout the day, mostly midday-night except on Wednesdays
>Voice or Text, either one
>Roll20 seems to be the best from what i've been told
>Very new to DnD and boardgames as a whole, I've played 1 campaign before and that was roughly 4 years ago, so i'm basically completely new, but open to learn!
forgot to mention, i'm EST
They're non-nerds in a nerd hobby. It involves bookkeeping and admin and if all that is taken care of everything goes swimmingly and the magic happens.
Shitty memeposts and podcasts and streams have shown them that rules questions are not brought up or discussed, in case of those shows likely due to editing reasons, and they have concluded that this means they do not matter, when in reality those things shouldn't need bringing up because everyone knows what the fuck is going on.
I always like to point people that complain about rules discussion during sessions to youtube videos of people playing Warhammer Fantasy or 40k tabletop battles of fairly high tiers. They throw giant handfuls of 20 dice at a time and tape measure and template shape shit at breakneck speed, simply calling out numbers and actions and it all goes super smooth and is finished in an hour, because: surprise, everyone involved actually knows what the fuck is happening.
Worse than furries? Nah man, get real.
>psssh nothin personnel kid