You can't. Buy now or forever reeee.
I for one welcome our new Chinese Overlords.
Let's hear your price predictions.
You can't. Buy now or forever reeee.
I for one welcome our new Chinese Overlords.
Let's hear your price predictions.
Absolutely agreed.
because it will be $2000, screenshot
NEO is primitive technology that is already obsolete.
He cares about technology topkek
Elaborate. I am listening.
eth just barely broke 1k so it might be possible eoy 2018 or early 2019
lmfao the tech is far superior to eth
what are you talking about retard
Got a fat stack. I retire at $1000. Living the fucking GAS life.
I never really looked at NEO but I feel like it's marketcap is way too low. SHILL ME I WANT TO BUY
Why is being indivisible good
how much you got? Once XLM hits critical mass I'm hoping to go all in on NEO and coast into my retirement.
TFW only 20 NEO right now =\
Because the market will correct! Nothing will worth what i does right now.
Its the best tech on market along with Lumens. Is that enough? After these quick pump and dumps, next googles and amazons will come out of the ruines and NEO will be amonst them.
Because Vechain looks like it's going to be the ETH of China and not Neo.
It will go down to $4 for its future outlook. People won't realize how exponential some coins will fall, just like they rose. Tron will be a good example.
are you retarded? Yes you're retarded
Because gas is the primary currency and it is divisible.
I had 414 at 4.50
sold half my stack 2 weeks ago for IRL needs. Im at 180 now.
Other investment is in BAT